
Sunday, November 20

Busy Busy

 Last week was entertaining with Boy Scouts going to visit the Border Patrol. It was neat to hear what they have to do. Justin was able to hold a gun.That made his day. I started to potty train my Popsicle. I have been peed on a dozen times. I love how I go to set him on the toilet and he begins to pee. Trying to turn him around as he pees to point him in the direction of the toilet pee goes all over the bathroom. I enjoy the part where I have to clean it up. He is catching on better then what I thought. He gets up in the morning and goes to the bathroom all by himself. It is really cute to see him walk in the bathroom. My boys had a doctor visit where they had to get shots. It broke my heart when Christopher started to cry. Jay freaked out but was better when he sat on my lap. He of course asked for his daddy. I hate going for shots myself which I had to get my flu shot. I have had the worst headache since then. Parent teacher conference went great. Jay is doing better then expected. He likes to talk with all his friends he makes. He is quite the social bug. That tends to get him into trouble sometimes. I love talking to his teachers about how great he is doing in school. It warms my heart to hear her tell me Justin is a pleasure to have in the classroom.
I took the boys to the parade this weekend. Where we froze our butts off.

Our tree went up last week. Christopher seems to think that it is a toy. He has broken all the bottom ornaments. This week I have to go buy some more before Turkey day. Hobby Lobby here I come. Hockey is going great. Saturday Jay kept taking out kids. It was like a domino effect. He is doing really good. Here is a short video of him skating with Steve in the background yelling. I can't wait for his first game in December. I'm going to be a nervous wreck as Steve will be also. He already told me he is waiting by the door just in case he has to run on the ice to get his boy.
We also had a blast at our friends baby girl first birthday party. Popsicle and Trinity are a month apart. I can't believe they are both one it just like we just found out we both were expecting. It's crazy how much time goes by. Love you Trinity.

Friday, November 11

We salute those who fight day after day for our freedom. Thank you

Big Thanks to my cousin Shawn, My Uncle Don,Grandpa(Papa),My Wonderful Husband Steve and Step-Father Tony, Rolando,Step-Brother Tony and everyone who has served. Love ya all

Thursday, November 10

Things from my childhood

I was looking at these dolls I collected from 9 to 16. I believe that was when I received the last doll. Porcelain dolls were something I collected from being a little girl. I think I have a total of 14 or 15.Thinking about all the hopes and dreams I had when I was younger brings a smile to my face. It may not have gone in order of how I imagine my life being. I had a list of things I wanted to do and how. Every little girl's fantasy is a big house with a white picnic fence lot's of kid's and a prince charming. Sometimes I can't believe this is my life I found all these things I wanted when I was little. I was going to keep them maybe I could pass them down if we had a little girl in the near future. Thinking about it I don't think I would want to however there is one doll I think I might keep just because.

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