
Wednesday, September 5

Summer Plans

What kind of plans did you set for the summer? This summer was like every other summer we set goals,bucket list,moved and tons of crafts. The only difference is that we wrote it down. Justin and I made a mommy and me book. We are going to try to top it next summer. My family and I are outside kind of people no matter what kind of weather it may be. I got this cute idea from a friend's blog. Thank you Beth.
There are a hand full of things we have not done yet. We will get there in no time.I love summer almost as much as I love Halloween. It comes in second maybe. I believe it's a great thing to set goals even better when you make a huge effort to complete them. Kids need to see that from adults especially their parents. My hubby and I are really good at that. Once we set our mind to something we never give up. It would take god him self to break us. We are raising the next hand of Needham's to take over the world. I wish my children the best in life. I will help them succeed in any way possible. That is my job as a parent. What did you do this summer? I would love to hear your thoughts.

Vote for my Little Man.

Check out my baby's photo and help me win a Milestone prize by voting from September 4th. #Search2012 -- Patricia Needham (@aquariummomma)

Tuesday, September 4

St. George Island

What a great day to celebrate Labor Day then going to the beach all day. I mean all day to from 10am -5pm. We all look like a lobster. We ate lunch went shopping and back to swimming. We had a blast. There is no way to describe what kind of day we had.

The BEACH is intoxicating . The smell of the ocean.The wind in your hair. The laughter of children will bring a smile to any ones face. The ocean is a place I feel at home. Steve and I are consume by the effect it has on us. It's like the ocean calls for us. So much that we are looking for a beach house to call home.

The boys love the water. I think they were meant to be fish. Christopher was learning how to swim. Justin was jumping off Daddy and Uncle Adam's shoulder's. We played football till our arms were jello. It was a clam day until the waves picked up but nothing like what they were the day of Issac.

                                                      The sand between my toes.
                                                         The sun hitting my face.
                                                        Hunting for seashells.
                                                            Getting a tan.
                                                         Wearing my shades.
                                                          Losing my shades.
                                                          Making sand castles.
                                                     Laughing and smiling all day long.
                                                           Makes a day at the Beach.

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