
Sunday, January 4

We can do it all mother and son

Wow, Looking at this picture my son is as tall as I am. This is insane he is growing up so fast. We have finished  ten weeks of training with a few bumps in the road. Muscle conditioning is no joke. Justin has a little six pack.  I lost six pounds in a month not that I was trying.  I more or less owe that one to being sick for a month.  I'm excited as Mother and Son we were able to stick it out. We would encourage each other in class to keep going.  Justin just started football season.  I can't wait to see what the season will hold. Justin is ecstatic. Right before my eyes he is growing up.  It made me drag out the few baby pictures I have of him. Seems like another life time. He has accomplished so much in eleven years. Justin is amazing person.  He is always eager to learn. I'm so proud to be his mom.  He has changed mind and hubby's life. He has shown us how to live again.  

Friday, December 26

Merry Christmas

I have learned a few thas this year. Never put tinsel on your Christmas tree.  It's a loss cause with kids and cats. Buy batteries before the big day. Putting together a trampoline is harder than it looks. I need to workout some more apparently the trampoline springs clearly won. Don't try and do any kind of flips with a bad back. It hurts a lot.

Kids will always make you laugh.Popsicle has a new take on Santa and the Elves. The story goes the elves make the toys drops them off at Target and Santa picks them up when they are ready for each kid. I guess that works I'll stick with that theory. If you buy a toy car make sure you have 18 hours for the first charge.
A glow in the dark race track must be charged in order to glow. Thanks mom Christopher loves his track and so do the cats. 
When buying a game chair and TV for your oldest child check the TV to make sure it has the right ports for the game chair. Justin is in heaven now that he can play his games without his little brother in his face trying to get his attention.  One more thing but not the last check books before you buy more. Just in case you and hubby buys the same one's. Minecraft is still a huge hit after a year.Justin goes through more books in a week then his daddy and I ever have. Not complaining but his books are over taking his room. A new book shelf is now in order to build. 
Merry Christmas I know a lot of people want their children to grow up.  Let them be kid's and enjoy Christmas let them believe in Santa. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there. 
Seeing isn't believing, believing is seeing!  Don't take their childhood away to soon.

Sunday, December 21

Sunday Workout


Round one
10 pushups
15 burpees
90 Russian twist
15 kettle ball squats
Round Two
25 squats
20 lunges per side
40 jumping jacks
60 seconds wall sit
Good luck let me know how you do. Push through the pain you will thank yourself in the end. The hardest part about getting fit is telling yourself you can do it. Positive thinking will change who you are. You have the control over what your life will be. You alone can change your body if you want. Take little steps if you want it you can have it. Remember this is only ten percent of the rest of your life the hard part is controlling what you put in your mouth.

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