
Saturday, February 2


I have a few questions to all of my reader's who has heard or tried this product called ViSalus?

          My hubby and I have been thinking about this 90 day challenge on ViSalus.

You can pick your kit like this one which is the


There are many more to chose from. I like that you can custom it to your body. I'm 100% happy with the way I look now compare to what I looked like a year ago with all the extra baby weight still on. 
 We have been working out eating right and juicing for a few years now. We are also very active as individuals and as a family. I have just found out why I'm not losing any more weight due to my sugar intake. It seems to put my body on hold by keeping the weight on. At first I thought there may be another baby Needham on the way. Sorry to disappoint my hubby I was not. Not that I wouldn't want another baby I just don't want to get fit to be fat again like I did with my second son. In fact we just talked about that this past weekend that we want another child but we would rather adopt a little boy or girl around our oldest son age which is 9. A big step to give a child a loving home. A plus at least I don't have to get fat to have another child. There is a lot that goes into that. Another post for now I would like to talk about this new shake. It makes more sense to spend money on ViSalus than $170.00 dollars at GNC every three weeks which in fact has a high sugar amount in the protein shakes I buy. What I am interested in is anyone who can give me some insight about this new product. Have you taken it? Do you like it? Have you lost any weight on it? My hubby and I will be selling this new improve shake very soon. It's more or less just another business adventure we are willing to try. We are willing to try new things especially when it can benefit us in a healthy way. Your body is your temple you have to take care of it. If you think you may want to try this please email me at you can also visit my facebook page with your thoughts or comments about VISALUS at

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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