
Friday, October 3

Giving Back

It's that time again to give back to our community once again. I know I said every month there would be a post. We have been very busy this past month we plan to double up this October.  The boys and I have been buying away there is twice the amount now in picture below. The Humane Society was taken back by how cute Christopher was bringing in the cat food. However He left crying because he wanted to bring all the dogs and cats with us. I had to say No.
Our crazy cat also know as Mickey the cat on Instagram is more than enough for me.
Here is our start in making a difference.

Christopher being cute! We plan to donate blankets next time as they are in need of that as well. Give back today to a cause, person maybe babysit for a working mom. A smile can go a long way. The boys and I are now working on giving bags filled with things someone can use who are homeless. We see a lot come the Holiday's.

A New Job

Justin has a new job. He is an Assistant Coach for flag football.  He amazes me!
I'm extremely happy for my son! He is very helpful with the children. The kids look up to him and listen.  They call him Coach Jay! It's adorable.  I guess it's different when you are a kid getting
directions from a kid. I think this will be a great experience for him to see the game from another view. I think it will make him a better player at any sport. The most important part is that he has fun. No matter what Justin does he seems to always have fun. Yes, I'm bragging about my son. I think he has found his job for right now besides school of course. He forever talks about the kids on his team. I can't remember all the names but he does. He gets really excited when he has to go to practice and games. This Saturday is his last game he will take up Basketball once again in November for his self.
My baby is growing up I don't know what to say but we are proud parents. He is turning out to be an amazing young man all on his own. My hubby and I are so happy we get to see him grow into this caring person. It's nice to know we had a little help in making this little person who he is today. I couldn't be more proud of my son than I am now. His report card was great he is learning the violin. Which took us by surprise now I'm on the hunt for a violin for popsicle.  He follows in his Big brother footsteps in everything. Let your kids be themselves they will surprise you with what they have listen too.

Thursday, September 25

Picnic Tuesdays

My popsicle came up with having a picnic in the kitchen on the floor. 

This is how I get the boys to eat leftovers.  It takes a few hours we sit there we eat we talk  even the cat gets involved. 
It has become Picnic Tuesday!  Another cute way to eat dinner with my kids. They have a blast. Next week we will try it outside if it's not raining.  

Thursday, September 18

Review on pre workout

My knees have been giving me problems  lately to keep up on my busy schedule with working out I have incorporated a pre workout.I'm not much for a pre workout I have been doing it for over a year with nothing. My hubby has taken the stuff before. He doesn't really like it but he thought I might.

I have to say after taking it for 4 weeks it did help me get through my work out in beast mode. However by the third week it seemed to stop working. I completed my 4 weeks and now I'm cycling off of it. If you are sensitive to caffeine I would suggest taking something different. Also has niacin  which makes you hot in order to sweat more. With any new product please just take one scoop it is a powder form be careful. I didn't have any side effects besides I forget to eat. I ended up having to set my phone to remind me to eat. It will surpress your appetite but make sure you drink lots of water while taking this pre workout. I found that my mental capacity was much clearer than normal. I stayed on track. I didn't lose any weight but I did gain muscle. 

Tuesday, September 16

Challenging our ancestors!

When you have kid's everyday is an adventure. You never know what they will come up with.  Mind wanted to paint themselves with clay to tap into our  Cherokee Indian heritage. Of course I said okay why not. We will try and do just about any craft out there to keep parenting fresh. It's entertaining already however this is by far my favorite activities besides the shaving cream fight we had a year ago.
Having a blast painting themselves!  
He was dancing tapping into his  chi! Christopher is behind him trying to push him over.
Now his chi!
The video below is by far the laugh of the day.  My Popsicle is crazy funny!

Saturday, September 6

Building a Bond that will Last Forever

Building a strong bond with your children should come first in any parents agenda. Unfortunately it doesn't in this day in age. Too many parents stick their children in front of a computer screen or in front of the TV. My hubby works mad crazy hours all the time in order to give our boys a life he nor I had growing up. A chance for opportunity to live a life that is worth living. We may own our own business which gives me the chance to be home with our boys more. We are constantly busy with client's some how when my hubby has set a date to build something, play soccer, go to the beach, play football, travel, build a giant Lego ship he is always there. I love my hubby for that. Being a parent means more to us then anything else. It took them two hours to build this catapult with people targets. That they later set up a Nerf battle in the house with. Kids are little once no matter the amount of money you spend on them. They won't remember how much something cost but the time with you they spent. Our son loves to build things as crazy as it sounds he has had Daddy's help in building something then tearing it apart. They are always coming up with new a adventure. Take the time to get to know your children before time runs by. 

Sunday, August 31

Numbers, Running & Men in a Rock

# 92 Bucket list done

It's extremely amazing that this monument was constructed with dynamite. A little history lesson on our travels. A must see if you are going through South Dakota. I think I will make the picture above a postcard.

The Hoover Dam wasn't on my bucket list which we seen on our way home. A last minute stop to waste sometime before we hit or hotel. We decide to drive through it instead of paying to park and walk around. After Vegas I had absolutely no energy to walk nor did the rest of the family. However, To get a picture I jumped out of the car to take one thinking I could just jump back in. Nope I had to run two blocks until I came to a break in the fence line before I could get to the car. My hubby was driving and laughing the whole time as my son is yelling out the window " You can do it keep up!"  My advice stay in the car.
. It's a beautiful site to see! Another pit stop I would recommend to go to if you are in the area.

Saturday, August 23

Justin ice bucket

The Internet has been slammed with the ALS Ice bucket challenge of course my son wants to join in. I love my son to death he is always up for a challenge no matter what it is. I guess it's what happens when you keep your children up to date with what's going on in the world today. Have fun Daddy your son just challenged you. You have 24 hours to comply.

The bucket is a little big but he was able to do it. GO JUSTIN!!!!! Christopher is fine he didn't care for the water that splashed in his face. He was fine with his brother doing it. I love my boys!!!
He did this on 8/9/14 I had to re-post due to no volume.

Thursday, August 21

As close as it gets

To # 82 Bucket List

We drove through Roswell New Mexico walked around and even manged to get lost. Please don't ask it was freaky. We did pose with an Alien. I wish my Papa( Grandfather) was here to have gone with us. He was the biggest Alien fan I know. We used to sit for hours at a time just talking about scientific stuff. He would have really loved it. It was getting dark  I was driving there was no way we were staying there at night. I drove to the next town before we stopped for the night here are some pictures. No, My hubby isn't pinching our son I told them to look scared and this is what happened. Hubby was trying to scare our boys. I love this picture!

Funny thing is my Papa did always call my hubby the Alien in the family because he is so knowledgeable about many things. I couldn't force myself to go into the museum in fear the Aliens would be watching. I know funny right well better safe then sorry. I don't ever want to run into an Alien.
I guess this will be as close as we get for now to our 
bucket list # 82. 

Monday, August 18

A pit stop

The best part of traveling is all the places you don't know about. 

A park alongside the road we found on the way to Las Vegas.  We stopped to play. 
Justin decided to hang like a shirt. This thing spins around. I pushed him around it. He had a blast. We stopped at the mall of course we took our cat into Macys to walk around we couldn't leave here in a hot car. People were nice about that. One plus for me she was coming in anyways.  It was 95 degrees that day.

Here is Justin swinging around. 
My men being crazy with their silly hat's. I wish I could say that about the food.
Oversized portions It was okay nothing Fantastic about it. This restaurant doesn't bring people in for the food just the site's on inside and out. F.Y.I we were a little overwhelmed by all the food on the menu.  In my opinion it was way to much to look at and hard to understand. 

We still had fun on a pit stop to stretch our legs.
Make sure to take pictures of the dinosaurs across the parking lot. 

Thursday, August 7

Walking the Strip

Walking the strip is awesome! # 67 bucket list check. Let's be real it's not New York but I loved it anyways.  I'm not One for the slots. The sites are more of my thing. 

Part of the whole experience is seeing amazing people with talents that don't seem real. Like this man who made a picture of New York with spray paint.  
I seen this before it's very different just with a putty knife.  A steady hand with amazing imagination. His artwork shows that anything is possible. 
I didn't get his name once I walk back through I will have to. 
Now complete this picture will look great in my living room. 
It's Beautiful! 
Another piece 
Stunning artwork


Sunday, August 3

Rocky Mountains

Just a few pictures of the Rocky Mountains.  Bucketlist check

Just breath taking! 
It's a little scary going around the curves.  I felt like a race car driver. Warning ears will pop.
The mountains are in front of us but we can't see them due to the weather.  A little freaky! 
These are the moment's that will last a life time.

Red Iguana

A small little restaurant the Red Iguana doesn't seem like much from the outside . It's very inviting with all the beautiful bright colors. 

Our first impression was excellent.  People are very friendly. Our waitress was very nice and on the pregnant side. With not a whole lot of room between the tables my  hubby and I held our breath just incase the baby decided to kick our water glasses over. 
It's funny if you walk into a Mexican Restaurant and say " Hola" the people start rambling on in Spanish.  Nope, Sorry I don't speak Spanish. A lesson learn I would say. I know very little. 

I ordered a chicken chimichanga. It had amazing flavor to it. It was soft unlike other restaurants that serves it hard and brunt. 
 A traditional enchilada plate is what my son ordered hubby had the same with a chicken salad which was more like tuna salad. They had no complaints.  Of course our popsicle had fries. He is on his kick of stubborn.  Totally takes after his dad all the way. I give it thumbs up better than any other Mexican Restaurant we have been to before. It actually taste like it was homemade not out of a can. It's overall is another place we will visit again.  

Friday, July 25

Splash Park

The boys are having a blast at this Splash Park in Minot, North Dakota. It's a bunch of mushroom looking pipes with water coming out of it. I thought it was a little cold to play in the water. The kids were shaking and lips were turning blue before they came out of it. Funny Justin hasn't changed in that aspect. He would cry when he was little just like Christopher did when I told him it was time to leave.  

Oak Park is huge It's five playgrounds all rolled into one. It's about an hour and half away from Stanley where we are staying.  It's well worth the drive if you will be in town. The mall also has a splash park with water slides and a pool. We opt out of that one as you see no one ever gets out to pee. I can't do it! It's more of a mental thing I guess. It's linked to an arcade which we played at. 
I never knew playing tag could be dangerous until today my poor popsicle ran into the pole that is height level.

He freaked me out as you can see that bump is huge. I think my heart stopped for a few minutes. He cried for all of a second then proceed to tell me "Don't worry mom it will heal." He reminds me of his brother. Justin was accident prone I think they all are when they're little. 
A few days later the bump is gone. Overall we will be back before our trip is over. As long as it is a little hotter then 70  degrees outside.  Until next time remember play safe at the park. 

Friday, July 18

Small RV

Working out is never easy especially when you spend your summer in a small RV the size of a can. It can be done I have proven that to myself.  Although doing the Superman for your back on the floor is a bit challenging. When your cat thinks that you are playing it also become confusing and complicated. I made it I did the workout from P90X chest and back with the 15 minute AB ripper X at the end. I have started my 90 days again.Wish me luck till I go home. I have tried really hard to stay on my healthy eating lifestyle. It consist of fruits, vegetables and salad. I try not to eat processed foods. I don't eat anything in cans or meat. I have once a week a cheat day which isn't bad. I'm not depriving myself of anything because it's not a diet it's a lifestyle change. I'm healthy, strong, fit that's all that matters and I'm happy. Which is the most important part about working out. You have to make yourself happy. Remember being happy is a choice that you have to make yourself.

Sunday, July 6

Working out without a gym

Working out without a gym no problem go a playground.  My kids could play at the park all day if I let them. Put your workout clothes on pack a lunch don't forget water and your protein mix. You can use the Swing to do pull ups as well as one legged Squats.  The swing is also good for abs. Get down in a push up position with you feet on the swing. Bring your feet to your chest for work on lower abs. You are still working on your upper body as well. Follow your kids around the playground doing walking lunges. 20 on each leg 10-12 calf raises finish with 20 jump squats Repeat 3 times. Look at that you just had an amazing leg day with running around in between playing with the kids. 

My boys and I will have races together that will bring in the other kids playing to. I throw in some barrel racing. I may not like burpees but I sure make everybody do it. It makes it fun to see who can do more. They love it.

If you want something bad enough you will find a way to get it. Believe in yourself take that leap for the future.  I may be in the land of nowhere for the summer but that won't stop my workout routine. Thanks for reading. 

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