
Tuesday, December 8

Christmas in the Works

Watching Christmas movies decorating the tree and wrapping gifts is fun. I can't lie it brings out the kid in me.

I have to give credit to my wonderful hubby who puts up the lights every year. This year he had to do it a few times. They all worked until we plug them in all together. Then half the house didn't work. Changing the strand of lights where a pain. 
We have never had a theme tree before it has always been the ornaments the boys have made every year. I feel guilty in a way they aren't on the tree. I guess that is the mommy coming out in me. I love our tree I guess it worked out just fine.

A little update Christopher had his first Christmas concert. He had to learn a few songs like
Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, Feliz Navidad and Must be Santa. I have to admit the last one was a little hard. All the kids did a fantastic job even when it started to rain. 80 degree weather for the holidays who can ask for more. 

Tuesday, November 24

Craft for Today

I love making crafts with my boys. Of course I seen this on Pinterest. 

Do-it-yourself Christmas fireplace to hang your stockings from! Do NOT try to use it to burn the Yule log, though.:  

I didn't have plain boxes I had post office boxes. We are forever sending stuff to my hubby. Now that he is home for good we no longer need our boxes. I would say about twenty dollars later after construction paper and glue. This is how ours turned out.  

We even added a fire to ours. Christopher's idea. I love it! It's too cute. Christopher loves looking at Pinterest. He wants to make crafts all day. It was easy to make as long as you don't have cat's taking your stuff. Have fun and build something. 

1:Stack the boxes. If you use big boxes you will need five.  
2:Tape the boxes together
3:Add white paper on it. I used wrapping paper.
4:cut out  red construction paper 
5:then glue

Tuesday, November 10


I have taken up running. I have my family do it to. Sometimes against their will but that's okay. It turns out to be fun. If you are thinking about running here are some benefits to look at. Most of all you get a good sweat on. I love it!
Father and son ran the zombie race last month. They placed 11th and 12th place. Next year we will do it as a family. I kind of thought Christopher would be freaked out by the zombies. I was wrong he loved it. 

  • Overall mental health.
  • Runners are happy people. We’ve got that runner high thing going for us. 
  • Strengthens your lungs.
  • Runners have increased lung capacity from logging mile after mile. Those strong lungs come in handy if you ever find yourself on the other side of race as a spectator. A runner’s WOOHOO! is loud and proud.
  • Helps prevent high blood pressure.
    Your arteries expand and contract while running helping to keep your arteries fit which in turn keeps your blood pressure in a normal range. That is until you find out that your favorite running shoe has been discontinued. Nothing is harder to replace than a beloved running shoe! I have about ten pairs of shoes. 
  • Strengthens immune system.
    Regular running builds up your tolerance to germs which results in fewer minor illnesses. That is unless you are training for a marathon. Then you will be sick all the time.
  • Weight control.
    Running burns mega-calories. However, it makes you mega-hungry, especially if you are training for long distances.  Running doesn’t give you a pass to eat all the food, all the time.
  • Physically strong legs.
    Runner’s legs are a powerhouse. They move you from point A to B. They carry you up and down hills. They know how to put it into high gear at the track. 
  • Relieves stress.Running boasts the brain’s serotonin levels which make you calmer and more relaxed. Who said you can’t run away from your problems? I used to walk away from mine. 
  • Increased bone density.
    Running stresses your bones. Essential minerals are sent to the bones when under stress, which makes them stronger. However, running does not make you unbreakable. You still can break a bone by thinking you can jump a 10-foot high fence.
  • Increased joint strength and stability.
    Running increases the strength of your ligaments and tendons. You’ll find your joints will be able to withstand more mileage and more uneven terrain. But that doesn’t mean you will never sprain your ankle again while trail running. It just may mean four weeks on crutches versus eight weeks if you didn’t run.
  • Increased confidence. Once you start running, your confidence begins to grow. You’ll feel more in control of your life and your body. You will even begin to think you look good in spandex tights.
  • Boys running yesterday. 
    After the 5k race 

    Not sure about the spandex part I will go as far a yoga pants. My knees ache when I run but I know I have early onset arthritis. You know that dull ache that never goes away. Some days are better than others. It will just take time to get used to like anything new. My Popsicle is five who can pump out a mile with a quick stop for water in about twenty minutes. Something new we are taking on with our fitness Journey together. It has been a month.  We are running at least three days a week together. I run four or five depending on my workout in the morning. Trying to balance the day with family, work and school is always something fun to do. Thank God for my phone and alarms or I would be lost each day. Let me know how you keep fit and balanced out during the week. 

                         Smile always!!!

     Wish us luck. 

    Wednesday, November 4

    Thanksgiving Tree

    What do you think about a Christmas Tree for a Boo Tree a Halloween tree? That is what we did. Do you like?

     It's still up. Instead of taking it down we will write everyday what we are thankful for and add it to the tree. I like the ideal so much I think it will be our new tradition every year. What are some of your holiday traditions? With the New Year approaching it's also time for some new family pictures to go on my clock wall. As I'm looking at my tree I'm thinking what the hell is my tree doing up? It's to early for the Holidays. I mean Christmas decorations where up in stores even before Halloween was over. Good news I have already started shopping for Christopher. By December I should be shopping for Jay. Justin is in his early teen years. He has no idea what he wants. He actually said he had everything he wants. Which makes me wonder do I spoil my children to much. Nope, I don't I think I have done a great job. We will be looking to buy Thanksgiving dinner for a family who needs it again this year. I love helping out. With us it's a daily thing to help not just around the Holidays. I never take anything for granted which is why I think this giving thanks tree will help my children along with us to understand and appreciate what we have even more.

    Tuesday, November 3

    Mexico's Day of the Dead

    Día de los Muertos is not Halloween but a chance to honor the dead. I remember the first time I took Justin to a graveyard to hand out flowers. He was almost a year old. You won't find me in a graveyard the whole year but on Día de los Muertos. November 1 honors departed children and November 2 honors adults. I started believing in this Holiday for one reason in hope I would find comfort in losing my baby before Justin. Not looking at death in a negative way helped me become a better mother to Justin.  I have celebrated this Holiday every year since. It took some convincing on my part with my hubby as he didn't see a point and thought it was silly. We took our boys to hand out flowers on graves on Halloween before we headed home. To wish the dead a happy stay as they visit their love ones. 

    This year was Christopher's first time. I waited with him because he is emotional child sometimes. He did very well. I have never cooked for a particular person. I have always just put flowers down.  I may not know them but at least they know someone cares. 

    This year we picked a section that looked like a whole family was laid to rest here in the above picture. We came across a mother and child grave. Life cannot exist without death. It may be sad at times. Looking for a positive in death will help you survive another day.  Live life to the fullest because tomorrow is never promised.

    Friday, October 23

    Making my own schedule

    I have been working on my own for awhile now taking pictures. I love taking pictures. It's fun to just capture Life as it is. No direction just letting it move as it does daily.  Here are a few pieces of my art.
    I'm in heaven when I'm at the beach it's a strong calling. I took the family to the beach to watch the sunrise. It was beautiful in every way possible. The way the light hit the water as the sky opens up.

    I simply adore my family! I think this will be our Christmas card picture. It's a classic everything in the picture is working. The light hitting the water everyone is smiling. My family is the object of my affection. I love to make them the center of most of my pictures. 

    My hubby is stunning in this picture I was able to capture of him. He is not a picture kind of person but I think he is getting use to me taking his pictures all the time. Please tell me what you think. 

    Friday, October 16

    Small deeds make a huge impact

    The other day we went grocery shopping Justin started collecting carts. Taking them back into the store. This summer we ran into a lot of people hitchhiking standing outside stores that we ended up giving money to. There is a hotel that is run down and left to rot away near our house. My son asked if we could buy it to let the homeless live there. His thought is they could pay rent by up keeping the place. He wants to do things that would make a person smile. It's a great idea I'm not sure if we are able to do that right now. I will be checking into it. It's definitely a good thought to keep in mind. He is collecting dog and cat food right now for the shelter we donate to. He loves animals. 

    We are collecting blankets , food, treats, cat litter, anything you can think of right now. 

    It's not hard to make a person smile. 
    Small things will make a huge difference.
    We as a family try to do something for someone else everyday. We love helping people. It warms my heart that my children are now thinking on their own what to do. 
    What can you do to help? 

    Wednesday, October 14

    It's been awhile

    I'm simply astounded by Justin's new found family he has in his wrestling team. They are a group of very talented young men in the making. They support each other. They never give up on themselves or the team. The Vipers are a family.

    This is by far the cheapest sport Justin has ever played since he was four years old. The kicker is  he loves it. Which is great no matter the price of any sport. We have always encourage him to follow his heart. I just think now he has found something he really likes.

    I was a little concern for Justin since he is not aggressive person by nature. He is a happy go lucky all sunshine and rainbows kind of person. He still is that way even with wrestling but I think he has found his place. I can't tell you how much that makes me happy now excited that these boys on his team are so nice. Talking to his Coach and wife the team is really a family. They look out for each other. They have help a few boys coming into the high school showing them around even sticking up for them with bullies. Most of all that just blows me away with this group of young men is they so young full of life. They won't let anyone fall. I hope they stay that way as life throws bricks in their way. I do wish more of the parents were involved with their kids life. They are really good at their craft. 

    Justin did very well on his first tournament he won. 

    All the boys did great. I have some learning to do since I have no idea how they keep score. Palm Bay is Saturday. We are looking forward to it win or lose I don't care as long as he has fun doing whatever he wants. If it brings a smile like the above picture I'm all for it. Even if I have to smell body odor that makes me hold my breath. 

    Tuesday, October 13

    Turning 5

    Happy Birthday my little one you are five today. You woke up this morning singing Happy Birthday to your self. You are amazing in every way. I love your smile. Today is a big day.

    We celebrated Christopher birthday last Sunday. We had an awesome turn out with 20 kids who showed up from school,T-ball practice the YMCA and story-time. He is loved by many. I'm so glad it didn't rain for our bounce house. My house is small for that many kids. He wanted all of them to stay over for a sleep over. I don't know where I would even put them. Christopher had a blast his first birthday party since we left Michigan. Up until now we have taken the kids to Disney, water parks whatever they wanted. I think he really liked having a party so much that we forgot to bring out the pinata that is filled with six pounds of candy. We are taking it to T-Ball practice tonight. My baby is growing up so fast. I love your face. You are funny, creative and just adorable. Happy Birthday!!!

    Thursday, September 10

    Busy Bees

    Wow, It has been a two weeks. There are not enough words to describe how proud I am of my boys. Justin just started wrestling last week. He is getting toss around like a rag doll. The funny part he loves it. Justin is a kind hearted person not aggressive at all. It's not in his nature. He  weighs 106. He is at the right weight to compete right now. Daddy is beyond excited to help his little boy. I couldn't be happier to be apart of this exciting experience we all get to have as a family. With our martial arts experience we can show our son something we grew up doing as a child ourselves. I forgot how bad a high school gym smells. It's horrible I mean body odor galore. It's  hot and sticky. It's straight down nasty a little scary when I hear one of the boys had ring worm. Yuck, I was sitting there listening to him tell the other kid he just wrestled it's okay he is fine now. I told Justin to scrub his body really good. Oh man that is gross. I looked it up online just to show Justin what ringworm looked like just so he knows what to look for.

    Justin is getting the hang of falling down to where he doesn't hurt himself. Last night at practice was one of the best he was able to throw someone now. The best part he sleeps very well at night. I love it!  As a mother it's a little scary seeing your son get toss around. It's funny Justin tells me he is fine. With both boys busy everyday of the week we are busy bees now including Saturdays with games. T-ball and Wrestling is a lot of work.  I love my kids! I don't mind being busy. It's not anything new Justin has never really had downtime since he was four. As long as school comes first he can be as busy as he wants. He knows he can stop anytime. I won't force anything on him.  His only job is going to school getting good grades and being Happy. Nothing else matters to me but my kids mental and physical health. How do you keep you kids healthy? 

    Wednesday, September 9

    We are going to Mars
    We are going to space well our names are.
     The Needham family names are being sent to Mars. Justin thought he was really going. If he could he would. He is fascinated with space. 

    Right now NASA has a way to get people there not home yet. It's a one way trip. Yesterday was the last day to send your name. Justin thought is was the coolest thing ever. Only after I explained that he his self was not actually going. 
    We have our boarding pass. I'm going to print these off and frame them to put in the boys room. We are in the process of changing Justin's room around. He is twelve now which he informed me he needs a little older style. I'm not sure what that means but we will find out. Justin missed space camp last summer. We were out of town. I can't wait to sign him up next summer. He will put his space knowledge to work. 
    I love how much my son is interested in the stars and planets. I think it's cool. Interstellar the movie is his favorite. He wants to be able to visit all the planets someday. In his time he just might get that chance. 

    Saturday, August 22

    Priceless Conversations with my kids

    Walking into Publix our grocery store we seen the Navy Seals standing outside. My conversation with my son Justin.
    Me: "Do you want to go to Navy camp?"
    Justin: "When I see the Navy I think of Popeye. I don't want to be Popeye!"
    I start to laugh
    Me: "Popeye? You know Coach Mike was in the Navy."
    Justin: Go figure he's skinny. He looks like Popeye."
    I'm dying at this point. It's so funny what kids associate things with. Christopher put five dollars into their donations jar. They saluted us and the kids were taken back by that as we walk to the car. They both said simultaneously.
    That was Awesome!

    On our way driving through Louisiana we stopped at a hotel for the night. I couldn't sleep to save my life at midnight I decide to go ahead get the kids ready to start driving at 1 am. I would make it home around seven that night. It had to be about an hour or so I seen a group of five deer on the side of the road. Slowly driving just in case they decided to run in the road.  A few miles from them I seen another group of deer. As I still was driving I saw another deer this time he was running. I mean he was hauling ass. My thought he was trying to catch up with his buddies. Then I saw a Bobcat. It was huge. I never seen one up close besides in a zoo. I wanted to pull over to pet him. Then I realized that would be a bad idea since he would probably eat me. I kept driving besides he was getting breakfast fast food. 

    My boys woke up about five hours later. I told them what I seen. 
    Popsicle: " So you saw a cat. It can run?'
    Me: "Yes."
    Popsicle "It looks like a cat."
    Me: "Yes."
    Popsicle: " It had fur?"
    Me: " Yes."
    Popsicle: " Can it meow?"
    Me: "Yes."
    I'm thinking okay where is he going with this? Then the best part came at the end. 
    Popsicle: "So you are telling me it doesn't throw bombs?"
    Me: "Why would it throw bombs?"
    Popsicle:" So what kind of cat is it?"
    Justin starts to laugh and says "He thinks it's a bomb cat!" 
    That was the laugh of the morning. He asked to see a picture of it when we stop for gas. Once I pulled it up I realized it wasn't a Bobcat I saw it was a cougar. He must of had a bad hair day because it was muggy that morning. His or her tail was long and fuzzy!

    It's still funny when I tell people about my kids. I swear I never know what will come out of either of them. I do have to say these two conversations are right up there just like when Justin was about four or so. He thought God looked like Sam Bernstein.
     The story went a little like this. I was putting Justin to bed when he asked 
    "What does God look like?"
    "I don't know. What do you think he looks like?" I asked
    Justin:" A old guy with white hair. Like Sam."
    "You think God looks like Sam our cousin Sam?" I asked
    " No, The guy that says You in an accident call Sam!" He said it with passion waving his hands.
    Laughing I asked " You think God looks like Sam Bernstein?"
    Justin: "Yes, I do."
    All I could say was okay I guess that is what God looks like. 
    I love being a mommy. I love my boys! 

    Tuesday, August 11

    School is almost here

    Well we are off to a great start so far. School shopping is done supplies for the kids complete. Teachers supplies dropped off today at open house all set and ready to go. Christopher did a fantastic job on helping pick up supplies for his Teacher. I can't believe he is starting preschool in a week. Justin is taller than me. Christopher  wants me to go find dinosaurs for him to train. I'm freaking out about three hours  popsicle will be gone but really I have that time to study without interruption. I can go grocery shopping by myself. I don't know what to do with myself. That's huge a shopping cart with no little hands grabbing everything. I might just have to go done an aisle and throw something down just to feel normal. Go to the gym I'm a gym rat totally. Well that's half of my studies anyway. The picture of school supplies are what we are donating to Jay's school we also picked up all this again plus four more packs of line paper and copy paper. School starts tomorrow I have so much anxiety about Jay going to school not so much with popsicle. I don't know why that is maybe first born. I don't know! Talking to my friend she is the same way with her son not daughter. It just seems like time is going by so fast. Next year Jay will be in high school and driving soon. I want to stop time. Today ten Teachers stop to say hi to him before we made it to his classroom. He is popular in his school for all the good reasons. I'm excited to see what this year will bring. A lot of memories smiles and laughs. I know this blog post is just me carrying on about a lot. Just smile today be thankful and laugh a lot. 

    Saturday, July 25

    Las Vegas

    It has already been a long day taking a day trip to four corners into a long long trip. We hit the streets of Fremont Street about 1 am.

    It was a little crazy with a lot of naked people. Some people really should not be naked. I'm not judging I'm just putting it out there. We had a blast just for one night and half a day. My father has never been to Vegas. He was over taken by the lights. We were here last year with my mom for her birthday. We didn't get to see the light show on Fremont this was an experience to see. Walking down all the lights shut off. I wasn't expecting it by far. I was like oh great we have a blackout. Then music starts to play and as you look up the screen changes. It's really neat as the people are on cables flying over your head to the end of the street.
    Justin is really into magic tricks and card games. He wants to come back for a show next year. I don't know about that. We plan the trip last year this year it was by accident we came back.  I'm over Vegas unless hubby and I decide to come back without the kids. I would really like that. He loves Vegas. I'm like been there once I have seen it all. 
    My dad didn't know what to expect when we stay at the Stratosphere for the night. He lost some money in the slot machines. Not a lot but he was still mad. The food was great. Most of all the family time we spent together means the most. The kids love spending time with grandpa. Jay kept playing card tricks with grandpa. Blowing him away because grandpa couldn't figure out how Jay was doing it. They have a special bond I think because they are both a little weird. 
    Hubby still wouldn't go for renewing our vows in the house of Elvis. I tried talking him into it he could be Elvis I could be Priscilla. Walk down to I'm all shook up.Maybe next time. Summer still isn't over let's see what else we can do. 

    Monday, July 20

    Grand Canyon

    Now. It's maybe noon once we left four corners monument. The Grand Canyon was four hours away. My dad was with us and he has never been to the Grand Canyon before he is not the type to come all this way by his self. My adorable hubby asked if we wanted to go. Of course I said yes I love road trips besides seizing the moment we tend to do that a lot. What's life if you can't do that? My dad didn't know what to say so the trip began. I love the mountain view they are gorgeous. It's breathtaking I could get lost just in the moment. However the curves in the road takes my breath away in a different light one wrong move you are toast. Be safe please now I have that out of the way take a look at these.
    Grand Canyon 2015

    It's very peaceful looking at the edge in amazement. That this sits in the middle of nowhere. I was a little on edge because as you ride to site to site there are just a few fences from the edge. With two small kids that is just crazy. One of the signs said a man used to take people by horse around the canyon that would take 12 hours one way. That is crazy to even think about. I mean it did take me thirty hours to get to Aztec from Florida. I couldn't do that on a horse.

    They do charge per person not sure how much. This trip was well worth the hot weather and headache. Pack water since you are in the desert heat. This is a must see.

    Now to complete our road trip off to Las Vegas. We still have four hours to go. Thank God we have three people who can drive. That makes it's a lot easier. 

    Saturday, July 18

    Four Corners

    It was about 9am two days when we decided to skip storytime to take an hour drive to the four corners monument. From our hotel in Aztec give or take an hour or so. Sure we get there nothing to it. Not worth the $5.00 per person I think it should be $5.00 dollars a car maybe. Since the bathroom where out of order. Hubby stood in line for forty-five minutes to take our own pictures. I walked around the circle where there are a bunch of Navajo gift shops. Half are a little pricy at $95.00 dollars for a necklace that looks like you could have bought it at the dollar store. It's all in the experience I guess of being in four states at once. I wouldn't go back but for the fun of it I can now check it off my bucket list. Justin and I watched the four corners monument on discovery channel. I was hoping for some alien activity like they said. Maybe a spaceship or something instead just plain old nothing. If you are heading that way sure stop but don't go out your way for it. The view is breathtaking. Make sure to take water,sun block a hat. Have fun with it. Please for the love of God don't take your dog with you. They are not allowed on site. We seen too many in hot cars. If it's 100 outside just double that for how it feels on the inside. Just a FYI you can't take anyone's ashes there. I didn't know that was a problem apparently it is. Along with cows that cross the road with drinking and driving. Signs are everywhere on the road be safe.

    Monday, July 13

    Lovely night

    The night before my son turns twelve. Twelve years ago I held him in my arms at 8:17 pm so many things have changed. He made me a mother over time. I didn't know that holding a tiny little baby would change my whole reason to exist. Life was extremely complicated back then. Looking back he saved me as a person. Jay is a handful at times always on the go. Even now he is older that part hasn't changed. He is excellent at anything he does. If he has a difficult time he stays at it until he gets it. He amazes me with how quickly he catches on to things. My little boy is twelve where did the time go? I'm proud to say I'm his mom. He is a future astronaut who wants to join the military. He says "He wants to have a challenge in his life!" I think he will be. No matter what he does I will support him. In a few short years he will be driving and graduate from High School . I'm not really ready for that yet. He is my baby boy my first born my heart and soul. So many things from his first word that was mommy. To his first steps or run into the kitchen when he was seven months old. I didn't know that was possible at such a young age. He did it then the baby gates and rearranging the furniture came into play. It didn't matter if it was blocking his way he found a way over it under it anyway he could. I admire his heart to want to help and change the way people see the world. He is so full of life. I hope he never changes. These summer vacations we have went on since he was eight has kept that close family bond we all have. I love talking to him because I get to see the world through his eyes. Something rare to do with children. We joke around we share some of the same interests like going on nature hikes playing card games and the interest in learning anything we can. I guess being a parent is like being a kid again. Happy Birthday my darling boy. I hope you have a great day. 

    Saturday, July 11

    Aztec Ruins

    Aztec Ruins National Monument, New Mexico, was established in 1923 and covers 320 acres. Early Euro-American settlers erroneously assumed the people who built these villages were Aztecs, hence the name of the ruins and of the modern town of Aztec.
    Later archeological study confirmed that the builders were ancestors of the Puebloan peoples. Archeologists adopted and popularized the Navajo word Anasazi to refer to the people who built and lived here.
    The boys had fun going through the ruins asking questions about how people lived. It's astonishing how people built their homes with no modern technology. Just hard work and will was needed. You can walk into most of the ruins.
    Justin thinks that the aliens took the people that's why we can't find them. I can't say that is true but could be a possibly. I'm not going to discount something I have no idea if it happen or not. He loves history. We could have spent all day there but it was hot. It was 100 without the heat index added. If you are traveling to New Mexico this is a must stop. It's five dollars for adults kids are free. If you have Native American blood you are free in our case we have Cherokee on both our sides and apache on my side. We still donated money to the center to help keep up the ruins. The boys became junior rangers.
    They had to raise their hand and promise to help take care of the environment among other things. It was a cute little ceremony complete with a sticker and a badge.
    Once inside there are artifacts to look at with a short video about how Aztec Ruins was discover. The kids get their own little book to with questions to answer in order to become Junior Rangers. Next on our list is the Salmon Ruins.

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