
Wednesday, November 28

Santa Claus

How do you tell your kids about Santa? I have always told my oldest that just because you can't see it doesn't meant it's not there! Seeing is not believing, believing is seeing. I hold true to my heart that telling kids the truth in this case even if he Justin is 9 there is no harm in letting him believe in Santa. I told him when he was in kindergarten that the giving tree at school were for the kids who parents did not believe. If you let your children watch TV during the holidays you will get hit with a question or two about Santa. If they are like my son he won't stop at two it's more like a hundred. His favorite movie is The Santa Claus with Time Allen.That is also one of my classic holidays movies that holds a special place in my heart it is a movie my father and I love as well. I want my children to be children for as long as they can be. A little magic in believing the unknown about the North Pole and Santa is more then fine with me. I don't see it as lying to my children its kind of on the list there with God. You either believe or you don't. Just because some do and others debate doesn't meant anyone is wrong.We are all special in different ways. That is what makes everyone unique. If you write a letter to Santa mail it at Macy's they donate money to children. Let your children be children for one more year.


Always Unlucky said...

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Life is only what you make it said...

Thank you very much. Have a great day hope to hear from you soon.

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