Go friend this wonderful woman on facebook who is 105 years old. I saw her today on Ellen which was a inspiration to me about how she lives her life.
Ellen asked her
'' What is your secret ?"
Edythe replied
" I have a happy marriage. I'm a happy person and if something happens that I can't do anything about it I don't worry about it. "
I love that answer because that is how I live my life. I'm a very happy person in life in general about everything. I show my children daily that its more important to be happy in life then what you can buy or have. For anyone who knows me "Being Happy" means more to me above anything else. It took my hubby awhile to learn to be happy and let go. He has a childhood past no child should have. A childhood filled with pain. A soldier who has guilt .
He told me
"That he never knew happiness until he meet me."
I'm grateful I was able to show him a better life then what he was living. He has changed so much over the seven years we have been together its amazing. I could tell a change the first week of getting to know him after we met two years before. A whole other side was to be uncovered that he showed me. I love my hubby with every fiber of my being. He may have faults like everyone else but the difference is I accepted who he is not who he was. I think what has made our marriage so successful is that we went though a similar childhood. We understood each other in a way that was meant for us. I have never told him " Life,Love,Marriage and kids would be easy. It would always be a challenging no matter who you are." It's how you decide to let the other person in. It's will and how you fight for what you want that makes a difference.
There are things in life that you have no control over. When that happens you have to just let go. To be happy its doesn't come easy to some its becomes something you learn to do like riding a bike. If you can learn that then everything else will fall into place.