
Showing posts with label 30 on 30. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 30 on 30. Show all posts

Thursday, July 12

Day 4: 30 on 30 playing in the pool.

This morning Jay played basketball with daddy. Now we are playing in the pool. It's great to just relax before my work week starts Monday.
They kids are going to help me cook dinner later. That should be fun. I'm loving this lovely day. Have fun today.

Wednesday, July 11

Playing with the boys

Day Three: 30 on 30
 I enjoy the evening with my children like playing with play dough. Steve and I had a blast playing make believe chef with Justin. Steve had to one up my cup cake that's fine. I see how it is. I can't make the fake ones but I sure can make awesome real ones. I sell out of them that's if Steve and the boys don't eat them all before the bake sale. I also played basketball with my little man today and Dino's with Christopher. Times like these will pass as my kids get older. I want to remember them forever. I can't pass up these moments in life.

Tuesday, July 10

Homemade moon sand

Day two: 30 on 30
 I'm up early today to make moon sand. I love looking on the web for new inspiring idea's to share with my children. I found a way to make homemade moon sand. It's real easy first start off with one cup of flour and add baby oil till you get the texture of  sand. From there all you do is add flour and baby oil to make as much or as little as you want. The plus side to this is soft hands. It's messy so you may want to do this outside. Justin was a huge fan of moon sand when it first came out. Like the great parents Steve and I are we went out and got him all the colors the store had. Steve went a little over board and spent over $100 dollars on moon sand. I could have killed him but he was just being the best dad there is. They spent all night playing with it and slept in the next day all day. Here is a little video for you all. Have fun we did.

Monday, July 9

30 0n 30

I was wondering about how much time adults spend with their children. I mean actually time not sitting on the couch watching them play I mean getting down on the floor and playing with them. I challenge anyone out there with kids to spend 30 days at 30 minutes of play. That's where I came up with 30 0n 30.  Today I spent an hour outside digging for Dino's with the boys.
Day one:'s Please post this and share with family and friends. I dare you to see if you can do this daily. I know work,school and everything else that comes with being a parent is hard. Put yourself to the test for a whole month see what you can do. Please write back I would love to have feed back on your 30 days.

Dig for Dino's

Day one: 30 on 30
Today the kids and I are digging for dinosaurs. I took a container filled with water and added the kids toy dinosaurs. I later put it in the frezzer overnight. Today we dig it out. I thought this would be a lot of fun in the Florida heat to stay cool.

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