
Showing posts with label Christopher. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christopher. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 10

Co- Sleeping

I love this picture above. This is my Popsicle and I every night. Like last night I tried to sit up with the family and watch Ghost Rider the second one. It lost me in the first ten minutes it's nothing like the first one. It really upset me because the first one was really good. I hate when they ruin a good movie. Anyways this is one way Christopher will fall asleep with me. I have to brag that Christopher has fallen asleep in his bed all week by his self. It's amazing! I love being able to cuddle with my hubby. It' s great! My question to you is when did your baby start sleeping in his or her own bed? Don't get me wrong I love co- sleeping with my baby but sometimes you need your own space.

I think I need to get a king size bed. I'm going on a mission today to look for a bed. I would really like to see if Christopher will sleep in his bed for a change but I don't think that will happen for long in his own room. I think he has slept in his bed only because it's right next to mind. If he is not in my arms I can't sleep. It's too weird I was the same way with Justin until he was five. Steve insisted on buying Christopher a crib which he took only naps in. The crib now sits in Christopher closet. I have been looking for a dinosaurs bed for him no luck yet. I see today will be a challenge. Wish me luck I need it.

Tuesday, May 22

Christopher at 19 months

Here is my Popsicle at 19 months. He is a hand full. I love every minute of it. He is almost potty train so I might hit my deadline. He tells us when he has to go. He has to be naked when he goes poop just like Justin. I don't get the point but they obviously get that from their daddy who is the same way. They all want to talk to me when they are in the oval office. Another one I don't understand. It must be a guy thing. I'm not sure being the only girl in the house I like to close the door. Even if it is a second before the dog, Steve or Christopher comes in to talk to me.

Christopher talks up a storm. I can't believe how much he says already. He is amazing! He has learned how to climb up on the table to jump off. He is a dare devil at heart. I'm forever telling him “Don't step on the dog. Don't go outside by yourself. Don't hit your brother. Put the bike down! Don't use hot sauce to wash your hair. Don't spit. (Thanks to me) Get out of the closet! Get dress. No, you can't have coffee. It will keep you short. Don't jump over the furniture”. After each one of these he looks at me with a smile and says “Why Momma?” I ran out of reasons. I just now say “Because I said so Christopher!” I was explaining to him that some of these things can hurt him it just lead to another question. Between both boys I answer questions all day long. October is coming up fast he will be two years old. It doesn't seem like it has been that long ago when Steve and Jay were rubbing my belly talking to him. Christopher is just the right mix of both Steve and I. He has the cutest smile I have ever seen. He is too goofy. He loves to get in my face to give me a kiss. That is how he wakes me up. If I try to wake him up he screams and yells because he wants to sleep in. It's cute! His favorite movie is Alvin and the Chipmunks. I now know this movie by heart. I love when he calls me mommy. It melts my heart. I love hearing his tiny feet run around with big brother and daddy. He is a little master mind when it comes to yoga. He is too cute to get in trouble. Christopher will sit next to me while I'm on the computer. I adore these times like this. I love being a mommy nothing else can compare.

Thursday, April 12

Christopher's First Hair Cut

We just had Christopher's hair cut the other day. He looks like a little man now. It makes us sad he has grown up so much since his birthday. Right before my eyes the little baby I once held in my arms is now a toddler. He is extremely smart beyond belief. He amazes me by how fast he picks up anything you say and do. He reminds me of Justin when he was little. The outgoing, catch me if you can, take my breath away little heart breaker. Christopher has the eyes you can get lost in as for his Big Brother's smile that will melt your heart. My boys mean the world to me. Today watching them take a bath together made me happy to hear Justin talk to Christopher as he listen. Christopher soaks up all the information like his daddy. He is a free spirit like Justin and of course he has his momma attitude all the way. I can't help it I'm Mexican! Steve refers to me as his little enchilada.(his favorite food)  Christopher is something else. He makes our family complete. He brings nothing but joy to our lives. If you blink you will miss something. I have to push Steve out of the door in the morning to go to work even though we see him we work at the same place.That's the great thing about working as your own boss you can bring your kids to work. He doesn't want to leave Christopher's side. My little Popsicle has his daddy wrapped around his little finger. Well he has all of us wrapped around his litlle finger.

Tuesday, November 22

Kids,Potty Training and The Tree

Christopher & Potty Training are like oil and water they just don't mix. I have been potty training Christopher now for two weeks. I have been peed on unclogged his foot from the toilet many times now and chased him around the house naked as he pees all over the place. I do not recall it being this hard trying to potty train Justin.I was also 19 now I'm old. I had him sink the Cheerios and that was that. Justin walked at seven months so with Christopher walking at nine I thought no problem right. Nope now we have gotten into the biting part. Christopher likes to take off all the Christmas ornaments. I took one from him this morning gave it to Jay to put back on the tree. I hear Justin say "That hurts stop!" Christopher bit him on the hand and almost drew blood. I was in a state of shock trying to tell him we don't bit people when he Jay starts laughing telling him he is evil. I couldn't finish the punishment when Mommy is laughing. I came home from dropping Jay off at school when I had to go though "Don't touch the tree!" again as I'm putting the ornament back on the tree. Christopher grabs my leg and shakes it to bite me. I don't think so I put him in his playpen. I have a time out chair I hope it works for my Popsicle. It must be his daddy who was a little off his rocker when he was younger that is where Christopher gets this from. Christopher yells for Daddy when I'm telling him to stop whatever he is not suppose to do. He yells for Jay when we are telling him to do something else.When he cries he calls for me. The sippy cup and not the bottle who in the world thought that would be a piece of cake? Even at the end of the day cleaning up what he doesn't want for lunch that is now half way down the steps,on the wall and in my coat pocket seems to be the highlight of my day. I love to find cars in the washer. I love finding new things in Justin pockets when I wash his pants he seem to take on daddy's trait of not cleaning out your pants pockets. I had a gay hair dresser tell me "Honey you need some color!" Christopher you are too funny when you throw yourself down on the ground and push yourself backwards when you are mad. Steve I love the way you make us laugh. Justin please don't get out of the truck butt first and fall. My house always has toys on the floor. Sometimes there is an object flying past my head at any moment. It is a toy,clothes or a juice box I still step back to smile. To top it off I went to the doctor's to find out if another Needham is to appear in nine months. I love my family. I love my life.

Thursday, October 20

Did your babies kick differently?

This is for all the women who have more then one baby. I have a one year old and eight year old. I find myself comparing my two boys. They are alike in many ways but very different too.  With my son Justin he only kicked when I wanted to sleep. I worked back to back shifts normally 14 hours a day sometimes longer. Justin would hardly ever move until I wanted to sit down and rest. His kicks were soft with a side of weirdness then again being a first time proud mommy at 19 too. I didn't really know what it should feel like. I remember the very first time Jay moved I was sitting watching the news waiting to leave for work when I felt a little flutter in the lower part of my stomach. I looked right at my cat and asked him if he felt that? (Laughing) I knew he didn't but I guess a normally reaction to what just happen. It felt like an alien inside me. With my second pregnancy Christopher was a mad man that felt like he was going to karate chop his way out of my belly. He would move for hours while Steve would talk and rub my belly. Steve would always put his head on my belly to only have Christopher kick him over and over again. Steve loved it he would just smile, laugh then look at me with those big brown eyes and say" That's our son." He would kiss my belly to his new son inside the womb. Steve couldn't wait to be a daddy again since he didn't get the chance to do it with Justin. I only saw Steve once while I was pregnant with Jay. The second time around was new to both of us. We were able to do everything together. Steve was awesome with me during my pregnancy a little too over protected at times well the whole time. It was sweet that we had that time to bond again as a couple to renew our love with each other. Christopher kicks were hard anytime he moved. Sometimes he would be so far up under my rib that he would make me sick. I could feel and see his foot sticking out of my belly. Now that is a sight to see Steve was astounded by what he saw. He still had a permanent smile on his face. There was my wonderful husband by my side holding my hair and rubbing my belly. He would tell Christopher to calm down so I could get some rest. Christopher would do just that. He would only move to his daddy and big brother voice not so much mind which was okay. I have to say its still the same when Steve or Justin walks into the room Christopher lights up as do they.The question Did your babies kick you different?

Monday, October 17

Happy Birthday Christopher

Thanks to everyone who showed up for my Popsicle 1st Birthday it was awesome. I think we all had a blast this past weekend. I went with a Halloween theme and everyone came in a costume. Christopher was a dragon while big brother was a cowboy. It was too cute he didn't know what to do with the cake since we don't let the kids eat sweets. Justin blew out his candle for him and helped opened his gifts.  I love these moments they only come once so I embraced them as often as I can. I let Jay invite his friends so I didn't get many pictures of him. He was too busy with them outside. My kids had fun and that is what counts the most. It was like pulling teeth to get Steve to dress up but it paid off in the end just like all the shopping I did. We look fantastic together all dressed up.Thanks to my Mom and Nana who help put icing on the cupcakes and cookies they were a hit. Halloween is by far my favorite Holiday to celebrate. It's amazing to watch you children grow up. Christopher is all over the place walking getting into things. He has a temper for a little person but a smile that will melt your heart. I love every second of everyday I get to spend with my boys. They grow up so very fast Justin is now in hockey. I am thankful that Steve and I can watch our children grow up together. There is so much to do to see when you have kids it's insane how times goes by. I have to admit Justin's first game I will be a mess or one of those crazy hockey moms not sure yet. I know I get a little crazy when my hubby plays it's a rough sport. Justin can take it beside I don't think they play dirty at his age yet. I'm crossing my fingers! Bring on the yelling and the lost voice. I'm happy he gets to play something new again. I try to keep Justin busy it's important to keep him active. Steve took him skating on Sunday which was an excuse for them two to spend time together. Then again I never have to beg Steve to spend time with his boys. He does it because he wants to. Have I mention that I think my hubby is a great father? I think I might of but he is. I'll say it again. I love him for that. I know these two coming months are going to be crazy with cub scouts, hockey and school. Sometimes I don't even have time to think I'm always on the go. I wouldn't change anything about my life I love it.  Until my next post have a good night readers.

Thursday, October 13

I’m excited

Today at 7:30 am my water broke last year while I was sitting at the table reading with Jay man. Today is the day Steve and I became parents again and Justin became a big brother. Our little Popsicle was born 8pounds and 2 ounces. He was born on the same day Justin was born on the 13th different months and eight years apart I may add. This must be our lucky number because I used to live on 13th street when Steve and I meet again. This last year has been a big adjustment for all of us having a little one in the house again. I have to say having my hubby here this time around meant more to me then he will ever know. I know he wanted to be here for Justin but his call was over seas. Steve was at every doctor appointments he didn’t miss one at all. He was with me every step of the way. I can remember when we seen Christopher on the ultra sound for the first time our heart drop to the floor. Steve kissed me on the forehead with a smile on his face that could be seen a mile away. Excitement over took my thoughts that day. We had so much to do and so much to buy. Today at 4:47 pm our bundle of joy will be one years old. His birthday party is this weekend I can’t wait. However we are giving him his gifts today after my little man Justin comes home from school. Justin made me promise him I would wait for big brother to come home. Justin is a great big brother. He loves Christopher very much at times I will find him talking to Christopher telling him about the world or what he did in school that day. Christopher is walking already we started potty training him too. These last two weeks he has been a pain with four more teeth coming in. This will make eight all together. He is growing up so fast. I’m glad GOD choose us to be his parents. We have done a great job with Justin so far I can’t wait to see what this New Year will bring. With all the craziness in the house I wouldn’t change it for the world. Happy Birthday Popsicle Mommy, Daddy and Big brother loves you very much.

Wednesday, September 21

Christopher walking to me

My baby boy is walking to me. Three months ago he started walking to the bed from the dresser in our bedroom. I'm so proud of him look at him go. He will be one next month I can't believe this time last year I was counting down the days before he appeared on the 13th. I remember it like it was yesterday. Steve really came though for me making all the important calls to our family. He took pictures like a crazy man. I still remember the permanent smile my little man and Steve had on their face when they saw Christopher. Mommy,Daddy and big brother Justin love you very much Popsicle.

Wednesday, July 13


You share this special day with your older brother I guess the number 13 is my lucky number. You are nine months today. It seems just yesterday I sent a picture of a plus sign to your Daddy. I could hear the excitement in his voice when he called me. We are pregnant is what he said not Hello but We are pregnant I'm on my way home. Once he was at home all he kept saying was I love you as he touched my belly over and over. Daddy was just as happy about you as he was with Justin. Daddy and I want to have a big family and you are a part of it. I had the bloated feet, legs and happiness the whole time you grew inside my belly. I love how much you have grown so much since the first day we met you. You love the water. You would rather be in it than dry ground like your big brother Justin. Every time you see him you think he is the most funniest person in the world. I love the way you have been talking. I love the way you sit with Daddy and Big brother just playing. You are coming in your own with your own way of doing things. You have a attitude like me. Your Daddy would fall over if he heard me just say that. You are all over the house crawling like a mad man. You are trying to walk real bad just not there yet. We love you Christopher I can't wait to see what else is to come.

Thursday, June 16


Boy oh Boy does my baby boy have a temper. Coming back from the olive garden last night he screamed his head off. He wanted out of the car seat. He kept saying momma and dadda it broke my heart. I hate hearing my baby cry anytime. I never let my children cry I always have them right by my side. Steve was rubbing my leg telling me he will be okay as he drove home. We don't live far from the restaurant like maybe five minutes. Still it seemed like forever before I was able to take him out and hold him. Once I had him in my arms he stop. Christopher has some lungs big brother put his head phones on. Once I had him in my arms Justin came and gave his baby brother a kiss on the forehead. Justin was upset that he couldn't do anything to help. I told my son that it was okay sometimes he just needs to be held. Steve curled up in bed with him last night. It was so adorable. They said their prayers. Then I hear laughing then signing. I had to walk in there to tell them to go to sleep. Laughing they said okay Mom. I hate having to brake up a happy moment. Christopher eats pretty good without teeth. He is almost walking and drinks from a cup. He is growing up so fast.  He stands up and jumps in his crib.  Christopher thinks he is a monkey by trying to crawl out of the crib. Then he gets stuck between the bars. Poor baby of mind sometimes I wonder what he is thinking.  Christopher fell asleep by my side as his daddy came up to cuddle with me. Steve lay his head on my belly and was out. I think I put him to sleep by running my fingers though his hair. Justin is making Chris laugh right now as I write. I love these moments in life where you can just sit back and watch.

Thursday, April 14

6 months old

Wow, Christopher is already 6 months old. I can’t believe it. He is getting so big. He already has his daddy’s attitude although Steve says he gets it from me. I beg to differ but anyways I adore my little Popsicle he is so cute. I have to say I’m a little jealous that he says dada first. Justin said momma first so I guess I will give this one to Steve.

This month has been crazy taking Justin back and forth to swimming, soccer practice and games not to mention boy scouts. It has been keeping us very busy. In all of this confusion I ‘m trying to put an ending on my book make a cover and all the stuff that follows. It would help if Justin’s stuff was on different days but no that would be asking too much. I just got Justin’s spring pictures back and he is not my baby anymore he is growing up. I sat at the table Monday just bawling my eyes out. Jay thought I got a paper cut. (lol) I just hugged him then told him way I was crying he gave me a hug. He said he will always be my baby. How cute is that! Good news I just lost 5 more inches off my waistline. I can say hello to that little bikini I have for New York.  Working out 3 days at the gym and the other days at home are really paying off. I get like addicted to it.  It's great! I’m thinking about taking some classes to work towards my black belt this summer.  My sister is due in July and she is so cute with a belly. His name is brain she picked a name out already. I can't wait to meet him.

Tuesday, October 19

Christopher David Needham

I don't know where to start he a week old today. He is so great so precious I love begin a mom again.My water broke last week  it was time to go get check in at the hospital. My hubby was  great with me every step of the way.I ended up having a c-section because he was laying on the cord. When he came out he was just fine. Justin is a big brother he loves it between us and him this baby is going to be so spoiled rotten.If I'm not holding him his daddy or big brother is. Life is so truly amazing that I was able to have a healthy little boy. He is a good baby . He sleeps though the night he doesn't cry at all unless we have to change him. He doesn't like to be naked at all. Jay was the same way! I can't get over the fact that he is here finally  we can hold him. Although I can't do anything for the next eight weeks but stay at home. It's okay because I have a loving  husband who is taking good care  of me. He is a little on the paranoid side but that's okay. I think it's so cute because I thought I seen his soft side with our son Justin.  Steve is a softy with both of our son's.  My mom with the whole family showed up to meet the new little man. My mom has been great cooking us food and bringing it over. It's been a little hectic around here. Having people who care about you so much makes it's better to get though the day.It's a little hard to sit here to type I feel like my guts are going to come out. I really hope this back pain goes away to so until next time. I adore my family  I couldn't get though it without my husband. I love him so much words are just not enough to tell him how I feel. I'm truly blessed! I love you stud muffin.

Wednesday, September 29

Due Date

I’m full term as of yesterday and I’m so excited to see what our little boy will look like. We have been all smiles ever since yesterday. I had an ultrasound done. We seen our little man he is head down and ready to say hi to the world.  We seen his spine his feet and butt. His little foot is what keeps kicking me in the side. It’s painful at times but worth it. It made me think how amazing being able to give life really is. I have a human growing inside of me that my husband I adore and love. We did that you know anyone can have kids but to be real parents its take a special gift. My labor with jay was hard because my honey was overseas at the time. He was able to see me before I left the hospital  he was delayed for a short time. It was nice to see him the two years we were apart was tough. He is here now  I just can’t wait. My little man just can’t wait to see his brother. Jay and Daddy are rubbing my belly so much telling him to come on out! I have to confess I’m a little scared to go into labor it has been eight years since I did this last. My honey tells me I’ll be fine just like last time no sweat Right! He makes me laugh so much. The baby’s room is all done clothes are wash and put away. My bag is pack and I’m ready well sort of. The one thing I won’t miss is peeing every ten minutes. I’m picking up big brother’s gift today so he won’t feel left out. We all took our last trip till next year and we had a blast. A little colder then what I wanted I’m not ready for snow yet. Jay and I pulled out the Halloween decorations and did the small stuff around the house. I have been cleaning like crazy but I guess that is normal it’s called nesting getting ready for the new baby. I swear I have cleaned the house from top to bottom like a dozen times not like it’s dirty but it makes me feel better. Updates will come soon on how far I am so stay tune for the good news!

Thursday, September 16

5 weeks to go!

I’m getting so anxious to see my little boy. I have to say this experience has been the best. I was able to have my hubby with me this time. Thank God he didn’t get called back to the marines like with our first born. I think it has been great for jay because it’s something he has wanted since he was little. Besides all the sickness, bloated feet, er visits and weight gain which has all been in my belly. I’m great full that god has let me carry this pregnancy to full term. Even though my doctors where not so sure but everything happens for a reason. Steve has been so great rubbing my feet and back. Picking up the house work he has completely  taking over these nine months. Treating me like his queen has really given us the time to reconnect with each other. He is always kissing on me mainly my belly. He calls like crazy when he is not home. He always knows how to make me smile. I love my family! We are planning one last trip before the baby is born. Hopefully he doesn’t decide to come out early. I’m sitting watching my belly just go crazy he is like working out or something. Sometimes he will move for an hour straight it’s so neat. When he rolls it feels so weird. I pack my hospital bag today. Went to the store to get a gift for jay from his baby brother which I know he will love. This weekend we are finishing up the house. For the next few weeks I’m going to write another chapter in my book. Then I will pamper myself. Spend time with my two favorite men cook a lot and have fun.

Wednesday, September 8

34 weeks

Well what can I say I’m 34 weeks pregnant and loving it! What I do not like is the weather change it’s to soon. I still have a garden and would like it to grow some more but hey it has done really good this year. It double in size I have so many green peppers I have been giving then away. I have gotten over four pounds of habaneros peppers for hot sauce. I also grew basil this year which grew out of control so I dry it out and of course gave some to my mom and friends. I have pumpkins growing to that the squirrel planted for me. That is doing well also I already have good size ones to bake homemade pie this year. I’m trying to get everything ready for the baby so far so good. Steve is so over protected of me and the kids. He is forever telling me to take it easy because after the baby shower last weekend I thought it was time to have the baby. I was wrong thank god it’s too early he needs to cook some more. Jay is so ready for his baby brother to get here he is already asking to take a few days off of school to stay home with us. He is so cute! Wow only 34 weeks not to much longer I can’t wait. His kicks are so strong. I love sitting with my family watching my belly move like crazy. It’s funny because as soon as he hears daddy’s voice he just starts moving all over the place. Steve is a great dad and family man. We have already talked about maybe trying for a little girl in a year or two. We will see where we are first. My baby shower went great. Thanks to my mom and hubby and all the women who help get the food ready. I love all the baby stuff it’s so cute and little. I get to start putting everything in his room this week. Of course my loving husband will set the crib up and dresser. I think we may have a name picked out but not sure on it. We all like a different names but it doesn’t click when you say it out loud. Jay just started back to school and he loves it. Everything is just perfect can’t wait for the rest!

Monday, August 2

Look out 29 weeks

My family and I just got back from taken a great trip to see family. My baby boy went fishing with daddy and caught eight fish. Grandpa killed one the poor fish swallowed the hook. This past weekend has been great. Hoping we can do it again before the little one comes. I'm getting so fat but my loving hubby is always telling me that he adores me. He gets so happy when he looks at me and then he tells me that I'm the best thing that has happen to him besides our kids. My baby boy is growing up so much. It's so hard to picture that I will have a seven year old and a new born in just a few months. I can't wait I'm so excited to see him. We have already started to go shopping but we are going to wait for some stuff until after the baby shower. The baby keeps me up a lot so of course daddy stays up talking to our little boy. He rubs my belly that keeps on growing. He tells him all the things him and his big brother will teach him. The places we will go and most of all how much we all love him! I love my life!

Sunday, July 18

Week 27 of Pregnancy

My Baby growth chart:

My baby moves on to a whole new growth chart this week, while your swollen feet and ankles may need a growth chart of their own!
My Baby in Week 27 of Pregnancy
For a baby, it's time to trade in the old crown-to-rump measurement for a new head-to-toe standard. So what are your baby’s stats this week (which, coincidentally, is the end of the second trimester)? Fifteen inches — more than a foot long — and triple (or even quadruple) what it was in week 12. His weight is creeping up the charts as well, coming in at just over two pounds. More big news: Your baby may recognize your voice by now, so feel free to serenade your belly (start learning those lullabies!).

This is what is going on in my belly.This is so cool and I'm scared oh no it's almost time to have the baby. What do I do? My mind is going crazy I have my baby shower coming up soon and rooms need to get painted. I'm trying to stay calm but I can't help it there is just so much to do. I'm excited for our son's arrival but still no name. I think it will have to be once we see him we will name him. So far I like baby. It fits for now. This morning I sat in bed watching and feeling him move it was great. It's something else to feel a baby move inside your belly. My hubby talks to my belly all the time telling him daddy loves him and just some silly stuff that makes me laugh.He is always telling me that I'm the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. He loves the way my belly is growing. When I think I might not make it though the day because it's to hot and I feel horrible or aggravate. He always makes me feel better by holding me close whispering sweet nothing in my ear.He has been great this whole time though my pregnancy I couldn't ask for more. I love my Life!!

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