
Showing posts with label Me. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Me. Show all posts

Thursday, November 10

Things from my childhood

I was looking at these dolls I collected from 9 to 16. I believe that was when I received the last doll. Porcelain dolls were something I collected from being a little girl. I think I have a total of 14 or 15.Thinking about all the hopes and dreams I had when I was younger brings a smile to my face. It may not have gone in order of how I imagine my life being. I had a list of things I wanted to do and how. Every little girl's fantasy is a big house with a white picnic fence lot's of kid's and a prince charming. Sometimes I can't believe this is my life I found all these things I wanted when I was little. I was going to keep them maybe I could pass them down if we had a little girl in the near future. Thinking about it I don't think I would want to however there is one doll I think I might keep just because.

Thursday, October 20

Did your babies kick differently?

This is for all the women who have more then one baby. I have a one year old and eight year old. I find myself comparing my two boys. They are alike in many ways but very different too.  With my son Justin he only kicked when I wanted to sleep. I worked back to back shifts normally 14 hours a day sometimes longer. Justin would hardly ever move until I wanted to sit down and rest. His kicks were soft with a side of weirdness then again being a first time proud mommy at 19 too. I didn't really know what it should feel like. I remember the very first time Jay moved I was sitting watching the news waiting to leave for work when I felt a little flutter in the lower part of my stomach. I looked right at my cat and asked him if he felt that? (Laughing) I knew he didn't but I guess a normally reaction to what just happen. It felt like an alien inside me. With my second pregnancy Christopher was a mad man that felt like he was going to karate chop his way out of my belly. He would move for hours while Steve would talk and rub my belly. Steve would always put his head on my belly to only have Christopher kick him over and over again. Steve loved it he would just smile, laugh then look at me with those big brown eyes and say" That's our son." He would kiss my belly to his new son inside the womb. Steve couldn't wait to be a daddy again since he didn't get the chance to do it with Justin. I only saw Steve once while I was pregnant with Jay. The second time around was new to both of us. We were able to do everything together. Steve was awesome with me during my pregnancy a little too over protected at times well the whole time. It was sweet that we had that time to bond again as a couple to renew our love with each other. Christopher kicks were hard anytime he moved. Sometimes he would be so far up under my rib that he would make me sick. I could feel and see his foot sticking out of my belly. Now that is a sight to see Steve was astounded by what he saw. He still had a permanent smile on his face. There was my wonderful husband by my side holding my hair and rubbing my belly. He would tell Christopher to calm down so I could get some rest. Christopher would do just that. He would only move to his daddy and big brother voice not so much mind which was okay. I have to say its still the same when Steve or Justin walks into the room Christopher lights up as do they.The question Did your babies kick you different?

Saturday, October 15

Happy Sweetest Day

Happy Sweetest Day to all my readers. My sweet hubby came home with a dozen of these yesterday to tell me it was just because he loves me. I love when Steve is sweet like this it melts my heart. I heard that Sweetest Day was created in Ohio in 1930s it's a Michigan/Ohio thing. My hubby and I really don't celebrate this Holiday because we don't need a special day to announce our love to each other. We do this everyday with a kiss, hug even those famous words I love you is said more times then I can count in our house daily. If this is your one day you can be happy with your other half then Happy Sweetest Day to you. Have a blessed day.

Monday, August 29

Look at me

I'm 8 months here at my baby shower for at the time "No Name Needham". Look at that belly I was huge. I miss my belly. I miss Steve rubbing it daily. What am I talking about that he still does. It's his favorite part on my body one of them anyways. It's  too funny he loves to cuddle with me and lay his head on my belly. He loves my belly with babies or no babies.
There we are in July I'm at 142. Not bad having my second baby nine months before.
 at 142


139 lbs
Me today flat as can be. I 'm lucky I lost all my baby weight the first month thanks to nursing. I'm really happy I have my old body back. I thought after a c-section it would never go back to normal. My hubby made me rest after I had Christopher. He wouldn't let me do anything. He was Mr. Mom for at least 18 weeks or so. Thank you babe for that.I however have one complaint my chest is gone.  I guess that is okay. I never did like those twin girls sitting on my chest. Anyone who needs big bras I have them. I lost it once before after I stop nursing Jay it will come back. Hitting the gym and pumping that iron will do the trick. I miss having that bonding time with the boys. I just stopped nursing Christopher 3 weeks ago due to having to take some medicine for my leg. He is doing better then what we thought he would do with the big change from boob to bottle. Now he has four teeth in I'm glad I didn't get bit by him like I did with Jay. I thought that kid was going to rip it off.  I love my body. I love the way I feel. I love that my hubby loves my body anyway it is. Having Steve be supportive where he is cheering me on to eat right as he is eating a burger kills me sometimes. I love that he doesn't pressure me to be skinny. He loves me just the way I am. Working out everyday and eating right has done my body very GOOD!

Wednesday, July 27

Turtle Cove

I love taking the kids to a water park it’s awesome. My Popsicle fell asleep in my arms at the pool. It was really adorable. My little man was having fun going down the slide with friends and daddy. My kids love the water it’s the only way to past this heat wave we have been having. Then on Sunday we took a bike ride as a family. Christopher is still not sure what to make of it.

  I’m really proud of my self on how I have been working out losing all my baby weight without having to worry about a diet. Then again I have never been on a diet to think about it. I don’t think people should put themselves though that kind of pain. I mean its simple eat right don’t shove your face with cupcakes and workout.  Even if I did lose all of it the first month after Christopher because of breast feeding which is great? I walked it off after Justin. I have only been working out in a gym since late may early June. I’m skinner now then I was before I got pregnant. I’m in a bikini for god sake’s with no stretch marks I might add. I love it every time I walk in the room Steve’s tongue is hanging out of he’s mouth as he is pushing up on me. This is not only time he does this.  He can be such a dirty minded person sometimes. I guess that is one way you know you have found your soul mate. When they love you for who you are inside not just outside. He is too funny. I love that he makes me feel like his queen daily. Just as well because I’m great.  What can I say I’m the perfect woman? Sorry my readers I’m a little full of myself today. I’m just really happy things for my family are all falling into place. Our families as well as our friends are always telling me how good I look. It gives me a big ego. Talk about losing weight my sister just had my niece two weeks ago it doesn’t even look like she had a baby. It must be the good genes we get from my family. We are all sexy how many families can say that about every member. We can it’s the truth! You know I love all of you! Anytime my sisters and I are out with my mother people think we are all sisters. It’s great too when we still all get carded. We all still look very young and beautiful even with age. Age is just a number why worry about it. I can't wait to see what I look like when I'm 80. I have a feeling it will be the same as now just with white hair. HA HA a Mexican with white hair. Fantastic! I love my new body since child birth. I embrace my new look on how my thighs are just the right size with space between them. That’s where you stand up straight with your knees together to see if you have a space between them. If you don’t then you have leg fat. (My aunt and sister talked about this ages ago I guess it just stuck) I have more legs then a bucket of chicken. ( LOL)  My arms are tighter with a muscle mass that makes a sun dress look good. My whole frame is different but I love it. My belly is not the tightest like it once was. Considering that I had a c-section I’m doing very well. I love to go shopping for clothes since my weight changes all the time. Can you believe I lost five pounds last week? I love it! I have a million bras that will get put in a tote for another day. However wearing a good pair of heels is long over due. I love the way I feel in them not to mention my legs look amazing. I love my color I just hate the tans lines. I think it’s time to go tanning to get rid of them. You know in a stand up booth I feel like J-LO with the wind blowing in my hair. The wind also goes to places I rather it not be but you get use to it. I love being a mother, wife especially a woman. It’s the greatest thing to feel happy.

Wednesday, June 22

12 pounds to go

I'm happy that I have only 12 ponds to go before I'm pre Justin and Steve weight. LOL However I think it should get easier as you work out everyday.  I have been for the last three months. I'm so sore today it feels like my arms weigh a ton. My girlfriend and I go to the gym together for support which is great. It's easy to go when you can talk about how much you don't want to be there in between pouring sweat from your face. I know gross! I can now fit into a two piece bathing suit. I can fit in my size 5 jeans.  I'm almost there. My hubby tells me all the time how great I look. It's nice to hear that all the time. I think I'm getting a big head from it. I'm sexy for just having a baby if I don't say so myself. There is this little old lady maybe in her 70's or so. Her hubby drops her off so she can workout. It's cute I will be that old lady walking in the gym at that age just not with a cane.  I hope I stay in the same shape I'm in now when I'm that old. Age is just a number. Right honey?

Thursday, May 26

I just heard the song Rub You the Right Way by Johnny Gill I wanted to post the video but somehow youtube won't let me hun I will have to post it at a later date. Any how I love this song I can remember listening to this when I was just about Justin' age. I was jamming to it on my way to the gym. This past weekend Justin moved from being a wolf to a bear in cub scouts. The Pack had a camp out and it turned out to be better then what I thought last year it rained. Christopher didn't dig it he is still young. I'm so proud of Jay. He is so persistent both my boys are I think they get that from us. Mostly from their daddy. Jay is such a happy child I love hearing that he is a joy to be around because he is happy all the time. Jay loves to meet new people he is helpful with just about everything. He is starting to like girls I took him roller skating and he was flirting with the lady behind the counter. She was an older lady it was so funny he had to tell her bye he even got off the floor to talk to her several times. I text Steve a picture of his boy at work. I told him it's you all over again. As a man would reply that's my boy he can teach Chris when he gets older. I'm not ready for the dating thing or my boys getting older. It's true he is growing up way to fast. I have a video of Jay playing when he was two telling me he was a monster. What happen to those days he was so little and still cute as ever.  I love the many questions Justin comes up with for now no more penis one although Christopher is trying to pull his off now. Not to mention he is hard as hell to get dress. He is a wiggle worm. Justin cares about his hair now he wants a Mohawk. Once school is out then we will talk.  The other morning Jay accidental put salt in his cereal instead of sugar they are in alike containers.  I couldn’t help but laugh I told him he could get new cereal and not to worry I did that many times rushing out of the house with my coffee.  I’m going though what I would like to call a overlook of my life. I have to say it has been a good wait great life being a mother. Every day brings  a smile to my face. I like the fact that Steve and I told Justin a baby comes from doing your taxes. At the time it seem to be a good thing to tell him where babies came from. Paperwork gets filed and bam a baby is born. We still laugh when someone mentions taxes.  Being a mother also means that whatever they say in rush hour movie won’t be said at school. Dad seems to get all the easy questions I’m okay with the hard ones because I don’t lie to my son. It’s cute to hear him ask why are girls mean then like you the next minute. Women are all evil it doesn’t change some are worst then others.  He just told me yesterday that when he thinks it’s like files on a computer he scans though to get what he wants. Justin remembers everything me not so much I just go with the flow sometimes. I know I’m not perfect no one is whatever you do in life you will never be perfect at it you only get better. I have always tried to live my life to fit me no one else.  I’m emotional at times and fly off the handle rarely unless it’s about my kids. My friend Heather and I are just alike in that department. We tend to think after are temper gets the best of us. Hey what can you say I would die for my children.  I feel  like my heart is in two places when it comes to the boys.  I wish I could say I love them the same but I don’t my love is just right for them and who they are.  Christopher is something I thought would never happen after losing two before him.  Justin and I have grown up together he has made me a better person.  Looking back at pictures of us we are so happy still are because of my hubby. He is a gift from god him self.  Steve is a wonderful man in two months we will be celebrating being together for seven years.  Believe it or not the road has been long,rough and great all at the same time.  I wouldn’t change it. Everyday makes us as a couple stronger. Our kids keep us young that’s for sure.  Gotta go now Christopher needs to be changed motherhood is great!

Tuesday, January 18

Looking at some old pictures

The last few days I have been looking at some old pictures for my scrapbook. Some are so old I can't copy them to get them printed. Which is sad because they are good pictures. I came across some baby ones of jay and can't believe how much the boys look alike. I have some of my great grandparents with my sister and me. Our clothes were so out of date then. We both had bangs which is a no for us. I remember my aunt cutting my hair when I was younger. She couldn't get them even so she just kept cutting. Let’s just say I didn't have any bangs after that. My mom never let her cut our hair again. It makes me laugh because I was about Justin's age I think. It seems so long ago but watching Christopher grow and change brings me back when Justin was little. He walked when he was seven months well he ran he didn't do much walking. He kept me on my feet that's for sure. As of yesterday I'm back at my pre baby weight. I can't believe how fast time goes by. Christopher is trying to run away by how much he moves around he is all over the place. Although he sleeps in bed with Steve and I. That was a bad move now he won't go to sleep without one of us laying next to him. Which is not good with Jay taking swimming lessons and boy scouts it makes him cranky. He is so spoiled rotten! I'm a picture person I take so many pictures and videos I have no ideal what to do with them. Christopher just got his three months taken last weekend. He smiled once for the lady and that was the picture we got. I have some army pictures of my uncle who passed away last year. Those are priceless along with my pictures of my grandparents on my dad's side. My grandma and I look like we could be twins that's weird. Pictures tell a story of the person and times. I love it because life is so short it's nice that people can have something to look back on to hold on to when times are rough or the person has past.

Tuesday, November 16

I can fit in my pants again.

I can fit in my pants again. This is great!  I gain about 40lbs with him. I have already lost 20 lbs. My baby boy is one month old now. Oh life is just great right now. He makes all sorts of noises when Steve, Jay or I talk to him. He already lifts his head up and laughs. He is so precious and adorable. I’m nursing my little man Christopher. So I have to eat fruits and veggies. Which is not all that different from what I ate before? The only thing that is driving me crazy is that I can’t drink coffee. Too much caffeine for him! I can finally lie down in my bed flat. Since I had a c-section it’s been hard to do anything at all. The baby is sleeping in his crib now for about 30 minutes at the most. Steve and I can’t help but to hold him at night. Like we did when Justin was little. We already put our Christmas tree up this past weekend. Jay is the best big brother to him.  Christopher was crying yesterday and Jay was by the bouncer telling him not to cry while he was holding his hand. It was a Kodak moment! Steve is working so hard taking on many things.  I love to watch him talk about the boys. He face just lights up with joy. I feel bad I get to stay at home right now while I heal. I will be going back to work real soon. In the meantime I’m back to cooking dinner every night. However I do not cook on Sunday my mom comes over with food. She comes to visit the kids and food just follows. (Ha ha) I love you mom you are the best! My book is coming along great it should be done by the New Year. I can’t wait to have it in print.  I’m so excited to have Thanksgiving at our house this year because it will be Christopher first.  Having Christopher is like having our family renewed in a way. Steve and I have the most fun just being at home with the kids. We have family night every week. It’s so much fun to think about what this New Year will bring. I have to go now homework is calling.

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