
Sunday, June 16

Project Needham

I seen this on Pinterest so I made it. This is mind.
Here is the link on Pinterest.
Yes I took the tag off
I had a lot of fun with my boys. I love to garden they love to get dirty. They are boys who doesn't?Watering it is a task to keep the dirt from running over the sides. The key is do it slowly very slowly. The plants cost $8.00 at Lowes altogether I think I spent $50.00 total. I wanted to make the bottom pot bigger but my porch isn't that big in front of our house. This seems to be just right by my window. I can't wait till it grows out fully. I will also get a thyme plant to set on the other side I heard it will help keep mosquitoes away. Something I will have to try and see. Look for my review on it at the end of summer.

Here is my front door I'm not sure if I like it yet. I still like my red door from back home let's face it I miss my house from back home. Most of all I miss my garden we had it was huge. We just put shelves up in Justin's room he still doesn't know what color he wants to paint it.
I'm in the middle of working on this for my back porch. I will post pictures later once it's all done along with my garage that my hubby is working on as we speak. God knows what kind of idea's he has! Sometimes I think he is worst then me when it comes to projects and our house. If you have any neat idea's please feel free to share.

Saturday, June 8

My Household

Today has been a busy day for us. Justin cut the grass for seven dollars it would have been ten if he did all the front, back and sides.  He didn't do one side of the house then  negotiated his price. I said"yes to his offer."
He was too cute not to say yes.  We made slime today after lunch. Then showers are  a must.

We went to the park for some fun in the sun afterwards Ice Cream at McDonalds. They turned out not eating it instead played in the playground. I think we were there for awhile waiting for the storm to pass. It happen to be either McDonalds or a bar to get out of the storm. I thought the kids would like it better at the kids zone of fat. As you can see they had fun making all kinds of new friends. It never amazes me how quick my children make friends anywhere. It's great they have that gift. I still hate climbing inside those dame tubes.  A little shopping for projects at the house.Now my hubby and I will have a small movie night after our boys fall asleep. It has been a fun filled day. How was your Saturday?

Thursday, May 30

What do you think about?

                         What runs through your mind as your feet hit  the treadmill?

I walk up to the treadmill with ten minutes in my mind. I put my headphones in find my play list on my phone that contains songs from Shinedown, Nikki Minaj, Disturbed, Korn and some old school mix. Just about anything with a good beat that will keep me running. I press the quick start button on the treadmill it starts to move. I put in my weight and age start my heart rate watch as I walk slowly to fast pace up to three minutes then I increase my incline from one to 4 my speed from 4.0 to 4.7. At 30 seconds I speed up to 5.4 I'm in run mode one two three breathe one to three breathe as my feet hit the ground. I count my steps to breathe over and over in my head as I continue to run. I'm at five minutes I look up and over the treadmill I see a stop sign. I try and run to reach it but I can't. I see it in the distance as I continue to run faster I hit the speed to 6.2 I increase the incline to a 5 as I take a drink of water. Running up hill sucks as the thought passes my mind I want to stop. I can feel the burn in my legs I run harder and faster I increase again my speed is at 6.5. I let my mind wander about how good I will feel after I complete this run. I just completed a mad leg workout lifting weights for my legs  now as I run they feel like they are going to fall off. One two three breath in the nose out the mouth, I have to remind myself to breath its almost over. I look down the clock says 6 point something minutes. For My Sake song by Shinedown plays in my ear. I run a little faster the thought of having a nice butt hits my mind I smile because I like my butt it has a little bounce I never had before and it's almost round from my extreme squats I make myself take on daily. My hubby likes my backside so I tell myself keep running a nice butt is on the way I Fedex it. Go Go Go run now or you won't get that "ASS!" by 3 o'clock. I make myself laugh at what I will tell myself just to keep me running. It's okay now I'm at 7 minutes I really want to stop now my legs are shaking like crazy okay let's go my old school mix of 69 boys comes on the radio with other songs from the 90's hit's my ear. I get my second wind of air and it's like the pain disappears. I'm running at 7.0 now I feel great! One two three breath my heart rate is at 167 I'm in my zone yes  I wipe my face off as the sweat just pours off my body. I tell myself just a little longer keep going it will pay off in the end. I will look great in my new purple two piece this weekend at the beach. Not that I'm not sexy but running will bring the Sexy Back. Yes, I have a ego when it comes to my looks. I have always had I mean if I don't tell myself I'm sexy whatever my hubby's says won't matter. I have to believe it myself.

Thinking to myself

I'm going to have a nice ass!
I'm going to be fit!
I'm going to look good naked for a workout session with my hubby!
I'm going to look good in clothes!
I think I'm going to die if I keep running!
You better move those legs woman.
Nice ass nice ass go go go!
Bathing suit Bathing suit here I come just walking on the beach!
Just breath, breath and breath some more.

These are just a few things I tell myself when I run. When I'm having one of those days when I think I might stop no telling what will appear in my mind as I run. The one thing I don't know how to do is give up. To me that doesn't exist. If you want something you have to fight for it even if that means fighting yourself to reach your goal. You are your own worst enemy.

I look at the clock I'm at 15 minutes not bad I start to slow down to let my heart rate drop slowly. I walk for the next five minutes and slowly get down to 3.0 to stop. I had a nice run I can be proud of. I push myself to the extreme at every workout. I run for me I run for my health I run to clear my mind sometimes my mind is blank for the next 10 or 20 minutes I run. I have a goal of fitness I want to be at I won't stop till I get there.
This is what I think about. It's your turn to run tell me what's on your mind.

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