
Monday, July 29

This is why I wake up

Playalinda Beach, Titusville Florida
The smell of salt in the air the sand between my toes I think my kids were born to swim.  They are fish with legs. They would swim all day long if I let them. Justin has taking up surfing now that he has a real surfboard not a fake one as he says. He is really good 9 out of 10 ten times he gets a wave and rides it in. I'm in aww on how good he really is. With the help of daddy taking him out for hours teaching him how to surf is amazing. My hubby has been working a lot of hours for a few months now that doesn't stop him from taking his boys to the beach.  My boys are the reason I wake up everyday. I love hearing them laugh when we play hide and seek. I love being called Mommy! It's the highlight of my day. This past weekend was packed full of stuff.
Cocoa Beach,Florida

Friday we made homemade pizza and cookies. We veggie out with a dozen movies the boys wanted to watch. Christopher cried through the whole movie of Flipper not once but twice. It was horrible he wanted the dolphin to go home with the humans. He made me cry the way he was crying making cookies made up for it. Justin loves to help in the kitchen. I find it relaxing when we cook together. It also a great learning tool to have him read off the recipe list. We made some pictures to hang up for our Art Wall.  We have made it a part of our day to have story time at 7pm every night in our house. Are you my mother? Is a big hit with the boys.
Saturday we spent all day at the beach that's Cocoa Beach. The boys are in the top picture playing in sand. Christopher waits patiently for his big brother to bury him so he can jump up out to be a sand monster. We were all sand monsters that day. I love the beach! This beach is fun if you are in the middle of it. If not you will be surrounded by people on each side. It's a very crowed beach. You have to walk forever to even get to the water. If you park by the pier you have to pay ten dollars. If you park on one of the side entrances there are parking meters so bring lots of change depending on how long you plan to be there. We are always there four or five hours at the most.  

Sunday we decide to take our boys to another beach Playalinda Beach which is a great place to watch sea turtles hatch. It's a beautiful beach to go to. I like it better than Cocoa less people and I have found my nudist beach I have been looking for. The hubby and I have to get a babysitter to come back so I can tan my ass cheeks. It's a new goal I have added to my bucket list. A few times going nude should help my cheeks out. The sand is white here filled with sea shells. Bring a bucket if you have kids.The boys and I always bring back a ton of shells. This beach has less litter like cigarette butts and is very clean unlike Cocoa. I think this will be the beach we go to for now on. The water is also very clean compare to Cocoa. The boys and I were sand monsters once again. We meet a few nice people with children at the beach another stay at home mommy. It's nice to have someone to talk to who also stays at home with their kids. Of course we shared ideals that we seen on Pinterest. That site is a hit. I have done 70% of the stuff I have seen on that site.Check me out 
 Word of advice park in the front lots not the back ones or you might just see some naked people walk your way. Bring lots of water to drink and pack a few snacks. There are not showers at either beach so jugs of water works well one for each person to rinse the sand off of you. A sandy butt doesn't go well on a 30 minutes drive home. 

This is what I wake up to do spend every moment I have with my children. We all have a sunburn so maybe a movie day is in the near future. However we will not be watching Flipper. I can't take my Popsicle crying again. He is too emotional when it comes to that dolphin. 

Monday, July 22

The Hunt Day 7

The boys and I have missed a few days of the hunt we are on Day 7. Take the challenge change the world just a little each day. It's not a lot just a few seconds of your time post a pic on Instagram done. Can you do it? We did my boys and I challenge ourselves everyday. Life wouldn't be worth living otherwise.
I Heart Dad

ones) to upload below for your chance to be in our national commercial!

Day 1: Don't be Trashy

Day 2: Help the Homeless

Day 3: Literacy for All

Day 4: No Bullies Allowed

Day 5: Sexism Sucks

Day 6: Play Ball

Day 7: Be an Ally

Show everyone you're an ally to LGBT youth* by taking a pic of your hand with the word "ally" on it and sharing it on Instagram with this sentence:
LGBT youth are 2x more likely than their peers to be assaulted, kicked, or shoved at school. #DShunt #ally
*being an ally means you will stand up against all forms of LGBT bullying
Your challenge for today is to fight discrimination in your community by celebrating differences.
Create a sign that says one thing about yourself that people can’t tell just by looking at you. Get your friends to join you, and wear your signs in a public setting.

Day 8: Puppy Patrol

Day 9: Continental Thirst

Day 10: Be Prepared

Day 11: Apathy Sucks

So much to do so little time

Can you spot the hubby in the bottom picture? 
My hubby and I tore apart the garage took everything out to make shelves to make it easier to park the car inside. At first I really didn't care if the car was inside of the garage or not. Once it sat outside all day in the sun when I had to leave the leather seats fried my skin off. Now I know why it should be parked on the inside. We power washed the house it looks ten times better we just have to paint it now. 
Okay the garage is done now we are moving on to the boys room. Chalkboard paint here we come. Yard sales on the way in the near future. Justin's bed is in the process of being made I never knew it would be so hard to get hockey sticks here in Florida for a bed frame. I seen it on Pinterest like this one. Justin fell in love with it.
This is what we are doing for Justin's room. Daddy is having a hard time finding sticks.

Wish us luck we still have so much to do.

Tuesday, July 16

Happy 10th Birthday Justin

My little man turned ten years old this past Saturday. I had a little surprise for him I filled his door with balloons so when he opened it all the balloons would fall down. It made him smile that's all my hubby and I was going for.

It took about 40 balloons to fill it.
Cake and ice cream for breakfast then we were off to Wet &Wild in Orlando. 

 It was nice they had 7 water slides and a play place for smaller kids. The ice cream dots were awesome along with the very very hot sidewalk. I thought my skin was going to melt off my feet. Word to the wise wear sandals leave them at the bottom of the water slide so you can still have skin.  We went in the morning to avoid the crowds that came in about 2 pm. It seems like yesterday that I was holding my son in my arms. Time flies by way too fast when you are having fun. He is such a great kid we were blessed with. I'm very proud of how my son has turned out. It's funny I don't think my son looks anything like his baby pictures. We later took him to see the Medieval Times in Orlando. It was nice to see some fighting and horse races.
 When bought tickets we told them it was our son's birthday they announced him as a knight Justin who is turning 10. His face was priceless the food was a little greasy. No forks just our good old hands ripping into the chicken leg,ribs and potatoes. It was fun to be right by the stage. The horses were beautiful to see up close. We cheered on the yellow knight as he fought to the death. By the way is too funny to see how they fling themselves off the horse and battle. I never laughed so hard. Our boys were intrigued by the swords.

Dear Son,
Your father and I adore every minute we get to spend with you. It's your smile that melts our heart. Your questions that lead to many others that drive us crazy. Your kind heart that makes us very proud of you. You are the best big brother a person can have. 
NO matter what it is you are there to guide your little brother to be the best. I have seen you grow from a baby to an almost teenager. I wish I could turn the clock back and spend your baby times with you all over again. 
Times like this is priceless Halloween 2005
You always make us laugh.   You remind me so much of your dad with how you think you can fix everything. If you don't know how to do it you will find a way. As you remind daddy of me with your one of a kind personality. I love how you never give up. People want to be around you no matter where you are. Justin your father and I weren't ready for you but you somehow made us the parents we are today. I hope you like all your legos, bike and drawing gear for your Birthday. Next stop is Disney World. 
Love Mom & Dad
P.S you will always be my little man.

September 2010
2013 May

Thursday, July 11

How bad do you want it?

How Bad Do You Want It?
When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful. I may not be perfect but I'm right where I want to be. Getting fit is hard no one can tell you it's easy.

Eating right is even harder if you don't do it in the first place. Even if you do I can even have a weak heart for that ice cream. What do you do? Go ahead eat just not the whole bowl. Keep it in moderation is the key. Be consistent with your workout routine try same time daily. It will work to your benefit for sure. Start out slow and work up to your goal. I don't always pay attention to my calories I burn. I judge  on how I feel after my workout. I have had a few injuries since last year when I started P90X. I'm happy to announce I lost ten pounds on the 90 day program. I still complete the abs and cardio once a week from P90X. It's a great workout. I enjoy it as well as my hubby and kids. I use the gym at the YMCA with my hubby to lift weights. I can tell my hard work is paying off as you can see in my picture on the left. In the end it will all be worth my commitment and dedication. I love that I also have a great support them at home. I love you guys. You are the reason I work so hard to live longer. 
 Something else I will take on along with Zumba and cycling classes twice a week. I alternate legs,back and arms with cardio. It seems like a lot but I have never felt better. I thought it would take me at least a month to get back my routine after being off from fluid in my knee. I feel awesome! Working on my body eating clean is like a drug for me. I have a ton of energy to play at the beach with my boys.
I'm still in awe that we live 20 minutes away from the beach. It's like our second home. If you stop by my house and we don't answer head over to Cocoa Beach we will be there with our toes in the sand. 
Until next time you are face with a candy bar or working out ask yourself
"How bad do you want it?"
Updated pictures coming soon on my 30 day arm challenge.

Friday, July 5

Happy 4th of JULY

One of my favorite pictures from the night. 
I hope you had fun!
Happy to be an American! Over 400 people became citizens in central Florida on July 4th, 2013
Our family spent a day at the beach with a sunburn to prove it. We had fun our son wants to move to a beach house he seen for sale. I think he went insane. I love the beach and all but all the sand gets on my nervous it gets in every crack you have. Seriously rethinking a beach wedding last time we were there we seen a wedding set up. The bride looked beautiful. She was complaining about the sand. My hubby and I just looked at each other like yup I know what you are thinking. I love the beach don't get me wrong I just can't do the sand thing everyday. I might change my mind my hubby did set us up to look at some. We will see how it goes wish us luck. 
This day means so much more !
It's anniversary of the publication of the declaration of independence from Great Britain in 1776. Patriotic displays and family events are organized throughout the United States. I seen a number of houses displaying our American flag that made me proud to be an American. I couldn't help to think of loved ones still overseas frighting for freedom. They are fighting to come home in one peace. When they do come home nothing will be the same. Many will have to fight for benefits fight for a job and fight the battle they left behind. Friends they lost friends they used to have fight the battle inside themselves. It's called PTSD soldiers will come home and not know what to do. No one understands what they seen or had to do no one will understand. They expect a solider to come home jump right into the life they once had. This has bothered me since my step-father went to fight in Desert Storm. I try and help anyway I can from buying coffee from a Cup of Joe. 

My son writes a letter every week to Thank a solider.
The Soldier: - By Charles M. Province

It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press.
It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.
If you can read this message thank a teacher,
If you are reading it in English of your own free will THANK A SOLDIER!
It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us the freedom to demonstrate.
It is the soldier, not the lawyer, who has given us the right to a fair trial.
It is the soldier, who salutes the flag, who serves under the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag,
who allows the protester to burn the flag.
To all the brave men and women who have dedicated or given their lives
to protecting this country and it's freedoms:
Thank you.

Take a peek and see if you can help. 

Tuesday, July 2

30 Day Arm Challenge

30 Day Arm Challenge - Are You Up For It ?

I went to the gym today to try and Zumba out my cold I seem to have thanks to my kids. I think it made it worst. I don't care it was a whole lot of fun. It's like dancing to Marky Mark song good vibrations
because everyone in class thinks they have it all and a bag of chips. When really we all look like a fool trying to keep with the instructor. If there were mirrors we would be in trouble. I can't help but laugh my ass off in class with some of the stuff we do. It's all in good fun in getting fit. I start up cycling tomorrow after a month off due to fluid in my knee. We will see how it goes in the meantime I found a new challenge to take on. This past month has been a little insane with my hubby's work schedule going back to school working on my book which is at a halt due to everything. Our boys getting sick fluid in my knee and what the hell is up with all this rain in Florida. I feel like all it does is rain. Like now it's raining again for the second time today. Later the pre historic big ass bugs are going to come out to eat us. I guess this is our rainy season. Here is my before picture. In 30 days from today will be my updated picture. Come on take the challenge with me what do you have to lose? Nothing you will gain muscles! Muscles are sexy!! Make sure to stop on over and post your pictures on my fb page at

Sunday, June 30

What's important to you?

I have seen this on Facebook many times. I have to say I'm very lucky and proud to be married to a man who doesn't do this as you will read. Our boys don't have to pay or ask for their father's time they have it all day long. My hubby works very hard to keep up with daily events in our boys life. He is always playing with them whether it is with Christopher playing hide and seek for hours or with Justin surfing and legos is a hit in our house.  NO matter what it is he is very much part of everything our boys do. He will find a way to work it out with work so he doesn't miss anything in their life. He is an amazing father! He is more then I could have ever want in a man who is the father of my children. No matter how tired he may be or sick no energy it doesn't matter he will be there for his boys. If they want to go someone he takes them no matter what it is.   He will sit for hours with Justin talking about his idea's for the future since Justin loves to make and create things. My hubby can't draw but will sit and try while Justin draws. Christopher loves to act like a plane and fly around the house with Daddy at his side. My hubby loves to spend his time with our boys. I have never asked or begged him to spend time with his children. He does it because he wants to they are the reason he lives. He once told me that he physically hurts when he can't be with them. He never gets mad at our boys for anything.Our boys will always know they are loved no matter what.     Justin always says "Daddy is my Hero!" Their father and son bond is unbreakable!
A loving Father.

SON: "Daddy, may I ask you a question?"
DAD: "Yeah sure, what is it?"
SON: "Daddy, how much do you make an hour?"
DAD: "That's none of your business. Why do you ask such a thing?"
SON: "I just want to know. Please tell me, how much do you make an hour?"
DAD: "If you must know, I make $100 an hour."
SON: "Oh! (With his head down).
SON: "Daddy, may I please borrow $50?"
The father was furious.
DAD: "If the only reason you asked that is so you can borrow some money to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense, then you march yourself straight to your room and go to bed. Think about why you are being so selfish. I work hard everyday for such this childish behavior."

The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door.
The man sat down and started to get even angrier about the little boy's questions. How dare he ask such questions only to get some money?
After about an hour or so, the man had calmed down, and started to think:
Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that $ 50 and he really didn't ask for money very often. The man went to the door of the little boy's room and opened the door.

DAD: "Are you asleep, son?"

SON: "No daddy, I'm awake".
DAD: "I've been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier. It's been a long day and I took out my aggravation on you. Here's the $50 you asked for."

The little boy sat straight up, smiling.
SON: "Oh, thank you daddy!"
Then, reaching under his pillow he pulled out some crumpled up bills. The man saw that the boy already had money, started to get angry again. The little boy slowly counted out his money, and then looked up at his father.

DAD: "Why do you want more money if you already have some?"

SON: "Because I didn't have enough, but now I do.

"Daddy, I have $100 now. Can I buy an hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you."
The father was crushed. He put his arms around his little son, and he begged for his forgiveness. It's just a short reminder to all of you working so hard in life. We should not let time slip through our fingers without having spent some time with those who really matter to us, those close to our hearts. Do remember to share that $100 worth of your time with someone you love? If we die tomorrow, the company that we are working for could easily replace us in a matter of days. But the family and friends we leave behind will feel the loss for the rest of their lives. And come to think of it, we pour ourselves more into work than to our family.

Some things are more important.

What's important to you? 

My hubby and sons

Tuesday, June 18

Father's Day

With our conflicting work schedules I wasn't sure if we would see the love of my life on Father's Day. I was already sad missing my dad back in Michigan. I talked to him all morning which made me feel better.  This is one of my favorite pictures with my Daddy. He is the one in the black coat. He is awesome! He welcome my hubby with open arms and talks to him more then I do. Steve adores him I think it hurt him more then me on Father's day not being able to drive to see my dad. If we move back to Michigan it would be for my dad. My hubby is still trying to talk him in to moving to Florida or maybe Arizona so we can all be together.

                               We took our boys to the Cocoa Zoo. Here are some pictures from our trip. We walked into the bird exhibit with a cup of food and six birds landed on my hubby. It was too funny while Christopher tried to grab or to him pet the birds. He got upset when they wouldn't come back to him. He did after all try to strangle the birds.  Justin had a blast as you can tell in the picture now he wants one for his birthday next month along with a small creature of some sort. His words not mind. Thinking maybe a lizard or some fish to go with our Michigan turtles we still have.  I think this was the best part of the zoo with the monkey at the bottom who is sleeping like a human. It was too hot to see the other animals. The boys however did get to pet a white tail deer. Seeing the boys pet the deer made us think about the deer back home who kept stealing our food from our garden. We could go out and water it while they stood a arm length away.

It was about 95 degrees outside when we left to the beach. Justin is getting better at surfing we have taken him out every weekend since his daddy bought it for him. Christopher likes to try and copy his brother. It's too cute!
I love going to the beach hearing the waves. I love watching my hubby teach his son how to surf. He gets slammed by waves trying to help Jay get up on the surfboard. He really is a great father! He hates the feel of sand but goes to the beach for his family. I have never been happier then I am now our life is perfect for us. He makes me laugh all the time. He is a riot sometimes. By the end of the day my cheeks hurt from laughing all day. Christopher wore himself out by running around. I think by the time we left the beach it was almost 8'o clock at night. We were their all day.
This is the second time they have dug a hole to China in theory. They dig and Christopher fills it back up. This is the time I get my tan on. It's peaceful to lay on the beach. I like the feel of sand between my toes I just wish it would fall off before we get in the car. I tried to surf myself which was a bad ideal. Talk about one thing I can't do right now but maybe in the future I can take a wave. It was amazing day I hope your Father's day was as good as mine.

Thanks for reading come back again.

Sunday, June 16

Project Needham

I seen this on Pinterest so I made it. This is mind.
Here is the link on Pinterest.
Yes I took the tag off
I had a lot of fun with my boys. I love to garden they love to get dirty. They are boys who doesn't?Watering it is a task to keep the dirt from running over the sides. The key is do it slowly very slowly. The plants cost $8.00 at Lowes altogether I think I spent $50.00 total. I wanted to make the bottom pot bigger but my porch isn't that big in front of our house. This seems to be just right by my window. I can't wait till it grows out fully. I will also get a thyme plant to set on the other side I heard it will help keep mosquitoes away. Something I will have to try and see. Look for my review on it at the end of summer.

Here is my front door I'm not sure if I like it yet. I still like my red door from back home let's face it I miss my house from back home. Most of all I miss my garden we had it was huge. We just put shelves up in Justin's room he still doesn't know what color he wants to paint it.
I'm in the middle of working on this for my back porch. I will post pictures later once it's all done along with my garage that my hubby is working on as we speak. God knows what kind of idea's he has! Sometimes I think he is worst then me when it comes to projects and our house. If you have any neat idea's please feel free to share.

Saturday, June 8

My Household

Today has been a busy day for us. Justin cut the grass for seven dollars it would have been ten if he did all the front, back and sides.  He didn't do one side of the house then  negotiated his price. I said"yes to his offer."
He was too cute not to say yes.  We made slime today after lunch. Then showers are  a must.

We went to the park for some fun in the sun afterwards Ice Cream at McDonalds. They turned out not eating it instead played in the playground. I think we were there for awhile waiting for the storm to pass. It happen to be either McDonalds or a bar to get out of the storm. I thought the kids would like it better at the kids zone of fat. As you can see they had fun making all kinds of new friends. It never amazes me how quick my children make friends anywhere. It's great they have that gift. I still hate climbing inside those dame tubes.  A little shopping for projects at the house.Now my hubby and I will have a small movie night after our boys fall asleep. It has been a fun filled day. How was your Saturday?

Thursday, May 30

What do you think about?

                         What runs through your mind as your feet hit  the treadmill?

I walk up to the treadmill with ten minutes in my mind. I put my headphones in find my play list on my phone that contains songs from Shinedown, Nikki Minaj, Disturbed, Korn and some old school mix. Just about anything with a good beat that will keep me running. I press the quick start button on the treadmill it starts to move. I put in my weight and age start my heart rate watch as I walk slowly to fast pace up to three minutes then I increase my incline from one to 4 my speed from 4.0 to 4.7. At 30 seconds I speed up to 5.4 I'm in run mode one two three breathe one to three breathe as my feet hit the ground. I count my steps to breathe over and over in my head as I continue to run. I'm at five minutes I look up and over the treadmill I see a stop sign. I try and run to reach it but I can't. I see it in the distance as I continue to run faster I hit the speed to 6.2 I increase the incline to a 5 as I take a drink of water. Running up hill sucks as the thought passes my mind I want to stop. I can feel the burn in my legs I run harder and faster I increase again my speed is at 6.5. I let my mind wander about how good I will feel after I complete this run. I just completed a mad leg workout lifting weights for my legs  now as I run they feel like they are going to fall off. One two three breath in the nose out the mouth, I have to remind myself to breath its almost over. I look down the clock says 6 point something minutes. For My Sake song by Shinedown plays in my ear. I run a little faster the thought of having a nice butt hits my mind I smile because I like my butt it has a little bounce I never had before and it's almost round from my extreme squats I make myself take on daily. My hubby likes my backside so I tell myself keep running a nice butt is on the way I Fedex it. Go Go Go run now or you won't get that "ASS!" by 3 o'clock. I make myself laugh at what I will tell myself just to keep me running. It's okay now I'm at 7 minutes I really want to stop now my legs are shaking like crazy okay let's go my old school mix of 69 boys comes on the radio with other songs from the 90's hit's my ear. I get my second wind of air and it's like the pain disappears. I'm running at 7.0 now I feel great! One two three breath my heart rate is at 167 I'm in my zone yes  I wipe my face off as the sweat just pours off my body. I tell myself just a little longer keep going it will pay off in the end. I will look great in my new purple two piece this weekend at the beach. Not that I'm not sexy but running will bring the Sexy Back. Yes, I have a ego when it comes to my looks. I have always had I mean if I don't tell myself I'm sexy whatever my hubby's says won't matter. I have to believe it myself.

Thinking to myself

I'm going to have a nice ass!
I'm going to be fit!
I'm going to look good naked for a workout session with my hubby!
I'm going to look good in clothes!
I think I'm going to die if I keep running!
You better move those legs woman.
Nice ass nice ass go go go!
Bathing suit Bathing suit here I come just walking on the beach!
Just breath, breath and breath some more.

These are just a few things I tell myself when I run. When I'm having one of those days when I think I might stop no telling what will appear in my mind as I run. The one thing I don't know how to do is give up. To me that doesn't exist. If you want something you have to fight for it even if that means fighting yourself to reach your goal. You are your own worst enemy.

I look at the clock I'm at 15 minutes not bad I start to slow down to let my heart rate drop slowly. I walk for the next five minutes and slowly get down to 3.0 to stop. I had a nice run I can be proud of. I push myself to the extreme at every workout. I run for me I run for my health I run to clear my mind sometimes my mind is blank for the next 10 or 20 minutes I run. I have a goal of fitness I want to be at I won't stop till I get there.
This is what I think about. It's your turn to run tell me what's on your mind.

Monday, May 27

Memorial Day,AAAAQBxUw0E~,DELAM66vw4z-hl01IhycwsWq-6Y4XfEN

We can never thank these fallen soldiers, and their families, enough. Let us all keep them in our thoughts and prayers. Be humbled. Be gracious! Be grateful Be Kind listen if someone wants to talk it's hard for soldiers to talk about the past.

Here are a few links to take a look at that supports our Military.

Tuesday, May 14

Today & Yesterday

 Have you ever had one of those days? Today I guess was my day. Being a mom is always busy.Today was a lot of fun doing paperwork to get my passport to go to Niagara Falls dealing with Mr.Christopher who is in the post office yelling at the top of his very healthy lungs "Mommy!" over and over. Everyone and  their Momma was looking at me. Did I leave? Nope, I was there to get a passport. I was staying to finish it only to have the guy behind the counter tell me they don't do interviews on Mondays I would have to come back. 
I asked Christopher " Hey, son please use your inside voice please."
Christopher says laughing " NO, Mommy."
I ask him again "Why are you screaming?"
Christopher yells " I'm crazy!" Shaking his head and hands kind of like that kid in the commercial where they are all sitting around the table talking to the man in the suit asking questions. I couldn't help but laugh it was funny as can be. I didn't get mad at him he is a child unlike the lady who says to me " I wouldn't be seen with that kid. Just wait till he is older criminal." As she walks away.
Me laughing " I doubt my son will be a criminal because he is being crazy right now. He is two and by the way the line moved you lost your spot." As I yell " NO cuts!" All eyes on me I continue to fill out my paperwork and ask my questions about how to get our boys passports. Did you know that you have to have it okay by both parents before you leave the country? So with that note I have to wait till my hubby can come to sign the paperwork with me or have the paperwork the post office gave me to  notarized with my hubby signature. Then he doesn't have to be there for both kids. It's Canada! Who is going to run away to Canada  (Laughing) I don't know but because people have just like the warning notice on a hair dyer that says "Don't blow dry your hair while standing in the shower!" Who did that and why would you?(Laughing) 

We leave the post office to go grocery shopping well we walked into the aisle way to get tomatoes. Yup, You guess it Christopher started it all over again. I went and got the things I needed. Once we made it to the checkout he says" Mommy, I love you!" He has a very cute voice. He was having an off day. He is never like that.

He was quiet in the car on the way to the YMCA. He was sleeping that's why no complaints here gave me a rest. He loves to go play with the kids in the kids zone it's like a daycare while I workout. I ran for 30 minutes burned 350 calories then I worked my legs and back. I was exhausted by the end. I love this YMCA Justin can come workout with me. It's nice to spend time just the two of us. I took a brake from working my thighs to take a picture of him on the bike which he burned 13 calories. He was really excited showing me his muscles. I think we will continue this just like our Coffee Day Friday which is where we drink coffee but his is decaffeinated.

Have you ever had an off day like my two year old please tell me about it.

Mother's Day was the best ever we killed a snake. I hate snakes!
 I took a video which is on facebook thanks to my hubby we were saved from the snake getting into the house. I love the ocean but the creatures that live here I'm not sure about. 

We didn't do as much as I wanted to in the garden after the run in with the snake. My wonderful hubby and boys took me out for a late lunch/dinner at Chili's before we took our boys to see Iron Man 3.  It's been awhile since we went to the movies. It's something my hubby and I have always liked to do since we have been together. It was $54.00 for all of us to go with popcorn and pop. I was in shock like OMG! Are you kidding me? Wow, times have changed since last April. I think that was the last time we went. We still have date night at home. It's more entertaining at home. (laughing) We can do so much more than you can in a theater. Not that we haven't but that was when we were younger! (I kill me with the things I can freely talk about) That stuff is for another blog. 

I think this movie was AWESOME! Christopher did very well for his first time. 

This was at the start of the movie. He was really into it! He is growing up so fast I want to stop him. Both my boys. This won't be his last time going. I am very proud to be a mother to both my children. They are the reason I am who I am today. I love you guys. My hubby made it a special one just like any other day he always makes me feel like his Queen. I'm such a lucky lady to have people care about me like my family does. Have a bless day to anyone and everyone who is reading. 

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