
Showing posts with label Getting Fit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Getting Fit. Show all posts

Thursday, March 5

Circuit training with Teresa

Today was insane! I love this class. I used to say Hate not anymore. I have a set goal that I will make it with this class. Teresa is a beast when it comes to working out. I always know she aims to kill us so we will continue to come back. I see a wonderful YMCA co-worker photobomb us in the back ground. Love it he also has a class on Wednesday night at 5:30pm. Stop in to take a class I might have to try it out!
These girls rock! We had a lady who hurt herself in class today but with her determination she kept going. She is my inspiration. Never give up the power to succeed in life.  Look at all those smiles making today FLEX day. It's nice to see everyone having fun. Anyone who takes class at the YMCA are all friendly just makes you want to get fit. The instructor's are amazing with each class and person. Nothing but love for these ladies who went in today with a smile and left with one even with abs right after. Another grueling workout for fifteen minute's. You will feel the muscle's in your belly that you didn't even know where there. You can call us all crazy but we will all be in class next week to do it all again.
The above picture is the set up. It doesn't look like much  I just posted it on my Facebook page take a look. Http://  Each workout is a minute long. One minute doesn't seem like a big deal until you have 15 stations that you are giving your all to. It's hard but that is okay. If it was easy everyone would do it.  Everything can be modify if you need it. Don't be scared to ask for help on any exercise everyone is on a different fitness level no matter how long you have been working out. If you give your 100% just be happy that you did it. Don't go Hulk on it and hurt yourself. The recovery time is too long trust me I have been there. Just have fun with it smile feel the burn it will burn in a good way. Your body will thank you in the end. Your body is your temple treat it right, you only get one to take care of.

Day 3 complete

Taking another challenge stepping up my game. I have about twenty people joining me along with my amazing hubby and kids. I took it down a little for my boys. Day 3 50 burpees 50 kick down crunches down the drain.  A good little warm-up before I hit the gym for circuit training today. I love a challenge this for sure is one. I will be posting a video of today's class just to give you a hint of what I put my body through twice a week.  I love it! Getting fit is a choice you have to make it. You will only stay with it if you want. You have to be your best. Don't worry everyone was a beginner at some point. Remember to eat clean or all your hard work is for nothing.  Have a good day love your life. Have the day you deserve today. 

Sunday, December 21

Sunday Workout


Round one
10 pushups
15 burpees
90 Russian twist
15 kettle ball squats
Round Two
25 squats
20 lunges per side
40 jumping jacks
60 seconds wall sit
Good luck let me know how you do. Push through the pain you will thank yourself in the end. The hardest part about getting fit is telling yourself you can do it. Positive thinking will change who you are. You have the control over what your life will be. You alone can change your body if you want. Take little steps if you want it you can have it. Remember this is only ten percent of the rest of your life the hard part is controlling what you put in your mouth.

Monday, December 1

30 days Do you have what it takes?

December is the last month let's make it worth it. Take on this 30 day challenge with me.  Fitness is a Life Journey. Remember it will take time.  You will have bad days don't give up.  Eat healthy stay calm it will work if you want it to.  Let the fun start.
Day one is over remember abs are made in the kitchen not in the gym. This counts for a small part. Don't let your hard work go to waste. Make it mean something. 
Good Luck!

Friday, November 21

Peaches and Cream

I love smoothies it helps me stay on track here is another one to try. This time it's not my own it's from Kayla Itsines website. I follow her on Instagram she is amazing. She is lean and mean her workouts are apart of my workouts daily. I have been doing them at nights to total my day at 3 hours of working-out. It is a lifestyle I don't see it as a chore or something I have to do. I enjoy it. This month has been a little hard considering that I have had a sore throat now the rest of the family has it too. I hope we will be back on track soon. Until then eating right will help maintain what I already have accomplish. SEXY IS STRONG!!!

  • 2 ripe peaches, pitted, cut up or 2 cups frozen peaches
  • 1 frozen banana (remove skin before freezing)
  • ½ cup almond milk
  • ¼ cup quick oats
  • ¼ cup fresh orange juice
  • 1 tsp agave or pure maple syrup for added sweetness (optional)
  • 1 tbs chia seeds

  1. Place all ingredients in a blender and let them sit for 5 minutes so that the oats and chia seeds have a chance to soak.
  2. Blend until smooth, scraping down the sides if needed.
If you have a smoothie please post it.

Wednesday, November 12

Treadmill, Mother and Son fitness Journey

My son and I are in about five weeks or so of our  muscle conditioning class. I love the bonding time we have once we get to the gym after we drop off popsicle. Then we hit it up for a pre workout before beast mode kicks in. Justin is improving fantastically but he's good at that stuff anyway so I'm not surprised. I am surprised at how much he is enjoying himself. He is in a class with mostly adults he does modify some of the workouts that we do. I almost hit the dirt trying to take a picture while we were walking on the treadmill. I don't advise doing. My first and last picture.
Allison and Kim are strong women who want nothing more then to see you succeed in their class. They will push you to the extreme. When you are at your breaking point you will hear them yelling
"Don't give up let it burn. You can do it!"
It may sound silly but when you feel the need to give up just that little saying goes a long way. I find myself going stronger because I have eyes on me. I have to set the example that I preach to my son. Give your best because no one else can do it for you.
I love that Justin and I enjoy getting fit. It's not a chore it's fun to us. I found him flexing in the mirror a few days ago. He has muscles in his arms to go with his mini six packs he has. We read a lot together about Fitness. It's important to know the right way to teach my son about getting fit. He lifts 3 pounds weights in class and even at that is hard for him. He wants to go heavier but I need him to understand that isn't always necessary when working out. Using the proper form is more important then how heavy you go. It will come in time.
On my own personal journey to getting fit has been a bumpy ride. My shoulder my knees my back all at once and at different times has given me hell. Slowing down reducing my weights stretching and relaxing has become a big part in my recovery. Now I'm better at taking the time to make sure my six pack will come by next year. Abs are made in the kitchen not the gym. Just a little advice for anyone reading. Going to the gym is about ten percent of getting fit. Eating right counts for the rest. If you don't have that then all your hard work means nothing. I do have a cheat day once a week you have to treat yourself in order to stay on track. A little goal I have set for myself. I'm a strong beautiful woman who has the love and support of my family in my journey. I also have Monika's step, core and muscle conditioning class on Monday's and Wednesday to look forward to.
Here is what we did today I'm totally burned out but love every minute of it.
1) 50 Knees OR 50 jumping toe taps.

                                                         2) 24 Rows in plank

                                                              3) 20 Jump squats

                                                       4) 24 count Mountain Climbers

                                                                5) 4X8 Woodchoppers

                                                                6) 12 Pushup/Pike

                                                               7) 24 Jumping Lunges

She is another amazing woman who teaches four class three times a week. She will motivate you everyday to push yourself not to give up. She feeds off of her classes energy then takes it up a notch.

"Suck it up and push yourself to change!"
You can't buy it no one can give it to you. You can't wish for it. It takes hard work and dedication to be strong and fit. It's up to you how to live your life. Choose one you can be proud of yourself in the process.
 If you haven't taken the step to do group exercising you should. It will change your view on different ways to get fit and enjoy your time. Don't focus on losing weight or one body part focus on being STRONG! It's a lifestyle change not a diet! Make it long term for LIFE.

Thursday, September 18

Review on pre workout

My knees have been giving me problems  lately to keep up on my busy schedule with working out I have incorporated a pre workout.I'm not much for a pre workout I have been doing it for over a year with nothing. My hubby has taken the stuff before. He doesn't really like it but he thought I might.

I have to say after taking it for 4 weeks it did help me get through my work out in beast mode. However by the third week it seemed to stop working. I completed my 4 weeks and now I'm cycling off of it. If you are sensitive to caffeine I would suggest taking something different. Also has niacin  which makes you hot in order to sweat more. With any new product please just take one scoop it is a powder form be careful. I didn't have any side effects besides I forget to eat. I ended up having to set my phone to remind me to eat. It will surpress your appetite but make sure you drink lots of water while taking this pre workout. I found that my mental capacity was much clearer than normal. I stayed on track. I didn't lose any weight but I did gain muscle. 

Friday, July 18

Small RV

Working out is never easy especially when you spend your summer in a small RV the size of a can. It can be done I have proven that to myself.  Although doing the Superman for your back on the floor is a bit challenging. When your cat thinks that you are playing it also become confusing and complicated. I made it I did the workout from P90X chest and back with the 15 minute AB ripper X at the end. I have started my 90 days again.Wish me luck till I go home. I have tried really hard to stay on my healthy eating lifestyle. It consist of fruits, vegetables and salad. I try not to eat processed foods. I don't eat anything in cans or meat. I have once a week a cheat day which isn't bad. I'm not depriving myself of anything because it's not a diet it's a lifestyle change. I'm healthy, strong, fit that's all that matters and I'm happy. Which is the most important part about working out. You have to make yourself happy. Remember being happy is a choice that you have to make yourself.

Sunday, July 6

Working out without a gym

Working out without a gym no problem go a playground.  My kids could play at the park all day if I let them. Put your workout clothes on pack a lunch don't forget water and your protein mix. You can use the Swing to do pull ups as well as one legged Squats.  The swing is also good for abs. Get down in a push up position with you feet on the swing. Bring your feet to your chest for work on lower abs. You are still working on your upper body as well. Follow your kids around the playground doing walking lunges. 20 on each leg 10-12 calf raises finish with 20 jump squats Repeat 3 times. Look at that you just had an amazing leg day with running around in between playing with the kids. 

My boys and I will have races together that will bring in the other kids playing to. I throw in some barrel racing. I may not like burpees but I sure make everybody do it. It makes it fun to see who can do more. They love it.

If you want something bad enough you will find a way to get it. Believe in yourself take that leap for the future.  I may be in the land of nowhere for the summer but that won't stop my workout routine. Thanks for reading. 

Friday, May 23

Zumba Sticks

Step One 
Step 2 Fill 
 I decided I was going to do something different  for Christopher's craft so this is what we made. Zumba Sticks or nose makers. First we went to Lowe's to get some PVC pipes,caps and duct tape. We also used BB's and beans to fill it. We cut the PVC pipes just to fit your hands. The beans weren't heavy enough so we ended up using BB's.  They run about $8.00 dollars at Target. Daisy® PrecisionMax Premium BBs 6,000-Count

They are about a pound a piece. As you can tell we had lots of fun. There's really not much to do with it just make sure you have a pipe cutter to make it easier on you please don't use a knife and be safe. Meanwhile thank you for reading and have fun with your Zumba sticks. Getting fit can be fun too!

Step 3 Complete and shake

Make sure you tape the top as well. You don't want the BB's to fly out. I believe I spent under $20.00 for seven sticks.

Sunday, April 13

Indian river Festival

Florida isn't really that bad once the season of really hot decides to show up. You have to find things to do like this art fair/ whatever festival shows up. It had a little bit of everything there. It was great bounce houses, games, food trucks a gator guy named gator bill. He talked about snakes which made my skin crawl but had a few good points about snakes that I didn't know. Sometimes I have no ideal where my kids get their sense of adventure at for example.

This picture above was a big giant octopus kite that Justin wanted to climb on and then slide down the legs. It was a kite and insisted that he could do it no problem it wasn't even a ride. He just wanted my okay before in the future he wanted to try it. We had a twenty minute conversation about it which made me laugh he sounded just like his daddy. He weighed out the pro and cons with me then finally said "Life isn't worth living unless you take chances Mom!"
He couldn't make a mother more proud then when he uses my own words against me. He is an amazing kid. I'm so happy I get to be his mother.  I tried to go donate blood and he sound like his father again. 
"Mom, Only a few people have your blood you need to keep it!" 
I have AB- blood the red cross calls me all the time to donate. Then we had another talk about blood types my boys are B positive and hubby is O positive explaining all that lead into a baby talk thank god we ran into someone who we knew which cut that talk in half. 

I love when my son has his mind set to something he doesn't give up at all. Determination is the key for whatever you set your mind to. It was a blast my son had an amazing time. Thanks to all the volunteers that helped out including Coach Mike who helped watch Justin while he tried the wall a dozen times. Justin completed the kids one but got really mad when they refused to let him finish the adult course and be timed.


He didn't fall I guess his pull ups at home have worked out. 



My son is AWESOME!!!

We will go back next year. 

Monday, March 10

Getting back


I have been fighting allergies for almost a month now until today. I'm getting back to my normal schedule with getting fit. My journey is still full speed ahead as I took up yet again a new workout. I hit a plateau back in January it was time to switch up my workout routine. Turbo Jam was fun today lots of energy in the DVD still very entertaining when you watch the other people on the DVD. The faces they make are just silly. I guess overall the DVD was great! Along with intense weight lifting with cardio combo and muscle conditioning it has made that plateau non existing.
I'm not looking to lose weight I just want to tone up.
Losing the weight was a plus.
 I have to say my results are wonderful. I weigh 149 as of today lost five pounds and went from a size 8 to a size 5 in my jeans. How exciting until I realized I no longer have any boobs all to due to shopping this past weekend. I was a little upset until I walked past the cute little bikini's hanging on the racks then I was alright. The funny thing about my journey to getting fit is that I didn't even notice the weight loss. My pants were a little big sagging between my legs I just thought they were a little worn out. You know from wearing them maybe four times a month. I'm never in jeans I hate jeans because they are all stretchy junk. I just want the hip hugger with flair bottoms like when I was in high school. They no longer make them as the nice lady at Old Navy told me. I guess not really a loss I never really liked that store anyways. I did find some jeans at Macy's.Yes, They have a little stretch to them which I'm not happy but old well they are a size five. I could even fit into a four but my thighs won't.
( There was a picture here Google took it off with most of my pictures on my blog. I don't know why I apologize in advance.)

 Here is me with my Popsicle doing squats. He is my weight of 34 pounds. Trust me I feel it with 30 lunges each leg and then 20 regular squats. 

I really need a full body picture I'm more then happy with my arms and body overall. My hard work, dedication and consistency has really paid off. My Journey isn't over yet still working on my six pack with a no processed food no meat unless my hubby makes me eat chicken which just kills me. I had to fight him on this last time he wanted me to eat chicken. It really upsets my stomach I'm a veggie, fruit ,water, protein shake kind of person. 
I'm happy with that I still have my cheat days once a week you have to in order to stay on this kind of lifestyle.  It is a life style not a diet. My weakness above all is cookie dough ice cream and maybe pizza. Until next time just remember it takes time to meet a goal in fitness. It has to be your goal not anyone elses. Get fit for you challenge yourself to be better then you were yesterday. Have fun with it make it work for you.

Wednesday, January 15

Rope Fitness

I have blog about this before but I thought showing you a video of my oldest trying out the rope would be great. Mind you the rope is way to big for him in the first place. We only let him do it as long as the video then we played basketball for about 45 minutes. Let me tell you my arms were jello I never thought it would be so hard to left a basketball up after my workout. Mind you there isn't a pole to rap it around for my hubby to work it so I volunteer to sit in between it. From experience don't do it. I had to put my hands up in order not to get hit with it as my hubby slide me across the floor with it. I ended up with a hardwood floor burn on my butt.That sounds so funny as I type it. We workout for about two hours a day together as a family between lifting weights,playing basketball, running and classes such as kickboxing,step and zumba it's all our road to fitness. If you want it bad enough you will find a way to get in shape NO EXCUSES! 

Saturday, September 7

Yoga Class

Yoga is considered a mind-body type of complementary and alternative medicine practice. Yoga brings together physical and mental disciplines to achieve peacefulness of body and mind, helping you relax and manage stress and anxiety. 

I  have been taking yoga since I was in high school now I take yoga classes at the YMCA. It's a lot of fun but I'm not sure about HOT YOGA. 

What is Hot Yoga? 

Hot yoga is a vigorous form of yoga performed in a studio that is heated to 105 F (40 C) and has a humidity of 40 percent. The formal name for hot yoga is Bikram.

I have incorporated yoga into our daily life with our boys. I have found that it helps settle us down before story time in our house. The boys love it. I have the boys count to ten if I see they are getting frustrated in their daily routine. My boys are more focus in school and in life.  Count to ten and breathe is the best option when I set foot on a lego slide into the wall on a marble trip over the train in the hallway the cat scares the hell out of me and of course when I'm being pulled into three different directions by the hubby and kids. It works for me why not them? I have to say private yoga classes are needed with the hubby he has his mind in the gutter when the pose for downward facing dog is next. 

Example in the picture not of me just off of GOOGLE.

Not that I mind but we never get a full yoga class done together but we do have to stretch afterwards. If you need some alone time with your wonderful other half you should take a yoga class. It will help you and your marriage. I have never had the need to go to marriage counseling but I think this may help others. Yoga Helps my Marriage! Try yoga first get that spark back in the game. I have too much spark thank god my hubby matches me. (laughing) I think that is enough of yoga talk for today.

                                   Have a great day take a yoga class today.

Word to the wise if you do take a class space yourself out so you won't get a foot in the eye or kick someone in the head. It can be dangerous I have seen it! Good luck!

Thursday, August 1

Done with my 30 day challenge

    30 Day Arm Challenge - Are You Up For It ?

I started this challenge on July 2 I just now seen that I put the wrong month on the picture on the bottom. Oh well it's July not June. I have been very consisted  with my workouts listed above along with lifting weights at the gym. This week I reached a level 18 in resistance in cycling. If you have ever taken a class 18 is hard as hard. I'm still working on reaching a 21 like the teacher it might take me a few weeks to break in 18 to get there.
July 2

I agree.Cycling is not for the weak. You start a class off by stretching your arms out. The teacher puts on a song and the class starts. Everyone is jamming on their bike like we are in a race with each other. Then she calls for a half circle which is where you only use your legs no upper body. This part is hard your top rpm should be at an 80 mine is like a 70. I rarely pay attention to any other numbers besides my heart rate that spike to 185-190 at this point I feel like I'm going to pass out. My breathing is heavy but I can control it pretty good to get it to come back to 170 where it is nice to be at. I can breath normal. Yesterday our fourth from our last song took forever I thought it would never end we had sprints, up and downs, jumps and circles I made it. I still went to the gym to lift weights it's getting harder. I can't complain I love the results I see everyday.
Lifting weights is my new favorite at the gym. Take a look tell me what you think. I haven't stop I'm just on my next challenge is keeping up with what I have already done.

I'm on day 8 of the 30 Day Arm Challenge.

Day 8

Day 20 of the 30 day arm challenge. Follow me on my blog for updates

Day 20

Today Day 30

Thursday, July 11

How bad do you want it?

How Bad Do You Want It?
When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful. I may not be perfect but I'm right where I want to be. Getting fit is hard no one can tell you it's easy.

Eating right is even harder if you don't do it in the first place. Even if you do I can even have a weak heart for that ice cream. What do you do? Go ahead eat just not the whole bowl. Keep it in moderation is the key. Be consistent with your workout routine try same time daily. It will work to your benefit for sure. Start out slow and work up to your goal. I don't always pay attention to my calories I burn. I judge  on how I feel after my workout. I have had a few injuries since last year when I started P90X. I'm happy to announce I lost ten pounds on the 90 day program. I still complete the abs and cardio once a week from P90X. It's a great workout. I enjoy it as well as my hubby and kids. I use the gym at the YMCA with my hubby to lift weights. I can tell my hard work is paying off as you can see in my picture on the left. In the end it will all be worth my commitment and dedication. I love that I also have a great support them at home. I love you guys. You are the reason I work so hard to live longer. 
 Something else I will take on along with Zumba and cycling classes twice a week. I alternate legs,back and arms with cardio. It seems like a lot but I have never felt better. I thought it would take me at least a month to get back my routine after being off from fluid in my knee. I feel awesome! Working on my body eating clean is like a drug for me. I have a ton of energy to play at the beach with my boys.
I'm still in awe that we live 20 minutes away from the beach. It's like our second home. If you stop by my house and we don't answer head over to Cocoa Beach we will be there with our toes in the sand. 
Until next time you are face with a candy bar or working out ask yourself
"How bad do you want it?"
Updated pictures coming soon on my 30 day arm challenge.

Tuesday, July 2

30 Day Arm Challenge

30 Day Arm Challenge - Are You Up For It ?

I went to the gym today to try and Zumba out my cold I seem to have thanks to my kids. I think it made it worst. I don't care it was a whole lot of fun. It's like dancing to Marky Mark song good vibrations
because everyone in class thinks they have it all and a bag of chips. When really we all look like a fool trying to keep with the instructor. If there were mirrors we would be in trouble. I can't help but laugh my ass off in class with some of the stuff we do. It's all in good fun in getting fit. I start up cycling tomorrow after a month off due to fluid in my knee. We will see how it goes in the meantime I found a new challenge to take on. This past month has been a little insane with my hubby's work schedule going back to school working on my book which is at a halt due to everything. Our boys getting sick fluid in my knee and what the hell is up with all this rain in Florida. I feel like all it does is rain. Like now it's raining again for the second time today. Later the pre historic big ass bugs are going to come out to eat us. I guess this is our rainy season. Here is my before picture. In 30 days from today will be my updated picture. Come on take the challenge with me what do you have to lose? Nothing you will gain muscles! Muscles are sexy!! Make sure to stop on over and post your pictures on my fb page at

Thursday, May 30

What do you think about?

                         What runs through your mind as your feet hit  the treadmill?

I walk up to the treadmill with ten minutes in my mind. I put my headphones in find my play list on my phone that contains songs from Shinedown, Nikki Minaj, Disturbed, Korn and some old school mix. Just about anything with a good beat that will keep me running. I press the quick start button on the treadmill it starts to move. I put in my weight and age start my heart rate watch as I walk slowly to fast pace up to three minutes then I increase my incline from one to 4 my speed from 4.0 to 4.7. At 30 seconds I speed up to 5.4 I'm in run mode one two three breathe one to three breathe as my feet hit the ground. I count my steps to breathe over and over in my head as I continue to run. I'm at five minutes I look up and over the treadmill I see a stop sign. I try and run to reach it but I can't. I see it in the distance as I continue to run faster I hit the speed to 6.2 I increase the incline to a 5 as I take a drink of water. Running up hill sucks as the thought passes my mind I want to stop. I can feel the burn in my legs I run harder and faster I increase again my speed is at 6.5. I let my mind wander about how good I will feel after I complete this run. I just completed a mad leg workout lifting weights for my legs  now as I run they feel like they are going to fall off. One two three breath in the nose out the mouth, I have to remind myself to breath its almost over. I look down the clock says 6 point something minutes. For My Sake song by Shinedown plays in my ear. I run a little faster the thought of having a nice butt hits my mind I smile because I like my butt it has a little bounce I never had before and it's almost round from my extreme squats I make myself take on daily. My hubby likes my backside so I tell myself keep running a nice butt is on the way I Fedex it. Go Go Go run now or you won't get that "ASS!" by 3 o'clock. I make myself laugh at what I will tell myself just to keep me running. It's okay now I'm at 7 minutes I really want to stop now my legs are shaking like crazy okay let's go my old school mix of 69 boys comes on the radio with other songs from the 90's hit's my ear. I get my second wind of air and it's like the pain disappears. I'm running at 7.0 now I feel great! One two three breath my heart rate is at 167 I'm in my zone yes  I wipe my face off as the sweat just pours off my body. I tell myself just a little longer keep going it will pay off in the end. I will look great in my new purple two piece this weekend at the beach. Not that I'm not sexy but running will bring the Sexy Back. Yes, I have a ego when it comes to my looks. I have always had I mean if I don't tell myself I'm sexy whatever my hubby's says won't matter. I have to believe it myself.

Thinking to myself

I'm going to have a nice ass!
I'm going to be fit!
I'm going to look good naked for a workout session with my hubby!
I'm going to look good in clothes!
I think I'm going to die if I keep running!
You better move those legs woman.
Nice ass nice ass go go go!
Bathing suit Bathing suit here I come just walking on the beach!
Just breath, breath and breath some more.

These are just a few things I tell myself when I run. When I'm having one of those days when I think I might stop no telling what will appear in my mind as I run. The one thing I don't know how to do is give up. To me that doesn't exist. If you want something you have to fight for it even if that means fighting yourself to reach your goal. You are your own worst enemy.

I look at the clock I'm at 15 minutes not bad I start to slow down to let my heart rate drop slowly. I walk for the next five minutes and slowly get down to 3.0 to stop. I had a nice run I can be proud of. I push myself to the extreme at every workout. I run for me I run for my health I run to clear my mind sometimes my mind is blank for the next 10 or 20 minutes I run. I have a goal of fitness I want to be at I won't stop till I get there.
This is what I think about. It's your turn to run tell me what's on your mind.

Wednesday, May 8


What kind of fruits do you like? I like any kind of fruits. My love for fruits and veggies grew stronger with my second child. My hubby being the best daddy in the world already with our first son made sure I was eating right meaning five servings of fruits and veggies daily. I tell you he was such a pain how he hovered over me. I have to admit I loved the extra attention he gave not that it was anything different from before. I did get a kick out of not having to get up to get  my decaff ice tea.  I have him to thank for a healthy pregnancy. He made sure we were taken care of. I think he should go to school to be a doctor. He is kind with people in the hospital when I was hospitalized for dehydration a few times. It was nice to see his caring side but he has to blow things up instead. That's my Marine! (laughing) He is so unpredictable at times. I love it! What I know is he will do anything for our family. He is a strong role model for our boys. 

Some facts about one of my favorite fruits I grew to love while I was pregnant with my Popsicle. Mangoes smoothies are the best!

Clears skin
Mangoes help to clear clogged pores and make your skin acne free. You can treat these problems effectively either by consuming mangoes or by applying them to your face. You can find many beauty products containing mango in them. You can also make mango scrub at home by mixing mango pulp and oatmeal.

Improves Digestion
Like papayas, mangoes are also good for the digestive system. It promotes proper assimilation of the nutrients in the body. The fiber contents found in them prevents constipation.

Effective for Diabetes
Mango fruit ranks low on the glycemic index i.e. 41 to 60, so a moderate consumption of the fruit would not do any harm to the diabetic patients. Further the leaves of the mango tree can help regulate the insulin levels. Take a few leaves of mango tree and boil them in water, leave them soaked in this water over night and then strain and consume this water in the morning.

My Favorite Mango smoothie
1 cup of peach yogurt
1 mango
2 cups of milk ( I use almond milk for a kick of change)
1 banana

Friday, March 29

A year ago

                 My Story to Fitness

It will be a year exact on March 31,2013 that I moved to Florida. My hubby as you can tell in this picture is a little stressed out we haven't seen each other in a month before our move. He came down before us to get our house ready. Web chatting with him everyday was cute to see Christopher kiss the screen.

So much has changed in a year I don't know where to start. For one time away from your spouse can make you eat a lot more. My hubby gained 20 pounds in a month. I gained 10 pounds. I would post pictures of my hubby weight loss but he is a little shy when it comes to full body pictures besides he moves to much to get a good picture. I don't know why he is? He is  gorgeous naked. On the other hand I'm not shy at all I love my body even when I was pregnant with both kids. Even with as hairy as my belly was with Christopher I still loved the way I looked in the mirror. I don't think I have ever hated my body image to think about it. I sported a bikini outside almost everyday. I will have to find a picture Christopher is darker then everyone. The picture above I weigh 150 pounds.

I weigh 140 pounds in the last picture
                                                      My timeline for P90X
I'm not going to lie working out is hard work but it's all who you want to be in the first place. I found out the hard way when you don't workout like they show in P90X it's a good thing to take it easy. Nope, I went hardcore with this workout 7 days a weeks everyday by my first week I was in so much pain I thought I was going to die. I couldn't lift anything up let alone walk. It is better to go slow. I'm thankful my loving hubby help me get through that rough patch with encouragement and great back/shoulder massages. I wasn't as fit as I thought even if I did workout before this program and walked five miles daily. It did however get easier as the month went by. I made sure I had my share of water when working out and yes if you take on this program at times you will feel like you have to get sick. It's all normal I guess.  P90X takes you to a whole other level. I'm currently still working out with P90X on top of little programs here and there.Like hip hop abs and soulcycle.

I love this picture above I'm on the beach spending a lovely day with my family in September which is weird I'm still on Michigan time. I look amazing I really start to see a difference in my body that makes me want to work even harder on my health. I restarted juicing in September I did it back in high school only because my friend did it. Turned out I enjoyed it now that I started it up again it is not at all what I remember. It took some time to get used to it. I now love it again. I also get a kick out of having my boys and hubby try my new invention just to see their face. It's priceless to hear my little one say " Gross."

This picture was taken in December 2012 as you can see I'm growing an ego. By Christopher's second birthday I started working out with my hubby at the YMCA lifting weights. I now have muscles everywhere. I love it. My belly is taking a little longer to get my six pack but I have a pack of four. Just one complaint my abs some reason seem to bulge out with the muscles. I'm not sure if I like that. I want to be tone and flat but hey if those muscles get tighter I'm all for it. BRING IT!!
 I hate wearing jeans so I really need to find a good store that sells something else. They just don't fit me anymore no matter where I buy them from. I have to take my wedding ring in to get it sized because it keeps coming off. It's getting a little harder to workout because I'm sore all the time. I thought it would easier as I get stronger nope another myth. I love it I really do I have never felt more alive then I do now.

                                          My daily workout routine goes something like this. 

Wake up at 4:00 am workout with P90X which is anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour long so I don't have to worry about the kids or hubby calling me for something. By 5 I start my squats 100 in a row each day I go up by 10, sit ups 339, push ups 25 I go up by 5 each day and I jump rope. By 5:30 am I'm doing yoga for 30 minutes then I take the time to just relax and stretch. In the evening I hit the gym and lift weights with my hubby. Somewhere in the afternoon I find the time to walk five a day with my boys. I stay as active as I can during the day with my boys and hubby. I always take Sunday off that is our Family Day.

I'm almost to my goal of 135 pounds that was my pre weight from my first son. As of yesterday I weigh 139 pounds. However with all the weight training I have been doing I think I may stay the same weight. If I do I still love my body. Why you may ask because I have taken much pride in the fitness of my body. It's my drug it's what keeps me going beside all the enjoyment I get out of being able to run around with my children. Is the best feeling in the world. Being able to just do anything without having to slow down is wonderful. I also love the fact it's not just about losing weight it's about getting fit with my family. I never say anything about weight in front of my boys. I don't want them to think skinny is a way a woman should be but healthy and fit is the way a person should be.

I'm a fitness freak I guess. I have taken out red meat, dairy and sugar out of my in take of food. I substitute with coconut milk and veggies are my best friend along with daily intake of 80 ounces of water a day.

                        Not bad  for a  30 year old mother of two. What's your fitness story?
                                                                Please share.

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