
Tuesday, July 16

Happy 10th Birthday Justin

My little man turned ten years old this past Saturday. I had a little surprise for him I filled his door with balloons so when he opened it all the balloons would fall down. It made him smile that's all my hubby and I was going for.

It took about 40 balloons to fill it.
Cake and ice cream for breakfast then we were off to Wet &Wild in Orlando. 

 It was nice they had 7 water slides and a play place for smaller kids. The ice cream dots were awesome along with the very very hot sidewalk. I thought my skin was going to melt off my feet. Word to the wise wear sandals leave them at the bottom of the water slide so you can still have skin.  We went in the morning to avoid the crowds that came in about 2 pm. It seems like yesterday that I was holding my son in my arms. Time flies by way too fast when you are having fun. He is such a great kid we were blessed with. I'm very proud of how my son has turned out. It's funny I don't think my son looks anything like his baby pictures. We later took him to see the Medieval Times in Orlando. It was nice to see some fighting and horse races.
 When bought tickets we told them it was our son's birthday they announced him as a knight Justin who is turning 10. His face was priceless the food was a little greasy. No forks just our good old hands ripping into the chicken leg,ribs and potatoes. It was fun to be right by the stage. The horses were beautiful to see up close. We cheered on the yellow knight as he fought to the death. By the way is too funny to see how they fling themselves off the horse and battle. I never laughed so hard. Our boys were intrigued by the swords.

Dear Son,
Your father and I adore every minute we get to spend with you. It's your smile that melts our heart. Your questions that lead to many others that drive us crazy. Your kind heart that makes us very proud of you. You are the best big brother a person can have. 
NO matter what it is you are there to guide your little brother to be the best. I have seen you grow from a baby to an almost teenager. I wish I could turn the clock back and spend your baby times with you all over again. 
Times like this is priceless Halloween 2005
You always make us laugh.   You remind me so much of your dad with how you think you can fix everything. If you don't know how to do it you will find a way. As you remind daddy of me with your one of a kind personality. I love how you never give up. People want to be around you no matter where you are. Justin your father and I weren't ready for you but you somehow made us the parents we are today. I hope you like all your legos, bike and drawing gear for your Birthday. Next stop is Disney World. 
Love Mom & Dad
P.S you will always be my little man.

September 2010
2013 May

Thursday, July 11

How bad do you want it?

How Bad Do You Want It?
When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful. I may not be perfect but I'm right where I want to be. Getting fit is hard no one can tell you it's easy.

Eating right is even harder if you don't do it in the first place. Even if you do I can even have a weak heart for that ice cream. What do you do? Go ahead eat just not the whole bowl. Keep it in moderation is the key. Be consistent with your workout routine try same time daily. It will work to your benefit for sure. Start out slow and work up to your goal. I don't always pay attention to my calories I burn. I judge  on how I feel after my workout. I have had a few injuries since last year when I started P90X. I'm happy to announce I lost ten pounds on the 90 day program. I still complete the abs and cardio once a week from P90X. It's a great workout. I enjoy it as well as my hubby and kids. I use the gym at the YMCA with my hubby to lift weights. I can tell my hard work is paying off as you can see in my picture on the left. In the end it will all be worth my commitment and dedication. I love that I also have a great support them at home. I love you guys. You are the reason I work so hard to live longer. 
 Something else I will take on along with Zumba and cycling classes twice a week. I alternate legs,back and arms with cardio. It seems like a lot but I have never felt better. I thought it would take me at least a month to get back my routine after being off from fluid in my knee. I feel awesome! Working on my body eating clean is like a drug for me. I have a ton of energy to play at the beach with my boys.
I'm still in awe that we live 20 minutes away from the beach. It's like our second home. If you stop by my house and we don't answer head over to Cocoa Beach we will be there with our toes in the sand. 
Until next time you are face with a candy bar or working out ask yourself
"How bad do you want it?"
Updated pictures coming soon on my 30 day arm challenge.

Friday, July 5

Happy 4th of JULY

One of my favorite pictures from the night. 
I hope you had fun!
Happy to be an American! Over 400 people became citizens in central Florida on July 4th, 2013
Our family spent a day at the beach with a sunburn to prove it. We had fun our son wants to move to a beach house he seen for sale. I think he went insane. I love the beach and all but all the sand gets on my nervous it gets in every crack you have. Seriously rethinking a beach wedding last time we were there we seen a wedding set up. The bride looked beautiful. She was complaining about the sand. My hubby and I just looked at each other like yup I know what you are thinking. I love the beach don't get me wrong I just can't do the sand thing everyday. I might change my mind my hubby did set us up to look at some. We will see how it goes wish us luck. 
This day means so much more !
It's anniversary of the publication of the declaration of independence from Great Britain in 1776. Patriotic displays and family events are organized throughout the United States. I seen a number of houses displaying our American flag that made me proud to be an American. I couldn't help to think of loved ones still overseas frighting for freedom. They are fighting to come home in one peace. When they do come home nothing will be the same. Many will have to fight for benefits fight for a job and fight the battle they left behind. Friends they lost friends they used to have fight the battle inside themselves. It's called PTSD soldiers will come home and not know what to do. No one understands what they seen or had to do no one will understand. They expect a solider to come home jump right into the life they once had. This has bothered me since my step-father went to fight in Desert Storm. I try and help anyway I can from buying coffee from a Cup of Joe. 

My son writes a letter every week to Thank a solider.
The Soldier: - By Charles M. Province

It is the soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press.
It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.
If you can read this message thank a teacher,
If you are reading it in English of your own free will THANK A SOLDIER!
It is the soldier, not the campus organizer, who has given us the freedom to demonstrate.
It is the soldier, not the lawyer, who has given us the right to a fair trial.
It is the soldier, who salutes the flag, who serves under the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag,
who allows the protester to burn the flag.
To all the brave men and women who have dedicated or given their lives
to protecting this country and it's freedoms:
Thank you.

Take a peek and see if you can help. 

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