
Friday, November 9

Liebster Award # 3

I would like to thank you Rea Wright for the chance to win this award again for the 3rd time. It feels wonderful to have others admire your work in someway. This Liebster blog award is a way for new bloggers to expand their network of people.

So here are the Terms and some Conditions:

The nominees must post 11 random facts about themselves, then answer the 11 questions asked by the nominator. It doesn't stop there, you must then ask a further 11 questions for the 11 blogs which you then nominate to receive this award. This is only for up and coming blogs and nominees must have under 200 followers. It’s a fantastic way to get to know other fellow newbies and sample what the blogging world has to offer. You must also thank and link to the blogger who nominated you.

Here are 11 Random Facts about me

1. I didn't learn how to drive until I was 24 years old.
2.  I'm packing to move to Tampa,Florida it was set for this week but as I was writing this it turned into a 48 hour move.  
3. I was an egg donor for a few years. Thinking about doing it again.
4. I love working out but hate taking the vitamins. 
5. I have been scrap booking since my oldest son was born. 
6. I have lost three babies due to miscarrying them. I tend to think about them sometimes you know the what if questions. I no longer blame myself for my blood type that lead to miscarrying.
7. I'm very confident in everything I do.
8. I have cute feet.(My hubby says so)
9. I'm a smart ass that makes my hubby laugh all the time.
10. I don't worry that much about the kids stuff being all over the place until I almost die stepping on a toy car then I pick up the toys. The kids help out but I never yell at them for it. I mean they are toys who cares.
11. I'm a Democratic!

11 questions from Rea Wright(

1. What are you the most thankful for this year? My family happiness
2. Are you an optimistic or pessimistic person? I'm a very optimistic person. I never let anything bother me life is too short.
3. What is your style of home decor? Each room is different wine theme in kitchen, Mexican theme in living room, oldest sons room is sports, my youngest is ocean and dinner room a New York theme.
4. What is your favorite time of the year and why? Summer it's time to get into that bathing suit and go swimming I love the water.
5. What is your all time favorite movie and why? Dirty Dancing because I love the dancing.
6. Do you own a Nook or Kindle? neither
7. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go? Australia 
8. Do you participate in giveaways? Sometimes
9. Would you be willing to do a guest blog? sure why not
10. What is your favorite recipe? Pumpkin cookies
11. Are you a wine drinker and what kind do you prefer if so? Yes, My hubby makes homemade strawberry wine. It is awesome better then any out there. He made it for me because I hate the wine taste. 

11 questions for you all 
1. What career did you always want to have?
2. Do you watch horror films?
3. What is your favorite song of all time?
4. Do you prefer tennis shoes or heels?
5.  If you had to pick a road silent hill or raccoon city which would you walk down? Why? 
6. Who don't you talk to anymore? Why 
7.  What do you like to do in your spare time?
8  Would you be a zombie?
9. Did you vote?
10. How many people are in your family?
11.Do you like Pepsi or Coke?

  I nominate these 11 blogs below to receive this award.

Wednesday, November 7

New blogs to read

Since I love to read I have decided to list some great blogs you might like. I sure did  love all the different styles each writer has. They are all great writers in there own way in how they express what they are talking about. These blogs are fantastic! If you stop by please comment one here to let me know what you think. Have fun reading. If you have any great blogs you would like to add send them my way. You can also visit my facebook page where I will promote any blogs as well.
Check this website out there are some really neat ideas.
The pictures on here are too funny.
This blog is just what I needed to look at today. My son who is nine is so hard to shop for but will be happy with anything you get him. It's hard to even think about how many days are left till Christmas.
He hasn't posted anything yet but I love the title of his blog.Can't wait to see what his first post will be.

Tuesday, November 6

Made by Me

Here is a new website that has some really neat things called Made By Me. My good friend from high school just opened this website. If you get a chance please check it out. She makes everything herself.

Christmas wedding ornament take 2                            
 She has tons of pictures on Pinterest follow for updates.  Please bare with her it is something new she will add as she goes.
I will also keep you updated. Thanks again.


Monday, November 5

48 hours

This has been a crazy few days. My hubby drove all the way to Tampa, Florida to check on somes things for work. It's only a five hour drive from our house in Tallahassee. Turns out as he is driving back home he found a house for us. It's never let's plan to move like a week out or maybe a month no he calls to tell me to pack. Only my hubby and I can pull off a move in 48 hours. Yup, I think we are crazy.Only if you think people who follow their their dreams are.  This is a hug move for all of us. Okay, Here we go Saturday afternoon while I was trying to catch up on gh before Monday I had to pack our whole house.  We have beyond stuff to fill two houses. My hubby could open a hardware store with the amount of tools he has. I guess it's good I can always bring him lemonaid while he works around the house. He shows up that evening with a Uhaul truck. I made it work. I purchased totes to pack everything instead of boxes. I think it's better to pack away things in a plastic tote instead of a cardboard box now that our house won't be ready till sometime next week. To keep the moisture out.  My hubby and I loaded the truck until our arms were numb. I picked up a blanket that felt like a hundred pounds. We started to load up about 6pm and stopped at 2am which was really 1am due to daylight savings.This is awesome we really needed that extra hour on our side. On Sunday morning we packed our shed in an hour then it was on the road again at 10 am for a five hour drive to Tampa.  The boys were great for the drive they watched movies the whole way. Thank you to whoever you are that made a dvd player.  We made it to our storage unit a little after five unload and was done by 7:30. Still not done yet we still had an hour drive to wonderful Olando. Let's talk about being sore that morning. My back was on fire. I shocked myself by helping lift the heavy stuff in the house like the bed, tools, refrigerator, washer and dryer. Thank you P90X. You worked on my side. If that  wasn't enough we have to do it all again in a few days. It's almost makes me wants to hire movers almost.  I'm extremely proud of my family for the way we pulled together to makes this happen. Justin was beyond the best son ever. He kept his little brother Christopher busy the whole time while we moved everything. I love you Justin you are Awesome! For the next week we are spending it in this fantastic resort in Olando. If you need us we will be by the pool.  Have a blessed day.

Friday, November 2

I choose to be me!

Have you ever had people tell you rude and hateful things? Of course you have it's called life. The only thing that matters are your thoughts. Just be you only you can make life what you want it to be. Don't let someone control your thoughts and feelings. You are the only one who can make or break your life in terms of your happiness. Enjoy the air you breathe the sun shinning on your face the wind in your hair. The hugs, kisses and laughter you share. You never know when it will be your last.

Father and Sons

When I was a baby,
you would hold me in your arms.
I felt the love and tenderness,
keeping me safe from harm.
You are my father.
I would look up into your eyes,
and all the love I would see.
Your big heart really show who you are.
How did I get so lucky,
you were the dad chosen for me.
There is something special
about a father's love.
It's something you don't ask for it's something given without a thought.
Seems you were sent to me
from someplace up above.
I'm really happy you are here for me.
Our love is everlasting, just a father and son.
I want to be just like you dad.
I just wanted you to know.
That you’re my special hero
and I wanted to tell you so.

Monday, October 29

Halloween at the Needham's

Friday October 26,2012
 Happy Halloween to all my fabulous reader's. Without you my blog would not be a hit. I'm always early in decorating the house. This was done back in September. I love the holiday it's one of my favorites. I spend way too much money on Halloween stuff. Last year I cleared out the Halloween store when I took my grandma shopping. I was a little disappointed that we didn't have a Halloween Birthday party for Christopher like last year. That's the only down fall living in a different state then your family. On another note we have spent a lot of time with my hubby's family which is nice for a change. It brings new lines of the Needham's closer together. We are thinking about Thanksgiving in Alabama this year. It could be  a mini vacation t for us to. Steve and I will have two weeks off of work. Of course Justin is undecided on a costume this year like every year. He has a hand full to pick from but I think we will end up buying him a new one anyways. The costume's in the house never really get put up. The boys are dressing up just because they want to play with lego's or go to the store. I love my children's creativity. It makes me smile. I hope Christopher keeps his M&M costume on this weekend. He didn't seem to thrilled about dressing up when I wanted him to. Boys I swear they are worst then girls sometimes.

Saturday October 27,2012
It's a little stranger going trick and treating with my boys wearing a short sleeve shirt. It was hot until the sun went down. I kind of felt a little out of place without it raining wearing a winter coat and freezing my butt off.
The boys had a blast. They played games at the museum where the treat and treating took place. Listen to music and had some cider which they didn't care for.  Christopher is still not sure what to make of Halloween yet. He was shy I know Christopher shy. I can't believe it either! Justin got a lot of compliments for his get up.
One lady asked "If he went to boot camp to be an army man?"
Justin "Yes, I did but I'm a Marine!"
I guess you can say like father like son.
Sunday October 28,2012
I guess the cold weather made up for me missing Michigan. The boys had to wear long sleeve shirts it was 64 degrees. I was freezing while the boys and I hit up a trunk and treating.
Monday October 29,2012
I'm going to say it I know I want it to be 100 and sunny. It is 48 degrees right now at 10 am. Oh, no I moved away from the cold I don't want it here. The boys and I will hit up another trunk and treating tonight at 5pm. I hope it gets a little warmer then what it is now. I hate this weather
Halloween night thanks for dressing me up stud muffin. My hubby is too funny! Still he says I'm hot even dressed up in war paint.
Have fun most of all be safe. Keep your kids near by check all the candy. Look before you cross the street and never walk into someones house.
Happy Halloween!
For more picture's visit

Sunday, October 28

2016: Obama's America | Official Movie Site

2016: Obama's America | Official Movie Site

Who has seen this movie? What are your thoughts on it? Does this change who you will vote for?

I do not call myself a victim. I AM a Survivor!

To all of my friends I'm looking to help put a stop to Domestic Violence. I would like to share your story on my blog if you are willing to write me. Please inbox me with your story you don't have to put your real name. If more people knew if you are willing to talk you are taking a huge stand up to help put a stop to this crime that happens daily. This is what I wrote on my Facebook page

I had someone write me if I would share a sexually assault story. I couldn’t pass it by it  is a horrible crime she is willing to talk about. This young lady is brave. I’m proud of you only time will heal. I wish you the best the more you share your story the more people will know predators are right under your nose. Please speak up and encourage  others not to stay silent. Thank you Christina.


My Name is Christina

My story technically starts at age 8 when my parents divorced. My mom met this man through my aunt's friend after the divorce. The man's name is Lawrence (Larry) Brannick. We moved into his home when I was 9. At age ten he started the "tickle game" where he would touch my privates. I didn't know any better. At age 12, it started getting worse. He was taking miss pictures of me while touching me. At age 13 I knew better and I tried to tell him that I was going to say something to my mom. He held an unregistered gun to my head and told me that if I told anyone he would kill me. As the time went on he started using sex toys on me and taking pictures of it. If I refused to take pictures, let him see me naked or anything of that aspect he would ground me or discipline me in some way he saw fit. This lasted till I was 17. I don't remember how old I was when he forced me to have sex with him. The year I turned 17 it only stopped because my mom and I moved out of his house.

It was my senior year of high school. I told my ex fiance what was going on and he told my mom. This was around Christmas time. I was pulled out of school by the police and taken to the house to identify myself in the pictures. Larry served 10 years in prison. He got out March 13th 2012. I still fear for my life that he will kill me and my mom.

I do not call myself a victim. I AM a Survivor!


Saturday, October 27


Have you been lucky enough to be loved by someone? Is it something you see or feel? I know what love is not. It’s not a black eye you gave me  on our one month anniversary. Being called something besides my name is not love. My three concussions were not another way to say I adore you. Beating my dog to death was not part of my love story. Pushing me out of your second story window wasn’t my dream come true.  The first time you slap me should have been the first and the last. You said you were sorry each time with flowers sealed with a kiss. It hurt to kiss you back due to my fat over sized lip you gave me for talking to my guy friend. I guess that’s why you broke my hand in three places along with the second black eye I now have. Maybe this is love maybe this is what I get for not listening to you. I guess that is why you shot me now I rest in a hospital bed.  THIS IS NOT LOVE! THIS IS DOMESTIC ABUSE I’m 19 years old what does this world have to offer me if I leave you? I guess nothing I pasted away last night my name is Kate now I will never know what real love feels like.
If you or someone you know is being hurt please call National Domestic Violence Hotline -1-800-799-SAFE (7233).

Cases of Domestic Violence

A Lexington County jury has convicted a Gilbert man of criminal domestic violence and kidnapping for assaulting and binding his live-in girlfriend in late 2011. ( South Carolina)

Authorities identified the suspected gunman as Floyd Palmer, a 52-year-old former facilities maintenance employee at the church. About 20 people were at the church when Palmer allegedly opened fire, killing the 39-year-old volunteer, and quickly left the scene, according to The Associated Press. (Georgia)

Radcliffe Haughton, 45, bought a handgun just two days after his beleaguered wife obtained a restraining order against him. He used that weapon to kill her and two other women Sunday at the spa where she worked, before fatally shooting himself.(MILWAUKEE)

Drayton is charged with felony assault and misdemeanor domestic battery. He could face up to six years in prison if convicted of the assault charge and six months in jail on the domestic battery charge.(Las Vegas)

Domestic Violence PSA Urges Women to Speak Up, Not Cover Up

Hugh Hefner’s son, Marston Hefner, pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor domestic violence charge for an incident involving his girlfriend, Claire Sinclair, the 2011 Playmate of the Year.

I could go on and on about the cases from October. It's very sad that not more people are behind putting a stop to this. Please help me take a small step go to end the cycle please help. To all of my friends I'm looking to help put a stop to Domestic Violence. I would like to share your story on my blog if you are willing to write me. Please inbox me with your story you don't have to put your real name. If more people knew if you are willing to talk you are taking a huge stand up to help put a stop to this crime that happens daily.

Read here:

Thursday, October 25

Legs & Back and AB RipperX

 Today my day started out by getting my son and hubby off to go fishing at 5am then Legs, Back and AB RipperX was my workout. I set a goal and completed it today.
 I took 2 pills of Xenadrine XT today just to try it out. If you have been following me I'm not one for pills. I have a very hard time taking pills of any sort since I was an egg donor which I have been thinking about doing again look for that post soon. Anyhow about ten minutes in I could feel the effects of the pills I just took. I felt energized. I was sweating like a pig. I was a little shaky. However I did feel like I could do more I felt as if I push myself to the extreme taking this little extra boost. Still two hours after finishing my workout I still feel shaky. I'm talking a little fast in fact I'm not sure I like how I feel. It did what it said it was suppose to do but I think I will leave these pills for my hubby. I don't think I will take them again.

Today's workout consisted of 15 minutes of 300 hundred ab moves.
 I top it off with the following.
25 chair lunges on each leg
25 calf raises
max reps of reverse pull ups
25 super skaters on each leg
one minute of wall squats on each leg
max reps of wide front pull ups
25 step back lunges each leg
max reps pull ups( at this time I feel very pump)
one minute single leg wall squats
max reps switch grips pull up( I can't do anymore so I the swimmers press inside 25)
3 way luges 15 on each side
20 sneaky lunges on your tip toes( I thought my legs were going to fall off my body they were shaking so bad. lol)
max reps pull ups again( I tried but inside I did 25 squats on each leg)
STILL NOT DONE I'm not sure how I went on but for sure thought I was going to get sick. I just took a deep breath and continue.
 My set goal!

2 chair salutations( The sweat was just pouring off me at this time.This takes some strength to hold a chair squat)
20 Toe roll lunges
max reps wide front pull up(There was no way I could do it some more 25 squats)
I minute groucho walk. (I couldn't feel my legs I felt like I just walked through fire at this point)
15 slow calf raises 10 fast 3 times on each leg( Yup, I think I over did it I'm going to feel this in the morning)
Max reps pull ups(No Tony I did one)
30 reps of 80-20 siebers speed squats( My legs are Jello before you  refrigerate)
Max Reps of switch grip pull ups.( I don't know how but I did 5)

Yes, I did it 50 minutes of legs,back and 15 minutes of abs. I'm trying really hard not to get sick but I failed. Thank God the trash can was handy. I think it was the pills. Day 81 done and out of the way.What do you think of my progress?

Wednesday, October 24

Getting a Divorce

Dear Wife,
I’m writing you this letter to tell you that I’m leaving you forever. I’ve been a good man to you for 7 years & I have nothing to show for it. These last 2 weeks have been hell. ... Your boss called to tell me that you quit your job today & that was the last straw. Last week, you came home & didn’t even notice I had a new haircut, had cooked your favorite meal &...
even wore a brand new pair of silk boxers. You ate in 2 minutes, & went straight to sleep after watching all of your soaps. You don’t tell me you love me anymore; you don’t want sex or anything that connects us as husband & wife. Either you’re cheating on me or you don’t love me anymore; whatever the case, I’m gone.

Your EX-Husband

P.S. don’t try to find me. Your SISTER & I are moving away to West Virginia together! Have a great life!

Dear Ex-Husband
Nothing has made my day more than receiving your letter. It’s true you & I have been married for 7 years, although a good man is a far cry from what you’ve been. I watch my soaps so much because they drown out your constant whining & griping Too bad that doesn’t work. I DID notice when you got a hair cut last week, but the 1st thing that came to mind was ‘You look just like a girl!’ Since my mother raised me not to say anything if you can’t say something nice, I didn’t comment. And when you cooked my favorite meal, you must have gotten me confused with MY SISTER, because I stopped eating pork 7 years ago. About those new silk boxers: I turned away from you because the $49.99 price tag was still on them, & I prayed it was a coincidence that my sister had just borrowed $50 from me that morning. After all of this, I still loved you & felt we could work it out. So when I hit the lotto for 10 million dollars, I quit my job & bought us 2 tickets to Jamaica But when I got home you were gone.. Everything happens for a reason, I guess. I hope you have the fulfilling life you always wanted. My lawyer said that the letter you wrote ensures you won’t get a dime from me. So take care.

Signed, Your Ex-Wife, Rich As Hell & Free!

P.S. I don’t know if I ever told you this, but my sister Carla was born Carl. I hope that’s not a problem.
This was a must share that I came across this morning on facebook. Take about karma kicking you in the ass! Hope you had fun reading this I sure did. It made my day.

Saturday, October 20

Coming to an end

That's right.
I'm at 71 days of my P90X program. I have two protein shakes a day. I drink about 74 ounces of water a day. I walk up to 5 miles a day. Besides the cat and my two year old jumping on me while I workout. It has gone better then I expected it to go.
My children join me in the morning to do our daily workout. We never miss one. It's the first thing my two year old says in the morning. It's freaking adorable! As you can tell from the picture above he has it down as my oldest is stretching.

 There have been a few bumps in the road like a pulled tendon, back pain and now my foot is killing me. I have no ideal what I did to it. Through pain comes discipline! I up my band to 60 pounds. I also added my son to my workout. He is an extra 29 pounds. That could be why my back hurts.

I finally was able to beat the one legged man in the video plyometric. I know it sounds bad but that was my goal. If he could do it then I could do it. The kenpo disk was easy because I have a strong background in it. The abs both on P90X and 10 minute trainer is no match for me. I  have an almost start of a six pack.

I guess over all I wanted was to get my figure back from having kids. I'm still not done my next challenge will be Tap out and insanity. I'm really excited to do both of these with my hubby. It's a family affair to keep fit.
I never give up not now not ever. I think that once anyone puts their head to something it's the passion that keeps you going. I don't do it for anyone else but me. I still have a long way to go. I find myself right where I want to be.

Wednesday, October 17


Hello, My name is Mickey. I have a wonderful family who rescue  me from under a house. They gave me a flea bath which I didn't care for. I'm not sure if I like the little kid they call Christopher. He runs after me. I sleep at the end of Justin's bed. I can now climb on the couch and chairs.I'm about seven weeks old. They are really nice to me and play with me all the time. My favorite game is chasing my humans. They call me the Saber-toothed because of my sharp teeth. I love to drive in my car.
I eat catnip which I find to settle my belly after I have stolen a noodle from Justin's plate. Mac and cheese is my favorite along with turkey but I pay for it later in my office. My advice to other Gato's don't try this at home.

Here is my play house. As you can see my favorite color is purple. I enjoy sitting on the couch next to the kids to watch Mickey Mouse Club House. I only have one complaint that mouse stole my name.

Life is good!

Tuesday, October 16

Liebster Award

It's that  time again to answer some questions. I'm happy to announce that
took the time to nominate me for the Liebster Award. I'm thankful to get the chance a second time.
 Each person must post 11 things about themselves.
- Answer the questions that the nominator set for you, plus create 11 questions for the people you've nominated to answer.
- Choose 11 people and link them in your post.
- Go to their page and tell them.
- No tag backs

Copy and Paste Nominees to add this badge to your blog
11-Things about me
1. I hate when someone lets the fork or spoon touch their teeth when they eat. It makes a horrible sound that makes my jaw lock up.
2.  I'm a cat lover.
3. I hate bugs with a passion. I'm such a girl in that way.
4. I drop everything to be with my son's.
5. I love horror movies but hate the sight of blood.
6.  I don't take things to seriously. I laugh most things off.You have to in this world.
7. I have a new love of Chocolate Martini's and Tiramisú. They Rock!
8.I almost ran my hubby over coming back from Monroe Michigan when he had his bike. I told him I was sorry before it if it did happen. I wanted him to know I didn't mean it. Thank GOD It didn't happen. That would have been a great story for the police to hear. He now doesn't let me follow him at all. You can't blame me it was when I first started driving. Now I'm a professional driver! lol
9. I love watching the sunsets with my hubby.
10. I'm in the process of starting a woman's shelter for domestic Violence.
11. Halloween is my favorite holiday.
Nanny to Mommy Question's for me
1. Do you have any nicknames? Yes, Patty Where did they come from?School no one could pronounce my full name Patricia
2. What is your favorite eyeshadow color to wear?light brown
3. How many times in your life have you moved and where to?I unfortunately have moved around all my life since I was kid but what I have learn is that life can be beautiful anywhere you are. Home is where ever you are happy at with the people you love. I have lived in Michigan,Tennessee,Now Florida.
4. Have you ever done any martial arts or do you want to?Yes, I took Tae Kwon Do all through High School along with Kenpo,Boxing, and now I'm working on my black belt in Tae Kwon Do here in Florida. Being an egg donor put it on hold for awhile.
5. What is one of the first memories you have from childhood? Having water balloon fights in my backyard that lead out to the streets of my neighborhood back home in Michigan where my mother including all the neighbor kids and their parents join in the fun. It was a blast! Something that we all did often.
6. If you could go to any year, when would you go to and why? I don't think I would because everything happens for a reason no matter how crazy life gets it's the way it was meant to be.
7. What was your favorite subject in school? history
8. What is your favorite kind of scent?coconut
9. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would you chose? Turkey
10. What would your preferred weapon be for the Zombie Apocalypse? My shot gun
11. What kind of pet is your favorite? Humpback whale
Thank you for the nomination and Congrats to all the new nominees! Here are your questions. 
11 question for you
1.If you had one wish what would it be?
2. If you were on the daytime soap General Hospital who would you be?Why?
3. Where do you see yourself in five years from now?
4.If you were reincarnated what animal would you come back as? Why?
5. What would you change in your life?
6. If you were a bug what would you be?
7. What do you want to be known for after you are dead and gone?
8. Do you cook in the nude?
9. If money didn't matter where would you live?
10. What is your favorite memory in life so far?
11. What would you do if you were a pink hairy troll?
I nominate these wonderful bloggers
1. .
Have fun with this.

Sunday, October 14

Fire Prince - Don't Feel Like Heaven Anymore

Please take your stand TODAY. Please help to end it today tomorrow is to late.
The comments on You Tube made me sick how this one person can think it's all the woman's fault. It's not any one's fault but the person making the choice to hit someone. It's not just about bullying your wife or husband it's all about power and control. The abuser is always in control. That's how they like it. These images in the video above shows that. It's hard for me to watch it because all the memories of being abuse comes back when I was in high school. I do not wish this on anyone. I mean that if you are in this situation please call someone to help. Please don't stay they will do it again and again.
Domestic Violence Hotline at 1−800−799−SAFE Please tell someone if you need to talk don't feel ashamed. You are worth it. This is your life please stand up for it.
Please take your stand TODAY. Please help to end it today tomorrow is to late!

Statcounter for blogs

DayDatePage LoadsUnique VisitsFirst Time VisitsReturning Visits
SundayOctober 14th 20125050500
SaturdayOctober 13th 20125454540
FridayOctober 12th 20121414140
ThursdayOctober 11th 20124040400
WednesdayOctober 10th 20122121210
TuesdayOctober 9th 20122323230
MondayOctober 8th 20122020200
SundayOctober 7th 2012161616

Here is the first page I see when I get an email from I was recently on front page in the editor's picks of the day. I can't believe it!

 I was excited for two reasons my son just turned two years old and I'm on the front page. What a day let me tell you I really didn't have my phone on me Saturday but when the emails started rolling in I was surprise with the overwhelm of friend request I had about 40 altogether. I'm thankful so many people enjoy my blog. I really appreciate all the nice comments I had on my profile as well. People are really nice to just tell you how it is. However, I wanted to share this with you if you ever wanted to know who and how many times your blog gets a peek.  It seems I have to say thank you to whoever lives in Monroe ,Michigan at Acs Healthcare Solutions for most of my biggest hits. They hit number one on this weeks stats count. Along with someone in Mountain View, California who is second and last on the list who hits my third biggest hits is a person in Murfreesboro,Tennessee. I should give out an award for all these hits. They are making my blog climb to the top with everyone else who takes the time to read my blog. Thank you all it means a lot to me that my message especially this month is reaching so many people. Please share it with your friends and family if you haven't already. This site tells you a lot of information about your readers. It's a must if you have a blog. Here is just some of the information you will see.
Acs Healthcare Solutions
United States
Mountain View
United States
Comcast Cable
United States
Cox Communications
United States
Arcor Ag
Google Translate
Mountain View
United States
Three Indonesia
Jakarta Raya
Comcast Cable
United States
Road Runner
San Antonio
United States
Allen Park
United States
Palo Alto
United States
At&t U-verse
Allen Park
United States
Integra Telecom
United States
Charter Communications
United States
Mountain View
United States
United States
Allen Park
United States
San Antonio
United States
Jakarta Raya
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Palo Alto
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New York
New York
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New York
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Here is a link to the first time I posted about statcounter. Take a look.

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