
Showing posts with label Petitions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Petitions. Show all posts

Thursday, December 27

What do you think about this?

All Petitions | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government

Watching the news today waiting for my workout shake to kick in I came across something that really upset me. In New York they meaning the internet you can go type in someone's name to see if they own a gun. Some paper as well has put it out there for the world to see. Now, what happened in Newtown is something no one seen coming. I don't agree or approve of my name or anyone's else name out there at a key stroke for a criminal to target my house because I own not one but many guns. I'm a wife of a Marine. Of course he made me take classes to be able to defend myself and children. I would rather explain to a police officer why a man in my house has a whole in his chest instead of him explaining to my husband and children that I was rape and murder. My children know what guns are they know we have them. My guns are locked up my oldest knows they are not toys. He knows what it sounds like since he was little. Gun safety is number one in our household. I strongly believe any woman especially with children should carry and own a gun. To protect their family at all cost. Now, if you are mental ill or just not right in the head there should be no way you could own a gun. Criminals names should be published that have broken in houses,stolen,beat ,rape women and children, assaulted the Elderly what about letting the world know you are a criminal? Let's do that instead! They have done much worst then any gun owner has or ever will. This is a shock to me as the world. What has this world come to? What is on the internet now is already to much just Google yourself you will see. Putting gun owners names out there is stepping to far. What are your thoughts?

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