
Showing posts with label Justin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Justin. Show all posts

Friday, January 3

Disney World Christmas Eve

                                                 Bucket List markdown here we go.

                                      37. Take the boys to Disney World for Christmas.CHECK

I didn't think we would be able to do it this year but I'm glad we did. It was even better that my sister,mom and my little niece Eva were able to share this Journey with us. My sister has never been I was surprised my baby sister had a great time!

She is a big kid herself she was really excited calling everyone telling them where she was at. She was a total spaz she was more excited then the kids were. It was a blast! A little cold during the morning hours it was a jacket pants kind of day. The shops were insane it reminded me of New York tons of stuff you can buy. Just an F.Y.I wait to buy your stuff at the end when you are leaving which leaves your arms free all day. That's what we did.

We had to stop by and see Buzz. It was funny how my little one just carried on a conversation with him like he knew him for years. We had to dance with Frozone  I believe was a women inside the suit.

Justin and I got down but Eva not so much danced the super hero dance.

 Tea cup ride we are holding on for dear life
as my hubby tries to make us all dizzy with the help of our other son. 

Boys with the little mermaid Christopher was being funny as you can see his eyes are closed. He just saw the movie the lady in this picture kept in character. I liked that everyone who was at Disney had very high energy. It was great!

We had to fight aliens!
Love the Castle! 

The castle was beautiful in with that saying it was over crowed. My hubby almost got into a fight because some old man about 50 or so thought it was a good ideal to push his way though the crowd to try to get past our son. The man started talking trash which lead my hubby to tell him to show him. I almost had a heart attack for as long as we have been married I have only seen him get mad once. Again at another old man who pushed our son in our house not a good thing to push our son then when he was two or now that he is ten. I made him count to ten and breath we all had to. My sister almost dropped my niece thanks from an adult who two handed push her and others to get through the crowd. Thank god the stroller saved her from the concert because that wouldn't have been good for the adult. There wasn't a place where you weren't elbow to elbow or butt cheek to butt cheek with someone waiting for the fireworks to start.

Still not a stroller place there were too many people pushing the stroller I felt bad for my niece who was in an umbrella stroller and my Popsicle who was in a jogging stroller. The adults there were the worst of all.You would think they would get the hint that it's a kids place. Christopher had to be saved by me at the end of the night from being trampled on by adults. Hubby had to save him once again by another adult from falling on him as we were leaving. It was insane at the end of the night. There where just way too many people other then that it was a lot of fun. Thinking about next year already. My advice pick any other day beside Christmas Eve to go to Disney World if not leave before the castle lights up with fireworks. It's a lesson learn I guess if I had to do it over we would have just picked a spot up by main street to sit and wait for the fireworks to start.  Over all My mom had a blast she loved it made her feel like a kid again. She was able to go on rides with her grandkids and be silly.
Super Dad to the rescue!!!! 

Things to know for next time
1. Bring a jacket in December it will get cold once the sun goes down.
2. Be aware of stupid people mainly the ADULTS who have NO common sense that it's a children's place.
3. Get a spot up by main street if you want to watch the fireworks and stay don't leave till the crowd leaves.
4. Buy your stuff at the end
5. Take a backpack to put all your goodies in
6. Take a camera
7. Have fun
8. Be a kid again

Thursday, August 29

The Life in the Sun!

I love the picture above. Our little one keeps us all on our feet even at the Beach as he thinks he can catch a bird and take him home. One of us is always running down the Beach chasing him. My wonderful hubby was surfing with our oldest playing catch digging to China like the GREAT Father he is. He did get stung by a jellyfish. I have to admit after I was stung in the eye I'm a little worried about the Jelly's but not enough to keep me out of the water. It was the worst pain I ever felt in my life my face hurt for 48 hours. I was not letting anyone pee on me. Which is a myth the best thing for a jellyfish sting is vinegar. That is a must need item now when we travel to the beach. 

 I love The beach it's nice to go and relax in the sun. Here are some pictures of last weekend at the beach I can't wait for this coming up weekend we are going to watch the Surfing contest at Cocoa Beach. The hubby and I agree we want our son Justin to watch it before we start him in classes since he already has a full plate with Hip Hop dance class, Soccer and Choir class this year already.  

It amazes us how well he learns new things like surfing. He is a pro he just started this year. His surf board is huge he takes it out with daddy. 

He has been a dancer since he was born. He sings all the time but now has taken a huge interest in it. I love being a mom. I'm very proud of Justin school already started three weeks ago he has good grades tons of friends. I couldn't ask for a better kid. He is a huge influence on his little brother. Christopher wants to do everything his big brother does. They have a wonderful relationship as brothers it makes my heart happy to see how they interact with each other. 

However his idea of bringing home this sea turtle shell was not going to happen it would have never fit in our car nor on top. He wanted to bleach it and make a slide out of it. I love your idea's kid just not this one it still had dead meat in it. 

Until next time have a wonderful day! Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, July 16

Happy 10th Birthday Justin

My little man turned ten years old this past Saturday. I had a little surprise for him I filled his door with balloons so when he opened it all the balloons would fall down. It made him smile that's all my hubby and I was going for.

It took about 40 balloons to fill it.
Cake and ice cream for breakfast then we were off to Wet &Wild in Orlando. 

 It was nice they had 7 water slides and a play place for smaller kids. The ice cream dots were awesome along with the very very hot sidewalk. I thought my skin was going to melt off my feet. Word to the wise wear sandals leave them at the bottom of the water slide so you can still have skin.  We went in the morning to avoid the crowds that came in about 2 pm. It seems like yesterday that I was holding my son in my arms. Time flies by way too fast when you are having fun. He is such a great kid we were blessed with. I'm very proud of how my son has turned out. It's funny I don't think my son looks anything like his baby pictures. We later took him to see the Medieval Times in Orlando. It was nice to see some fighting and horse races.
 When bought tickets we told them it was our son's birthday they announced him as a knight Justin who is turning 10. His face was priceless the food was a little greasy. No forks just our good old hands ripping into the chicken leg,ribs and potatoes. It was fun to be right by the stage. The horses were beautiful to see up close. We cheered on the yellow knight as he fought to the death. By the way is too funny to see how they fling themselves off the horse and battle. I never laughed so hard. Our boys were intrigued by the swords.

Dear Son,
Your father and I adore every minute we get to spend with you. It's your smile that melts our heart. Your questions that lead to many others that drive us crazy. Your kind heart that makes us very proud of you. You are the best big brother a person can have. 
NO matter what it is you are there to guide your little brother to be the best. I have seen you grow from a baby to an almost teenager. I wish I could turn the clock back and spend your baby times with you all over again. 
Times like this is priceless Halloween 2005
You always make us laugh.   You remind me so much of your dad with how you think you can fix everything. If you don't know how to do it you will find a way. As you remind daddy of me with your one of a kind personality. I love how you never give up. People want to be around you no matter where you are. Justin your father and I weren't ready for you but you somehow made us the parents we are today. I hope you like all your legos, bike and drawing gear for your Birthday. Next stop is Disney World. 
Love Mom & Dad
P.S you will always be my little man.

September 2010
2013 May

Sunday, June 30

What's important to you?

I have seen this on Facebook many times. I have to say I'm very lucky and proud to be married to a man who doesn't do this as you will read. Our boys don't have to pay or ask for their father's time they have it all day long. My hubby works very hard to keep up with daily events in our boys life. He is always playing with them whether it is with Christopher playing hide and seek for hours or with Justin surfing and legos is a hit in our house.  NO matter what it is he is very much part of everything our boys do. He will find a way to work it out with work so he doesn't miss anything in their life. He is an amazing father! He is more then I could have ever want in a man who is the father of my children. No matter how tired he may be or sick no energy it doesn't matter he will be there for his boys. If they want to go someone he takes them no matter what it is.   He will sit for hours with Justin talking about his idea's for the future since Justin loves to make and create things. My hubby can't draw but will sit and try while Justin draws. Christopher loves to act like a plane and fly around the house with Daddy at his side. My hubby loves to spend his time with our boys. I have never asked or begged him to spend time with his children. He does it because he wants to they are the reason he lives. He once told me that he physically hurts when he can't be with them. He never gets mad at our boys for anything.Our boys will always know they are loved no matter what.     Justin always says "Daddy is my Hero!" Their father and son bond is unbreakable!
A loving Father.

SON: "Daddy, may I ask you a question?"
DAD: "Yeah sure, what is it?"
SON: "Daddy, how much do you make an hour?"
DAD: "That's none of your business. Why do you ask such a thing?"
SON: "I just want to know. Please tell me, how much do you make an hour?"
DAD: "If you must know, I make $100 an hour."
SON: "Oh! (With his head down).
SON: "Daddy, may I please borrow $50?"
The father was furious.
DAD: "If the only reason you asked that is so you can borrow some money to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense, then you march yourself straight to your room and go to bed. Think about why you are being so selfish. I work hard everyday for such this childish behavior."

The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door.
The man sat down and started to get even angrier about the little boy's questions. How dare he ask such questions only to get some money?
After about an hour or so, the man had calmed down, and started to think:
Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that $ 50 and he really didn't ask for money very often. The man went to the door of the little boy's room and opened the door.

DAD: "Are you asleep, son?"

SON: "No daddy, I'm awake".
DAD: "I've been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier. It's been a long day and I took out my aggravation on you. Here's the $50 you asked for."

The little boy sat straight up, smiling.
SON: "Oh, thank you daddy!"
Then, reaching under his pillow he pulled out some crumpled up bills. The man saw that the boy already had money, started to get angry again. The little boy slowly counted out his money, and then looked up at his father.

DAD: "Why do you want more money if you already have some?"

SON: "Because I didn't have enough, but now I do.

"Daddy, I have $100 now. Can I buy an hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you."
The father was crushed. He put his arms around his little son, and he begged for his forgiveness. It's just a short reminder to all of you working so hard in life. We should not let time slip through our fingers without having spent some time with those who really matter to us, those close to our hearts. Do remember to share that $100 worth of your time with someone you love? If we die tomorrow, the company that we are working for could easily replace us in a matter of days. But the family and friends we leave behind will feel the loss for the rest of their lives. And come to think of it, we pour ourselves more into work than to our family.

Some things are more important.

What's important to you? 

My hubby and sons

Friday, March 1

Rock Wall

30 on 30 Part 2
Day 1
 I took these pictures of my 9 year old who loves to take adventures anytime he can. The YMCA is a great place to spend time with your children. I took the pictures of him in the red last week but the one in the blue shirt is from today. When we lived in Michigan he like to go to Gibraltar Trade Center where his passion took off. It was the summer after he turned four years old. He likes to do anything new and fun. He saw the rock wall and instantly wanted to do it. He did and he made it to the top not once but three times. The next morning he complained about his belly hurting but it didn't stop him from doing it again and again. My hubby and I are very proud of him. No matter what he may want to do in life like rock climb we will support him. I always tell my son if you put your mind to it, you can do anything your heart wants.
He is a pro at it now. Its too cute to hear him brag. " I have this mom it's a piece of cake." Even better is hearing him telling the kids who have a hard time that there is nothing to it. His encouragement with his words are amazing for his age. Nothing new to us our son has always tried to help others to be there best. He is growing into a warm,kind, helpful and generous pre teen. I guess my hubby and I have done a great job so far. I don't see my son changing in this aspect. We love you Justin very much. Never give up honey the world is yours to conquer.

Tuesday, October 9

Airport Show

This past weekend my hubby and I took the boys to an airport show. It was really neat to see some of the military planes. Justin got a kick out of seeing the navy boys jump out of the plane which happens to be the same one my hubby jumped out of. I couldn't help but notice the pure happiness that came over my hubby as he told our son Justin about being in the Marines. He was explaining to him how the planes worked. Justin was even able to sit in the pilot seat which he still talks about today. I'm excited to say I think both my men in my life might take up being a pilot someday. They were able to take a three minute helicopter ride before we left. I think a permanent smile has been place on both of their faces for ever. I love the fact that my hubby takes a huge interest in our boys life. Justin is his little side kick. Anything daddy does Justin does. It's nice to see our son looks up to his father. I wouldn't have it any other way. It makes me extremely happy to see a strong Father and Son bond that can never be broken. They share so much in common and are so much alike it's amazing what a father can do in a child's life. My children will never have to worry about daddy not being their for them. My hubby has always been there for both. Our children are truly his weakness.

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Sunday, August 26

21 Questions to ask your kids


Justin's answers
1. I love you
2. Do what I'm told.
3. If I get hurt
4. I act silly.
5. funny
6.27(lol 29)
7. 6 foot 2( Really 5'3)
8. To be with us
9. Be bored
10. Your Book
11. Writing
12. Drawing
13. Take care of us
14. Turkey
15. Do your best
16. Superman/super girl
17. Play games,go to the park
18. Same attitude
19. You write and I draw
20.  Appreciate what I do and you tell me I love you
21. Ocean

Monday, July 23

Lego Land

Saturday was a very long day starting at 5am. We drove to Orlando to pick up our buddy from the airport then two hours to Lego Land. At first I didn't like it but as we walked into the park it's a mini ceder point for kids Justin's age. We all had a blast walking in 100 degrees. I think I lost 10 pounds just sweating while I walked around trying to keep Christopher busy while the boys went on the roller coasters. There were a lot of playgrounds for kids his age but that was it. It was too hot for the slides so eating ice and letting him run around was plan B. Here are some pictures of our day. Steve inform me that we are are planning a Vegas trip for our honeymoon. I can't wait for that. Everything is made out of Lego's. They had mini Lego town including Vegas,New York and the White House. It's was all amazing to see it that small. I wonder how long it took to build the town with such detail. I highly suggest taking your child if they are 6 to 12 and in love with Lego's like my son is. The tickets are high but it you buy them online you will save ten dollars per ticket. They also have a water park but didn't do it instead we are going to go to splash park in Orland it has more options for Christopher to play.

Here are the boys with a giant giraffe that daddy almost broke. Below is a Dino all out of Lego's it's insane what some people can do.

Monday, July 9

Happy 9th Birthday Justin

Happy Birthday my little man. I want you to know you have made me a better person since you came into my life. Mommy, Daddy and Christopher adore you so much. I hope you like your trip to Lego Land. I can't belive you are nine today nine. The time really goes by fast. I'm very proud to be called your mother. You are the most amazing person I have ever met. You don't have a mean bone in your body. You always give second chances to anyone. I love how you can make friends anywhere. You are the best big brother Christopher can have. You two do everything together even when you would rather close your bedroom door. Instead you sit on the floor in his room to play cars. You don't complain about anything you just go with it. I hope you have fun today can't wait for Lego Land. We love you!

Wednesday, June 13


 You are my son. I carried you for nine months. I felt you grow inside my belly. I watched you come into this world at 7 pounds 14 ounces on a hot July day. I watched you fall and crawl but only after you took your first steps at 7 months. You ran yes my dear boy you ran. You have been non stop since then. You had eight teeth in at six months a mouth full by one. You look just like me your mommy. I love you more then life itself. I may have of had you at 19 but I wouldn't change it for the world. You made me a mother. I had a purpose once I held you in my arms.  Your tiny toes and your tiny fingers stop me right in my tracks. I will protect to no end. Justin we came a long way in eight years. You are everything I ever wanted in a son and more. You make me laugh everyday. I smile when you come into a room. No matter what it is you can make anyone smile. You brighten my life with your ray of sunshine. At two you thought you were a dare devil jumping off things. I had many heart attacks at that age. You started pre-school at three. The high light of your day was going outside and coloring. You were a ladies man at a young age. Everyone wanted to be around you it's still the same now. For being so little and young you sure have accomplish a lot. You can top any sport you join. You are the best at what you do. You have idea's that are out of this world. Next month you will be nine Justin. Where did the time go? You are growing into a young little man. I see how much you truly listen and take after your father. It is something rare to see a father and his son as close as you are. I can now see the impact I'm leaving on you. You don't take any one's word until you prove it.  You don't give up you stand tall. I love having our little talks as we walk around the pond a million times a day. You are still my baby boy with beautiful baby blue eyes you get from my side of the family. I could really see at three who you were growing up to be. You have been the same in mind,body and soul.  I love your stories you write about. I love them even more when you read them. You are a great reader. You are always watching out for your bother. You two drive me crazy but I wouldn't have it any other way. These are just some of your footprints you leave in my heart. I have a million more to tell.

Sunday, May 13

Meet Levi

Hello, Everyone meet Levi. He is the newest member of our family. He has already at the trim off our door he is currently working on the other side. Half if not all of the boys toys are in his belly as we speak parts anyways. He sleeps like a human looks like Steve and I are going to give Justin our bed and get a king size one. Justin's bed is just not big enough for both of them. He ate the blinds out of the spare bedroom. Christopher rides him around the house. Steve and I chase  after Levi while Christopher is holding as he runs. It's a must see. Christopher seems to think it's real funny. We can't seem to leave him alone which turns out to be the only time he eats the house.  Levi doesn't like people, little dogs or geese we named Stephanie and Gorge. He trys to eat the chicken duck we call him that because his mom was a chicken sadly daddy was a duck.The kids are loving having a dog! Steve and I are really thinking about getting another dog. He really needs a friend to play with. We took Levi to get a bath today while we were there Justin saw a kitten. I'm not sure about that but they were really adorable. In the word's of my son" He is only $80 dollars I have half mom!' The Needham house is starting to get full now I don't know what is next in line. I know that I will never get sick of our house full. I love it!

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