
Thursday, July 11

How bad do you want it?

How Bad Do You Want It?
When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful. I may not be perfect but I'm right where I want to be. Getting fit is hard no one can tell you it's easy.

Eating right is even harder if you don't do it in the first place. Even if you do I can even have a weak heart for that ice cream. What do you do? Go ahead eat just not the whole bowl. Keep it in moderation is the key. Be consistent with your workout routine try same time daily. It will work to your benefit for sure. Start out slow and work up to your goal. I don't always pay attention to my calories I burn. I judge  on how I feel after my workout. I have had a few injuries since last year when I started P90X. I'm happy to announce I lost ten pounds on the 90 day program. I still complete the abs and cardio once a week from P90X. It's a great workout. I enjoy it as well as my hubby and kids. I use the gym at the YMCA with my hubby to lift weights. I can tell my hard work is paying off as you can see in my picture on the left. In the end it will all be worth my commitment and dedication. I love that I also have a great support them at home. I love you guys. You are the reason I work so hard to live longer. 
 Something else I will take on along with Zumba and cycling classes twice a week. I alternate legs,back and arms with cardio. It seems like a lot but I have never felt better. I thought it would take me at least a month to get back my routine after being off from fluid in my knee. I feel awesome! Working on my body eating clean is like a drug for me. I have a ton of energy to play at the beach with my boys.
I'm still in awe that we live 20 minutes away from the beach. It's like our second home. If you stop by my house and we don't answer head over to Cocoa Beach we will be there with our toes in the sand. 
Until next time you are face with a candy bar or working out ask yourself
"How bad do you want it?"
Updated pictures coming soon on my 30 day arm challenge.

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