
Wednesday, September 12

Yummy Food

 I have been looking at this site it's a must but I warn you it will make you want to eat. Look at all this yummy food like.

Avocado BLT with Fried Egg And Chipotle Mayo It makes my mouth water just thinking about it. I haven't had this in years. I'm for sure making it for lunch.

Grilled Chicken Club Sandwich with Avocado and Chipotle Caramelized Onions

The first time my hubby ever had avocado's was when I made this sandwich. You should have seen his face. It was classic

 Guacamole Egg Salad Sandwich 500 2644


Caprese Sandwich

 I have to stop talking about food it's making me really hungry right now. My hubby and I might just go shopping.



This is why I write

I hit 70 followers today. I would like to take the time to thank all of you who follow my blog who keep coming back to read what I wrote many times a day. I'm glad you take the time to download my pictures. I hope you enjoy the crafts I do with my kids. Please leave comments on anything or give pointers. I started this blog just to write about becoming a mommy again after 8 years. Looking back I wouldn't change a thing. Why do you write?


Tuesday, September 11

A Note 10 years later

I don't know if I could live with the thoughts these ladies have to deal with now. It's very sad so many are left with phones calls of pure panic. Most were left with the last picture of their loved ones walking out the front door for work. I remember one thing my mother used to tell me when we would fight like mother's and daughters do "Don't ever leave upset or go to bed angry because you never know if this is your last goodbye." Everyone should live by those words alone. Life is to short for what ifs. My husband and I don't ever really have an argument where this would take place. We always make up within five minutes. I'm glad I married my best friend. I think because of that is why we have stayed married for so long. I could never picture having a lost like the people who have been left behind to pick up the pieces from this tragedy.  I can't think about this day without crying for the ones who past, the families of the fallen and what war means. They are all in my prayers. God Bless you all.

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