
Showing posts with label My Boys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Boys. Show all posts

Sunday, March 4

Art Work

 The kids sat down and made pictures last night. Justin made sure we sent a picture to Daddy. Justin says"Home is where daddy is!"

This is Christopher's first art work. I know more will come. I love my boys they are the reason I am who I am. They made me a proud mother!

Tuesday, November 22

Kids,Potty Training and The Tree

Christopher & Potty Training are like oil and water they just don't mix. I have been potty training Christopher now for two weeks. I have been peed on unclogged his foot from the toilet many times now and chased him around the house naked as he pees all over the place. I do not recall it being this hard trying to potty train Justin.I was also 19 now I'm old. I had him sink the Cheerios and that was that. Justin walked at seven months so with Christopher walking at nine I thought no problem right. Nope now we have gotten into the biting part. Christopher likes to take off all the Christmas ornaments. I took one from him this morning gave it to Jay to put back on the tree. I hear Justin say "That hurts stop!" Christopher bit him on the hand and almost drew blood. I was in a state of shock trying to tell him we don't bit people when he Jay starts laughing telling him he is evil. I couldn't finish the punishment when Mommy is laughing. I came home from dropping Jay off at school when I had to go though "Don't touch the tree!" again as I'm putting the ornament back on the tree. Christopher grabs my leg and shakes it to bite me. I don't think so I put him in his playpen. I have a time out chair I hope it works for my Popsicle. It must be his daddy who was a little off his rocker when he was younger that is where Christopher gets this from. Christopher yells for Daddy when I'm telling him to stop whatever he is not suppose to do. He yells for Jay when we are telling him to do something else.When he cries he calls for me. The sippy cup and not the bottle who in the world thought that would be a piece of cake? Even at the end of the day cleaning up what he doesn't want for lunch that is now half way down the steps,on the wall and in my coat pocket seems to be the highlight of my day. I love to find cars in the washer. I love finding new things in Justin pockets when I wash his pants he seem to take on daddy's trait of not cleaning out your pants pockets. I had a gay hair dresser tell me "Honey you need some color!" Christopher you are too funny when you throw yourself down on the ground and push yourself backwards when you are mad. Steve I love the way you make us laugh. Justin please don't get out of the truck butt first and fall. My house always has toys on the floor. Sometimes there is an object flying past my head at any moment. It is a toy,clothes or a juice box I still step back to smile. To top it off I went to the doctor's to find out if another Needham is to appear in nine months. I love my family. I love my life.

Friday, October 28

Life, Family and Everyday Stuff

Today I feel a sense of calmness that comes over me. I’m so far from home but at home.Choices we make today will shape who we are tomorrow

Tiny fingers grab my neck it’s my Popsicle giving me a hug. The sound of laughter is what I hear as you try to give me a kiss without biting me. I love the way you kick your feet every time I pick you up. You get so excited about what is going on. Even if it’s nothing at all. I love how we play tag already melts my heart when you get daddy. I can tell you are very strong willed, stubborn and determined. You are very young still with a great life ahead of you. You are growing more and more each day with every piece of food I clean off my wall. You are such a happy baby. Watching your eyes light up every time your brother appears is something I hope lasts forever. Your bond with your big brother means a lot to me. He loves you to death there is nothing he wouldn’t do for you. Even getting in trouble when he goes to your room to play with you so you stop crying.

I love the arms wrapped around my waste and a head under my armpit. It’s my Jay man my little man always in my book. I love to hear your voice even better I love your questions you have. No, you can’t jump off the deck with your bike! No, I have never seen an alien nor do I want to. Sure your father and I will help you catch one if we see it in our backyard. As far as doing skin test on your little green friend I want gloves first. I’m not sure if the bug on the window will transform into an alien who is like a transformer. Okay you can have an alien party with your friends. No, you can not go to the mother ship not even if you promise you will be back by dinner. No, you can’t carry your little brother in your hockey bag like a Chihuahua. My little man can hold up an argument with the best meaning his father. It kills me they are so much alike but hold so much love for one another. I hear mumbling coming from the playroom it’s the sound of an owl and someone saying Oh GOD and more laughter from my boys. The sound of the monkeys, cars, spit bubbles and a motorcycle fills the room. The endless laundry the pile of dishes the constant cleaning the house is something I don’t mind doing. I put up with my husband scaring me to death in the shower. His silly acts of affection that makes me so mad at him sometimes I want to kick him in the head. To the flowers he brings me out of nowhere to the phone call to just hear my voice is why I love him. It’s my husband, my boys, my family how could I forget this moment. This is my Peace this is my Serenity this is my life as a mother and a wife. This is who I am I will not change for anyone I will not be sorry because I am happy.

 My family is happy my boys know they are loved my marriage is great even if we fight about what croutons we will get in Wal-Mart for our salad. Even if I did brake the truck and made you work on football Sunday you still love me no matter what. Thanks to my daddy you were able to get us back on the road once again.  Honey you are the best and the worst of me as I am for you. You are my weakness and my strength. We are like bread and butter you can’t have one without the other. I guess this is what makes us great partners and parents. We understand each other our children our life. Money will never be the root of all evil for us. We are not just lucky we are blessed with a life we share with one another.

Thursday, October 20

Did your babies kick differently?

This is for all the women who have more then one baby. I have a one year old and eight year old. I find myself comparing my two boys. They are alike in many ways but very different too.  With my son Justin he only kicked when I wanted to sleep. I worked back to back shifts normally 14 hours a day sometimes longer. Justin would hardly ever move until I wanted to sit down and rest. His kicks were soft with a side of weirdness then again being a first time proud mommy at 19 too. I didn't really know what it should feel like. I remember the very first time Jay moved I was sitting watching the news waiting to leave for work when I felt a little flutter in the lower part of my stomach. I looked right at my cat and asked him if he felt that? (Laughing) I knew he didn't but I guess a normally reaction to what just happen. It felt like an alien inside me. With my second pregnancy Christopher was a mad man that felt like he was going to karate chop his way out of my belly. He would move for hours while Steve would talk and rub my belly. Steve would always put his head on my belly to only have Christopher kick him over and over again. Steve loved it he would just smile, laugh then look at me with those big brown eyes and say" That's our son." He would kiss my belly to his new son inside the womb. Steve couldn't wait to be a daddy again since he didn't get the chance to do it with Justin. I only saw Steve once while I was pregnant with Jay. The second time around was new to both of us. We were able to do everything together. Steve was awesome with me during my pregnancy a little too over protected at times well the whole time. It was sweet that we had that time to bond again as a couple to renew our love with each other. Christopher kicks were hard anytime he moved. Sometimes he would be so far up under my rib that he would make me sick. I could feel and see his foot sticking out of my belly. Now that is a sight to see Steve was astounded by what he saw. He still had a permanent smile on his face. There was my wonderful husband by my side holding my hair and rubbing my belly. He would tell Christopher to calm down so I could get some rest. Christopher would do just that. He would only move to his daddy and big brother voice not so much mind which was okay. I have to say its still the same when Steve or Justin walks into the room Christopher lights up as do they.The question Did your babies kick you different?

Saturday, August 20

My Boys

Let me start off by saying Justin won first place in Cubannapolis today!All the cub scouts did great. Poor Zack fell but he still did great. Hang in there Zack you always have next year babe. The Cubannapolis is where all the boys make a car out of a box. They decorate it however they want. Once it starts they have to go around the track three times. They have to make a pit stop where it involves changing the tires(shoes) turning the socks inside out and putting the shoes back on. They have to fuel up with bug juice( cool-aid). They have to clean off the windshield(glasses). Then off they go. You can do it all at once or split it up in three. We always do it on the first run. Justin you were great out there Mommy and daddy are really proud of you. You have done exceptional in Cub Scouts. Let the new year bring just as much fun.

Christopher is a hand full for us. He is trying his little hardest to walk. He stands there for a minute takes a step then falls. He is already climbing on everything like his crib,high chair and his bike.

He is a wiggle worm anytime someone holds him. He likes to climb up on you. I love that he lights up when his big brother walks in the room. He is already at Justin's feet getting into his stuff. He knows how to play mommy and daddy with his fake cry. It's really adorable we can't help but pick him up. We are really glad he now sleeps in his crib like a big boy. That leaves mommy and daddy some needed alone time to cuddle. I love that part. I have to say I do miss him sleeping in bed with us cuddle up to me then his daddy. Steve and I are planning on having his 1st Birthday/ Halloween party in October. Not sure of the date yet but it will be posted on FB for you guys. They may drive me crazy. They may act stubborn like their Dad. My house never stays clean for too long. Food may be all over the walls thanks to my Popsicle. Dinner time has never been entertaining like it has been lately. Finding time to work and go to the gym is a challenge. I'm a proud mommy of two. I wouldn't have it any other way. I love my boys they are the air I breathe.

Wednesday, July 27

Turtle Cove

I love taking the kids to a water park it’s awesome. My Popsicle fell asleep in my arms at the pool. It was really adorable. My little man was having fun going down the slide with friends and daddy. My kids love the water it’s the only way to past this heat wave we have been having. Then on Sunday we took a bike ride as a family. Christopher is still not sure what to make of it.

  I’m really proud of my self on how I have been working out losing all my baby weight without having to worry about a diet. Then again I have never been on a diet to think about it. I don’t think people should put themselves though that kind of pain. I mean its simple eat right don’t shove your face with cupcakes and workout.  Even if I did lose all of it the first month after Christopher because of breast feeding which is great? I walked it off after Justin. I have only been working out in a gym since late may early June. I’m skinner now then I was before I got pregnant. I’m in a bikini for god sake’s with no stretch marks I might add. I love it every time I walk in the room Steve’s tongue is hanging out of he’s mouth as he is pushing up on me. This is not only time he does this.  He can be such a dirty minded person sometimes. I guess that is one way you know you have found your soul mate. When they love you for who you are inside not just outside. He is too funny. I love that he makes me feel like his queen daily. Just as well because I’m great.  What can I say I’m the perfect woman? Sorry my readers I’m a little full of myself today. I’m just really happy things for my family are all falling into place. Our families as well as our friends are always telling me how good I look. It gives me a big ego. Talk about losing weight my sister just had my niece two weeks ago it doesn’t even look like she had a baby. It must be the good genes we get from my family. We are all sexy how many families can say that about every member. We can it’s the truth! You know I love all of you! Anytime my sisters and I are out with my mother people think we are all sisters. It’s great too when we still all get carded. We all still look very young and beautiful even with age. Age is just a number why worry about it. I can't wait to see what I look like when I'm 80. I have a feeling it will be the same as now just with white hair. HA HA a Mexican with white hair. Fantastic! I love my new body since child birth. I embrace my new look on how my thighs are just the right size with space between them. That’s where you stand up straight with your knees together to see if you have a space between them. If you don’t then you have leg fat. (My aunt and sister talked about this ages ago I guess it just stuck) I have more legs then a bucket of chicken. ( LOL)  My arms are tighter with a muscle mass that makes a sun dress look good. My whole frame is different but I love it. My belly is not the tightest like it once was. Considering that I had a c-section I’m doing very well. I love to go shopping for clothes since my weight changes all the time. Can you believe I lost five pounds last week? I love it! I have a million bras that will get put in a tote for another day. However wearing a good pair of heels is long over due. I love the way I feel in them not to mention my legs look amazing. I love my color I just hate the tans lines. I think it’s time to go tanning to get rid of them. You know in a stand up booth I feel like J-LO with the wind blowing in my hair. The wind also goes to places I rather it not be but you get use to it. I love being a mother, wife especially a woman. It’s the greatest thing to feel happy.

Sunday, July 17

Happy Birthday Justin

What can I say for being eight years old I think we spent about four thousand dollars on him. On top of his big present to New York, presents a hotel pool party and a sleep over. He is getting older with his requests of things he wanted. He is into skating like skateboard and bikes. He got both a bike from us that he loves among three skateboards that he was switching on and off today. Justin is a simple kid anything makes him happy. Most of all he was grateful to everyone who came. My friend pointed that one out to me. That made me smile we raised a good kid. I think mommy and daddy set the bar pretty high for next year. I have no clue what we are going to do for his 9th birthday. He had a blast in the pool all day with about 16 kids who showed up. A sugar high was for sure to follow when jay had pop. Which he never drinks man oh man he was off the chain. He was going a mile a minute I loved it. The kids crashed hard at the end of the night with video games. The boys stayed up way past 1am. I fell asleep along side Christopher while Steve stayed up with them being the great Daddy he is. I love you babe. 7am came today we were back in the pool till 11am. I'm water lodge but a pool right now in this heat would be nice. I think we are going to go get our boat fix to go out on. I hope everyone had a great time thanks for coming.

Wednesday, July 13

To my little man Justin

Today you are turning 8 years old. I remember when I told your your Daddy it wouldn't be long before those tiny toes kicked me. He pick me up with the biggest smile from ear to ear his life had meaning now just as mind did. Even if you did make me sick for the whole nine months I wouldn't take anything back. You make me smile and laugh with your jokes. You are so funny just like yesterday when you were helping me pick out clothes. Then asked for a little sister. I know that when you ask a question it's just not one there are at least ten. Out of those questions I have to find a way to explain it to you so there are not ten more.  Either way I will always love to answer anything you have. I love the night talks we have before I put you to bed. I remember taking you to the park when you were little watching you experience it like the first time every time we went.  I love to watch your face light up when Daddy walks in the room. It seems like yesterday when Daddy saw you for the first time after being gone. I have never seen two people as happy as you two now you both are inseparable. I swear hearing you two talk about roller coasters, cars and jumping out of plans I chuckle to see you are just like him.  My two dare devils without a fear in the world. I can still smell the baby fresh powder from your first bath I gave you the day I brought you home. My life was incomplete until I had you in my arms. I have had the chance to watch you grow from a baby to a young little man. I remember the first time you walk well ran in the kitchen at seven months. You were so tiny with a whole mouth of teeth. Baby you have music in your soul from the time you could roll over at four months. You would dance to any beat there was. Not to mention all the singing you did and still do. I loved how whatever your father and I told you. You always had a way to get around it like the gate we put up for you to stay out of the kitchen. You being as smart as you are took a chair to push up to the gate to unlock it.  I couldn't keep you in the playpen you would crawl out of it. The first time I seen you rocking it back and fourth until it fell over just amazed me how nothing could hold you back. Justin you are fearless,brave, sweet,kind,loyal,and lovable. You get these qualities from us with a special touch of your own style. You have been on a fast track ever since.  You are doing great in school It brings me joy to hear how much you are a pleasure to have in the classroom. Yes, I'm going to brag about you because you are the best thing that has ever happen to your Father and I.  Everyday I look at you I thank God for choosing me to be your mother.  I never knew I could love someone who had the most cutest  chubby checks, little hands and a smile that over took my heart. I loved you from the first day I met you. Nothing in the world matter more to your Father and I than your happiest. We will do everything in our power to make sure you stay happy like you are. I can always count on you to have a smile on your face everyday.

Watching you in mud day was a blast to see you take down daddy. Below was our first family reunion where we gladly added you to our BIG family.I love how you love  your little brother. You are great with him I know it can be stressful some days but in the end I couldn't ask for anyone better. Justin Christopher loves you so much you can tell when you say Hi to him or huge him. He is all smiles.
Justin we are very proud to be your parents we love you all the way to the moon and back. Happy Birthday Honey.

Monday, February 21

A Father and His boys

What makes a father? Was one of the questions I heard on the radio?   I think about my husband I know that Steve does everything he can for his boys. He is the perfect father who loves to keep us happy. Just the other day he was watching the boys sleep. He told me they are just so adorable.  They are a blessing to have.  He is the cub master for Justin’s boy scouts troop. He is always there for jay when he falls down and scraps his knee to kiss it to make him feel better. No matter what it is from playing hockey, swimming, birthday parties, shopping for me to running around the house playing nuff guns. Steve has always been there for Justin.   Steve is always teaching Justin something new and it’s great to see that. No matter how tired Steve is after a long day at work he still has time to go outside to play in the snow and make a snow man. I see his face light up when Justin say's Daddy.

He gets up in the middle of the night with Christopher to sing him to sleep. He loves the fact that he gets to change his diaper and clean up puke.  Steve loves to shop for the boys. No matter what crazy game Justin has come up with Steve will always play it no matter how weird the rules are.  Steve will climb down on the floor to play with Christopher. The boys are Steve’s heart.  He dances around the house with Christopher to keep him from being fussy while playing uno with Justin and letting him win. He helps me with the dishes and doing laundry without me asking him.  He loves to cook so I don’t have to while he is tearing apart the basement floor.  He is a man of many talents from grocery shopping to doctor appointments and taking Justin to school he is there. I can always count on my loving husband to be there. I love you honey and thank you for all that you do.
Happy Birthday We all love you!

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