
Thursday, March 5

Day 3 complete

Taking another challenge stepping up my game. I have about twenty people joining me along with my amazing hubby and kids. I took it down a little for my boys. Day 3 50 burpees 50 kick down crunches down the drain.  A good little warm-up before I hit the gym for circuit training today. I love a challenge this for sure is one. I will be posting a video of today's class just to give you a hint of what I put my body through twice a week.  I love it! Getting fit is a choice you have to make it. You will only stay with it if you want. You have to be your best. Don't worry everyone was a beginner at some point. Remember to eat clean or all your hard work is for nothing.  Have a good day love your life. Have the day you deserve today. 

Wednesday, February 18

Give a smile

Shopping the other day at Walgreen's we were approach by a women wanting us to help her buy a few things. Now, I have seen her all over the place walking sleeping in the park at one of the parks I take my boys to. She looked like she needed the help. I understand being homeless as I was there once in my life. I remember what it felt like what it felt like to be hopeless. It wasn't fun and not anything anyone should have to go though in life. You would think it wouldn't be an issues in today's world but it is. My son and I gave her $20 dollars I wish I had more on me at the time. There is also a man who waits on the corner with a sign and a dog. Sometimes he is by Burger King with a few other people. We collect and buy food for our local animal shelter this time we have put dog food in our car to give it to him next time we see him. If you have extra anything money, clothes, food please give when you can. We do all the time we try and help daily to put a smile on someone's face. Pay It Forward today and everyday. Be safe as always when dealing with people you don't know. Please keep that in mind. Thanks for reading!


Thursday, February 5


This is how Christopher takes a shower to see.

Being a mom is great. Christopher is growing up. I'm amazed by how much of an impact a little person can make. I get people that stop me in the gym to ask if Christopher is my son. How they pick me out of the crowd I still don't know. I always respond by the dark hair loud mouth  overdramatic little boy. Which by the way is from me or his brother and Father.They laugh and say yes. He loves to encourage people no matter who they are. He greets them with Hello. He will hold a conversation with you. He may be little but he understands a lot. Justin didn't have a good game yesterday.  His team lost 22 to 6. Justin came off the field when Christopher ran up to him tap him on the arm. He said "It's okay brother.You will get them next time. Did you have fun?"
Justin response by saying yes.
"That's all that matters."Christopher says
It's funny how much he listens to me and repeats me. Christopher has my attitude. He is my sidekick. He is in the stage where is gets things now. Crossing the street as an example. We stop look both ways I ask him why do we do this. After going over it a million times since he was one. Now he gets it "Mommy we look because people don't pay attention and we could get killed." 
Now his biggest concern is that he will get stuck into the bathroom drain where he thinks rats hide. He also thinks he will be green. My child has one of imagination on him.  He is an old soul and is currently speaking in past tense as if he had a life before. It's a little weird.  When he will tell us he died but came back because God built him. He keeps me on my toes.  I wouldn't have it any other way. We are getting ready to try soccer again.  I hope it works this time.  He has no patience at all. My popsicle is one of a kind. 

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