
Wednesday, November 28

I was an egg donor

This was a journey I took with my hubby. It was more of a joke when he came home and asked me what I thought about him donating his sperm. I laugh thinking he was just pulling my chain. We already had a son so why not sell his sperm for money.  It was the conversation at the gym that day. Okay, I thought well if he can make money and help others why not? It went over in my head a few dozen times. Questions about what if the child wants to meet the donor? If,and buts all came to mind. I took out my laptop and punched it into google. I didn't get far because on the side bar it said Be A Egg Donor.

Donor Qualifications

Eligibility requirements are as follows:
You must be a healthy female between 18 and 30 years of age.
You must not smoke or use drugs.
You must be no more than 20% over average weight for your height.
The medications you will take are given by small injections.
You must be available most morning for two weeks for blood tests and ultrasounds and undergo a minor procedure (under sedation - it doesn't hurt!) to collect the eggs.
Donors are compensated $5,000 for their time. Become an Egg Donor and Change a Life...
When you choose to donate eggs to an infertile couple, you begin an incredible journey. Imagine the joy you will bring into someone's life by helping to create a new family. As an egg donor, age, health and wellness standards ensure the best results for everyone involved.

This is what it said once I clicked on the link. Well I met all the Qualifications. We were only married about a year when as a couple we made the choice to help another woman. I filled out the application online. By our surprise we had the clinic call us the next day.  We were overwhelm by the amount of couples that wanted my eggs. The nurse said I was a perfect woman 5'3 slim130 pounds with brown eyes black hair with natural tan skin. Turns out couples want a mixed child with good genes. That is all they knew about me so far. She said Most couples want the child to look like them. My hubby and I had a meeting at the doctor's office two days later.

Stay turned for part 2 I would like to know if anyone else has gone though this?

Saturday, November 24

Wings of Cancer

Its unreal not being able to pick up the phone to call to see what you are doing. It has almost been three years since I lost you to lung cancer Papa. This December is going to be hard. I miss hearing your stories and debating on the man vs. food on how much food we could eat to try and beat one another. It's sad how your death tore the family apart. We have all gone our separate ways. You were the Legend that kept us together. No matter how bad it had become no matter how long someone was gone it was like it never happen once you spoke your peace. Justin wants to buy an Elvis stocking to put up to remember you. I wish you were here to see how much Justin has grown up. He is very smart.  I have tons of pictures of you guys together. It was hard for me to tell you on your death bed that I was pregnant again. My pain of losing my grandpa was too much to bear the thought of you not knowing your great grandchild. I lost him or her a few days after you pass to the next journey in life. I hear an Elvis song and it brings tears to my eyes because I can't hear you sing to the family with Uncle Ricky. It's funny that I thought you were famous but it was Elvis on the radio. Thanks mom it is one of my favorite memories from my childhood. I know my mom misses you like crazy. She needs you just like everyone else. I wish Santa could bring you for Christmas but I know he can't. It's a nice throught right? You sure had the belly first the red suit. Nana and I was talking about you the other day she told Lilly and Dallas that you were in the magic box that sits on her dresser. I meant for a fivee and four year old they still talk about you daily.I had to take the phone away from my ear for a second. Nana was slient she needs you the most out of everyone. We are all greatful you left earth on your final days not in pain. It was hard to see and be with you on your treatment days. The months Steve and I took you it was really hard to see you like that. You were always so strong you still pushed though the pain. I wish you never had bear that pain. If I could have taken your place I would have. You now have wings eating a burger with Elvis is what I know you are doing looking over our family. I want you to know that I still miss and love you Papa. Your family still talks about you like you are in the other room waiting for you to appear.You are very much alive though the eyes of my children. They will never forget you nor will I.

To be Thankful

My Turkey
I have spent most of this year in chaos. Picking up and moving to another state is not only fun but it takes a toll on life. My family has a lot to been thankful for. Being able to breath the fresh air the sun on our face most of all our health. We are alive and healthy. I couldn't ask for more other then being happy. I'm extremely happy with life in general that's something I don't have to ask for It just is. I have to give it to my husband its because of him our family smiles daily. Although he would say its me who holds our family together like glue.Each member our family has a very important part that's special.
Today my hubby and son took Christopher and I ice skating for the first time. It should be illegal to have that much fun. I have never been on skates before but a pro at roller skating. That's all I did in high school. 

It's more then weird to have Thanksgiving with just us in 70 degree weather. I love it but getting ready to set up our tree with no snow outside. We walk into any store to hear Christmas music playing. I know I have said it before but I will say it again Florida is nothing like Michigan. Funny how simple things like snow and grass can makes a person home sick. Deciding on fake or real I took this picture where I have to admit it looks funny. The worker is wearing shorts at the botton picture.
I do have to say Florida is very different for the holidays..

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