
Showing posts with label Being a mom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Being a mom. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 2

School year comes to an end

 I'm so proud of Justin. His music concert went very well. All three elementary schools sounded great. He made the Honor Roll received an award for respect and perfect attendance. He was one day away from getting perfect attendance for the whole year. He set a goal for next year. I love that about my son he is always setting goals to meet big or small. He kept his dedication to playing the violin all year. At first he thought he would be great then he was a little discourage that he wasn't.  For some reason he thought he would sound like the people on the radio. After we took time day after day to sit with him to read the music. Most important hubby and I gave our time to listen to him. In the beginning he gave us a fight. After a while he came to us to tell us he really enjoyed it. Justin sounds awesome. I hope he will take it up next year. He has music in his soul. He has taken a huge interest in classical music one of the things we all share in common as a family. That's now where his piano lessons come in at. He likes it so far and now understands to be better he has to keep at it.  With Justin once he sets his mind to something he will be great!
Soccer season is over. Justin absolutely loves this sport above anything else. His team Blue Thunder won a handful of games. Christopher liked his second season a little better now that he likes the sport. We went out everyday for the last eight weeks to play in the backyard. No matter how hot it was we where outside. Big brother started showing him how to pass the ball, stop it and run for it. Christopher thought he was being mean if he took the ball. Then he would get upset during the game because the other kids took the ball. They weren't sharing. However his last game he was off in his own little world with a teammate. I had to tell her mom "That's it we can't be friends anymore!" We both laugh but really this is where True love starts at four!
Now you see why. Oh no this is way too early for anything like this. The rule in our house is that both boys have to have a job before they can even start to think about dating. They have to be able to support her. Have both parents permission to date. Funny thing is I think I might have to worry about Christopher with the ladies more then my oldest. Looks like extra sports are needed to keep him occupied. Both boys will not have time for girls until after college. I did ask Christopher what they were talking about. He said" Mom we were just chit chatting about our day!" I know the picture is adorable. I give it that but no more.  Overall I can't wait to see what the next school year brings. My boys are my world. Growing up way to fast but I couldn't be more proud to see them grow.

Monday, May 25

Diary of a Minecraft Zombie

This is a hilarious book. It's written by a 12 year old Zombie if you follow the books Diary of a Wimpy Kid these books follow the same mindset just in Minecraft. It starts off as a diary on a Monday he doesn't understand why his mom makes him go scare the villagers. Zombies can't go out during the day he thinks it would be easier if he had human parents because they're probably nice. He has to go to scare School to learn how to scare the villagers. It's extremely cute if you or your children are obsessed with Minecraft this series is definitely for you. We started reading the book yesterday and haven't been able to put it down. It's a silly book that will make you laugh. Now, I have to order the whole set from Amazon. They run about $3.99 or so it varies. Learning how to play is hard but a lot of fun when my directions come from a four year old.  Happy Reading!  

Sunday, May 24

Paintball and Brothers

My boys are always good to each other. Christopher sat with me for three hours while his big brother played with his friends shooting paintballs at each other. Christopher was bored out of his mind. We talked played tag a lady gave him pizza because he was cute. It was in the 90's Justin was covered from head to toe in sweat, dirt and paint. Justin seems to like to play right now. If he keeps it up Daddy has talked me into letting him buy a paintball gun for him. He wants all the gear. Some more Father and Son bonding time where they can be crazy together. I love it! I really do love how close they are. It melts my heart. Here is what Justin was looking at to get.
When Justin would come off the field Christopher would make sure he had his water to drink. He even helped refill his brother's gun with paintballs. Kept a handful to step on I guessed he figured it was his payment for waiting. Justin didn't care it made Christopher happy. Justin took some good hits that left marks on him. Christopher was all concern we needed to get ice packs for him on the way home. It was too cute to see how much he cares. Christopher was the only one yelling "Go Jay Go Jay!" That was one of the times Justin took a hit because of Christopher. I felt bad it looked like it hurt. Christopher tells him later "You should look next time big Bro!" I had to laugh because he is to little to understand right now.
Christopher can't play until he turns eight years old but he like this gun as well. The Combat Zone is the place to go if you are looking to try it out. They have three fields right now. The Ref's are great and work off tips so make sure you tip them. They keep it running smooth. I was a little worried about Justin getting ambush by being in there by himself. That won't happen here or at least what I see they are really strict by how the fields are run. It's a lot of fun make sure you bring water.  
Brothers Forever
Justin even clean the oven for me to say thank you for taking him to play. Justin is growing up so fast. Time sure goes by really fast. I know I have said it before but it really does.

Sunday, May 17

On the hunt for Bones Leg!

Six in a half hours two cups of coffee forty ounces of water a turkey sandwich with ten totes of Legos. We were on the hunt for this lego toy named Bone.  Apparently he lost his leg. Christopher refused to let me take a picture of him because he was leg less. The leg is smaller than my pinky nail only the white part.  We found everything else like the Iron Man lego guys. Zombies from the zombie collection. We finally found Steve from Minecraft with the rest of his body.  Christopher realize today that Minecraft Steve shares the same name as his daddy. We also found our share of cat toys that some how made there way in the lego box. Justin's poker chips were in there as well with my hair ties and clips. Christopher inform me that he uses my clips as monster cranes to pick up things. He has one heck of imagination on him. As we went through his legos we built a city that Godzilla the evil cat destroyed! He took off with the Legos with Christopher running after him. It was too funny! Christopher tries to rebuild when  Mickey decided she was going to lay on top of the Legos. We never did find Bone's leg. After all that today I think I will just go buy another Lego set just to get another Bones guy. I think that may just be a little easier since my back was not to happy with me. Thank God for yoga! It was my best friend tonight.  Boys are both sleeping.  I never knew looking and playing with Legos could be so exhausting. I wouldn't have it any other way! I love being a Mom!

Monday, January 19

A Child who laughs hysterically!

Kids are crazy!  It doesn't matter what happens my son laughs when he gets hurt. 
He was running away from his brother hit his leg on here then dropped to the floor. I go running up to him thinking the worst his leg is broke he is bleeding something horrible.  Nope he is laughing out of control. 

Here he is laughing. I will never know if he is truly hurt unless he is dragging a leg over his shoulder.  I'm sure he will be laughing saying " Look what I did!"
He isn't a serious kid at all. 

Thursday, December 12

Shopping with my 3 YEAR OLD

I have to laugh at Christopher he is a true nut. I walked into Aarons furniture store. I remember talking to Christopher and asking him to be on his best behavior until we leave. Laugh now I know it was not going to happen. I seen a table online so I wanted to go in and look at it so I could buy it. GOOD NEWS it gets delivered on Saturday. I'm so excited I haven't had a table in about a year because we were going to build it but it didn't turn out the way that we thought it would. Back home my hubby built the table in the wall which was pretty neat because it was half in the kitchen half in the living room best of both worlds right. First, Hubby calls me. Trying to off the phone with that man is like impossible he talks more than a woman. Sorry babe but you do. He was trying to tell me to get other things all I wanted was a table I don't like to shop. I know I'm weird! Trying to fill out paperwork was nearly impossible when Christopher spilled the water that the sales associate gave us all in our lap. Not bad I suppose it's just water. Christopher starts off saying hello to everybody then he takes off. I finally get him after making three rounds in the store running after him trying not to knock over anything as he's laughing and saying mom can't get me.  I pick him up then he licks me. He is in this licking stage I have no idea why. He wants to lick everything the couch his brother me the cat the Christmas tree the window my phone. It's totally gross! He finds  a kid in the store looks a little bit younger than him maybe 1. Mind you his parents are no where in sight. Christopher starts showing him around the store.Which in turn is fantastic for me turns out it was cheaper than I thought. I ended up just buying it right out. He was like a little  Aarons associate. He has my phone mind you and he is taking pictures of everything. Thank God the sales associate has kids two twins girls that are 3 as well. He understood even made a comment that's why he has a job and she stays home. I can't be mad at him. He did tell me he had a really good time even thanked me for taking him. Christopher is so sweet! It's all part of the job being a mom I love it!!!!

The table 
I bought.

The plant Christopher said he likes. He took a picture of it. 

He wanted to buy this! 

Random new friend.

Sunday, November 10

My Toddler

Having to take care of a three year old is a task especially when I think my son just went crazy this past week.

"Don't lick your brother."

 "Why Mom?"

 "People don't lick people you can't act like the cat."

 While he is licking his arm like the cat and running it over his head. Then he comes to lick me.

 "You can't lick me if I can't lick you back!"

 Now, I'm running after him pretending to want to lick him as he runs and hide behind his big brother. He is screaming and laughing.

"No mom don't lick me that's gross. Jay stop her!"

If that was bad enough he jumps off the bed I catch him in mid air.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm Iron Man mom I just got my flight power back!"

"Well you just scared me to death don't jump off the bed."

"Why Mom?"

Okay we are now in the "WHY" stage where now I have to come up with a reason why people can't fly.

"People can't fly in the house."

"Okay, Mom sorry Jay mom said we can't fly in the house let's go outside."

I seen that one coming!

"Put the turtles down they can't fight like the Ninja turtles."

He walks away only to find him talking to the turtles asking them what swords and guns they want to use to fight.

"No, Christopher Mickey doesn't want to play with the turtles!"

As he trying to put the cat in the pool with the turtles.
He has been non stop all day everyday for the past week. No naps it's like his batteries won't die out. Yup, He is crazy I don't know what else to call it when he is outside running around jumping off the lawn furniture tackling his brother and putting him in a head lock. I guess mommy and daddy can't watch MMA fighting anymore. He dressed up the cat in his Iron Man costume.  That didn't go over very well with Mickey the cat she was just a little mad. Tonight he was just running back and forth in the house for no apparent reason but to do it. He has discover his penis like a boy he walked outside with it hanging out.

"Put your penis away Christopher!"

"Why Mom?"

There is that WHY again.

"You can't be outside with your body parts hanging out."

"It's mind mom."

"Yes, I know just go get in the pool."

Okay, I think that was it nope he is now skinny dippin in the pool. I get him dressed to feed my boys dinner now he is sitting on the floor sharing his tacos with the cat. I don't know what is wrong with him. All I can do is laugh because this is not even half of my week. I still love being a mom. He makes me laugh for sure. There is not a dull day in The Needham Household.

Tuesday, October 8

My Awwe moments

If you are a mom I bet you have many of these same moments where it's hard to get out of your head. It's times you think to yourself what would my life be if I didn't have these moments in time. This morning I gave my kids their vitamins for the day like I always do. I gave Justin his first as the same time he was saying "Thank You."
I was saying "Here Chris."

Justin says"What did I do to you?"

I reply "What?"

Justin "You just said who cares,why?"

I start laughing "Why would I say that?"

"That's what I thought you must be having a bad day. You never say that to me." Justin says with a confused look on his face.

I always tell my kids to mind their manners so when Justin thought I said "Who cares." He probably thought the one time I say thank you before she says something and this is what I get. I'm laughing my butt off right now writing this. It was too funny all taking place before school.

In between looking for shoes, homework clothes,milk on the floor. Cereal in the freezer for whatever reason. The marbles I keep almost breaking my neck on not to mind the cat freaking me out. She likes to jump out of nowhere.

Later today Christopher and I took a break from doing his studies we are working on learning the parts of a skeleton right now. I laid on the floor when the cat jumped up on me purring.
Christopher said "She is vibrating."

"She is purring!" I told him

Another moment where I couldn't stop laughing

He says "Well unplug her mommy!"

Like where do they come up with this stuff? I swear I laugh more since I became a mom then I ever did before.  Christopher and Justin have a full fledge conversation. It's the cutest thing to hear my little one ask his big brother how his day was and then my oldest tells him.

Being a mommy is really hard at times I know I'm a mom. Is the most rewarding experience to become a parent to see how much you have influenced your children. You watch the way what you say and do shapes them. It's funny how it's all rolled into one. They are their own person yet there  is a little bit of you and their daddy it's amazing! My son Justin is an amazing athlete! I am constantly getting compliments on how natural he is at soccer and basketball just about any sport he has ever done it makes us as parents very proud of him. My husband just bought our little one for his 3rd birthday a tablet now he wants to buy Justin a cell phone. I don't know about you but I'm not sure about a phone for my son but I know it's needed. Times have changed since I was 10. Christopher knows how to use my phone better than I know how to use my phone. He can take pictures he can call people and he walked in the room having a conversation with somebody. I'm like who are you talking to  he tell me he knows how to hang up he knows how to use my bluetooth it is so funny! My whole world revolves around my children. I love these crazy intense even the attitude justin has inquired lately I love all these moments. My children are growing up to be incredible  people who will soon be young adults. It must mean that my husband and I are doing a great job. I'm sure all the parents that are reading this you are doing a great job too. Just hold on a little tantrum will pass they only hold your hand for a short time make sure you're there to create a new moment everyday. Make time for family fun day as today we're playing uno. Remember to always have fun. Being a parent is a journey! Thanks for reading have a blessed day.

Monday, July 29

This is why I wake up

Playalinda Beach, Titusville Florida
The smell of salt in the air the sand between my toes I think my kids were born to swim.  They are fish with legs. They would swim all day long if I let them. Justin has taking up surfing now that he has a real surfboard not a fake one as he says. He is really good 9 out of 10 ten times he gets a wave and rides it in. I'm in aww on how good he really is. With the help of daddy taking him out for hours teaching him how to surf is amazing. My hubby has been working a lot of hours for a few months now that doesn't stop him from taking his boys to the beach.  My boys are the reason I wake up everyday. I love hearing them laugh when we play hide and seek. I love being called Mommy! It's the highlight of my day. This past weekend was packed full of stuff.
Cocoa Beach,Florida

Friday we made homemade pizza and cookies. We veggie out with a dozen movies the boys wanted to watch. Christopher cried through the whole movie of Flipper not once but twice. It was horrible he wanted the dolphin to go home with the humans. He made me cry the way he was crying making cookies made up for it. Justin loves to help in the kitchen. I find it relaxing when we cook together. It also a great learning tool to have him read off the recipe list. We made some pictures to hang up for our Art Wall.  We have made it a part of our day to have story time at 7pm every night in our house. Are you my mother? Is a big hit with the boys.
Saturday we spent all day at the beach that's Cocoa Beach. The boys are in the top picture playing in sand. Christopher waits patiently for his big brother to bury him so he can jump up out to be a sand monster. We were all sand monsters that day. I love the beach! This beach is fun if you are in the middle of it. If not you will be surrounded by people on each side. It's a very crowed beach. You have to walk forever to even get to the water. If you park by the pier you have to pay ten dollars. If you park on one of the side entrances there are parking meters so bring lots of change depending on how long you plan to be there. We are always there four or five hours at the most.  

Sunday we decide to take our boys to another beach Playalinda Beach which is a great place to watch sea turtles hatch. It's a beautiful beach to go to. I like it better than Cocoa less people and I have found my nudist beach I have been looking for. The hubby and I have to get a babysitter to come back so I can tan my ass cheeks. It's a new goal I have added to my bucket list. A few times going nude should help my cheeks out. The sand is white here filled with sea shells. Bring a bucket if you have kids.The boys and I always bring back a ton of shells. This beach has less litter like cigarette butts and is very clean unlike Cocoa. I think this will be the beach we go to for now on. The water is also very clean compare to Cocoa. The boys and I were sand monsters once again. We meet a few nice people with children at the beach another stay at home mommy. It's nice to have someone to talk to who also stays at home with their kids. Of course we shared ideals that we seen on Pinterest. That site is a hit. I have done 70% of the stuff I have seen on that site.Check me out 
 Word of advice park in the front lots not the back ones or you might just see some naked people walk your way. Bring lots of water to drink and pack a few snacks. There are not showers at either beach so jugs of water works well one for each person to rinse the sand off of you. A sandy butt doesn't go well on a 30 minutes drive home. 

This is what I wake up to do spend every moment I have with my children. We all have a sunburn so maybe a movie day is in the near future. However we will not be watching Flipper. I can't take my Popsicle crying again. He is too emotional when it comes to that dolphin. 

Sunday, May 12

Happy Mother's Day to all

The celebration of  Mother's Day began in the United States in the early 20th century; it is not related to the many celebrations of mothers and motherhood that have occurred throughout the world over thousands of years, such as the Greek cult to Cybele, the Roman festival of Hilaria, or the Christian Mothering Sunday celebration. Despite this, in some countries Mother's Day has become synonymous with these older traditions.

Take a second and pick up the phone to call your mother. Today is the day to celebrate yourself go eat that piece of cake or in my case my chocolaty protein bar. Yummy! Have a wonderful  Day our family is heading out to do some yard work for my garden today. We will go to the park maybe even go see Iron Man 3. I'm a comic book lover beside that is the only thing Christopher will watch right now. I need a change I can recite
 Iron Man 1 &2 by heart now. 
Thanks for reading.

Monday, April 1

Things you should say everyday

It's hard being a mother no doubt.You get tired , cranky  and crabby. There is never enough time in a day to do what you need.  If you where in your children's shoes what would you want to hear from your parents? I made a list of ten things you should say to your little one's everyday. Life is like an open door to whatever you want. In order to get there you have to take a chance with life itself. Believe in yourself and above all believe in God or whoever you pray to.
1) I love you! - It may seem simple to say but it means a lot to a child. A child needs to hear you say those words. Say it as you cook dinner,on a walk ,playing a game. Say it just because. My son and I have always said (I love you to the moon and back.)
2) I'm proud of you! -  No matter what my children do in life I will always be proud of them. I tell my boys if you try no matter what happens I'm here for you.
3) You are special - Every child is special. Find something everyday that makes your child special (even if it is just because they are YOURS) and tell them about it.
4) It's okay. - Honestly, a lot of things my kids do is okay. It's okay to have a off day. They are kids I mean how grown up do you want them to be. I always tell my boys that its okay to have a cookie. If they dropped  a plate of food its okay not the end of the world.
5) Yes! - Kids hear "No."all the time tell them yes once a day when you know you will say "No" it will help you give them space to grow.
6) How about now? - Don't put things off till tomorrow  do it today.
7) That's a great idea! -  Let your kids know how great that thought they had at dinner was. Be spontaneous do something different. Maybe go to the next step and create it.
8) I love spending time with you! - Believe it or not, your kids would rather have you spend an hour reading, drawing, laughing, snuggling, playing, cooking, building, learning, teaching, racing, throwing, catching, swinging and smiling than anything that you can buy them. Best of all - it doesn't cost a penny! Each day spend some time with you kids and then tell them how much you love spending time with them, it will mean more than you can imagine! At least 30 minutes a day  and see where you go from there. Act out a book or plan a zap zone in your house. It will be fun. I just made a reading fort for my boys.
9) Will you help me? -  Kids love to help out. They need to feel needed by mom and dad. My hubby always let's our boys unpack the car with him. If he is working around the house our boys are right there. It may take a little longer but well worth it. I always let my kids help in the kitchen to help me cook. It may be a giant mess really but it's fun. My son Justin and I have been doing this since he could walk.
10) You make my life complete - Let your children know you enjoy your life now more then before. My Popsicle  is two he completed us and made us whole. My oldest and I kind of grew up together. He showed my hubby and I how to be parents . All you need is love,time and to be patient  with your kids. They are learning just like you as life goes by. One step at a time is all it takes.

Thursday, February 7

Mommy ABC's

This is something ever mom/dad should follow. It should show you life is just life one A at a time.
Take your time to listen to your child. Get lost in the moment they  aren't little for long. Live it up now tomorrow may not come!

Wednesday, November 28

Friday, July 27

Stickers for a good job

I have been on Christopher a lot lately. I have been taking him every 10-15 minutes to go potty. It's a hard job to keep up on this big task.  It has worked out very well considering that he is a lot shorter than Justin was.  I just had Justin sink the hand full of cheerio's I put in the toilet. When Christopher goes he get's a potty sticker. Now I find the stickers on his butt,tv,radio,on his brother  and in his hair. It' s worth it just to hear him say " I did it." I love this  mom job!

Friday, July 6

Adding to our family

I have talked before about wanting to have another child. We were set to try which is a whole lot of fun. Then I had a dream a month ago that I was pregnant. Another dream a week ago and Steve tells me two weeks ago he had a dream I was nursing a little girl while he was holding a little girl Christopher was on the other side of him and Justin was sitting on the floor playing. Wow, I don't know what it all means. I looked it up looks like it can mean that one I'm going to have a baby(I knew that I didn't need Google to tell me) or a new journey is going to happen. Well they go hand in hand with each other. I just unpack all Christopher's stuff to sell it in a yard sell. I was upset for two days because I didn't want to sell it. Steve finally tells me on the way to the fireworks about his dream. Then he is rubbing my belly asking how the twins are? We talked and joked about the what if factor. I'm not sure if I'm ready to have another baby. I want one I really do. Just it would ruin my plans for the upcoming year!(laughing) My wedding dress fits perfect now at a size 10. I'm training to be a MMA fighter. It was more of a joke because I put it on my bucket list. I just want a six pack like I had before. What it came down to on our way home was stopping to pick up a test. I waited till Thursday morning to take it. You know first morning pee is the best but not needed. It came out negative. I well both of us were a little upset at the thought that I wasn't. Steve and I talked and it turns out that we want to share our love again with another baby Needham. Now that it is out in the open we just are going to try to plan what month he or she will be born. I just hope its one baby not twins or three if you count the dreams as a sign. Steve says either way he hopes for more. He makes me laugh so much at the thought of a bigger family. Guess we might need a bigger house. I think I may take up a evening with a warm bath and a radio. I can't forget a glass of wine shit the whole bottle. Well not really.A maybe but with a husband like Steve he is my drug. I adore him. Only if  the Needham household turns from four to six or seven.
We will see I guess.

Thursday, June 28

The Joy of Mothering

"Raising children is definitely not a default chore for women who were not successful in the world of business, power and wealth." by
(I wrote this before Father's Day)
I was just thinking about how I love being a mother yesterday when Justin and I were looking over some neat ideas on Pinterest for Steve for Father's Day. Trust me it's not all cake and cookie's being a mom. I run around 24/7 for my kids nonstop. Sometimes I feel like there are days I'm going to scream when the kids are not being bad just full of spunk that day. They have a lot of energy every day. Then there is work cleaning houses and getting them ready to sell. It's called Fofo the houses.  Don't ask I didn't come up with the name. We are finally getting ready to move into our new house. Steve just painted almost the whole house. The main ones are done. We still have our bathroom and the kid's bathroom to finish. I love it! Adam and Steve did a great job. I can't wait to go shopping to fill the kitchen with wine decor. The living room is going to be a tuff one going with a Mexican theme. Well I will be there now it's done. (Lol) I have so much to unpack. Justin will be nine next month. I don't know where the time went. Justin and I are close but not as much as him and his daddy. I kind of feel left out until today.
                               "Mom I love you. I think you are doing a great job with us."

Justin hugged me and walked away. I have to admit it a tear ran down my face. He still needs me just as much as he needs dad in a different way. Steve is crazy we just moved to Florida and now he is talking about leaving to move to Hawaii. What? Are you kidding me my GPS doesn't work here I know it won't work on an Island. Lola is not the best GPS. Looks like I may need to trade her in.
                  I love being a mom! The ups and downs come with whole territory. I have had more ups then downs. I have my wonderful hubby Steve to thank for that. He does way more than any other man I know. We share 50/50 on house chores which makes it easier with the kids. The dog Justin takes care of so I have no worries there. Christopher is a little on the crazy side a lot of the time but it's okay. He keeps me young. I want to have a farm somehow with chickens and ducks maybe even pigs. Pigs are friends not food! If I say I want it Steve somehow makes it happens. I owe him so much credit for what he does for us. He makes sure we are taken care of. I have to worry about the house half the time. Kid’s maybe 75% of the time and Steve has them the rest of the time.
                  I love talking walks going to the park and doing  whatever the kids want. I adore the time I get to spend with them. I don't look down on myself for not going to college. However I'm a publish writer/ Stay at home mommy who owns a small fish/landscaping company. I think I have done well for myself and family. The most important thing is that my children know that I love them no matter what. I will never turn my back on them ever. Finding time in the summer to work on my second book is a tough one. I mean with going to the beach and I all. My laptop stays at home.

Friday, May 11

Are you Mom Enough?

I just seen this when I signed onto my facebook. My first reactions was WTH(what the hell). This is not what it looks like to breastfeed your child.It's on time magazine at that. I have conflicting emotions about this. First, of all the kid looks a little on the freaky side just staring at you. I never fed either of my children while they were standing on a chair. I guess to each it's own. I do however think there should be a age limit. I stop nursing both boys when they received teeth. I always sat down with my pillow to feed both of them. With my son Justin I  was nineteen when I had him. The nurse was a little too pushy for me bugging me about nursing Justin. She even tried to pull out my breast for me. I kindly took my breast out of her hand. I told her "It doesn't take a rocket scientist to feed a child. Let my breast go." She did and Justin latch right on without a problem. I produce more than enough for him. At two months being  pregnant I had to wear those uncomfortable breast pads. I was leaking so much. This picture kills me saying Are you mom enough? Really, a mom can be a mom even if she doesn't breastfeed her children. It is her choice plain and simple. So many women chose to because they want to. On the other hand I have heard many reasons why some women won't nurse their children. Again it it their choice. If you never had you should at least try. One big reason I did with Justin well two babies are proven to be smarter, don't get sick and you lose your baby weight twice as fast. Okay, I guess I lied a little more then two.  I would never tell a mother she is not a mom because she didn't breastfeed.  I enjoyed feeding my children. I really did. The closeness you feel to your baby is really important. I always fed with my shirt off with Justin when I was at home so he could have the skin to skin contact. I think by doing that is why we have a close-net bond. Breastfeeding Christopher was something else. Feeding each child is different just like each pregnancy. Christopher wanted to eat all the time an hour sometimes. I would crack up laughing when Steve would come in the room and act like he was going to eat too. Christopher would mumbling and grumble and then he would eat really fast. Steve and I would about die laughing at him. He was telling daddy nope get lost it's all mind. Steve and I explain to Justin what I was doing. After the shock he got over it. If I was feeding Christopher when Justin walked in I didn't rush to cover up it was something natural not to be ashamed about it.I don't want my boys to ever feel bad or embarrass about the human body. It's beautiful. With both boys I could easily pump up to 7 and half ounces out of each breast. I could have sold it of course for a good cause.  I mean Steve did put four ounces in his power shakes twice a day before he hit the gym. He did take it right from the source before he froze and bottle it for shakes. Steve said " It was sweet like me!" I just laugh and shook my head as I took the bags out for his shake. I still think it was a little weird but hey if my son's can drink it he can. Steve did gain ten pounds with his breast milk shakes. He wasn't embarrass about it he told everyone what he was doing. I read it in one of those baby books that a woman's body knows when your baby would be getting up and going to sleep. Night time feeding's had that extra push to make you fall asleep. Steve would always yell from the bedroom "Make sure I don't get a nighttime one like yesterday. I was too sleepy at the gym." Thinking to myself I can't believe my hubby just said that. (laughing) In the last month or so Christopher has wanted to nurse again. I don't know what all that is about. He hasn't yet. In my case I hope not it is very painful when all your milk dry's up. Although I still leak which I'm not surprise I didn't fully dry up till Justin was five.  I'm very grateful that my husband was very supportive with breastfeeding. I didn't hesitate to whip my breast out in Ihop,apple bees,walmart if Christopher wanted to eat I was going to feed him. I was more comfortable feeding Christopher then Justin but I think it was the whole age difference. I covered up with Justin more. Christopher was not having it at all.
Most of the time nursing the boys was okay. Then came the days
when it was hard to feed them. Christopher always wanted to hold on to Daddy's finger or hold his shirt. It didn't matter where we were at he had to do that or it was hell to pay. Justin was more of a laid back feeder but both prefer to lay down. The boys slept with both of us. I miss my bed I really do.  If Christopher isn't in between us I can't sleep same goes for Steve we have tried more then once but it never fails Christopher still ends up in our bed. These are my thought's on nursing my boys. If anyone out there is a stand on a chair feeder please feel free to write. What are your thoughts about this?

Tuesday, April 17

Crazy stuff

Kids are daring each other to eat ground cinnamon, no water allowed, in 60 seconds. Kids can experience severe coughing fits, choke, or suffer from pneumonia or other medical conditions as a result. Another one is choking game,and chugging water. I don't know about you but all of these are as stupid as can be. I heard about the ground cinnamon on 89x awhile back. Cinnamon plain is nasty. I don't know where these kids come up with this stuff but my question is why? Where are the parents? Justin is not out of my sight at all expect to go pee and maybe playing basketball. No, he can't go over any one's house unless I know them and I'm in the other room talking with the parents where I can still hear him. Call me overprotected sure but I'm not half as bad as Steve is with Jay. Jay has to be where Daddy can see him no ifs ands or butt's about it. I hate to see how we would be if we had a little girl on top of two brothers. She would really hate life. Whatever happen to playing at the park? Watching TV with your buddies? Maybe playing a game outside and riding a bike. I can remember playing from sun up to sun down when I was Justin's age. If I came inside I had to help my mom clean. I stayed outside as long as I could as long as I was back before I heard her whistle or the street lights came on. Her whistle is so loud that Steve and I heard her in that huge crowd at the Taylor fireworks one year. I told Steve which way to go because that is yup my mom calling us. (true story) Thanks Mom I love you to death.

 Now, that we live by neighbors I'm more cautious then ever before. Steve is a nervous wreck when I let Justin play Basketball outside with the neighborhood kids. Which has been okay for the most part. I find it to be a little strange that I'm the only mother that is checking on her kid. I seen a kid a little younger then Jay with his little sister who look to be about three or four months old. I had to restrain myself from going over there and asking if I could carry her where ever he was going. Not in a million years would I have let Justin carry Christopher around when he was that young. Come on use your head people!

Sunday, March 4

What do you think?

"Loving a child who is not biologically yours is no different then choosing to love your spouse. Both relationships are choices, not a biological bond."

Someone had this on cafemom I read it a few times over and over unsure how to respond to this. I think if a stepmother/step dad choose to love her/his husband/wife child like her own it shouldn't be a problem unless she tries to over step her boundaries. The boundaries I'm referring to would be wanting the child to call her mom because she wants the child to. I think if a child wants to call their step parent mom/dad it should be on the child's terms.(ONLY) Their are a lot of families that are made up of a lot of different people who have no Biological bond at all. Sometimes those relationships are the best. I have never been in a situation like this one but knew a friend who was. The step parent didn't want the child to call her mom but the child understood who was mom and who was mommy. The father however didn't see anything wrong with it sadly this is why he no longer sees his child. The Biological mom took the child and left. Who knows where they are. I still talk to this couple and not once heard either of them mention the child in ten years. I guess it is what it is. Steve and I have talked about this when the time comes if the children come looking for me from my days as an egg donor. I guess I would be their Biological mom but I wouldn't have any connection with them but that. I will not be their mother that JOB is left to whoever raised them. Who went to school plays, basketball and soccer games. I will welcome them with open arms if they want to get to know me. I guess I will have to see if that ever happens. Other boundaries that another parent would cross would be disciplining a child that is not theirs. I don't promote spanking and I believe that should be left up to the parents with a little input from the step parent who spends just as much time with the child. It should be a strong unit with parents and step parents to be on the same page. It makes the child's life better to see everyone happy.

Here are some comments left by other on cafemom.

1.That is a great way to say it!

A biological bond is automatically unconditional love.

With a spouse, or spouses family, it is work to fall in love with him/her and their family. I can tell you it has taken me about 5 out of 7 years to enjoy one sister in laws company... and that is because she matured a lot the past couple of years!

2.The BM's jealousy makes sense, since it is actually her child. It wouldn't be surprising if it would hurt a mother to see her child love another "mother." Her feelings of jealousy would be normal and expected.

But the SM's jealousy of BM is different, because it's not "her child", it's someone else's child. So when she is jealous of the BM, the rightful mother, it's like loving a married man... meaning a man you can't have because he is taken already. The SM is choosing to love that child in the mother/child way, and really, that may not be a very good decision, if the BM is still around.

If the BM is out of the picture, of course it's a different story

3.I *kind of* agree with that statement.

How does it play a role in a blended family.....

well, for one thing, it could cause problems because if you choose to love a child that way, the child might not choose to love you back that way. And then you have an unrequited love... which as we all know, doesn't end well.

Secondly, if you choose to love a child in the parent-child sense, are you able to deal with the fact that the child's biological parent is still around, and the child still loves her? (if that applies).

Often we have SMs who fall in love with their stepchilren in the mother-child way, and it causes problems because the SM is jealous of the BM, who is still involved in the child's life.

So, overall I'd say it can cause all kinds of problems in steplife. If you want to compare it to "choosin to love your spouse," I'd say maybe it compares to falling in love with a married man who wont leave his wife.

Yes, loving someone is a choice people choose who they want to love and who they don't. Either way it's  an honor to love a child that is not yours. It's a shame that many children don't get the chance to love step parents because the real parents have issues they need to work out as adults. There should never be a jealously problem because it's okay for a child to love both. I believe the best thing to do if you are a step parent is to try to be the child's friend at any age. Let them know you are not their parent but a friend. You will not go against their real parent unless it is needed for safety reason. Some step parents step into the role of a parent in the absence of the real parent. I give a lot of credit to these people who take on this huge role. Sometimes it is in the best interest for the child. I wish you all luck. Tell me what you think.

                         I love this quote! Love is a choice not an Obligation.

As in for loving your spouse you love all of them the good the bad, past and the present the furture is what you are. Take it don't look back because the past is in the past. It can't be changed there is no time machine to change it. You let it go and don't look back. People try and hold you down for the choices you made as a woman,man,mother and father at that time you seen it as the best choice you had right or wrong it was your choice move on. Life is only what you make it so make it count.

                                          Love is a choice not an Obligation.

Wednesday, February 29

What a View

What a view of the ocean Steve just sent me last night. I love it! I can't wait to meet him there. The boys and I miss him dearly. I know it's only been a week or so but we have never been apart for not even a day since we met. Well it was for only a day when he had to fly to DC. He left that morning and was home for dinner. He is very home sick right now. I talk to him on the phone like crazy. I think I finally have the web chat down it's been a very long time since we have talked on video. Christopher at first didn't understand why Daddy was in the box. Now, he kisses the screen it's too cute. Justin is learning how to cope with not having Daddy around to talk to. He calls him first thing in the morning and first thing after school. He wants me to fly him to Daddy he even started saving his money. If it was up to him he would web chat all day with Daddy.  Justin and Steve do everything together.

On the up side Christopher likes to have screaming contest with Justin all day. Pretty soon I will not be able to hear. I have a pro pitcher on my hands now that Christopher throws his food across the room. He hit me with a banana piece yesterday in the head. The boys thought it was hilarious the way they couldn't stop laughing. I have to admit it was funny he even had sound effects to go with it. Then talking to my hubby Christopher was writing on the walls with a pen. Then my face and he licked his brother. He also decided he didn't want clothes on as he ran though the house naked. Let me tell you there is never a dull moment in the Needham House.

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