
Thursday, July 12

Day 4: 30 on 30 playing in the pool.

This morning Jay played basketball with daddy. Now we are playing in the pool. It's great to just relax before my work week starts Monday.
They kids are going to help me cook dinner later. That should be fun. I'm loving this lovely day. Have fun today.

Wednesday, July 11

Playing with the boys

Day Three: 30 on 30
 I enjoy the evening with my children like playing with play dough. Steve and I had a blast playing make believe chef with Justin. Steve had to one up my cup cake that's fine. I see how it is. I can't make the fake ones but I sure can make awesome real ones. I sell out of them that's if Steve and the boys don't eat them all before the bake sale. I also played basketball with my little man today and Dino's with Christopher. Times like these will pass as my kids get older. I want to remember them forever. I can't pass up these moments in life.

Tuesday, July 10

Co- Sleeping

I love this picture above. This is my Popsicle and I every night. Like last night I tried to sit up with the family and watch Ghost Rider the second one. It lost me in the first ten minutes it's nothing like the first one. It really upset me because the first one was really good. I hate when they ruin a good movie. Anyways this is one way Christopher will fall asleep with me. I have to brag that Christopher has fallen asleep in his bed all week by his self. It's amazing! I love being able to cuddle with my hubby. It' s great! My question to you is when did your baby start sleeping in his or her own bed? Don't get me wrong I love co- sleeping with my baby but sometimes you need your own space.

I think I need to get a king size bed. I'm going on a mission today to look for a bed. I would really like to see if Christopher will sleep in his bed for a change but I don't think that will happen for long in his own room. I think he has slept in his bed only because it's right next to mind. If he is not in my arms I can't sleep. It's too weird I was the same way with Justin until he was five. Steve insisted on buying Christopher a crib which he took only naps in. The crib now sits in Christopher closet. I have been looking for a dinosaurs bed for him no luck yet. I see today will be a challenge. Wish me luck I need it.

Homemade moon sand

Day two: 30 on 30
 I'm up early today to make moon sand. I love looking on the web for new inspiring idea's to share with my children. I found a way to make homemade moon sand. It's real easy first start off with one cup of flour and add baby oil till you get the texture of  sand. From there all you do is add flour and baby oil to make as much or as little as you want. The plus side to this is soft hands. It's messy so you may want to do this outside. Justin was a huge fan of moon sand when it first came out. Like the great parents Steve and I are we went out and got him all the colors the store had. Steve went a little over board and spent over $100 dollars on moon sand. I could have killed him but he was just being the best dad there is. They spent all night playing with it and slept in the next day all day. Here is a little video for you all. Have fun we did.

Monday, July 9

Happy 9th Birthday Justin

Happy Birthday my little man. I want you to know you have made me a better person since you came into my life. Mommy, Daddy and Christopher adore you so much. I hope you like your trip to Lego Land. I can't belive you are nine today nine. The time really goes by fast. I'm very proud to be called your mother. You are the most amazing person I have ever met. You don't have a mean bone in your body. You always give second chances to anyone. I love how you can make friends anywhere. You are the best big brother Christopher can have. You two do everything together even when you would rather close your bedroom door. Instead you sit on the floor in his room to play cars. You don't complain about anything you just go with it. I hope you have fun today can't wait for Lego Land. We love you!

30 0n 30

I was wondering about how much time adults spend with their children. I mean actually time not sitting on the couch watching them play I mean getting down on the floor and playing with them. I challenge anyone out there with kids to spend 30 days at 30 minutes of play. That's where I came up with 30 0n 30.  Today I spent an hour outside digging for Dino's with the boys.
Day one:'s Please post this and share with family and friends. I dare you to see if you can do this daily. I know work,school and everything else that comes with being a parent is hard. Put yourself to the test for a whole month see what you can do. Please write back I would love to have feed back on your 30 days.

Dig for Dino's

Day one: 30 on 30
Today the kids and I are digging for dinosaurs. I took a container filled with water and added the kids toy dinosaurs. I later put it in the frezzer overnight. Today we dig it out. I thought this would be a lot of fun in the Florida heat to stay cool.

Friday, July 6

Adding to our family

I have talked before about wanting to have another child. We were set to try which is a whole lot of fun. Then I had a dream a month ago that I was pregnant. Another dream a week ago and Steve tells me two weeks ago he had a dream I was nursing a little girl while he was holding a little girl Christopher was on the other side of him and Justin was sitting on the floor playing. Wow, I don't know what it all means. I looked it up looks like it can mean that one I'm going to have a baby(I knew that I didn't need Google to tell me) or a new journey is going to happen. Well they go hand in hand with each other. I just unpack all Christopher's stuff to sell it in a yard sell. I was upset for two days because I didn't want to sell it. Steve finally tells me on the way to the fireworks about his dream. Then he is rubbing my belly asking how the twins are? We talked and joked about the what if factor. I'm not sure if I'm ready to have another baby. I want one I really do. Just it would ruin my plans for the upcoming year!(laughing) My wedding dress fits perfect now at a size 10. I'm training to be a MMA fighter. It was more of a joke because I put it on my bucket list. I just want a six pack like I had before. What it came down to on our way home was stopping to pick up a test. I waited till Thursday morning to take it. You know first morning pee is the best but not needed. It came out negative. I well both of us were a little upset at the thought that I wasn't. Steve and I talked and it turns out that we want to share our love again with another baby Needham. Now that it is out in the open we just are going to try to plan what month he or she will be born. I just hope its one baby not twins or three if you count the dreams as a sign. Steve says either way he hopes for more. He makes me laugh so much at the thought of a bigger family. Guess we might need a bigger house. I think I may take up a evening with a warm bath and a radio. I can't forget a glass of wine shit the whole bottle. Well not really.A maybe but with a husband like Steve he is my drug. I adore him. Only if  the Needham household turns from four to six or seven.
We will see I guess.

Wednesday, July 4

Happy 4th From The Needham's

Going to watch the fireworks tonight with the family. It's weird last year we were in New York this year we are in Florida. Life isn't going the way I planned it out to be its better then my plan. Please have a very safe holiday today. Celebrate your freedom by being safe. Watch your kids,animals and love ones.

Tuesday, July 3

Fun crafts

The boys and I are getting ready for the 4th of July with a little craft work today. We are going to put up our flag. Then we are going to make this in the picture. It should be lots of fun. I also seen some cute ways to make a t- shirt into a tank top.
I'm not a t-shirt kind of person but I have a lot of them. This is going to be fun. Wish me luck.

Thursday, June 28

The Joy of Mothering

"Raising children is definitely not a default chore for women who were not successful in the world of business, power and wealth." by
(I wrote this before Father's Day)
I was just thinking about how I love being a mother yesterday when Justin and I were looking over some neat ideas on Pinterest for Steve for Father's Day. Trust me it's not all cake and cookie's being a mom. I run around 24/7 for my kids nonstop. Sometimes I feel like there are days I'm going to scream when the kids are not being bad just full of spunk that day. They have a lot of energy every day. Then there is work cleaning houses and getting them ready to sell. It's called Fofo the houses.  Don't ask I didn't come up with the name. We are finally getting ready to move into our new house. Steve just painted almost the whole house. The main ones are done. We still have our bathroom and the kid's bathroom to finish. I love it! Adam and Steve did a great job. I can't wait to go shopping to fill the kitchen with wine decor. The living room is going to be a tuff one going with a Mexican theme. Well I will be there now it's done. (Lol) I have so much to unpack. Justin will be nine next month. I don't know where the time went. Justin and I are close but not as much as him and his daddy. I kind of feel left out until today.
                               "Mom I love you. I think you are doing a great job with us."

Justin hugged me and walked away. I have to admit it a tear ran down my face. He still needs me just as much as he needs dad in a different way. Steve is crazy we just moved to Florida and now he is talking about leaving to move to Hawaii. What? Are you kidding me my GPS doesn't work here I know it won't work on an Island. Lola is not the best GPS. Looks like I may need to trade her in.
                  I love being a mom! The ups and downs come with whole territory. I have had more ups then downs. I have my wonderful hubby Steve to thank for that. He does way more than any other man I know. We share 50/50 on house chores which makes it easier with the kids. The dog Justin takes care of so I have no worries there. Christopher is a little on the crazy side a lot of the time but it's okay. He keeps me young. I want to have a farm somehow with chickens and ducks maybe even pigs. Pigs are friends not food! If I say I want it Steve somehow makes it happens. I owe him so much credit for what he does for us. He makes sure we are taken care of. I have to worry about the house half the time. Kid’s maybe 75% of the time and Steve has them the rest of the time.
                  I love talking walks going to the park and doing  whatever the kids want. I adore the time I get to spend with them. I don't look down on myself for not going to college. However I'm a publish writer/ Stay at home mommy who owns a small fish/landscaping company. I think I have done well for myself and family. The most important thing is that my children know that I love them no matter what. I will never turn my back on them ever. Finding time in the summer to work on my second book is a tough one. I mean with going to the beach and I all. My laptop stays at home.
blogging contest

This is my second invite to write or review something. I was unable to review a children's homeschool program I was out of town at the time. Yesterday I received an email asking to participate in a contest www. I think this will be fun. If you are a blogger you might want to check this one out. I'm posting this as I review the contest. I will blog some more once I have read everything. Thanks again to all my followers without you I wouldn't have a blog.

Tuesday, June 26

Anyone with kids should try this

The boys and I did this two weeks ago and again yesterday. You take a Ivory bar of soap put it in the microwave for three minutes. I won't give away what happens. It's really fun to do with kids. Warning it will have a strong soap smell so plug your nose. Leave me some comments tell me what you think. My boys and hubby loved it.

Sunday, June 17

Happy Father's Day

The kids and I made some things we seen on the web. Justin and I paid for Steve to fly a plane for one hour. It has been something Steve has wanted to do since we moved to Florida. I'm really happy to be able to do this for the man I love. Steve you are wonderful father who takes time to play with your children. You are there every step of the way. Our boys will remember that. They will have memories of you being there for Boys Scouts,soccer games, roller derby just plain old dad telling them wise tales about life. You want to do these things I don't ever have to ask you to spend time with them. I love watching you play ball with Jay. You two are so cute together. Then there is Christopher who likes to sit next to you when you watch TV. The boys run to you when  you leave to give you a kiss. Justin wants to be just like you. You are his hero as I have said before. I could have not ask for a better man then you. You are the best!

 Steve you are the man of my dreams. I don't ever have to worry about anything with you. You make sure of it. You are the father of my children and we love you more than life itself. You are my rock you are my superman. I hope today is the best day ever. I want you to know that I love and appreciate all the things you do for our family. You are a very hard working man who support his family.
You deserve the best there is.

Happy Father's Day to the best man there is! That man is you!
Justin's shirt he made for his Daddy!

Saturday, June 16

Meeting New Family with New Beginnings

Last night we had dinner with Steve's brother. The kids met Uncle Matt for the first time. It was a lot of fun. Justin made a change jar for him for Father's Day with a card. We made one for Uncle Adam too. Don't tell him Justin is working on it now. It was kind of weird at first when we all sat down only because we all didn't know what to say. Thankfully my brother in law likes to talk which made it easy. His wife Dale was very nice and beautiful. We met her mother Stephanie that will be an easy name to remember my sister has the same name. My niece is so adorable shy at first but up running around at the end of the night. The kid's warmed up to each other a little. Hopeful we can get together for the 4th of July and the kids will get to know each other better. I was shock Christopher of all people was shy last night. He is never shy. We have to get some better picture's next time for some reason our eyes are glowing not red but white. I think because the waitress was standing to far back.
It was nice to finally met my brother in law and his family. I was shock to see how much Steve and his brother look alike. Justin at the end of the night as we walked into the gas station said.
"Mom Uncle Matt is the future me."
I just giggled and asked what do you mean?
"He looks like me. I think that is what I will look like when I get older."
I smiled at my son and said "You know what I think you might be right."

Wednesday, June 13


 You are my son. I carried you for nine months. I felt you grow inside my belly. I watched you come into this world at 7 pounds 14 ounces on a hot July day. I watched you fall and crawl but only after you took your first steps at 7 months. You ran yes my dear boy you ran. You have been non stop since then. You had eight teeth in at six months a mouth full by one. You look just like me your mommy. I love you more then life itself. I may have of had you at 19 but I wouldn't change it for the world. You made me a mother. I had a purpose once I held you in my arms.  Your tiny toes and your tiny fingers stop me right in my tracks. I will protect to no end. Justin we came a long way in eight years. You are everything I ever wanted in a son and more. You make me laugh everyday. I smile when you come into a room. No matter what it is you can make anyone smile. You brighten my life with your ray of sunshine. At two you thought you were a dare devil jumping off things. I had many heart attacks at that age. You started pre-school at three. The high light of your day was going outside and coloring. You were a ladies man at a young age. Everyone wanted to be around you it's still the same now. For being so little and young you sure have accomplish a lot. You can top any sport you join. You are the best at what you do. You have idea's that are out of this world. Next month you will be nine Justin. Where did the time go? You are growing into a young little man. I see how much you truly listen and take after your father. It is something rare to see a father and his son as close as you are. I can now see the impact I'm leaving on you. You don't take any one's word until you prove it.  You don't give up you stand tall. I love having our little talks as we walk around the pond a million times a day. You are still my baby boy with beautiful baby blue eyes you get from my side of the family. I could really see at three who you were growing up to be. You have been the same in mind,body and soul.  I love your stories you write about. I love them even more when you read them. You are a great reader. You are always watching out for your bother. You two drive me crazy but I wouldn't have it any other way. These are just some of your footprints you leave in my heart. I have a million more to tell.

Tuesday, June 12

Parents Uncensored!/ParentsUncensored

Profile PictureI would like to say thank you to all my follows. I have a heated topic I would like to talk about from facebook about this page Parents Uncensored. They get really heated when the topic of circumcising your infant son comes up. I think everyone is entitles to their opinions. I would never tell anyone they are wrong if they did or didn't. To each it's own. They act as if it is the devil. That the baby shouldn't be and it's his choice to later in life. I mean they really think it's hurting your son causing him pain when there is no need. My boys didn't make a peep when they had it done. Yes, it is causing them pain just for a short time. They did just come out of the birth canal I think they can handle it. They think it should be outlaw. I did it with both my son's because I think it is cleaner. My hubby and I made that decision for them. What do you think? I would really like to know. If you get a chance check this page out. They are funny. To think it's all over a penis when none of them have one. I really don't see why you wouldn't do it as a parent. It's cleaner and easier to take care of as you start to potty train them. It's preventing long term discomfort as far as infections goes. I think anyways. This page even suggested that it's the same as a daughter wanting to get breast implants. That it would be for the father sexual preference like it is for a son to get circumcised for a mother. Which I think has nothing to do with it. That is just sick. I don't think mother's and father's do for that reason. If they do they need to be slap for looking at it in that way. I don't think it's consider cosmetic surgery. I have seen both in my life it doesn't bother me one way or another what it looks like. Would you circumcise your son just because you want it to look the same as others? If there are any men out there who had the choice and got circumcise as an Adult does it feel different? Would you want your parents to decide for you or would you like to have that choice? I asked my hubby about this subject. He wouldn't consider this as an adult not in a million years. I know there are many question's on here. I would really like some feed back. I have to say I do like this page but with this topic I have to disagree. I do have to give them props for making me think about it. Otherwise I would have never thought about it.

Tuesday, June 5

I just added my blog to this new site.
There are a lot of neat blogs on here. I love to read and write so this site is for me. The people on there are very nice. Come check me and the rest of my friends out on here.

I have also notice on blogger that someone is following me privately. It will show a count on my dashboard but not on my blog. I think that is a little strange. Whoever they are I hope they are enjoying reading my blog. It's a shame I don't know who you are I really would like to know what you think of my blog. I love to read comments from people. It gives me a new insight on things.

Tuesday, May 29

 Steve is such a sweetheart he took the boys and I to Panama City Beach this weekend with our good friend Adam. I had no idea he had this plan. I hate to be surprised by anything. He told me to pack a bag for the day.
I knew he had something up his sleeve when we showed up to drop Levi off at the dog kennel which was the size of Justin's room with a TV. I mean why does a dog need a TV? Who knows but he did get to play with other dogs. Steve is always doing something that makes me smile. We rented Jet Ski's on Saturday. I have never been on one. I thought I was going to fly off and be eaten by a shark or something. Steve was wiping that thing around like a pro. I don't know why I agree to half the things I do with Steve. He is an adrenaline junkie I swear. When he took Justin out on the water I thought for sure I was going to have a heart attack right there in the water. They were gone for what it seems like forever. When he told me he let Justin drive I just shook my head. Justin had a blast on the water. When Steve and Adam went out on the water they were racing each other. As I watched them almost crash a dozen times. I just thought well at least they are happy if they get eaten by a great white. As you can tell I have watched Jaws way too many times. They both came back smiling! 
Justin and Daddy

We spent half the day at the beach just swimming till our belly's told us it was lunch time. We ate and off we went to a water park. This place was huge. They had about nine different slides the men went on with Jay. I took the lazy river which was a challenge to get Christopher to sit down to relax with me for a change. We went around a few times stop to watch the men zip line into the water off a pirate ship. Christopher was intrigued by the elephant that was a water slide. We went over there and played until we all met up again. All of  us were exhausted I mean all the adults were. The boys were still on over drive. We left there straight to the dune buggies and zip line. Again my heart sank to the ground when Justin came pass my head.

It was hard to get a good picture of him because he is so small it gives no room to move his head.
After all that fun we headed back to our hotel room for a fire dance. The video above is not my best but the best for trying to hold Christopher until Steve took him. It was hilarious it only got better after what you see above with a man dance some drunk old people and Justin went on stage for his first hula lesson. We had drinks by the pool. Later Steve and Jay went swimming and a movie to end the fantastic night we had. (Note to self don't eat sea food after a long day in the sun) We all felt sick at the end. We made it to Sunday morning for my Jet Ski ride with my amazing hubby.
Being on the open ocean was breathtaking. I love the water. I could spend all day out on the sea. Steve and I had the best time ever. We came up on a mantaray that was the size of my truck. We seen some dolphins. I was a little nervous seeing them that close up. Steve jump right in took some pictures. I wanted to drive when he got back up. He put his arms around me and said.

 "I know I can't get down on one knee right now,but will you be my wife again and marry me?"

I didn't know what to say I just started brawling my eyes out. I couldn't speak I tried but nothing came out. He put my beautiful ring on my finger that sparkle in the sun. He kissed me with his soft salty lips. (lol) It was the best moment of my life. This past weekend was so much fun. I had a blast! Steve surprised me with the best gift ever. I love my ring but even better I love that he took the time to plan this all out the way he did. He is such a romantic at heart. I couldn't have asked for a better second proposal. I mean it was on a jet ski in the middle of the ocean. What else could a girl ask for?  He took my breath away once again.  I love you Steve! You are amazing man. I love you more and more with each passing  day. Yes, I will marry you again.
This is my ring

I came across this on facebook. Just thought it had a great meaning behind it.  If this was true in the world which it is not. No matter what you do in life there is always someone who will try to hurt you. I live by this as I teach my children the same no matter how evil a crazy person may be. In the end all that matters is how happy you are. Whatever they may say it doesn't matter what they think!

I seen this too on facebook on the crazy facts or it might have been drama something page. There are so many pages that pop up on my wall it's insane. I couldn't help but laugh this is so far from the truth. Yes, many women chose to show off what God has given them. Why, because they want to. Why hide them? As long as you are not showing off your chest at your son's school play with a nipple holding on for dear life to your shirt. I don't see anything wrong with it but a time and place ladies should be on your mind. There are many women who show their chest off like the top page just to get men to look at them because that is the only thing they have going for them is just that. The bottom picture doesn't show that you are happily married it shows that you are married to a controlling freak who is paranoid. I love when I have heard men say I would really like you to cover up because I should be the one the only one who sees you that way. It's all about power honey so don't take it as a sign of affection. Physically and emotional abuse follows shortly after that.  I have V-neck tops that show off a little bit of my chest like the middle picture. I will not wear a shirt that is like the bottom picture because I feel like I'm being suffocated by my clothes. I'm happily married to a great man who doesn't care what I wear as long as I'm comfy he could care less. We were going to go to a nude beach this weekend but we had the kids. Our friend Adam was going to go with us. (lol just something to knock off my bucket list)  We get compliments all the time from others. It just makes us laugh and boost up our ego that another man or woman finds each other attractive. We never get mad that would just be silly to do. I know just like my hubby knows that we are coming home to each other. I have lived by this saying since we have met "You can work up an appetite as long as you eat at home."  It's called human nature. Everyone is going to look at some point in time. If your man is constantly on your case about your clothes you should start to question him. I met you wearing this so what's the problem? A man should not care what you wear if he is confident in his relationship. I think a man who is your hubby(not your boy toy) should have a say if you are going to walk around the block in your mini skirt and heels as your child is riding their bike. To say maybe this is not the time to wear that. It should never be an order or only his choice. It's your body your choice. I'm glad I don't have to worry about what I wear. It's my choice to wear it. Like I said before I'm happily married and can walk around nude if I wanted to. My hubby wouldn't say a word as he would be the one to join me in freedom to bare all. What are your thoughts on this?

Tuesday, May 22

Christopher at 19 months

Here is my Popsicle at 19 months. He is a hand full. I love every minute of it. He is almost potty train so I might hit my deadline. He tells us when he has to go. He has to be naked when he goes poop just like Justin. I don't get the point but they obviously get that from their daddy who is the same way. They all want to talk to me when they are in the oval office. Another one I don't understand. It must be a guy thing. I'm not sure being the only girl in the house I like to close the door. Even if it is a second before the dog, Steve or Christopher comes in to talk to me.

Christopher talks up a storm. I can't believe how much he says already. He is amazing! He has learned how to climb up on the table to jump off. He is a dare devil at heart. I'm forever telling him “Don't step on the dog. Don't go outside by yourself. Don't hit your brother. Put the bike down! Don't use hot sauce to wash your hair. Don't spit. (Thanks to me) Get out of the closet! Get dress. No, you can't have coffee. It will keep you short. Don't jump over the furniture”. After each one of these he looks at me with a smile and says “Why Momma?” I ran out of reasons. I just now say “Because I said so Christopher!” I was explaining to him that some of these things can hurt him it just lead to another question. Between both boys I answer questions all day long. October is coming up fast he will be two years old. It doesn't seem like it has been that long ago when Steve and Jay were rubbing my belly talking to him. Christopher is just the right mix of both Steve and I. He has the cutest smile I have ever seen. He is too goofy. He loves to get in my face to give me a kiss. That is how he wakes me up. If I try to wake him up he screams and yells because he wants to sleep in. It's cute! His favorite movie is Alvin and the Chipmunks. I now know this movie by heart. I love when he calls me mommy. It melts my heart. I love hearing his tiny feet run around with big brother and daddy. He is a little master mind when it comes to yoga. He is too cute to get in trouble. Christopher will sit next to me while I'm on the computer. I adore these times like this. I love being a mommy nothing else can compare.

Friday, May 18

Torture of Tennessee Walking Horses? | Video - ABC News

Torture of Tennessee Walking Horses? | Video - ABC News
This makes me sick to my stomach. Thank GOD

Tennessee Walking Horses are abused, according to an ABC News report (Associated Press)

 Pepsi pulls sponsorship after horse abuse.

Justin and I watched this video in horror of what this trainer did. Only for a ribbon you can buy from the dollar store. I will never watch the horse races again. I 'm sure out of the 52 horse they tested someone can do something about this. This has to be stopped. How would they like it if diesel fuel was put on their ankles and wrapped with plastic wrap to make the pain worst? I feel like crying right now. I hate animal abuse. You should too! They have feelings like we do. This is horrible! What kind of person can be so evil and cruel to another living thing makes me wonder what this world has come to be for my children who will have to grow up in this world. I hope they stop hurting these horses for a prize.

Sunday, May 13

Meet Levi

Hello, Everyone meet Levi. He is the newest member of our family. He has already at the trim off our door he is currently working on the other side. Half if not all of the boys toys are in his belly as we speak parts anyways. He sleeps like a human looks like Steve and I are going to give Justin our bed and get a king size one. Justin's bed is just not big enough for both of them. He ate the blinds out of the spare bedroom. Christopher rides him around the house. Steve and I chase  after Levi while Christopher is holding as he runs. It's a must see. Christopher seems to think it's real funny. We can't seem to leave him alone which turns out to be the only time he eats the house.  Levi doesn't like people, little dogs or geese we named Stephanie and Gorge. He trys to eat the chicken duck we call him that because his mom was a chicken sadly daddy was a duck.The kids are loving having a dog! Steve and I are really thinking about getting another dog. He really needs a friend to play with. We took Levi to get a bath today while we were there Justin saw a kitten. I'm not sure about that but they were really adorable. In the word's of my son" He is only $80 dollars I have half mom!' The Needham house is starting to get full now I don't know what is next in line. I know that I will never get sick of our house full. I love it!

Friday, May 11

This is the playground Justin is trying to raise money for. The top picture is for 5 years to 12. The bottom is for 5 and younger. Besides bake sales, car washes,cleaning yards, washing windows, walking dogs, cleaning tanks, paper boy what other idea's do you have to help Justin in his Steps to make a difference in the world. I'm open for ideal's if you have any please feel free to email me at

Are you Mom Enough?

I just seen this when I signed onto my facebook. My first reactions was WTH(what the hell). This is not what it looks like to breastfeed your child.It's on time magazine at that. I have conflicting emotions about this. First, of all the kid looks a little on the freaky side just staring at you. I never fed either of my children while they were standing on a chair. I guess to each it's own. I do however think there should be a age limit. I stop nursing both boys when they received teeth. I always sat down with my pillow to feed both of them. With my son Justin I  was nineteen when I had him. The nurse was a little too pushy for me bugging me about nursing Justin. She even tried to pull out my breast for me. I kindly took my breast out of her hand. I told her "It doesn't take a rocket scientist to feed a child. Let my breast go." She did and Justin latch right on without a problem. I produce more than enough for him. At two months being  pregnant I had to wear those uncomfortable breast pads. I was leaking so much. This picture kills me saying Are you mom enough? Really, a mom can be a mom even if she doesn't breastfeed her children. It is her choice plain and simple. So many women chose to because they want to. On the other hand I have heard many reasons why some women won't nurse their children. Again it it their choice. If you never had you should at least try. One big reason I did with Justin well two babies are proven to be smarter, don't get sick and you lose your baby weight twice as fast. Okay, I guess I lied a little more then two.  I would never tell a mother she is not a mom because she didn't breastfeed.  I enjoyed feeding my children. I really did. The closeness you feel to your baby is really important. I always fed with my shirt off with Justin when I was at home so he could have the skin to skin contact. I think by doing that is why we have a close-net bond. Breastfeeding Christopher was something else. Feeding each child is different just like each pregnancy. Christopher wanted to eat all the time an hour sometimes. I would crack up laughing when Steve would come in the room and act like he was going to eat too. Christopher would mumbling and grumble and then he would eat really fast. Steve and I would about die laughing at him. He was telling daddy nope get lost it's all mind. Steve and I explain to Justin what I was doing. After the shock he got over it. If I was feeding Christopher when Justin walked in I didn't rush to cover up it was something natural not to be ashamed about it.I don't want my boys to ever feel bad or embarrass about the human body. It's beautiful. With both boys I could easily pump up to 7 and half ounces out of each breast. I could have sold it of course for a good cause.  I mean Steve did put four ounces in his power shakes twice a day before he hit the gym. He did take it right from the source before he froze and bottle it for shakes. Steve said " It was sweet like me!" I just laugh and shook my head as I took the bags out for his shake. I still think it was a little weird but hey if my son's can drink it he can. Steve did gain ten pounds with his breast milk shakes. He wasn't embarrass about it he told everyone what he was doing. I read it in one of those baby books that a woman's body knows when your baby would be getting up and going to sleep. Night time feeding's had that extra push to make you fall asleep. Steve would always yell from the bedroom "Make sure I don't get a nighttime one like yesterday. I was too sleepy at the gym." Thinking to myself I can't believe my hubby just said that. (laughing) In the last month or so Christopher has wanted to nurse again. I don't know what all that is about. He hasn't yet. In my case I hope not it is very painful when all your milk dry's up. Although I still leak which I'm not surprise I didn't fully dry up till Justin was five.  I'm very grateful that my husband was very supportive with breastfeeding. I didn't hesitate to whip my breast out in Ihop,apple bees,walmart if Christopher wanted to eat I was going to feed him. I was more comfortable feeding Christopher then Justin but I think it was the whole age difference. I covered up with Justin more. Christopher was not having it at all.
Most of the time nursing the boys was okay. Then came the days
when it was hard to feed them. Christopher always wanted to hold on to Daddy's finger or hold his shirt. It didn't matter where we were at he had to do that or it was hell to pay. Justin was more of a laid back feeder but both prefer to lay down. The boys slept with both of us. I miss my bed I really do.  If Christopher isn't in between us I can't sleep same goes for Steve we have tried more then once but it never fails Christopher still ends up in our bed. These are my thought's on nursing my boys. If anyone out there is a stand on a chair feeder please feel free to write. What are your thoughts about this?

Sunday, May 6

I received a text yesterday it read

"Without you my world would not spin, without the boys I could not breathe. I love you."

It was from my wonderful sweetheart of a husband. This is just one of the texts I receive daily from Steve. I don’t know what I did to deserve such a great man. Steve is one in a million. Last night as we laid in bed he kissed Christopher goodnight as he is always between us then Justin wakes and slips in bed with us in the morning. Steve spoke of having another baby as I watched him look over our son with a sparkle in his eye.  Steve loves being a dad. He really does I watched him play basketball with Justin Friday. They enjoy playing basketball together. It’s a big stress reliever for both of them. They are always laughing and smiling when they play. I stood there and watch them play together it melts my heart. Many things make a father. A father has to be there every step of the way.  Steve has been there since Jay was little. Steve doesn’t miss a beat when it comes to Justin. He has been there for every tooth he has lost. The tooth fairy is more than happy to give him five dollars like tonight for the tooth his lost. He has been to every Cub Scout meeting.  Every bump, scrap and pain Steve is right there picking his little man up fixing them with a kiss. I guess you can say Justin is spoiled just a little bit. I mean we did take him to New York last year for his 8th birthday and this year it will be Lego Land. Justin loves his daddy from the moon and back is what he used to say when he was little. Now daddy is his number one fan in everything. I asked Justin what he wanted to be when he grew up for a short writing assignment for school. He wrote about how he wanted to be strong and smart just like his daddy. He wants to grow up and be a big "Devil Dog" like dad with a side job as a scientist.  I just laugh as he spoke of his dad being a hero who helps save people. My Daddy the" Hero" is what he kept saying. Yes, I have to agree with him his daddy did save me. He made me believe in love. He gave me my fairytale life I never thought I would ever have. I have more than I have ever imagined. I have a loving husband who will stop at nothing to make me happy two beautiful healthy loving boys who are just like their father unique with personalities of their own yet very much like their father. I have everything I need. I thank God his self for helping my dreams come true.

Sunday, April 29

Save the Sea Turtles in the Memory of

In the Loving memory of : Donald Cotton
 From : The Needham's

 A memory I will share with you all in adopting a nest for my son is Papa was going to teach him how to do magic. The trick was he was going to turn him bald. We love and miss you very much!

Sea Turtle Nest #3 Hatching @ Carolina Beach, NC 8/30/2007 Justin just took it upon his self to adopt a nest. They are too cute. I want one to put with my other turtles. I know this one will need a lot more care then the two in the tank.

Saturday, April 28


This is my Nana and Papa they were married for 45 years. They had five kids and many grandchildren. My papa sadly passed away from lung cancer two years ago he was never able to meet my Popsicle who is one of six great grandchildren. I did tell him I was pregnant a few days before he died. He was the very first person Steve and I told before we told Justin. I asked him to get better so he could meet who ever I was carrying in my belly. He was there though out my pregnancy with Justin. I realize that was a little too much to ask of him. I said my goodbyes he passed away the day after Christmas and I as well had a miscarriage. One of three I had but now I know they all have their Papa to guide them.  When I think about renewing my vows I said to Steve next year it makes me think. What does it really take to stay married for that long? My grandparents have went though HELL and back. They were a very good set of role models for me to see what a couple needs to do. My Nana has always been by my Papa's side though think and thin, right and wrong it didn't matter she stood by her man. It took a toll on her as his death approach. She was mean and right down evil to her core. She was angry with the Lord. He was taking half of her away. Her heart was broken into pieces. Life was not going to be the same. I could hear my Papa tell me to just give her time. I did and now we are closer then ever before.There were many people in my family who I think took her angry towards them the wrong way. She was hurt and broken. Steve and I were extremely close to my Papa as for everyone who knew him. In a lot of ways Christopher reminds me of him. He is just so full of Life. Steve and I used to sit and listen to Papa tell his stories even if we had already heard them a thousand time. He was famous for them. It was okay with us. Steve loved him very much even if Papa thought he was an alien. Justin asked me "Mom can Papa see us now that we moved?" "Yes, Honey he can always see us." I'm trying to plan a wedding without someone that meant the world to me. I guess there is the need to hear one of Papa's stories. My Papa and Nana believed in one another gave each other space as well as drove each other crazy. She would follow him anywhere. I thought she would die of a broken heart when he passed away. I still have her phone number listed on my phone as Nana and Papa.  I loved it when My Nana would be her normal self crazy in her own way. He would say"Shirley" No matter what she was doing she would come running only for a kiss. That's why he called her many times. She would always "oh Donald." They were cute very cute. They had a lot of kid's over all I think that is something I fight with myself. I want  to try for another child just not now,but I don't want to wait to long. She was pregnant for seven years in a row. Seven I can't do that no way. That is a lot. They made their dream work so can I. Not with seven but maybe one more a cat and another dog will do.
My mother and father were never married but together for five years before they split. Yes, I was five they were just two different and young. They have very strong personalities that just didn't mix like oil and water. I had two strong, independent, very hard working parents growing up still do. Even if they didn't agree with each other they still said the same thing. They just both wanted to be the first person to say it. I never told them that just so they could be happy they said it first. This is the first picture of them that I have now together. The last one was when I was three years old. They are very good role models as well for Steve and I. They have also lived one crazy life that has brought them the good, the bad and the ugly in the past years. They went for their dreams and now live it. I'm very proud to call them Mom and Dad. It's funny how certain people shape who you become in life. My dad likes oldies and my mom likes hip hop. I received the best of both worlds. They always talked to each other maybe yelled a few times but was on the same level most of the times in a unique way I guess. When it came to my sister and I they did their best to raise us the best way they knew how. Our last day in Michigan they were talking like normal people. I haven't seen that in years it was nice. They were worried to death about the drive we had ahead of us. I was on the phone with one and Steve was on the phone with the other. I'm happy to announce they will both be at my wedding not together but as friends. They both are married to others My dad and step mom have been married I think for fifteen years. I love my step mom to death she is my second mom who I adore. She is a very good fit for my dad. I know her better now then I did before. I love talking to her.  My mom is married to a man I think finally understands who she is. He gets her. Overall I think I have all them to thank for my marriage being as strong as it is.
Steve and I are very much alike in many ways. It's funny how he understands me. Sometimes I don't have to say anything he just knows how I feel or what I need to say. When I think he isn't paying any attention. He can recite me for every word. I think he does that to just be a smart ass sometimes. It makes me laugh because I can't get mad at him. He is just too lovable to be mad at. He will do anything to make me happy. As I do the same for him. I know he is my soul mate. He understands me better then most. The picture above was taken at Best Buy after we stop dancing in the Aisle. Why, you ask we danced because Steve wanted to. He is silly all the time. He loves Life so much more then I have ever seen anyone love life. He was glowing at how happy the boys and I were at Panama Steve ha been such a big teddy bear since we moved with the boys. It is kind of making me out to be the one who has to set down the law.I work from home most of the time. I talked to him about going back into retail. His response was"You don't have to go back. Keep doing what you love. I hate seeing you work. You don't have to stress you are my wife. I will do that for you."  I love him for that. He supports me in anything I do. Now, that we have a dog this week working on my second book which has no title yet and homeschooling Justin trying to open my charity. My plate is full but what I have learned from my Papa and Nana, Mom, Dad,Deana(step mom) and Steve is that being happy is the most important thing there is in life that will keep a marriage going. I couldn't agree more. I am the happiest I have ever been in my life.  If you are happy anything is possible in life.

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