
Friday, September 7

Making a Volcano

Making a Volcano you will need
* Vinegar 1 cup
* A flower vase smaller the better make sure it's tall.
* Baking soda 4 tablespoons
* Glitter(any color)
* Cookie sheet to set the vase on
* Measuring spoon and cup

First you will need to add the baking soda,the glitter to the vase. Make sure it is sitting on a cookie sheet it is very messy. Then very carefully add the vinegar 1 cup is good but you may want to add more to see it spill out of the top. I did this for science lab yesterday. My boys had a lot of fun as you can see from the pictures.

Wednesday, September 5

A Soldiers' Promise

 I thought I would share this with the world since It brought me to tears.It breaks my heart so many families have to go though this everyday. Everyday I am thankful my hubby is home. I can only hope and pray God will do the same for these families. God bless them all. Thank you for your service.  I thank all of your families as well.

A Soldiers' Promise:
I cannot promise you every night of my life. I cannot promise to be beside you for every difficult moment, every trial, and every hardship. In truth, I can promise you that I will not be...
with you for most. I will leave you at inconvenient times. Any special date to us may be tainted with the anniversary of the death of one of my friends. I will ask you to take over whatever life we have built together for months and years at a time. And will then crash back into that life that you have used your sweat, your tears and your heartache to keep together, and try to take it back as I knew it before. I will shut you out at times because it will be the best way for me to hold it together at that moment. I will lie to you. I will tell you I don't know things when I do. I will not always tell you where I am going, when I will be back, or who I am with. I may not call you for weeks and months and you will not be able to call me. You will ask questions that I won't answer. You will know answers to questions that you will hope you never need. I will share things with my brothers that you will never understand. They will know things about me that you never will. They will be a support to me in some things that you cannot be. I will miss birthdays. I will miss anniversaries. I may need time to process things that seem natural to everyone else. It will seem that someone - or something - will always take precedence over you. I will uproot you and ask you to re-establish our family anywhere in the world, in any season, at any time - over and over again. Sand and mud will be tracked through your halls from the boots I am too tired to take off. I will leave you when you beg me not to. I will stand at attention while you cry beside me. I will not turn my head and I will walk away. I will knowingly break your heart. And I will do it again - and again. I cannot promise you all of me. I cannot promise you much of anything. But if you will have me, I can promise that as I march away from you, it is not without sharing your heartache. I promise you that every time I break your heart I will be breaking mine. Every time that I cannot answer you I will be protecting you. Whenever you want to call and you have no number to dial, I will be wanting to do the same. I will protect everything that we have created together with every fibre of my being while you do the same back at home. I will honour you in everything - every moment that we are apart and every moment that I am with you. I will fight harder and push further knowing that I do so for you. And I will carry you with me in everything, until my boots once again sit just inside our door.

Animals Prints

I love making crafts with my children. It's a time to spend and share whatever it may be that day. My boys are a handful sometimes so that leaves me up to keep them busy. Today we made animals prints. It's really easy to do just find some Dino's which if you have boys you have plenty of them. Dip them in paint then let your kids go at it. All you need is a space you don't have to worry about paint getting every where. My boys like to throw it around you know on the walls at each other. I decide that we will make aprons for Art class. We use paint a lot in our household. It's always fun to just let them discover their hidden talent. Justin loves to draw and paint. I signed him up for an Art class at Micheal's Craft Store. He also has his artwork on line. Steve and I buy stuff all the time that has his artwork on it. You can do T-shirts, mouse pads,aprons,cards even a hand purse. It's really neat. We love to support Justin in anything he sets his mind to. We never tell him he can't do it. We always tell him to do his best. Which is a waste of our breathe since he always does his best.  He makes us so proud to be his parents. We make sure we enforce our support and love. I step back today to just watch them paint. It took my breath away on how much they have grown in this past year. Next month my Popsicle will be two years old. I will have this moment in life forever.

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