
Showing posts with label Holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holidays. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 13


Fun filled day on Easter which seems to Be everyday since Christmas. Here are just a few pictures from our day. 
 A day at the beach
My whole reason for living. I know this post is a little late. 

Tuesday, December 8

Christmas in the Works

Watching Christmas movies decorating the tree and wrapping gifts is fun. I can't lie it brings out the kid in me.

I have to give credit to my wonderful hubby who puts up the lights every year. This year he had to do it a few times. They all worked until we plug them in all together. Then half the house didn't work. Changing the strand of lights where a pain. 
We have never had a theme tree before it has always been the ornaments the boys have made every year. I feel guilty in a way they aren't on the tree. I guess that is the mommy coming out in me. I love our tree I guess it worked out just fine.

A little update Christopher had his first Christmas concert. He had to learn a few songs like
Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, Feliz Navidad and Must be Santa. I have to admit the last one was a little hard. All the kids did a fantastic job even when it started to rain. 80 degree weather for the holidays who can ask for more. 

Wednesday, November 4

Thanksgiving Tree

What do you think about a Christmas Tree for a Boo Tree a Halloween tree? That is what we did. Do you like?

 It's still up. Instead of taking it down we will write everyday what we are thankful for and add it to the tree. I like the ideal so much I think it will be our new tradition every year. What are some of your holiday traditions? With the New Year approaching it's also time for some new family pictures to go on my clock wall. As I'm looking at my tree I'm thinking what the hell is my tree doing up? It's to early for the Holidays. I mean Christmas decorations where up in stores even before Halloween was over. Good news I have already started shopping for Christopher. By December I should be shopping for Jay. Justin is in his early teen years. He has no idea what he wants. He actually said he had everything he wants. Which makes me wonder do I spoil my children to much. Nope, I don't I think I have done a great job. We will be looking to buy Thanksgiving dinner for a family who needs it again this year. I love helping out. With us it's a daily thing to help not just around the Holidays. I never take anything for granted which is why I think this giving thanks tree will help my children along with us to understand and appreciate what we have even more.

Tuesday, November 3

Mexico's Day of the Dead

Día de los Muertos is not Halloween but a chance to honor the dead. I remember the first time I took Justin to a graveyard to hand out flowers. He was almost a year old. You won't find me in a graveyard the whole year but on Día de los Muertos. November 1 honors departed children and November 2 honors adults. I started believing in this Holiday for one reason in hope I would find comfort in losing my baby before Justin. Not looking at death in a negative way helped me become a better mother to Justin.  I have celebrated this Holiday every year since. It took some convincing on my part with my hubby as he didn't see a point and thought it was silly. We took our boys to hand out flowers on graves on Halloween before we headed home. To wish the dead a happy stay as they visit their love ones. 

This year was Christopher's first time. I waited with him because he is emotional child sometimes. He did very well. I have never cooked for a particular person. I have always just put flowers down.  I may not know them but at least they know someone cares. 

This year we picked a section that looked like a whole family was laid to rest here in the above picture. We came across a mother and child grave. Life cannot exist without death. It may be sad at times. Looking for a positive in death will help you survive another day.  Live life to the fullest because tomorrow is never promised.

Friday, December 26

Merry Christmas

I have learned a few thas this year. Never put tinsel on your Christmas tree.  It's a loss cause with kids and cats. Buy batteries before the big day. Putting together a trampoline is harder than it looks. I need to workout some more apparently the trampoline springs clearly won. Don't try and do any kind of flips with a bad back. It hurts a lot.

Kids will always make you laugh.Popsicle has a new take on Santa and the Elves. The story goes the elves make the toys drops them off at Target and Santa picks them up when they are ready for each kid. I guess that works I'll stick with that theory. If you buy a toy car make sure you have 18 hours for the first charge.
A glow in the dark race track must be charged in order to glow. Thanks mom Christopher loves his track and so do the cats. 
When buying a game chair and TV for your oldest child check the TV to make sure it has the right ports for the game chair. Justin is in heaven now that he can play his games without his little brother in his face trying to get his attention.  One more thing but not the last check books before you buy more. Just in case you and hubby buys the same one's. Minecraft is still a huge hit after a year.Justin goes through more books in a week then his daddy and I ever have. Not complaining but his books are over taking his room. A new book shelf is now in order to build. 
Merry Christmas I know a lot of people want their children to grow up.  Let them be kid's and enjoy Christmas let them believe in Santa. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there. 
Seeing isn't believing, believing is seeing!  Don't take their childhood away to soon.

Friday, November 28

Happy Thanksgiving for a family

Holidays are hard on a lot of families not being together money problems and just life gets in the way sometimes. Hubby and I purchased a Thanksgiving dinner for a family that needed a little help.  They work but like a lot of families have a hard time deciding what bills to pay vs. food. We decided a longtime ago that if we had extra to give we would. We have kept that promise to ourselves to help. Opening our non-profit business is taking forever. In the meantime as a family we are helping all the time. We don't want anything in return for helping anyone that needs it. I love knowing that someone needed help and received it. It puts a smile on their face as well as ours.  This Thanksgiving meant a lot to us. It never fails that our kids keep us laughing.  When they were asked what they were thankful for Justin says "He is thankful it's not 1621!" They didn't have bathrooms then or toilet paper.  I'm glad it's the simple things in life he appreciates. I'm thankful for spending time with my family and friends.  We went to my Aunt's house bless her heart was in the hospital. She was able to come home later that night.  The apartment complex she lives in puts on Thanksgiving in the courtyard.  Everyone brings a dish mingles and eats delicious food. It's getting a little less weird having Thanksgiving outside as the years go by. The day was beautiful as well as all the new people I ran into. Life is a Journey you live in. Make the last month of 2014 count for something you can be proud of. My accomplishments this year may not be materialistic but they did change someone's life.

Sunday, November 9

Blue lights

I know it's a little early for Christmas last weekend we put up our Christmas lights outside that leaves a blue tint if you pass our street. Yes, We are those people in the neighborhood. Sorry I love to decorate. I have to hand all the credit to my hubby who put up the lights and climbed on the roof to put the reef together too. I did my share standing there handing him the lights as he stood there on the latter. The Christmas tree is up as well as our little tree from Tampa that needs a red star. I'm excited for the holidays. Justin wants to go to New York for the New Year not sure about that one. A trip for a few years in the making when popsicle is a little older. I still think it's weird without snow but I'm not complaining.  I love it! Shopping is already on the way to be done. Stockings are hung up well for the turtle and two cats. Ours to come in a few weeks once I find out what Santa will put in them.  Christmas crafts to make letters to Santa Justin's Christmas concert coming up. It's always something but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Saturday, February 8

Valentine’s Day, what’s the big deal?

That is what my ten year old asked me. I had to think before I told him It's a time to share how much you love someone. My son confused at first then added that there doesn't need to be a special day to say I LOVE YOU! He's right my his daddy always says I love you with flowers, notes on our chalkboard cabinet and simply just being there for us. We celebrate life and love daily in our household I'm forever telling my boys I love them to the moon and back. My little one likes to blow kisses to us. We pretend to catch his kiss and slap it on our cheek. My oldest still gives me a kiss before he leaves for school.  We decide that this year we will extend that love by putting a smile on someone else's face.
Write and create a Valentine's day card for a Senior Citizen. I have to say I have never thought about this subject too often since I went to Mother Daughter work day when I was a teenager. My mother has taken care of elderly people all her life. It was sad to see all those men and women sitting in there rooms doing nothing but rioting away. No one to talk to no one to care to stop by and say hello. It's sad so let's spread the love together sign up today to make someone SMILE!
Depression and isolation in older adults affects people of all backgrounds. 


Click on this link to print out a list of places you can send your cards to. They list all states there are few of them in Florida. We are sending ours too 
Seniors First, Inc 5395 LB McLeod Road, Orlando, Fl 32811 

 Justin would like to send candy as well we will  be creating a few goodies bags to go with our cards. So far he has made ten cards all different. Christopher two right now with my help. 

Find one in your state have fun spread the love!

Wednesday, January 8

Christmas lights in Port St John

 Port St John, Fl Holiday Houses

I thought I would share some of these awesome pictures from Christmas that is now long gone. 
The whole neighbor hood was lite up. I haven't seen anything like this since I was a kid. I never did get the name of the subdivision that put this on. 
The Santa one was neat.

This one above was my favorite longtime Winnie the Pooh fan.

This one was all decked out. Hope you liked all the lights I guess this neighborhood puts this show on every year. Just remember to turn your headlights off as you drive through. 

Friday, January 3

Disney World Christmas Eve

                                                 Bucket List markdown here we go.

                                      37. Take the boys to Disney World for Christmas.CHECK

I didn't think we would be able to do it this year but I'm glad we did. It was even better that my sister,mom and my little niece Eva were able to share this Journey with us. My sister has never been I was surprised my baby sister had a great time!

She is a big kid herself she was really excited calling everyone telling them where she was at. She was a total spaz she was more excited then the kids were. It was a blast! A little cold during the morning hours it was a jacket pants kind of day. The shops were insane it reminded me of New York tons of stuff you can buy. Just an F.Y.I wait to buy your stuff at the end when you are leaving which leaves your arms free all day. That's what we did.

We had to stop by and see Buzz. It was funny how my little one just carried on a conversation with him like he knew him for years. We had to dance with Frozone  I believe was a women inside the suit.

Justin and I got down but Eva not so much danced the super hero dance.

 Tea cup ride we are holding on for dear life
as my hubby tries to make us all dizzy with the help of our other son. 

Boys with the little mermaid Christopher was being funny as you can see his eyes are closed. He just saw the movie the lady in this picture kept in character. I liked that everyone who was at Disney had very high energy. It was great!

We had to fight aliens!
Love the Castle! 

The castle was beautiful in with that saying it was over crowed. My hubby almost got into a fight because some old man about 50 or so thought it was a good ideal to push his way though the crowd to try to get past our son. The man started talking trash which lead my hubby to tell him to show him. I almost had a heart attack for as long as we have been married I have only seen him get mad once. Again at another old man who pushed our son in our house not a good thing to push our son then when he was two or now that he is ten. I made him count to ten and breath we all had to. My sister almost dropped my niece thanks from an adult who two handed push her and others to get through the crowd. Thank god the stroller saved her from the concert because that wouldn't have been good for the adult. There wasn't a place where you weren't elbow to elbow or butt cheek to butt cheek with someone waiting for the fireworks to start.

Still not a stroller place there were too many people pushing the stroller I felt bad for my niece who was in an umbrella stroller and my Popsicle who was in a jogging stroller. The adults there were the worst of all.You would think they would get the hint that it's a kids place. Christopher had to be saved by me at the end of the night from being trampled on by adults. Hubby had to save him once again by another adult from falling on him as we were leaving. It was insane at the end of the night. There where just way too many people other then that it was a lot of fun. Thinking about next year already. My advice pick any other day beside Christmas Eve to go to Disney World if not leave before the castle lights up with fireworks. It's a lesson learn I guess if I had to do it over we would have just picked a spot up by main street to sit and wait for the fireworks to start.  Over all My mom had a blast she loved it made her feel like a kid again. She was able to go on rides with her grandkids and be silly.
Super Dad to the rescue!!!! 

Things to know for next time
1. Bring a jacket in December it will get cold once the sun goes down.
2. Be aware of stupid people mainly the ADULTS who have NO common sense that it's a children's place.
3. Get a spot up by main street if you want to watch the fireworks and stay don't leave till the crowd leaves.
4. Buy your stuff at the end
5. Take a backpack to put all your goodies in
6. Take a camera
7. Have fun
8. Be a kid again

Wednesday, January 1

Happy New year 2014

What a year for The Needham family I couldn't ask for more. Last night was amazing we stayed home for once. We played all sorts of music from 1978,1992,1995,1999,2000,2003 and 2013. I have to say music back then was much better now. I could play all of it without having to worry about someone saying the F word. Justin was looking at us like yup they are old! Christopher and I was rocking to Mc Hammer dancing while the hubby played the DJ singing to 3 doors down. We had to bust out with Bye bye bye from Nsync. You know you will get up and dance it's a classic! 

Now, That's funny saying it's a classic it's old school still much better then Miley Cyrus today. 

Up to the New Year Justin and the hubby played Minecraft. You build stuff on the site just like you would in a real house. They had a blast just their conversation alone was about the cutest thing ever. It mad me realize that my ten year old is growing up before my eyes. I remember celebrating our first New Year together we talked on the phone with the hubby well I talked he just listen Since then it's amazing how life turns out.

We spent the last ten minutes of 2013 reading our notes of special events of last year. We wrote them down throughout the year and put them in a glass jar to open on New Year's Eve. Going to the beach was one of our favorites. Here are just a few of moments.
1. Going to Disney
2. Justin making team captain in soccer
3. Taking Justin to wet n wild for his birthday
4. Justin learning how to surf
5. Christopher made the newspaper
6. Watching the rocket launch
7. Sitting outside looking at the stars with my hubby
8. Mom and sister coming to visit

We will be working on our new bucket list for 2014 while we still mark off things from before. I hope you all had a great year. Good luck to the new 2014 Set goals and make them happen only you have control of what the New year will bring.

Sunday, December 22

#59 Gone

My Bucket List is still getting things crossed off. Like Number 59 Show my mother the ocean.

We had a blast the water was a little cold but we were swimming in it. I think we have adapted to Florida to much 85 out at the beach being cold. My momma and sister came out for the Holidays with my little niece Eva who is a doll. I love her she is too cute!

Don't mind the hair I have beach hair mixed with wind not a good day for hair not to mention the salt water that sticks to me like glue. Great for the skin bad for my hair. I haven't seen her in a year I miss a lot her seen her being born which was a little weird my sister laughed and talked the whole time giving birth. She is now two years old I'm missing so much living here in Florida but good news my sister is thinking about moving here yeah. I'm showing her places while they are here.

We are having so much fun feeling a little home sick. First Christmas with my family since Christopher was born can't wait to spend it outside this year. It's still a weird getting use to it here with no snow. 

Monday, December 9


A Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without giving. The boys and I donated about six coats to the Salvation Army with a duffle bag of my hubby's clothes that he no longer wears of course. Sending in a Christmas gift today for a little boy who is the same age as my little one. Who may not get anything but what we bought him. Justin was so cute explaining to his brother what we were doing.  Christopher kept asking why doesn't Santa just get him toys. Justin finally just told him he will. While looking at me and said  "I hope he does." It's hard not being able to explain fully without destroying Christmas for my son. I have always told him that some people don't believe in Christmas that's why Santa doesn't come. I don't know what else to say. We give a lot around this time of year. I help out everywhere I can. Now, That my son is getting older he understands more of the meaning of Christmas not what he will get. He sent a gift in for someone in his school and one for a child overseas.  We were on the way to his tap class when he asked if we could stop to give a homeless person his last ten dollars.  I pulled off in the parking lot where the man was. Justin ran up to him as I was getting out of the car.

Justin "Maybe you can get something to eat. Merry Christmas try to be safe." 

Yes, I'm a proud momma. A qick note please be careful if you take part in giving to a homeless person.  

The gift contains
Thomas the Train, Captain America and in the stocking is filled with cars.

I hope we helped out just a little for this little boy. 

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