
Tuesday, September 18

God Makes You AppreciateLife

God makes you appreciate life in a funny way. Last night about 10 pm or so we were sitting down watching the football game when we heard this loud thunder that scared me to death. Our house lite up like the 4th of July. We heard loud crackling thunder. My hubby thought it was a tornado as he grab us and shoved us in the hallway to lay over top of us. We then heard talking outside. It turned out to be our neighbor. His house was on fire. My heart sank to the bottom of my chest. There were fire trucks everywhere that seem to come out of nowhere. They were standing out on the pouring rain watching their house burn. Helpless to do anything about it. Our neighbor works for us. I can't believe what was happening. Talking to him finding out he doesn't have any insurance at all makes me think. That could have been us. That could be my family in the rain. That could have been our house. What would we do? We don't have family here expect my cousin in Miami and Steve' s brother in Alabama. It's sad what happen to our Neighbor. His wife and son all got out with their life nothing more then the clothes on their back. I guess you can say they should be thankful they all are alive. That it doesn't matter its just things. Yes,you would right. I couldn't imagine having to start completely over. My family will do everything we can to help them out. My heart goes out to them. I'm glad they had family to go to last night if not they would have been sleeping on our floor or couch. Life is unexpected. You never know what each day will bring. Live you life full of joy and happiness. Life is also very short. Never leave your house mad at someone. Always kiss your loved ones before you rest your head at night. Please help out where ever you may be needed. I may not have a lot but what I have I would give away to help someone out. I appreciate Life even more now then before. I will always cherish every waking moment I have with my family. I will never complain about being late somewhere. I will be happy I'm late with my hubby. Live Life to your fullest potential. Don't waste it!

Saturday, September 15

Cup of Joe

Have you made someone a promise to do good? Have you ever thought about sending our troops anything maybe a letter or a gift basket of some sort? My family and I have. We do what we can to help people ,animals and causes that mean a lot to us. I read the emails I received from our troops after I purchased coffee from Green Beans Coffee. It made me smile to know they were happy. It moved me so much that I will add this to my list of things I have to do. My son also made a purchased with his own money to buy our troops some coffee.
                           "Mom, If they can't be here at least I can give them a piece of Heaven." My son said
                              "What do you mean son a piece of Heaven?" I simply asked

                                "You always say your french Vanilla coffee is a taste of Heaven for your day." He said with a smile

                                    "Yes, Yes I do say that." I laugh

It's funny how your children will recite something you have said in the past without hesitation. My son Justin is the most thoughtful person I know. He is always there with a helpful hand to anyone who needs it. It's makes me proud to be his mother. I couldn't of asked God for someone better. My son is he best! It's not what you say that your kids will see it's what you do that they will remember. My hubby and I are always there to help someone something or any animals in distress. I love making people happy. We are working on acts of kindness but over all I hope my son gets that the smallest thing to us may mean the world to someone else. I think with this step for a Cup of Joe he is heading in the right direction. I would like to share this email with all of you.

2 Troops want to thank you for sending them a Cup of Joe!Cup of Joe #1

Your message and gift of a CUP OF JOE was delivered to a Service Member serving at Camp Sabalu-Harrison in Afghanistan. They wanted to say thanks and make sure you knew your gift was received. Please see below for their note to you:

Ma'am, Thank you for your kind words and support. I am especially moved by your son's gesture. He could have spent his money on himself yet he chose to give it to a caused he felt was worthy -- he has a sense of kindness and charity beyond his years. Things are going well here, despite what you read in the paper. It means a lot to know that folks back home remember us and keep us in their prayers. Thank you again to you and your family. I wish you all the best. yrs, Capt V.

Cup of Joe #2

We want you to know that we've delivered your personal message and gift of a CUP OF JOE to a Service Member serving at Camp Marmal in Afghanistan. Your support of our Service Men and Women through your gift of a CUP OF JOE FOR A JOE provided a much appreciated morale boost and helped make a Service Member's day a little brighter.


Friday, September 14

The pain of working out

Aquarius Horoscope Daily Overview

You are all about sudden changes, and today brings at least one big one your way. It may not be to your liking at first, but you will certainly learn to live with it, and maybe even love it.
I couldn't sleep so here I am on line browsing the Internet since 4:30am wishing I didn't read the news. It makes me ill that so many are hurt daily in this world. I read about a mother leaving her five month old on the top of her car.
People like this are just dumb they  should not breed. How in the world do you forget your child? I wish I knew the answers to that. I'm also working on my next book which is really a lot of fun. I pulled a tendon in my arm which is going to stop me from working out for a few days. I'm really upset it's like food to me or the air I breathe. I crave my morning workouts. My hubby thinks it's the best I back down until next week to give my arm the time to heal. I hate to say it but I think he may be right. I can't lift it at all. I woke up because I can't sleep on it. Called my doctor who said the same thing my very smart hubby said. I set a goal to workout everyday. I have lost 5 pounds. I'm lean and mean ready to take on our next journey wherever that may be. I never knew being one handed could be such a pain. It's a good thing I'm my own boss for work or I could be out of a job. I thought just being sore was a pain nope this arm pain is much worst. Well looking on the bright side I can watch more of GH and yell at the TV. It means more cuddle time with my boys that I can't ever turn down. I'm very grateful for my life. I appreciate my hubby more then I can say. I'm just loving my  life. Sorry for some random thoughts today I guess that's what happens when you can't sleep.

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