
Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts

Friday, March 16

I love my Life!

 I took the above picture from my deck. I guess all in all I will miss Michigan. I can still share a sunset with my hubby many states away.

Sunday, March 4

What do you think?

"Loving a child who is not biologically yours is no different then choosing to love your spouse. Both relationships are choices, not a biological bond."

Someone had this on cafemom I read it a few times over and over unsure how to respond to this. I think if a stepmother/step dad choose to love her/his husband/wife child like her own it shouldn't be a problem unless she tries to over step her boundaries. The boundaries I'm referring to would be wanting the child to call her mom because she wants the child to. I think if a child wants to call their step parent mom/dad it should be on the child's terms.(ONLY) Their are a lot of families that are made up of a lot of different people who have no Biological bond at all. Sometimes those relationships are the best. I have never been in a situation like this one but knew a friend who was. The step parent didn't want the child to call her mom but the child understood who was mom and who was mommy. The father however didn't see anything wrong with it sadly this is why he no longer sees his child. The Biological mom took the child and left. Who knows where they are. I still talk to this couple and not once heard either of them mention the child in ten years. I guess it is what it is. Steve and I have talked about this when the time comes if the children come looking for me from my days as an egg donor. I guess I would be their Biological mom but I wouldn't have any connection with them but that. I will not be their mother that JOB is left to whoever raised them. Who went to school plays, basketball and soccer games. I will welcome them with open arms if they want to get to know me. I guess I will have to see if that ever happens. Other boundaries that another parent would cross would be disciplining a child that is not theirs. I don't promote spanking and I believe that should be left up to the parents with a little input from the step parent who spends just as much time with the child. It should be a strong unit with parents and step parents to be on the same page. It makes the child's life better to see everyone happy.

Here are some comments left by other on cafemom.

1.That is a great way to say it!

A biological bond is automatically unconditional love.

With a spouse, or spouses family, it is work to fall in love with him/her and their family. I can tell you it has taken me about 5 out of 7 years to enjoy one sister in laws company... and that is because she matured a lot the past couple of years!

2.The BM's jealousy makes sense, since it is actually her child. It wouldn't be surprising if it would hurt a mother to see her child love another "mother." Her feelings of jealousy would be normal and expected.

But the SM's jealousy of BM is different, because it's not "her child", it's someone else's child. So when she is jealous of the BM, the rightful mother, it's like loving a married man... meaning a man you can't have because he is taken already. The SM is choosing to love that child in the mother/child way, and really, that may not be a very good decision, if the BM is still around.

If the BM is out of the picture, of course it's a different story

3.I *kind of* agree with that statement.

How does it play a role in a blended family.....

well, for one thing, it could cause problems because if you choose to love a child that way, the child might not choose to love you back that way. And then you have an unrequited love... which as we all know, doesn't end well.

Secondly, if you choose to love a child in the parent-child sense, are you able to deal with the fact that the child's biological parent is still around, and the child still loves her? (if that applies).

Often we have SMs who fall in love with their stepchilren in the mother-child way, and it causes problems because the SM is jealous of the BM, who is still involved in the child's life.

So, overall I'd say it can cause all kinds of problems in steplife. If you want to compare it to "choosin to love your spouse," I'd say maybe it compares to falling in love with a married man who wont leave his wife.

Yes, loving someone is a choice people choose who they want to love and who they don't. Either way it's  an honor to love a child that is not yours. It's a shame that many children don't get the chance to love step parents because the real parents have issues they need to work out as adults. There should never be a jealously problem because it's okay for a child to love both. I believe the best thing to do if you are a step parent is to try to be the child's friend at any age. Let them know you are not their parent but a friend. You will not go against their real parent unless it is needed for safety reason. Some step parents step into the role of a parent in the absence of the real parent. I give a lot of credit to these people who take on this huge role. Sometimes it is in the best interest for the child. I wish you all luck. Tell me what you think.

                         I love this quote! Love is a choice not an Obligation.

As in for loving your spouse you love all of them the good the bad, past and the present the furture is what you are. Take it don't look back because the past is in the past. It can't be changed there is no time machine to change it. You let it go and don't look back. People try and hold you down for the choices you made as a woman,man,mother and father at that time you seen it as the best choice you had right or wrong it was your choice move on. Life is only what you make it so make it count.

                                          Love is a choice not an Obligation.

Wednesday, February 29

Life Quotes

                                          Make it a point to take at least one small leap
                                                     into the unknown today and
                                    challenge yourself to learn a bit more about yourself.

Friday, February 10


This has been a interesting challenge. We are moving out of Michigan. I love that we are going to trade in our winter coats for shorts. I can't wait to buy our new home in the land of no snow. Knock on wood. The boys are ecstatic about it! It was just going to be a family trip to Disney Land it has turned out to be much more. I love my hubby. He always surprises me when I least expect it. Since Christmas it has been up in the air. I love our house. I'm getting it to be just the way I want it. I guess I'm a little sad that we are moving. I will have to wait on my farm with chickens and ducks. I'm looking forward to walking on the beach hand in hand with my hubby. The boys already love the water they are like fish. There is so much to do still. I don't mind it. It's kind of fun packing with Steve. The boys have a lot of stuff.  I didn't realize how much. Just last month alone Steve and I have new jobs.We are starting a new adventure together with our boys. I can't wait for it to start. I'm not looking forward to the long drive with the kids. It will be my first time driving on the freeway. This is going to be a blast.

New Test Could Prevent Miscarriages

Forty-year-old Deborah Fischer is finally pregnant after years of trying, and she said it's because of a new type of genetic test called Array Competitive Genomic Hybridization, or Array CGH.

"I don't think that we would be pregnant without it," said Fischer.

"One of the biggest frustrations as a fertility specialist is our inability to determine which embryos that we have that are capable of becoming healthy babies," said Dr. Michael Alper, medical director at Boston IVF, a New England infertility treatment center.

Studies show that 10 to 25 percent of all pregnancies will end in miscarriage. But by using Array CGH, doctors can now see beyond the microscope to figure out why.

I think if they could narrow it down to which embryos were good it could save many couples money when they visit a infertility clinic. I know when Steve and I went to a clinic to help others that was a big concern of the couple who were receiving my eggs. They had to be a certain cementer before the doctor could retrieve them. I was a very good candidate for the donor program because I'm very fertility. I was called many times due to my profile. When a couple is looking for an egg donor they can almost play God in a sense. They look at pictures of women to choose what their son or daughter most likely will look like mix with their husband genes. I can't wrap my head around that their are children out their that have features like mind but are not mind. I'm glad I spent three years of my life to help others be able to have a child. I know that the couples who choose me did get pregnant. However that is all I know. Since it is soley up to them to let me know anything.

Thursday, February 2

Hate in your heart

Throughout life people will make you mad,

disrespect you and treat you bad.

Let God deal with the things they do,

cause hate in your heart will consume you too.

- Will Smith

Tuesday, January 17

What about you? Are you one of the healthiest women in the world?

After reading this article I guess I'm a healthy person. I cook all my meals for my family. We hardly ever eat out even when it would be easier to do on Justin's sport days and boy scouts days. I will cook with olive oil and make veggies. I try to incorporate all the food groups. I hate veggies just like Steve. Cooking meat has been a huge task for me lately. Every time I see any kind of meat it makes me want to yak. I don't know why. The boys are picky eaters. I think any child is at a point in time is. I know my nephew is the only kid who will eat tomatoes instead of a candy bar. I have been really working on losing the rest of my baby fat from Popsicle which is turning out to be very hard with my busy schedule. Word of advice don't try to do jumping jack holding a 15 month old. Your arms will ache the next day. I swear I'm getting too old for all this high demand to be fit. It was very easy after I had Justin. I think I have to give up driving break out the stroller to get the rest of the weight off. Steve laughs at me for the walks I still take to clear my head. Even if it is on the treadmill in the basement. I won't walk down my street people are crazy.  I think the whole idea of being healthy is to watch what you eat. Give yourself a cheat day and don't obsess about it. Steve and I workout together we make it fun. Sometimes it's a family event like running in the yard, ice skating, riding bikes, yoga. I even have Christopher doing baby yoga. It's adorable to see him do downward facing dog. I had to teach him how to do it so he would stop climbing on me. Tell me what you all think how do you stay fit?

Friday, December 30


This year is coming to an end. So much has happen this year with our family and for me. I couldn't ask for more. Christopher is growing up so fast. He is all over the house driving everyone insane. Justin has taken on all by himself to help out kids in need. He is so smart and caring. He is doing excellent in school. He makes us very proud of him. I completed my first book and waiting for approval from my team of experts. It's kind of scary putting myself out there for all to read. I have been working on my second book not sure of the title yet. I was going with "A Child" but that just doesn't seem to give it justice for the topic. My Hubby and I are going out tomorrow.Thanks to my sister in law for babysitting. I'm really excited to be able to bring in the New Year with the man I love. I love the way he looks at me. He melts my heart even after being married for six years. When I look into my hubby's eyes it's like nothing else matters. He shows me too that his actions speak just as loud as his words. I love a man who takes care of his family like he does. He told me this past weekend that I'm pea to his pod. Like two peas in a pod. lol He has a sense of humor you have to understand sometimes. This is what makes my hubby unique. I have never loved a man like I love him. He is wonderful to be around. You either hate him or love him either one is a privilege. Our boys are very much like their father to a T it's a little weird at times. Justin has his attitude as Christopher has his deep dark brown gorgeous eyes. I love my family very much. Steve and I get the chance to watch them grow up. It is a blessing to have that. My children are my world. I love watching the boys run up screaming daddy when he walks in the door. I love seeing the joy it brings Steve as he puts out his arms to catch them both. I knew from the first time I laid eyes on Steve he would be the man I would share my life with. I'm glad he was so persistence as he was even after pushing him away many times. I have to admit it changed both our lives for the better. We have never been happier. I realized that no matter what happens in life the love we share won't change.

I loved Christmas this year we were able to get our boys everything they wanted expect a trip to Spain. That is what Justin asked for first but we had to say NO to that one until Christopher is a little older. Steve and I were at ease this year we are anyways nothing really bothers us for the most part. I guess really knowing someone then reconnecting with that same person helps out. Steve and I have big plans for the New Year hoping all goes the way it supposes to. I don't doubt that it won't. I guess working on our relationships and kids have bought up many options for the future. I take pride in the way Steve and I have raise are kids so far. We still have a lot of work ahead of us. I know 2012 will bring much Joy to our lives as this year has. Congrats to two of my girlfriends who just had their babies. I wish you luck, joy and happiness for the New Year to come. Congrats to another good friend who just announce his engagement. This weekend I have some house projects going on I can't wait. Good things really do happen to great people. Happy New Year to all of my reader's I hope your year was as great as mind. Set new goals and go for it!

Monday, December 19

Angels Crest

Image DetailThis is a very sad movie I just watched it today. Steve and I talk about this all the time when we see someone leave their kid in the car. We always call the police on them. All it takes it one second for something to happen. It is very sad when I hear parents forgetting their children in a hot car or any car for that matter. I can't believe people have no common sense when it comes to children. This is why something has to be done to regulate who can have kids and who can't. In the last six months there has been stories of parents killing their children. It makes me sick to my stomach. I don't know how anyone can hurt anyone let alone a child. These people need to be wiped off the face of the earth. That is just how I feel. I won't tell you too much since it is not in theaters until next week. Sad but true story for many. I hope this makes people think twice before they leave a child in the car. I won't even leave my eight year old in a car by himself. In fact Justin is never out of my sight. There are way too many freaks out there who are crazy to even take a chance. I love the fact GOD made me a mother however he needs to stop making the ones who are unfit parents and give that chance to someone who deserve it. This is a must watch movie I give it four out of five stars.

Friday, November 4

Smile again

I love how the father is trying really hard not to mess up.

Something to Smile about today

I'm the second Nikki Minaj as Miss Sophia says. Too cute I love it.

I cried my eyes out when they kept showing her dad who was crying too.

Friday, October 28

Life, Family and Everyday Stuff

Today I feel a sense of calmness that comes over me. I’m so far from home but at home.Choices we make today will shape who we are tomorrow

Tiny fingers grab my neck it’s my Popsicle giving me a hug. The sound of laughter is what I hear as you try to give me a kiss without biting me. I love the way you kick your feet every time I pick you up. You get so excited about what is going on. Even if it’s nothing at all. I love how we play tag already melts my heart when you get daddy. I can tell you are very strong willed, stubborn and determined. You are very young still with a great life ahead of you. You are growing more and more each day with every piece of food I clean off my wall. You are such a happy baby. Watching your eyes light up every time your brother appears is something I hope lasts forever. Your bond with your big brother means a lot to me. He loves you to death there is nothing he wouldn’t do for you. Even getting in trouble when he goes to your room to play with you so you stop crying.

I love the arms wrapped around my waste and a head under my armpit. It’s my Jay man my little man always in my book. I love to hear your voice even better I love your questions you have. No, you can’t jump off the deck with your bike! No, I have never seen an alien nor do I want to. Sure your father and I will help you catch one if we see it in our backyard. As far as doing skin test on your little green friend I want gloves first. I’m not sure if the bug on the window will transform into an alien who is like a transformer. Okay you can have an alien party with your friends. No, you can not go to the mother ship not even if you promise you will be back by dinner. No, you can’t carry your little brother in your hockey bag like a Chihuahua. My little man can hold up an argument with the best meaning his father. It kills me they are so much alike but hold so much love for one another. I hear mumbling coming from the playroom it’s the sound of an owl and someone saying Oh GOD and more laughter from my boys. The sound of the monkeys, cars, spit bubbles and a motorcycle fills the room. The endless laundry the pile of dishes the constant cleaning the house is something I don’t mind doing. I put up with my husband scaring me to death in the shower. His silly acts of affection that makes me so mad at him sometimes I want to kick him in the head. To the flowers he brings me out of nowhere to the phone call to just hear my voice is why I love him. It’s my husband, my boys, my family how could I forget this moment. This is my Peace this is my Serenity this is my life as a mother and a wife. This is who I am I will not change for anyone I will not be sorry because I am happy.

 My family is happy my boys know they are loved my marriage is great even if we fight about what croutons we will get in Wal-Mart for our salad. Even if I did brake the truck and made you work on football Sunday you still love me no matter what. Thanks to my daddy you were able to get us back on the road once again.  Honey you are the best and the worst of me as I am for you. You are my weakness and my strength. We are like bread and butter you can’t have one without the other. I guess this is what makes us great partners and parents. We understand each other our children our life. Money will never be the root of all evil for us. We are not just lucky we are blessed with a life we share with one another.

Tuesday, October 25

Northern Lights

Image Detail
On our way home last night I was watching a movie on my phone when Steve starts freaking out.
"Honey look honey look out your window!"
"What are you freaking out about you crazy person!" me
We also had a family friend with us who thought it was foggy outside. The sky was all sorts of  vibrant colors the red was beautiful. Standing on the side of the road looking up I was for sure I was going to see a giant alien ship come out. I was wrong thank GOD. We were standing there watching the Northern Lights.This would be the first for us. We have tried to see them before but missed them. It was amazing to have the aurora right in front of us. I couldn't get any pictures my camera was dead and all that was on the video Steve took was us talking about what we were seeing. I'm for sure putting a line though this one on my bucket list
.Image DetailThis is what we seen last night. As fast as we pulled over to watch them they were gone in a blink of an eye. If you haven't seen these you should before you die.It was an amazing sight to see even better when you are with your soul mate. It gives you a whole new out look on life. Life is something you shouldn't take for granted  any day.

Thursday, October 6

I love this saying because you never know what today will hold for you.

Wednesday, September 28

Picture of the year

A picture began circulating in November. It should be "The Picture of the Year,"... or perhaps, "Picture of the Decade." It won't be. In fact, unless you obtained a copy of the U.S. paper which published it, you probably would never have seen it.

The picture is that of a 21-week-old unborn baby named Samuel Alexander Armas, who is being operated on by surgeon named Joseph Bruner. The baby was diagnosed with spina bifida and would not survive if removed from his mother's womb. Little Samuel's mother, Julie Armas, is an obstetrics nurse in Atlanta. She knew of Dr. Bruner's remarkable surgical procedure. Practicing at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, he performs these special operations while the baby is still in the womb.

During the procedure, the doctor removes the uterus via C-section and makes a small incision to operate on the baby. As Dr. Bruner completed the surgery on Samuel, the little guy reached his tiny, but fully developed hand through the incision and firmly grasped the surgeon's finger. Dr. Bruner was reported as saying that when his finger was grasped, it was the most emotional moment of his life, and that for an instant during the procedure he was just frozen, totally immobile.

The photograph captures this amazing event with perfect clarity. The editors titled the picture, "Hand of Hope." The text explaining the picture begins, "The tiny hand of 21-week-old fetus Samuel Alexander Armas emerges from the mother's uterus to grasp the finger of Dr. Joseph Bruner as if thanking the doctor for the gift of life."

Little Samuel's mother said they "wept for days" when they saw the picture. She said, "The photo reminds us pregnancy isn't about disability or an illness, it's about a little person" Samuel was born in perfect health, the operation 100 percent successful. Now see the actual picture, and it is awesome...incredible....and hey, pass it on! The world needs to see this one!
I open my Fb page today to find this on my wall. I think this picture is amazing to see. It's the baby way of saying thank's doc for helping me.

Tuesday, August 23


This was an email sent to me. It's a must read.

A husband wrote the following letter for his wife and left it on the

Dining room table:
To My Dear Wife,

You will surely understand that I have certain needs that you, being 54

years old, can no longer satisfy. I am very happy with you, and I value

you as a good wife. Therefore, after reading this letter I hope you will

not wrongly interpret the fact that I will be spending the evening with my

18-year-old secretary at the Comfort Inn Hotel.
Please don't be upset - I shall be back home before midnight.'

'To My Dear Husband,
I received your letter and thank you for your honesty about my being 54

years old. I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that you

are also 54 years old. As you know, I am a math teacher at our local

college. I would like to inform you that while you're at the Comfort Inn,

I will be at the Hotel Fiesta with Michael, one of my students, who is also the

Assistant tennis coach. He is young, virile, and like your secretary, he

is 18 years old.

As a successful businessman with an excellent knowledge of math, you

will understand that we are in the same situation, although with one

small difference; 18 goes into 54 a lot more times than 54 goes into 18.

Therefore I will not be home until sometime tomorrow.'

Sunday, August 14

Tears in New York

We will always Remember.

I came across this on yahoo today. As I watched this video I started to tear up. When we were in New York in July we did stopped by ground zero. Yes, we took pictures unlike a lot of people who were smiling next to the plaque. I don’t understand why you would want to be in the picture let along smile in it. Even as we walked down to ground zero it took me back to the day it happen. I was in school walking down the hallway when I seen a girl crying.

“What’s wrong?”

“They are dead I know it!”

“Who is dead Hun?”

“The towers went down the towers went down!”

I gave her a hug as she cried on my shoulder. I didn’t know what she was talking about just then a teacher walked out and took her away. I went to my next class with everyone talking, sobbing going on it was chaos. My teacher turned on the TV. At that moment I saw what she was talking about. The twin towers where hit by planes I couldn’t believe it. I felt like throwing up. I saw the people jumping from the building as my heart sank to the floor. I later founded out that her parents worked there. I couldn’t imagine losing my mom and dad to something like that. I couldn’t even think about losing them at all. I’m glad that they have this completed for the people who lost loved ones. They have water falls to remember them by. The biggest man made water falls in the world I think that’s what the video said. I really like it I think that was the best thing to do. It would be to weird for them to build something over top of ground zero.

Here are some pictures I took when we were there. Steve and I took a few pictures as we teared up ourselves. It's surprising with all the noise in the city it was quiet standing there. We had a very erie feeling being there. There is so much lost on ground zero not to mention on the streets with so many people unaccounted for that we don’t know about.  Being in New York made it real for me. Steve and I will be going back soon to view the water falls.

Last night I started to watch flight 93 that was on TV. I couldn’t do it I had to change the channel. My heart goes out to everyone who lost a loved one. I feel your pain and panic on your last moment here on earth. I wouldn’t wish that kind of lost on my worst enemy. I know when I found out Steve left for marine boot camp a few years later even though we were not a couple then. I had all these feeling of hurt come over me like I did on this day. I had a lot of friends who left in 2001 for the military. They only join for this reason. I think I regret not going I chicken out for many reasons. I wasn’t ready to go. I come from a family who has served many years. My great grandpa, grandpa, uncles, cousins, step dad and I can’t forget my husband. The whole bottom part are filled with names. It's really sad to think about this day.

                               10 years have gone by so fast seems like another life time ago.

Wednesday, July 20

A child

All a child needs in their life is someone to show them love. A huge or a kiss on the cheek shows that child that they mean something to someone. Going to a soccer game means you changed your plans just for them. Making them feel special is an effortless job when they already adore you. As a baby they just want to feel the warmth of your skin next to theirs. They want to hear your voice. They want to be loved. As they grow up they want to please you. All you have to say is you did a great job and I’m proud of you. Money never shows a child love. Fighting just shows your anger and hate for the other parent. Don’t make them have to choose you over the other parent, step-parent even a grandparent. Today children have all types of families with lots of siblings.
Blood doesn’t make you a family love makes a family. Family is what you make it with people who love and support you no matter what happens in life. They don't try to brain wash you.
Making your child happy should mean the world to a parent. That gets overlooked most of the time. Children are seen as property to one parent. It’s sad when a custody case puts the child in the middle. Lies being told to a child will only destroy them in the end. Life will always find a way. Indeed some families who don’t share blood are closer than what you think in today’s world. A woman should never need a man to raise a child. A man should never need a woman to raise a child. Fighting over and over will just show your true colors to people. When some parents walk away it’s what is best for that child in the end. Instead of the child being grilled on what the other parent said and did. That is no life for a child to grow up in. Some just can’t co-exist together. The child will only know what lies not the truth one parent tells.They will never know both sides. A series of lies are of you own doing not anyone else. A real parent can never just walk away from a child who they care about in my opinion. Sometimes it is left for the step-parent (soon to be step-parent) to push for the child. Sometimes the only reason one fights is because another adult wants them to. When the other adult stop pushing for a child that is not theirs this is what you get no ones wins as many parents so whole heartily put. That’s great have fun explaining why you are the reason for your child’s pain of sins of the father/mother. Did you win when the parent doesn't come back? Did you get what you wanted? Did you get what you asked for? In the end I know it's not a piece of mind. Your guilt weighs heavy and people can see. I firmly believe that all a child needs is love. It doesn't matter if you are rich or poor. What matters is who is in your life at the end of the rope. My children have the best of world’s trips, money, time and most of all love from both of us. We are a loving family that makes time for family fun night filled with games and laughter. Family dinners are a must in my house hold. My husband and I don’t let other people’s drama control us. It seems to make a lot of people have anger towards us with the fact we stay out of it. This is what makes us happy. This is our medicine. I only wish some people would find out what makes them happy to live. Life is only what you make it. It's a shame people don't know that. Instead they chose to live life around others. What I mean by that is taking the time to check up on ex's, new wives, husbands and other people's children. For what do they gain out of being someone who loves to try and ruin another's life? GOD doesn’t like ugly people! In most cases what others say or do has little or no effect on some. Nothing I may say is what they get out of the sick obsession they seem to have. I guess I could see the hate after a year with scone women and men who have been hurt. Late at night when they are checking the Internet.

I guess I'm blessed to have a some what fairytale life. I have a house. A husband who loves and adores me with every breathe he takes. I have two beautiful children who love me. I have a career that allows me to stay at home to raise my children. I’m happy with who I am. I wish that others will find a way to be happy too!

Monday, June 27

Detroit Zoo

The Detroit Zoo was a bit confusing I would suggest go to Toledo Zoo instead. However we all had a great time with  my mom,niece and nephew who went with us.  This sign  for example you can go right or left. My question to you is what way is straight? When the sign leads you no where. Just a thought. A couple stop me to ask where something was I couldn't answer them we were just walking letting our feet lead the way. The Dino exhibit was pretty neat had to be one of my favorite. The peacock top it off who almost took out the boys.

Pretty bird they were just walking with the crowd of people. The kids wanted to touch them but we kept them away.I'm not sure what they would do. The one in the picture was moving it's feet like a bull would making funny noises. lol

I do like how there is no glass unlike Toledo but with lots of walking. My niece thought a ant eater was an elephant. She is four and too cute.

This was just Sunday then we came home to finish up some yard work. We were going to go to a friend's bbq but we all fell asleep. I guess being out in the sun mad us real sleepy. All the walking was alot to do in one day. Justin is so silly he wanted to stay the night in the zoo. He really liked the lemurs there. Steve and I were thinking about buying one after we took care of a client who had one along with lots of other animals.They are cute.

We seen the fireworks this weekend too. I was happy to see that Christopher was okay with them this time. We went to my aunt's house where my sister almost blew her hand off with a bottle rocket. I told the boys this is why we don't play with fire and let Aunt Nikki near it.
Gotta love her for trying even her husband said this is why there will not be fireworks at his house.He can't watch everyone and his wife. Love ya Andy.

I think I'm getting use to driving our new truck we just brought. My Tahoe is awesome! Now I'm a Mexican like my sister says.  I like when my hubby drives makes me feel a little safer. I should say the people on the road are safer. I feel like running over some people Michigan drivers are the worst. They don't know that red means stop. Yellow means slow down a stop sign means just that STOP. I can't forget that when you are driving 50mph that you should keep your speed instead of just stopping for no reason. Turn signals are great to use that's why they were put in the car to begin with. I'm just throwing this out there some rules need to be followed unless you don't speak or read English but still was able to get a Michigan driver's license.

Tuesday, May 17

Detroit, the Paris of the Midwest

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So I heard that Detroit, is the Paris of the Midwest. It got me thinking Detroit was a beautiful place back in the day. Tons of shopping center and places to eat. It didn't have the bad influences it has now. My great grandpa told me that he and my grandma would pack all the kids in the car to take a drive downtown to see the Christmas lights. I think that would be neat to see how Detroit once was.I guess the layout of Detroit was copied off of Paris. I put in a link so you could read more about.

FILE - In this Jan. 16, 2005 file photo, California ...

Arnold Schwarzenegger's Love Child what is up with that? I always liked that man. The thing that blew me away is that the woman worked for him and Marie for 20 years and he supported the child who is now ten. The lady was married on top of that and his kids he had with Marie played with this unknown child. Marie had contact with this child for at least half of this child's life. That is just too crazy. Off with his head I say. I can't stand to hear about this stuff It's just defeats the whole purpose of getting married. Why cheat on your love one? I'm so glad Steve and I have trust first and for most. We are friends have been for a long time. I think because we were friends first we told each other everything we were able to be ourselves around each other. There was never any pretending with each other and no matter how hurtful something was we told one another.  I think a lot more  people should have that bond with their love one. You should  live with that person first to see if you can live with them or not. I guess I'm lucky my hubby is a man who will clean up after his self ,cook and clean just as much as I do. It's great to share the household stuff 50/50. With both of us working the  house and two kids it gets a little crazy at times. On those days the dishes just don't get done. I can hear my mom now in my head telling me those dishes are not going to wash themselves. lol Gotta love her! I get some of my clean freak attacks straight from her. I guess what I'm saying you should really get to know the person you are getting ready to marry before shit comes out of the closet. Arnold was married for 25 years you think I do meant forever. In today's world it's only for sometime now. Steve and I will be 85 years old dancing in our front yard still married. Marie walked because he cheated and I know that would be the reason for me as well. Once a cheater always a cheater. Besides Steve doesn't want to become a head on my wall. lol He loves and respects me to much to put that kind of pain on me. I think he has shown and proved his love many times. I know my hubby is fateful because I trust him completely. I never have to worry where he has been or where he is going. He always comes home to his wife of six and half years. I love you baby!

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