
Showing posts with label Helping Out. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Helping Out. Show all posts

Friday, October 16

Small deeds make a huge impact

The other day we went grocery shopping Justin started collecting carts. Taking them back into the store. This summer we ran into a lot of people hitchhiking standing outside stores that we ended up giving money to. There is a hotel that is run down and left to rot away near our house. My son asked if we could buy it to let the homeless live there. His thought is they could pay rent by up keeping the place. He wants to do things that would make a person smile. It's a great idea I'm not sure if we are able to do that right now. I will be checking into it. It's definitely a good thought to keep in mind. He is collecting dog and cat food right now for the shelter we donate to. He loves animals. 

We are collecting blankets , food, treats, cat litter, anything you can think of right now. 

It's not hard to make a person smile. 
Small things will make a huge difference.
We as a family try to do something for someone else everyday. We love helping people. It warms my heart that my children are now thinking on their own what to do. 
What can you do to help? 

Tuesday, August 11

School is almost here

Well we are off to a great start so far. School shopping is done supplies for the kids complete. Teachers supplies dropped off today at open house all set and ready to go. Christopher did a fantastic job on helping pick up supplies for his Teacher. I can't believe he is starting preschool in a week. Justin is taller than me. Christopher  wants me to go find dinosaurs for him to train. I'm freaking out about three hours  popsicle will be gone but really I have that time to study without interruption. I can go grocery shopping by myself. I don't know what to do with myself. That's huge a shopping cart with no little hands grabbing everything. I might just have to go done an aisle and throw something down just to feel normal. Go to the gym I'm a gym rat totally. Well that's half of my studies anyway. The picture of school supplies are what we are donating to Jay's school we also picked up all this again plus four more packs of line paper and copy paper. School starts tomorrow I have so much anxiety about Jay going to school not so much with popsicle. I don't know why that is maybe first born. I don't know! Talking to my friend she is the same way with her son not daughter. It just seems like time is going by so fast. Next year Jay will be in high school and driving soon. I want to stop time. Today ten Teachers stop to say hi to him before we made it to his classroom. He is popular in his school for all the good reasons. I'm excited to see what this year will bring. A lot of memories smiles and laughs. I know this blog post is just me carrying on about a lot. Just smile today be thankful and laugh a lot. 

Friday, November 28

Happy Thanksgiving for a family

Holidays are hard on a lot of families not being together money problems and just life gets in the way sometimes. Hubby and I purchased a Thanksgiving dinner for a family that needed a little help.  They work but like a lot of families have a hard time deciding what bills to pay vs. food. We decided a longtime ago that if we had extra to give we would. We have kept that promise to ourselves to help. Opening our non-profit business is taking forever. In the meantime as a family we are helping all the time. We don't want anything in return for helping anyone that needs it. I love knowing that someone needed help and received it. It puts a smile on their face as well as ours.  This Thanksgiving meant a lot to us. It never fails that our kids keep us laughing.  When they were asked what they were thankful for Justin says "He is thankful it's not 1621!" They didn't have bathrooms then or toilet paper.  I'm glad it's the simple things in life he appreciates. I'm thankful for spending time with my family and friends.  We went to my Aunt's house bless her heart was in the hospital. She was able to come home later that night.  The apartment complex she lives in puts on Thanksgiving in the courtyard.  Everyone brings a dish mingles and eats delicious food. It's getting a little less weird having Thanksgiving outside as the years go by. The day was beautiful as well as all the new people I ran into. Life is a Journey you live in. Make the last month of 2014 count for something you can be proud of. My accomplishments this year may not be materialistic but they did change someone's life.

Friday, October 3

A New Job

Justin has a new job. He is an Assistant Coach for flag football.  He amazes me!
I'm extremely happy for my son! He is very helpful with the children. The kids look up to him and listen.  They call him Coach Jay! It's adorable.  I guess it's different when you are a kid getting
directions from a kid. I think this will be a great experience for him to see the game from another view. I think it will make him a better player at any sport. The most important part is that he has fun. No matter what Justin does he seems to always have fun. Yes, I'm bragging about my son. I think he has found his job for right now besides school of course. He forever talks about the kids on his team. I can't remember all the names but he does. He gets really excited when he has to go to practice and games. This Saturday is his last game he will take up Basketball once again in November for his self.
My baby is growing up I don't know what to say but we are proud parents. He is turning out to be an amazing young man all on his own. My hubby and I are so happy we get to see him grow into this caring person. It's nice to know we had a little help in making this little person who he is today. I couldn't be more proud of my son than I am now. His report card was great he is learning the violin. Which took us by surprise now I'm on the hunt for a violin for popsicle.  He follows in his Big brother footsteps in everything. Let your kids be themselves they will surprise you with what they have listen too.

Saturday, February 8

Valentine’s Day, what’s the big deal?

That is what my ten year old asked me. I had to think before I told him It's a time to share how much you love someone. My son confused at first then added that there doesn't need to be a special day to say I LOVE YOU! He's right my his daddy always says I love you with flowers, notes on our chalkboard cabinet and simply just being there for us. We celebrate life and love daily in our household I'm forever telling my boys I love them to the moon and back. My little one likes to blow kisses to us. We pretend to catch his kiss and slap it on our cheek. My oldest still gives me a kiss before he leaves for school.  We decide that this year we will extend that love by putting a smile on someone else's face.
Write and create a Valentine's day card for a Senior Citizen. I have to say I have never thought about this subject too often since I went to Mother Daughter work day when I was a teenager. My mother has taken care of elderly people all her life. It was sad to see all those men and women sitting in there rooms doing nothing but rioting away. No one to talk to no one to care to stop by and say hello. It's sad so let's spread the love together sign up today to make someone SMILE!
Depression and isolation in older adults affects people of all backgrounds. 


Click on this link to print out a list of places you can send your cards to. They list all states there are few of them in Florida. We are sending ours too 
Seniors First, Inc 5395 LB McLeod Road, Orlando, Fl 32811 

 Justin would like to send candy as well we will  be creating a few goodies bags to go with our cards. So far he has made ten cards all different. Christopher two right now with my help. 

Find one in your state have fun spread the love!

Monday, December 9


A Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without giving. The boys and I donated about six coats to the Salvation Army with a duffle bag of my hubby's clothes that he no longer wears of course. Sending in a Christmas gift today for a little boy who is the same age as my little one. Who may not get anything but what we bought him. Justin was so cute explaining to his brother what we were doing.  Christopher kept asking why doesn't Santa just get him toys. Justin finally just told him he will. While looking at me and said  "I hope he does." It's hard not being able to explain fully without destroying Christmas for my son. I have always told him that some people don't believe in Christmas that's why Santa doesn't come. I don't know what else to say. We give a lot around this time of year. I help out everywhere I can. Now, That my son is getting older he understands more of the meaning of Christmas not what he will get. He sent a gift in for someone in his school and one for a child overseas.  We were on the way to his tap class when he asked if we could stop to give a homeless person his last ten dollars.  I pulled off in the parking lot where the man was. Justin ran up to him as I was getting out of the car.

Justin "Maybe you can get something to eat. Merry Christmas try to be safe." 

Yes, I'm a proud momma. A qick note please be careful if you take part in giving to a homeless person.  

The gift contains
Thomas the Train, Captain America and in the stocking is filled with cars.

I hope we helped out just a little for this little boy. 

Monday, July 22

The Hunt Day 7

The boys and I have missed a few days of the hunt we are on Day 7. Take the challenge change the world just a little each day. It's not a lot just a few seconds of your time post a pic on Instagram done. Can you do it? We did my boys and I challenge ourselves everyday. Life wouldn't be worth living otherwise.
I Heart Dad

ones) to upload below for your chance to be in our national commercial!

Day 1: Don't be Trashy

Day 2: Help the Homeless

Day 3: Literacy for All

Day 4: No Bullies Allowed

Day 5: Sexism Sucks

Day 6: Play Ball

Day 7: Be an Ally

Show everyone you're an ally to LGBT youth* by taking a pic of your hand with the word "ally" on it and sharing it on Instagram with this sentence:
LGBT youth are 2x more likely than their peers to be assaulted, kicked, or shoved at school. #DShunt #ally
*being an ally means you will stand up against all forms of LGBT bullying
Your challenge for today is to fight discrimination in your community by celebrating differences.
Create a sign that says one thing about yourself that people can’t tell just by looking at you. Get your friends to join you, and wear your signs in a public setting.

Day 8: Puppy Patrol

Day 9: Continental Thirst

Day 10: Be Prepared

Day 11: Apathy Sucks

Thursday, December 6

One Last Wish for Rodney Greene

One Last Wish:

Rodney Greene would like to go to Disney's Animal Kingdom in Orlando and stay the night in a hotel for the first time before he loses his eye sight from retinitis pigmentosa an eye disease that often leads to blindness. Please pass this on and see what we can all do. Any questions please contact Elisabeth Parker 813-226-3431 You can read his story in Tampa Bay Times. Rodney has $100 dollars he has saved from side jobs at MacDonald Training Center that he has been going to for the pass 32 years. Pass this along please let's see what we can do for Rodney holiday wish. At this moment I cried after I read this story I hope he will be able to get his wish. He loves  animal's. Let's see what we can do. Please call today.
You can also contact Rita Hattab or call at 813-870-1300

Friday, September 28

Act's of Kindness

                                                        Justin's act's of kindness
My son Justin loves to help other's out in any way he can. We sat up the other night to surf the web of things he could do to make someone smile. Here is his list of things.

1.Justin and I decide to make a list of things to do for others. We made some cupcakes to pass out to the mailman with a little note saying thank you for delivering our mail. It made him smile.

2.We seen this old man cleaning his yard. Justin made him two peanut butter and jelly's and took him out two bottles of water. It made him really happy. He talks to Justin all the time now. Justin even helped bag some of the leaves to give him a break.
3.We have made it an everyday thing to support our troops. We made some happy by buying them coffee through At least they can have a piece of home away from home.
4.At a local grocery store Justin went around the parking lot to collect the carts for the workers.
 5.Justin tape some change to a game machine with a note to pay it forward.
 6.We also wrote some letter's to children in the hospital.
7. We donated to charity with blankets we no longer need along with the boys clothes that are to
small. This was just the start my hubby and I need to go through our closets still.
 8. Justin talked me into giving Christopher old stroller we no longer use to a teen mom.
9. On one of walks we heard a kitten crying. Justin was able to get this tiny kitten out from under a house who he named Mickey. She is well and about four weeks old. Justin and I take turns feeding her with a medicine dropper. Today she just started eating dry food.
10. Justin gives a  bag full of shredded paper away that we would normal just take to the recycling center. Instead we found out the little girl down the street has a hamster but can't afford to go to the pet store for the bedding. Instead she comes up to the office for the shredded paper every week.
11.Justin thought it would be a great idea to buy Halloween tote bags for all the children in the area who don't have bags to go treat or treating.
I found that it is very simple to make someone smile everyday. Justin wakes up asking "So mom who will we make smile today?"
Steve has taking the boat out with Justin and friends to catch fish for a fish fry on Saturday to help raise money for our neighbor's who's house burned down. I think it will go well. What have you done today to make a smile appear? It's as easy as saying hello to someone.

Thursday, September 27

Green Beans Coffee

Thank you for your purchase of a  Cup of Joe for a Joe!
A Service Member wants to thank you for sending them a Cup of Joe!
Cup of Joe #1

Your message and gift of a CUP OF JOE was delivered to a Service Member serving at CFC Eggers in Afghanistan. They wanted to say thanks and make sure you knew your gift was received. Please see below for their note to you:

Ma'am, You're raising an awesome young man! Please tell Justin happy birthday for me (I have twins, a boy & a girl, who just celebrated their ninth birthday on Sep 20), and please tell him thank you very much for his generous gift! Us Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airmen do what we do because of young men like Justin. I wish you, Justin, and all of your loved ones the very best. Regards, Major Michael Haire United States Air Force Camp Eggers, Afghanistan

I love reading these emails first thing in the morning or right before I go to bed. I read this one to my son Justin who ran to his room to get his wallet. It looks like we will buy another round of coffee for out troops. My son loves getting these emails. I think this is what I needed to get him a little more involved in the computer. Green Beans Coffee sent this for Justin in the mail.
Photo: Justin loves to get mail. This is what he got today. A cup of Joe for a Joe.

My family and I have a whole new out look on life since our neighbors house burn to the ground. There is more to life then just what we see. My hubby and I have been taking time out to step back and actually stay in the moment that is happening. It has worked out very well. Donating coffee to our troops mean a lot to us. I wish there was a way I could tell them thank you for the emails but I think they already know.Please support our troops don't forget them.

Saturday, September 15

Cup of Joe

Have you made someone a promise to do good? Have you ever thought about sending our troops anything maybe a letter or a gift basket of some sort? My family and I have. We do what we can to help people ,animals and causes that mean a lot to us. I read the emails I received from our troops after I purchased coffee from Green Beans Coffee. It made me smile to know they were happy. It moved me so much that I will add this to my list of things I have to do. My son also made a purchased with his own money to buy our troops some coffee.
                           "Mom, If they can't be here at least I can give them a piece of Heaven." My son said
                              "What do you mean son a piece of Heaven?" I simply asked

                                "You always say your french Vanilla coffee is a taste of Heaven for your day." He said with a smile

                                    "Yes, Yes I do say that." I laugh

It's funny how your children will recite something you have said in the past without hesitation. My son Justin is the most thoughtful person I know. He is always there with a helpful hand to anyone who needs it. It's makes me proud to be his mother. I couldn't of asked God for someone better. My son is he best! It's not what you say that your kids will see it's what you do that they will remember. My hubby and I are always there to help someone something or any animals in distress. I love making people happy. We are working on acts of kindness but over all I hope my son gets that the smallest thing to us may mean the world to someone else. I think with this step for a Cup of Joe he is heading in the right direction. I would like to share this email with all of you.

2 Troops want to thank you for sending them a Cup of Joe!Cup of Joe #1

Your message and gift of a CUP OF JOE was delivered to a Service Member serving at Camp Sabalu-Harrison in Afghanistan. They wanted to say thanks and make sure you knew your gift was received. Please see below for their note to you:

Ma'am, Thank you for your kind words and support. I am especially moved by your son's gesture. He could have spent his money on himself yet he chose to give it to a caused he felt was worthy -- he has a sense of kindness and charity beyond his years. Things are going well here, despite what you read in the paper. It means a lot to know that folks back home remember us and keep us in their prayers. Thank you again to you and your family. I wish you all the best. yrs, Capt V.

Cup of Joe #2

We want you to know that we've delivered your personal message and gift of a CUP OF JOE to a Service Member serving at Camp Marmal in Afghanistan. Your support of our Service Men and Women through your gift of a CUP OF JOE FOR A JOE provided a much appreciated morale boost and helped make a Service Member's day a little brighter.


Sunday, August 26

Best Email Ever

Have you ever done something for someone else just because? I'm proud to announce that my family does all the time. We support local charities by donating household items like clothes,toys,shoes pots and pans. We visit our local pantry to donate food and reusable bags monthly. April of this year we have supported WWF also known as World Wildlife Fund every month. My son Justin purchased a turtle nest with his own money. We are currently working on Acts of Kindness right now. I regularly donate blood to Red Cross. If you like to drink coffee then this one is for you. I enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning like million other's but instead of going to the grocery store. I buy my coffee from Three Avocados that provide funding for clean water projects. 100% of the net proceeds from Three Avocados coffee provide clean water in Uganda, Africa. Take a visit to Today I received one of the most amazing emails. It was from Green Beans Coffee they give coffee to our troops over seas. It warmed my heart to know a solider was able to drink the coffee I paid for. It's the least I can do to give him a taste of home away from home. Writing all of this is making me tear up. I love making people smile. I hope you can find it in your heart too.

Green Beans Coffee

Cup of Joe #1

Your message and gift of a CUP OF JOE was delivered to a Service Member serving at Manas Air Base in Kyrgyzstan. They wanted to say thanks and make sure you knew your gift was received. Please see below for their note to you:

Thanks for the coffee Patricia, it is definitely a nice boost to the day! I'm on my way home now after a year in Afghanistan, so thanks for treating me to my last Green Beans coffee for awhile! Thanks and God bless. Jon

Sunday, April 29

Save the Sea Turtles in the Memory of

In the Loving memory of : Donald Cotton
 From : The Needham's

 A memory I will share with you all in adopting a nest for my son is Papa was going to teach him how to do magic. The trick was he was going to turn him bald. We love and miss you very much!

Sunday, April 22

Earth Day

For Earth Day my thoughts are with the Polar Bear. This is a poem that I wrote about the tragic fate awaiting this most magnificent of all the bears.

The Passing of the Bear

The probable loss of the Polar bear is something that fills my heart with immense sadness. This is my tribute to the Bear.
Like a ghostly wraith he drifted through the heavy snow and sleet,
Powerful muscles rippling, eyes taking in every dropping snowflake
Upon the ice he trod quietly on massive padded giant feet,
He lowered his head to lick the ice, his mighty thirst to slake.

Monarch of a whitish kingdom, unblemished and remote
Whiter than the Arctic snow at forty-eight below,
There is no garment on this Earth as warm as his white coat
With razor sharp ebony claws manicured into every toe.

He is living, walking, gleaming, iron, smiling, stoic and enduring,
There is no danger that he dreads, his dire anger strikes deadly fear,
He hides within the powdered snow, unwary seals he’s luring.
And men who try to track him often turn to find him to their rear.

He is Nanook, Lord of the frozen North.
His strength doth spread across the top of the entire world,
And all life trembles to see his silhouette as he strides boldly forth
Stalking through flickering darkness with the Northern Lights unfurled.

Those lights that define both polar space and time,
Lights dancing with greenish hues and silvered all ablaze
The Aurora and the bears movements both with nature rhyme.
As the one moves through the shadow of the other in a blinding haze.

And so it has been for thousands of years but not for a hundred more,
For now the ice melts underfoot and the wary seals grow rare,
The ice no longer extends from rocky shore to rocky shore,
And no longer can Nanook stride forth barely without a care.

His days are numbered as the ice retreats and the seals move far away,
Once he moved without fear, a life both noble and free,
But now his fate lies on the scales and there is nothing he can do or say,
For in a hundred years, no more will he walk upon the frozen sea.

There are few animals with such majestic flowing grace,
There are few whose babies are so deceptively cute,
A savage merciless temper masked by an innocent face,
Victim of pathetic men with little dicks that shoot.

In a fair fight, he would win, yes he would win for sure every time,
But little in this time and space is fair for plant or beast,
As mighty rivers grow sick and die and turn to putrid slime,
As species after species fade with the never-ending feast.

I watched him walk and his trail broke through the crusted snow,
His footfalls grew heavy as he searched for ice holes now long gone,
His body was growing lean and still the seals did not show,
In his mind he knew not why, but he knew something was very wrong.

I followed his tracks over the chalky waste, seeing sadness in every step
He was clinging to life as best he could in that vast white domain,
And at nightfall up to his silent unmoving form I cautiously crept,
And saw at once that his breath had ceased and so also had his pain.

I placed my hand upon his broad savage brow and felt that it was still warm,
I saw his eye, blue, and deep open wide in a vacant stare,
And in that eye I saw reflected the face of death upon my human form,
For life goes on each day down south and the fate of bears stirs not a care.

The wind blows harsh and silently across the frozen splendour of the North,
The Northern Lights still blaze in a spectacular symphony so rare,
But Nanook no longer prowls the ice or across the tundra sallies forth,
The Northern winds will mourn forever the passing of the bear.
See More

Friday, April 20

Help us save polar bears and other species

Aquarium Maintenance which is our family business along with my son Justin helps the Polar Bears every month won't you help them too. Look into your heart and give what you can. You can write it off at the end of the year.

Sunday, March 25

Three Avocados

Bulopa, Uganda

Our story begins in the humble village of Bulopa Uganda. Bulopa, like many other villages in Uganda, is a very remote and extremely poor village. There is a small church there, which amounts to nothing more than a few sticks in the ground and some benches. We had been invited to worship with the people of Bulopa. Despite the fact we were over four hours late, the entire village was there to welcome us.

It had been a long day, we were all tired and eager to get back to the comfort of our hotel in Jinja. And then it happened. As the offering basket was passed around, a poor widow placed three avocados in the basket. It was literally all she had. And she gave it up, all for the sake of others. You see, in Uganda, the pastors do not receive any pay. The food they eat is given through the offering as they visit different villages. That widow had given all she had to ensure someone else could eat. What a beautiful gift.

It was that simple gift that inspired us. We left Uganda brainstorming ways that we could help. Though our efforts could never match the generosity of that widow, our goal is to do everything we can to ensure the poor throughout the world are cared for and are never forgotten. And we deeply thank you for being a part of "Three Avocados."

Three Avocados 16oz Ceramic Mug Just put my order in for these things. Check it out they need your support.
Three Avocados 16oz Plastic Tumbler. BPA Free. -- FREE SHIPPING $10.00      Uganda Bugisu, 12oz. Whole Bean Coffee $11.99 I'm not sure about this but I'm up for anything new. 100% of the profits go to providing clean drinking water in Uganda. Now, this is the best part. Please go to the check and buy something today.

Friday, February 24

Give Blood

Attention Riverview Area Blood Donors!
Save a Life Sunday is back and needs your help to be a success! Sign up today to donate blood on Sunday, March 11, 2012, from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm at the Riverview Donor Center ( 14031 Pennsylvania Road )!
As a thank you, the American Red Cross is offering a fantastic gift to all who sign up online and come to donate on 3/11/12 at the Riverview Donor Center only ---- a free $25 gift certificate for Target (non-transferrable, for personal use only).
Give others something to be thankful for this winter---donate blood!
Please click on the link below to sign up for an appointment time today, and please forward this email along to any interested family or friends!

Thursday, February 23

Savannah Hardin

This undated photo released by the Etowah County Sheriff's Dept. Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2012 shows 9-year-old Savannah Hardin. Authorities say they've charged a grandmother and stepmother of the girl, wh

Authorities say 9-year-old Savannah Hardin died after being forced to run for three hours as punishment for having lied to her grandmother about eating candy bars. Severely dehydrated, the girl had a seizure and died days later. Now, her grandmother and stepmother who police say meted out the punishment were taken to jail Wednesday and face murder charges.

This breaks my heart to hear that Savannah's own step-mother would allow this kind of punishment. First of all running for three hours is not any kind of punishment a child should have. I would be crying if I was in her shoes being forced to run without water. She was in thrid grade. My son is in thried grade. How could anyone do this to a human being. My heart and prayes goes out to the father and mother of this little girl who won't be able to enjoy life. I hope the stepmother and grandmother gets life. I can't even began to imangine what the parenst are going though. I think they should subject the stepmother and grandmother to the same punishment they gave Savannah.

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