
Showing posts with label Getting Fit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Getting Fit. Show all posts

Saturday, September 8

Team Beach Body

I'm at 145lbs
Today a lady from Team Beach Body called to see how I was doing with the 10 Minute Trainer. It was a little odd but okay. I never thought about doing the online support however it did cross my mind last week when I thought I was going to die after doing the Plyometrics.  Which is apart of P90X. I switch on and off depending how much time I have in the morning. Up until now my hubby has been my support system. He is really good at keeping me motivated. It's like that song by Kelly

She was really nice and is going to facebook me. How cool is that? I can't wait to see how this goes. I mean I'm not fat I hate the word fat. I just need to get tone. That's all a little extra baby weight needs to come off no big deal. I love the way I look now. I can tell I have lost some inches off my waist which is  what I thought I would be proud of. You should see my arms I have muscles.  I asked my hubby.
Do you have tickets for the show?
He says: What show?
Then I flex my arm muscles.
My hubby just laughs.
It has been a challenge today is 43 days solid that I have been very dedicated  to working out. I hate it but I love it! There isn't any other way to put it. Some of the workouts like the abs on both 10 minute trainer and P90X kills me. I really hate it! After doing them I'm excited to look into the mirror to see my results. Like I will have a six pack in ten minutes. Right! I can dream but it won't be that long.  Even better I feel happier, calmer, and more energetic then I did when I woke up. I know it takes time to get the results I want. The picture above shows that the last 43 days have paid off very well. What do you do to keep in shape?


Saturday, August 25


Okay, I have to say that the last 30 days have been rough at times. Doing this workout especially Plyometrics it make me want to vomit. I guess it's normal to feel that way but never in my life have I felt this way. I hate it,but I love it! I love the way I feel afterwards. Today I have hit 30 days. I'm very proud of myself for sticking to it. No matter what was going on I stayed on track with eating right pushing myself to do my best. I weigh 145 pounds. It was a huge help to have my hubby by my side. He is one of my supporters not just in losing weight but in life. When I didn't think I could do some push-ups he got down with me pushing me to the end. Yes, push-ups are a little hard for me. I injury my wrist in January doing yoga and again while the kids and I had a crab race in the kitchen. It's going to take sometime to build it back up. I can already tell that my clothes are fitting a little better everyday. My hubby is loving my new look. I love to wake up hearing him tell me that I'm beautiful. He really makes me feel like his queen. I love that about him. My journey isn't done yet I still have 60 days to go until my insanity challenge. I will be posting updates soon. I don't know about posting pictures yet. I might wait till the end and show them all. Wish me luck as I will need it. Thanks again to all my readers who follow.

Saturday, August 18

P90X Day 25

This morning I did not want to get up at all. The house was silent. The kids and my hubby all in bed still at 6 am. I just wanted to roll over throw my arm over my sleeping hubby and go back to sleep.  To improve my health, physique, and lifestyle. I have to bring it! That's when I got my butt up out of bed with a smile. Today makes day 25 I'm shocked at how fast the days went by. I do feel stronger, confident and sexy. I was able to put on a pair of shorts last week that were a size 6. A size 6 I can't believe it! I haven't wore a size 6 since Justin was five and he just turned 9.That's not the catcher I still weigh 147. I started this workout weighing 150. How in the world can I wear a size 6 and basically weigh the same? It's amazing I tell you! I still think Tony in the video is still trying to kill me.(Laughing) My fantastic hubby just order me the ten minute trainer that the P90X guy has out. I like it no I love it! It has different moves nothing is the same. It also came with this amazing shake stuff. It is chocolate I almost ate it with a spoon.
Shakeology is the best stuff I have ever tried in the shake world. It does what it says no joke. I made a shake yesterday about an hour later I felt like a new person. I had a clear mind set. My body felt smooth and energize. The shake itself was very fluffy. I get a kick out of a fluffy shake. It's like drinking air. I guess the thing about working out is that you have to want it. Size should not be a big deal as I'm finding out nor should my weight. I feel fit! I can really see and feel the change in my mind, body and attitude towards life.

Monday, July 30

I made it a whole week

I have made it a week. I thought I was going to die the first few days. My body hurt so bad I couldn't even move. "Though pain comes discipline" is a quote from my hubby I keep hearing in my head. I love the workouts I crave it in the morning. I won't look at the disk before hand just to keep the anticipation for the next workout. I live by this motto I have came up with "No stress is healthy you". I don't let anything bother me not the kids,work, hubby nada. It has done me well. My hubby says I have a glow to me. I just let it be. I'm still shock that I was fit before but yoga has nothing on this program. The guy in it is freaking hilarious! I just don't like it when they do a close up to someone who is pouring sweet. I think it's gross! I will post pictures real soon. I can't wait to see what my 90 days will bring my body to. I hit the mark a week after Christopher turns two.

Monday, April 23

Working Out with kids

I have always been a very athletic person. I  made sure I workout during both my pregnancy with my children. I was unbelievably fit with Justin. With Christopher I didn't do as much because my right leg was the size of an elephant's leg which made me look funny. My body didn't match my leg at all. Steve was always on the go when I was pregnant with Christopher. We were always doing something walking the mall with the mall walkers. Something was always on our list of things to do daily.
I know what you are thinking you can't workout with kids. I'm here to tell you of course you can. My hubby used to laugh as he sat there watching Justin and I workout side by side. I wanted to make sure my son was fit in life. I made all his baby food myself. Steve and I insisted we didn't fill our son with all that junk they put in the stuff they sell at the stores. Justin did everything I did from boxing,yoga, running, walking, swimming,biking, hiking,martial arts everything. He still does. He is a very active little boy.
Here I am eight years later getting fit with my second son. He loves it. We have so much fun in the morning, afternoon and evening which ever works for us. I still have time to hit the gym for some alone time which is great. I love it when the whole family takes timeout to do it together. Steve and I never talk about losing weight in front of the boys we call it "Getting Fit for Life!" I don't want my children to have a negative outlook on their physical appearance.
All my hard work I guess is paying off since a lady at Walmart thought I was to young to buy a frozen pina colda mix. Her words were" Girl, you have some good genes honey!" That made me feel great since I'm older then Steve by a year technically speaking I'm the old lady.(Laughing) When I'm 80 I will look 40. I'm okay with that.
Steve and Jay have been keeping fit lately playing basketball. I love watching them pouring sweat laughing and joking on the court. Steve loves to run around after Christopher he prefers it actually. I don't mind it with our work schedules he can take the boys whenever he wants. I make sure I walk everyday no matter what. Little by little you can find many ways to stay fit. Take the kids to the park and use the monkey bars to do legs lifts and throw in some crunches while you are at it. The key to getting fit is staying consistent with whatever you are doing. Remember everyone is different it took me nine month to put my baby weight on it has taken me just that to get rid of it. I'm in the toning stage now. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, April 18

Khloe Kardashian Odom on Loving Her Body

I think this is a very positive way for everybody to look at themselves. I love that she is very out spoken reminds me a little of myself. No, I may not be a size 0 but I love who I am inside and out. Every woman should love their bodies. I think what has helped me over the years is not paying attention to what I eat. I don't count calories or tell myself I can't have something. I workout everyday regardless of my busy schedule being a wife,mother trying to make it work as a writer and taking care of my small business. It gets a little overwhelming at times. That's when I take a step back and take a nice little walk. It helps clear my mind set for the rest of the day. Yes, I do miss a few days here and there no big deal.

I love my body! My biggest supporter is my hubby. He tells me all the time I'm beautiful and sexy. I'm 5'3 and I'm happy to say I weigh 138. I wear a size 7. The picture was taken a month ago. I was thinking about fixing a page up since the blog post "All about me " is a huge hit. Let me know what you think?

Monday, August 29

Look at me

I'm 8 months here at my baby shower for at the time "No Name Needham". Look at that belly I was huge. I miss my belly. I miss Steve rubbing it daily. What am I talking about that he still does. It's his favorite part on my body one of them anyways. It's  too funny he loves to cuddle with me and lay his head on my belly. He loves my belly with babies or no babies.
There we are in July I'm at 142. Not bad having my second baby nine months before.
 at 142


139 lbs
Me today flat as can be. I 'm lucky I lost all my baby weight the first month thanks to nursing. I'm really happy I have my old body back. I thought after a c-section it would never go back to normal. My hubby made me rest after I had Christopher. He wouldn't let me do anything. He was Mr. Mom for at least 18 weeks or so. Thank you babe for that.I however have one complaint my chest is gone.  I guess that is okay. I never did like those twin girls sitting on my chest. Anyone who needs big bras I have them. I lost it once before after I stop nursing Jay it will come back. Hitting the gym and pumping that iron will do the trick. I miss having that bonding time with the boys. I just stopped nursing Christopher 3 weeks ago due to having to take some medicine for my leg. He is doing better then what we thought he would do with the big change from boob to bottle. Now he has four teeth in I'm glad I didn't get bit by him like I did with Jay. I thought that kid was going to rip it off.  I love my body. I love the way I feel. I love that my hubby loves my body anyway it is. Having Steve be supportive where he is cheering me on to eat right as he is eating a burger kills me sometimes. I love that he doesn't pressure me to be skinny. He loves me just the way I am. Working out everyday and eating right has done my body very GOOD!

Monday, March 14


I never thought working out would be this hard after having Christopher. I have lost all my baby weight due to nursing and some but trying to keep in shape now that I’m mobile again is really hard. I had an epidural in my back the first one they broke it hurt worst than having a freaking contraction. I didn’t want them to try it again. I ended up having a c-section so I had to have it. My back is killing me right now. Some days I look like a 90 year old walking in the house.  I have been working out all my life but don't belly dance after a c-section not wise. I feel like my guts are going to come out.  Steve has been bugging me to go to the gym with him and I keep saying no because it gets under his skin. It's so funny. I love how he is so determine. He just won't give up on anything. This week I’m going to get some x-rays done I think it’s a nerve problem because I have never had any health problems in my life. I love to workout I have fun.  Justin even gets into working out.  Today we were watching Denise Austin and Jay was like come on dad do some jumping jacks. I hope all is well with the x-rays. So wish me luck.

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