
Showing posts with label Getting Fit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Getting Fit. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 12

30 Day challenge

30 day challenge for your butt who's with me? 
I'm on day six and my butt feels great on top of P90X,walking the neighborhood, running I should have a nice butt my summer.
I don't want a flabby butt so to keep myself and hubby happy. Well more for me I love workingout. I love looking at my progress  in the mirror. Besides when you workout you look good naked. You lose weight to look good in clothes I like both. I have found when I am happy about being naked my hubby and I have a very healthy relationship. We are happy regardless  of what my butt looks like same goes for him. I like his dimples  they are sexy.  Besides activities like that 3 times a day seven days a week seems to burn a few dozen calories and its fun. A new lift is in order for the summer since I'm determined  to go a nude beach  with my hubby.

He is behind me 100%. Lol

Let's see what my butt will look like in 30 days. I'm not sure about before and after shots but hey who knows. My new butt may change my mind.

Tuesday, February 26

A New Lift!

This is the best piece of workout equipment That I own. It shows you a ton of stretching routines you can do. Like the first where you lie on your back and roll the roller up your upper back for 30 seconds. I love this one especially after a upper back workout. It's the best the day after to loosen up your muscles. I don't like all of the stretching it shows some of it really hurts. But it's worth it for my back.

Thursday, February 21

Exercise Ball Workout

This workout is a beast for your lower abs. First you get down as if you are going to do a push-up with your feet on the ball. (as seen in the picture) Then you lift your leg one by one as you balance yourself so you don't fall over. Be sure to keep your belly tight to protect your lower back. Make sure you use good form to feel the results. I did 20 reps at 3 sets. Have fun and be safe.

 Lie on your back with the exercise ball between your legs.(As the pictures shows to your left) Squeeze the ball with your feet lower the ball down and bring it back up. Touch the ball and start counting or you can take it (as the second picture shows) I also did 3 sets at 20 reps.  If you want these can be two separate exercises.You don't have to go crazy with how many you can do. If you get to 20 - 25 that is more then enough you should start feeling it by now. Switch it up the only way to a six pack is variety of your workouts you do for your stomach.

 This workout is the same as above you are just on your side. Now you will be working  on squeezing your legs and butt together to get your obliques the best workout yet. I did again the same reps and sets as the other two exercise 3 sets at 20-25 reps. Only lift as high as you can don't over do it as you can cause strain on your lower back. Make sure you squeeze your legs together to get your oblique engage. It will also work your inner thighs.

 This is all about Balance here as you can see from the picture. It is just a regular crunch just on the exercise ball. Go down and come back up I stayed with 3 sets at 45 reps. My abs were on fire this morning at 5am.

Photo My road to a six  pack by October 2013 is hard. I'm not going to lie it is much easier to do nothing. I love looking at myself in the mirror everyday to see the changes in my body. I can now start to see a difference in my  arms and belly. It just motivates me more to keep going not to mention the great support I get from my hubby who has been my personal trainer. We lean on each other but at times I hate him because he pushes me to the point of no return when working out. I love it!


On another not Happy Birthday to my wonderful hubby who turns 29 today. You are one in a million.

It takes a lot to be a Dad. He's got to be fantastic and funny, smart and cool, amazing and understanding .....super sensational and dependable not to mention generous and extra special guess what it's you.

Saturday, February 2


I have a few questions to all of my reader's who has heard or tried this product called ViSalus?

          My hubby and I have been thinking about this 90 day challenge on ViSalus.

You can pick your kit like this one which is the


There are many more to chose from. I like that you can custom it to your body. I'm 100% happy with the way I look now compare to what I looked like a year ago with all the extra baby weight still on. 
 We have been working out eating right and juicing for a few years now. We are also very active as individuals and as a family. I have just found out why I'm not losing any more weight due to my sugar intake. It seems to put my body on hold by keeping the weight on. At first I thought there may be another baby Needham on the way. Sorry to disappoint my hubby I was not. Not that I wouldn't want another baby I just don't want to get fit to be fat again like I did with my second son. In fact we just talked about that this past weekend that we want another child but we would rather adopt a little boy or girl around our oldest son age which is 9. A big step to give a child a loving home. A plus at least I don't have to get fat to have another child. There is a lot that goes into that. Another post for now I would like to talk about this new shake. It makes more sense to spend money on ViSalus than $170.00 dollars at GNC every three weeks which in fact has a high sugar amount in the protein shakes I buy. What I am interested in is anyone who can give me some insight about this new product. Have you taken it? Do you like it? Have you lost any weight on it? My hubby and I will be selling this new improve shake very soon. It's more or less just another business adventure we are willing to try. We are willing to try new things especially when it can benefit us in a healthy way. Your body is your temple you have to take care of it. If you think you may want to try this please email me at you can also visit my facebook page with your thoughts or comments about VISALUS at

Monday, January 28

A Start to a Great Morning

3 apples
Half a pineapple
2 mangos
2 kiwi fruit
Wheat grass
Green Tea and just a little of garlic.
Love this drink so do my boys.

Wednesday, January 23

8 weeks to a new butt

Group 1; Weeks 1-4

Day 1

Barbell Squats 3 x 10
Box/Bench Jumps 3 x 25
Dumbbell Deadlifts 3 x 10 Dumbbell Lunges 3 x 15
Calf Raises on 3 x 20

Day 2
Sumo Squats 3 x 10
Exercise Ball Leg Extensions 3 x 15 Reverse Lunges 3 x 15
Bulgarian Squats 3 x 10
Leg Press 3 x 10
Calf Raises on Leg Press Machine 3 x 20

Group 2; Weeks 5-8

Day 1 Squat Jumps 3 x 25
Squats 3 x 12
Quad Extension 3 x 10
Dumbbell Step ups onto bench 3 x 15
Long Jumps 3 x 20
Jump Rope 3 x 1 minute

Day 2

Barbell Deadlifts 3 x 10
Lateral Hops 3 x 20
Reverse Dumbbell Step ups onto Bench 3 x 15
Prisoner Squats 3 x 25
Single Leg Press 3 x 12
Stationary Bike on Highest Resistance 3 x 2 minutes

Wednesday, January 16

Total Green Machine

3 carrots

1 granny apple

2 baby limes

4 stalks celery

4-6 hand fulls spinach

1-2 Brussels sprouts

half a handful of cilantro …

The thing with me and juicing is the stuff you know you will not touch otherwise like Brussels sprouts. That's why I like the smoothie king and this get fit juice shop down the street from me. I drink it and walk away its really the best of both worlds. Our whole family has been on this get fit daily routine since we moved to Florida. More so now then back home. We are a fit family anyways. We are always in some kind of sport or outside biking. Jogging has been our newest added item to our list. As a family we run two miles from our house. Tonight we will be at the ymca to workout. It's great to be able to share this with my boys. It won't be a challenge to stay healthy as they grow it will be natural.

Friday, December 21


Last night this was my hour workout on top of the five miles the boys and I walked. They love to be outside all day long. I even came home with a sunburn in December.

Ab RipperX 349 moves

In & Outs 25x with hands up or on th floor.
Bicycles 25x (I dislike these)
Reverse Bicycles 25x
Crunchy Frog 25x
Cross leg wide leg sit ups 25x
Fifer scissors 25x
Hip Rock Raise 25x
Pulse ups 25x
V- up roll ups 25x
Oblique v-ups 25x
Leg climbs 12x
Mason Twist 50x(my fav)
Cool Off is the best.

Then it was time to get down to business with Back and Biceps.

Pull ups (I did 3 not fun)
Lawnmowers 16 on each side
One ARM cross body curls( 17)
Switch grip pull ups(I did 3 but they were hard)
Elbow out lawnmowers (17)
Standing biceps curls(17)
One ARM concentration curls(18)
Corn cob pull ups(2 at my best I don't like these)
I did all above with my  weight at 40.Now I switch it up to put my weight at 50.

Reverse grip bent over rows(23)
Open arm curls(20)
Static arm curls(20)
Water break is my favorite I never knew how much I loved water until I made it to this point.
Towel pull ups (2)
Congon Locomotive(50 I never felt better and pump thanks to Platinum Fuel Pump)
Crouching Cohen curls (13)
Corkscrew curls(21)
Chin ups (3 I made it this time a little easier)
Seated bent over back flys(10)
Curls up/Hammer down (20)
Hammer curls(22)
Max pull ups( laughing I did 1 at this point my arms feel like jello)
Superman for 1 minute(love this)
Hammer in/ out (15)
Strip set curls(4 on each side with going down on weight total of over 30)
Cool down
I'm still keeping up on my workout even if Christmas is around the corner. My boys workout half the time with me. It's really cute Christopher knows I make a  smoothie afterwards. He help me by getting the fruit out of the refrigerator. Keep up on whatever program you are on. It will take time to get where you want. I will be right where I want to be by this time next year. The hardest part is keeping up with yourself. I mean I have set a goal that I will meet. I won't give up I have come to far to. Have fun with your workout!

Tuesday, December 18


People want their sugar and sweets everyday. It's a game once you have something sweet you want more. Artificial sweeteners are ten times sweeter then plain old sugar. It is also linked to weight gain. If I have to have sugar in my coffee I will use cane sugar unbleach. It won't ruin  your diet to have something sweet this Christmas. My choice is eggnog. I love eggnog.When I buy it guess what? It's all mind no one else seems to like it. Homemade eggnog is the best with a hint of rum. Yummy a family recipe I will post soon. Christmas time slam with the New Year around the corner keeping up on your workout routines I know will be a challenge. Keep in mind don't go overboard take a sip or a cookie but know when to stop. Have fun still Bring It everyday. "Do your best and forget the rest." - Tony Horton
I workout for me and me only.

Friday, November 30

Jump Training

It has been a challenge working out. On somedays I just don't feel like getting up. I made a promise to myself to stay fit no matter what. My hubby says I'm very dedicated when I set my mind to something. Today it was jump training full force. I hate it but love it at the sametime. I love when I feel like I can't go on but then Tony on TV says "Do your best and foget the rest" That's when I bring it! It's insane to think the oldest bodybuilder is a woman and 76 years old. If she can do it so can I. I mean the greatest challenge in life is you. You are the only person that can stop you from achieving the best in life. You have to be your own work of art in life to get anything done.

I took a week off almost.I took it down to three day a week instead of everyday twice a day. I already passed my 90 days but I will post a picture soon. I was thinking about starting the Insanity challenge before my birthday in February. I feel like I'm on top of the world. I feel awesome the plus is the extra energy I have to run around with my boys. To this day just like  when my oldest Justin was little. My hubby and I are still the only parents on the playground playing with our kids.We are not on the phone or sitting there just watching. Yup, I'm in the slides with Christopher. My hubby climbing the monkey bars with Jay. That's the best part of staying fit. I will be able to do this for a long time.  What are you doing to stay fit? I would like to hear the best and worst part of getting fit as you complete your challenge. If not here leave me a comment on my fb page

Thursday, October 25

Legs & Back and AB RipperX

 Today my day started out by getting my son and hubby off to go fishing at 5am then Legs, Back and AB RipperX was my workout. I set a goal and completed it today.
 I took 2 pills of Xenadrine XT today just to try it out. If you have been following me I'm not one for pills. I have a very hard time taking pills of any sort since I was an egg donor which I have been thinking about doing again look for that post soon. Anyhow about ten minutes in I could feel the effects of the pills I just took. I felt energized. I was sweating like a pig. I was a little shaky. However I did feel like I could do more I felt as if I push myself to the extreme taking this little extra boost. Still two hours after finishing my workout I still feel shaky. I'm talking a little fast in fact I'm not sure I like how I feel. It did what it said it was suppose to do but I think I will leave these pills for my hubby. I don't think I will take them again.

Today's workout consisted of 15 minutes of 300 hundred ab moves.
 I top it off with the following.
25 chair lunges on each leg
25 calf raises
max reps of reverse pull ups
25 super skaters on each leg
one minute of wall squats on each leg
max reps of wide front pull ups
25 step back lunges each leg
max reps pull ups( at this time I feel very pump)
one minute single leg wall squats
max reps switch grips pull up( I can't do anymore so I the swimmers press inside 25)
3 way luges 15 on each side
20 sneaky lunges on your tip toes( I thought my legs were going to fall off my body they were shaking so bad. lol)
max reps pull ups again( I tried but inside I did 25 squats on each leg)
STILL NOT DONE I'm not sure how I went on but for sure thought I was going to get sick. I just took a deep breath and continue.
 My set goal!

2 chair salutations( The sweat was just pouring off me at this time.This takes some strength to hold a chair squat)
20 Toe roll lunges
max reps wide front pull up(There was no way I could do it some more 25 squats)
I minute groucho walk. (I couldn't feel my legs I felt like I just walked through fire at this point)
15 slow calf raises 10 fast 3 times on each leg( Yup, I think I over did it I'm going to feel this in the morning)
Max reps pull ups(No Tony I did one)
30 reps of 80-20 siebers speed squats( My legs are Jello before you  refrigerate)
Max Reps of switch grip pull ups.( I don't know how but I did 5)

Yes, I did it 50 minutes of legs,back and 15 minutes of abs. I'm trying really hard not to get sick but I failed. Thank God the trash can was handy. I think it was the pills. Day 81 done and out of the way.What do you think of my progress?

Saturday, October 20

Coming to an end

That's right.
I'm at 71 days of my P90X program. I have two protein shakes a day. I drink about 74 ounces of water a day. I walk up to 5 miles a day. Besides the cat and my two year old jumping on me while I workout. It has gone better then I expected it to go.
My children join me in the morning to do our daily workout. We never miss one. It's the first thing my two year old says in the morning. It's freaking adorable! As you can tell from the picture above he has it down as my oldest is stretching.

 There have been a few bumps in the road like a pulled tendon, back pain and now my foot is killing me. I have no ideal what I did to it. Through pain comes discipline! I up my band to 60 pounds. I also added my son to my workout. He is an extra 29 pounds. That could be why my back hurts.

I finally was able to beat the one legged man in the video plyometric. I know it sounds bad but that was my goal. If he could do it then I could do it. The kenpo disk was easy because I have a strong background in it. The abs both on P90X and 10 minute trainer is no match for me. I  have an almost start of a six pack.

I guess over all I wanted was to get my figure back from having kids. I'm still not done my next challenge will be Tap out and insanity. I'm really excited to do both of these with my hubby. It's a family affair to keep fit.
I never give up not now not ever. I think that once anyone puts their head to something it's the passion that keeps you going. I don't do it for anyone else but me. I still have a long way to go. I find myself right where I want to be.

Thursday, October 4


I am really excited to mark today as 65 days completed with P90X. I had to push back a few weeks down to just stretching which is still working out I guess but not really to me.  I know it's a very important part of working out. I never really understood why before I started this program. It feels so good to stretch out in the morning.It was extremely hard for me not to workout. I crave it like I used to crave coffee. Now my body tells me I need protein shakes and water. I have a desire for fruits and veggies which I don't completely understand yet. I just know that they taste really yummy! I had to take in the consideration that if I didn't rest the tendon I pulled in my arm it would be a lot longer then two in a half weeks of resting. I pulled back took a deep breath and smile. I couldn't even lift my arm. Walking around a one arm Mexican was really hard. My lovely boys and hubby really made it easy for me. They took on my chores of the house along with cooking dinner. They are great! I have found that working out twice a day after taking two weeks off makes you really tired.

Yet, I have great news at 65 days.

Before P90X                                               65 Days In
push-ups 10                                                        35

walk two miles                                              now 5

Pull-ups 5                                                            10

sit ups  20                                                           300(Can complete the ab ripper without stopping)

I finally can see the start of my six pack. I have a biceps a mini muscle but I show it off in my tank tops. I have never really been over weight ever in my life. I have always been between 130 and 145.
I now weigh 142 it's unbelievable! I just added another band and yoga block to my workout. Gnc makes way to much money off my hubby and I. Like today another shake I had to get because I ran out. I can't stomach taking pills I don't care how big or little they are forget it. I have done every thing in the book. From downing them with my protein shake to plugging my nose and closing my eyes to wrapping it in cheese. I think at this point it's mental. I can't even take Advil it makes me want to vomit just the thought of it. My hubby laughs his butt off when I take my vitamins. The only reason I was able to take the horse pills they call prenatal vitamins was because my hubby stood right there telling how it was good for the baby. Then he would go into how I was the most beautiful pregnant woman in the world. I'm glad he continues to tell me those things  daily even not carrying his child.  I turned in my coffee for green tea. I took out sugar from my diet along with salt. I don't miss it at all. It's weird because before I would have not ever consider it. I love the way I feel everyday. It's amazing how I feel. Once I complete this program it's on to my next challenge. Insanity here I come!
IMAG1790.jpgInsanity Workout   What do you do as far as keeping fit?

Friday, September 14

The pain of working out

Aquarius Horoscope Daily Overview

You are all about sudden changes, and today brings at least one big one your way. It may not be to your liking at first, but you will certainly learn to live with it, and maybe even love it.
I couldn't sleep so here I am on line browsing the Internet since 4:30am wishing I didn't read the news. It makes me ill that so many are hurt daily in this world. I read about a mother leaving her five month old on the top of her car.
People like this are just dumb they  should not breed. How in the world do you forget your child? I wish I knew the answers to that. I'm also working on my next book which is really a lot of fun. I pulled a tendon in my arm which is going to stop me from working out for a few days. I'm really upset it's like food to me or the air I breathe. I crave my morning workouts. My hubby thinks it's the best I back down until next week to give my arm the time to heal. I hate to say it but I think he may be right. I can't lift it at all. I woke up because I can't sleep on it. Called my doctor who said the same thing my very smart hubby said. I set a goal to workout everyday. I have lost 5 pounds. I'm lean and mean ready to take on our next journey wherever that may be. I never knew being one handed could be such a pain. It's a good thing I'm my own boss for work or I could be out of a job. I thought just being sore was a pain nope this arm pain is much worst. Well looking on the bright side I can watch more of GH and yell at the TV. It means more cuddle time with my boys that I can't ever turn down. I'm very grateful for my life. I appreciate my hubby more then I can say. I'm just loving my  life. Sorry for some random thoughts today I guess that's what happens when you can't sleep.

Saturday, September 8

Team Beach Body

I'm at 145lbs
Today a lady from Team Beach Body called to see how I was doing with the 10 Minute Trainer. It was a little odd but okay. I never thought about doing the online support however it did cross my mind last week when I thought I was going to die after doing the Plyometrics.  Which is apart of P90X. I switch on and off depending how much time I have in the morning. Up until now my hubby has been my support system. He is really good at keeping me motivated. It's like that song by Kelly

She was really nice and is going to facebook me. How cool is that? I can't wait to see how this goes. I mean I'm not fat I hate the word fat. I just need to get tone. That's all a little extra baby weight needs to come off no big deal. I love the way I look now. I can tell I have lost some inches off my waist which is  what I thought I would be proud of. You should see my arms I have muscles.  I asked my hubby.
Do you have tickets for the show?
He says: What show?
Then I flex my arm muscles.
My hubby just laughs.
It has been a challenge today is 43 days solid that I have been very dedicated  to working out. I hate it but I love it! There isn't any other way to put it. Some of the workouts like the abs on both 10 minute trainer and P90X kills me. I really hate it! After doing them I'm excited to look into the mirror to see my results. Like I will have a six pack in ten minutes. Right! I can dream but it won't be that long.  Even better I feel happier, calmer, and more energetic then I did when I woke up. I know it takes time to get the results I want. The picture above shows that the last 43 days have paid off very well. What do you do to keep in shape?


Saturday, August 25


Okay, I have to say that the last 30 days have been rough at times. Doing this workout especially Plyometrics it make me want to vomit. I guess it's normal to feel that way but never in my life have I felt this way. I hate it,but I love it! I love the way I feel afterwards. Today I have hit 30 days. I'm very proud of myself for sticking to it. No matter what was going on I stayed on track with eating right pushing myself to do my best. I weigh 145 pounds. It was a huge help to have my hubby by my side. He is one of my supporters not just in losing weight but in life. When I didn't think I could do some push-ups he got down with me pushing me to the end. Yes, push-ups are a little hard for me. I injury my wrist in January doing yoga and again while the kids and I had a crab race in the kitchen. It's going to take sometime to build it back up. I can already tell that my clothes are fitting a little better everyday. My hubby is loving my new look. I love to wake up hearing him tell me that I'm beautiful. He really makes me feel like his queen. I love that about him. My journey isn't done yet I still have 60 days to go until my insanity challenge. I will be posting updates soon. I don't know about posting pictures yet. I might wait till the end and show them all. Wish me luck as I will need it. Thanks again to all my readers who follow.

Saturday, August 18

P90X Day 25

This morning I did not want to get up at all. The house was silent. The kids and my hubby all in bed still at 6 am. I just wanted to roll over throw my arm over my sleeping hubby and go back to sleep.  To improve my health, physique, and lifestyle. I have to bring it! That's when I got my butt up out of bed with a smile. Today makes day 25 I'm shocked at how fast the days went by. I do feel stronger, confident and sexy. I was able to put on a pair of shorts last week that were a size 6. A size 6 I can't believe it! I haven't wore a size 6 since Justin was five and he just turned 9.That's not the catcher I still weigh 147. I started this workout weighing 150. How in the world can I wear a size 6 and basically weigh the same? It's amazing I tell you! I still think Tony in the video is still trying to kill me.(Laughing) My fantastic hubby just order me the ten minute trainer that the P90X guy has out. I like it no I love it! It has different moves nothing is the same. It also came with this amazing shake stuff. It is chocolate I almost ate it with a spoon.
Shakeology is the best stuff I have ever tried in the shake world. It does what it says no joke. I made a shake yesterday about an hour later I felt like a new person. I had a clear mind set. My body felt smooth and energize. The shake itself was very fluffy. I get a kick out of a fluffy shake. It's like drinking air. I guess the thing about working out is that you have to want it. Size should not be a big deal as I'm finding out nor should my weight. I feel fit! I can really see and feel the change in my mind, body and attitude towards life.

Monday, July 30

I made it a whole week

I have made it a week. I thought I was going to die the first few days. My body hurt so bad I couldn't even move. "Though pain comes discipline" is a quote from my hubby I keep hearing in my head. I love the workouts I crave it in the morning. I won't look at the disk before hand just to keep the anticipation for the next workout. I live by this motto I have came up with "No stress is healthy you". I don't let anything bother me not the kids,work, hubby nada. It has done me well. My hubby says I have a glow to me. I just let it be. I'm still shock that I was fit before but yoga has nothing on this program. The guy in it is freaking hilarious! I just don't like it when they do a close up to someone who is pouring sweet. I think it's gross! I will post pictures real soon. I can't wait to see what my 90 days will bring my body to. I hit the mark a week after Christopher turns two.

Monday, April 23

Working Out with kids

I have always been a very athletic person. I  made sure I workout during both my pregnancy with my children. I was unbelievably fit with Justin. With Christopher I didn't do as much because my right leg was the size of an elephant's leg which made me look funny. My body didn't match my leg at all. Steve was always on the go when I was pregnant with Christopher. We were always doing something walking the mall with the mall walkers. Something was always on our list of things to do daily.
I know what you are thinking you can't workout with kids. I'm here to tell you of course you can. My hubby used to laugh as he sat there watching Justin and I workout side by side. I wanted to make sure my son was fit in life. I made all his baby food myself. Steve and I insisted we didn't fill our son with all that junk they put in the stuff they sell at the stores. Justin did everything I did from boxing,yoga, running, walking, swimming,biking, hiking,martial arts everything. He still does. He is a very active little boy.
Here I am eight years later getting fit with my second son. He loves it. We have so much fun in the morning, afternoon and evening which ever works for us. I still have time to hit the gym for some alone time which is great. I love it when the whole family takes timeout to do it together. Steve and I never talk about losing weight in front of the boys we call it "Getting Fit for Life!" I don't want my children to have a negative outlook on their physical appearance.
All my hard work I guess is paying off since a lady at Walmart thought I was to young to buy a frozen pina colda mix. Her words were" Girl, you have some good genes honey!" That made me feel great since I'm older then Steve by a year technically speaking I'm the old lady.(Laughing) When I'm 80 I will look 40. I'm okay with that.
Steve and Jay have been keeping fit lately playing basketball. I love watching them pouring sweat laughing and joking on the court. Steve loves to run around after Christopher he prefers it actually. I don't mind it with our work schedules he can take the boys whenever he wants. I make sure I walk everyday no matter what. Little by little you can find many ways to stay fit. Take the kids to the park and use the monkey bars to do legs lifts and throw in some crunches while you are at it. The key to getting fit is staying consistent with whatever you are doing. Remember everyone is different it took me nine month to put my baby weight on it has taken me just that to get rid of it. I'm in the toning stage now. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, April 18

Khloe Kardashian Odom on Loving Her Body

I think this is a very positive way for everybody to look at themselves. I love that she is very out spoken reminds me a little of myself. No, I may not be a size 0 but I love who I am inside and out. Every woman should love their bodies. I think what has helped me over the years is not paying attention to what I eat. I don't count calories or tell myself I can't have something. I workout everyday regardless of my busy schedule being a wife,mother trying to make it work as a writer and taking care of my small business. It gets a little overwhelming at times. That's when I take a step back and take a nice little walk. It helps clear my mind set for the rest of the day. Yes, I do miss a few days here and there no big deal.

I love my body! My biggest supporter is my hubby. He tells me all the time I'm beautiful and sexy. I'm 5'3 and I'm happy to say I weigh 138. I wear a size 7. The picture was taken a month ago. I was thinking about fixing a page up since the blog post "All about me " is a huge hit. Let me know what you think?

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