
Wednesday, November 4

Thanksgiving Tree

What do you think about a Christmas Tree for a Boo Tree a Halloween tree? That is what we did. Do you like?

 It's still up. Instead of taking it down we will write everyday what we are thankful for and add it to the tree. I like the ideal so much I think it will be our new tradition every year. What are some of your holiday traditions? With the New Year approaching it's also time for some new family pictures to go on my clock wall. As I'm looking at my tree I'm thinking what the hell is my tree doing up? It's to early for the Holidays. I mean Christmas decorations where up in stores even before Halloween was over. Good news I have already started shopping for Christopher. By December I should be shopping for Jay. Justin is in his early teen years. He has no idea what he wants. He actually said he had everything he wants. Which makes me wonder do I spoil my children to much. Nope, I don't I think I have done a great job. We will be looking to buy Thanksgiving dinner for a family who needs it again this year. I love helping out. With us it's a daily thing to help not just around the Holidays. I never take anything for granted which is why I think this giving thanks tree will help my children along with us to understand and appreciate what we have even more.

Tuesday, November 3

Mexico's Day of the Dead

Día de los Muertos is not Halloween but a chance to honor the dead. I remember the first time I took Justin to a graveyard to hand out flowers. He was almost a year old. You won't find me in a graveyard the whole year but on Día de los Muertos. November 1 honors departed children and November 2 honors adults. I started believing in this Holiday for one reason in hope I would find comfort in losing my baby before Justin. Not looking at death in a negative way helped me become a better mother to Justin.  I have celebrated this Holiday every year since. It took some convincing on my part with my hubby as he didn't see a point and thought it was silly. We took our boys to hand out flowers on graves on Halloween before we headed home. To wish the dead a happy stay as they visit their love ones. 

This year was Christopher's first time. I waited with him because he is emotional child sometimes. He did very well. I have never cooked for a particular person. I have always just put flowers down.  I may not know them but at least they know someone cares. 

This year we picked a section that looked like a whole family was laid to rest here in the above picture. We came across a mother and child grave. Life cannot exist without death. It may be sad at times. Looking for a positive in death will help you survive another day.  Live life to the fullest because tomorrow is never promised.

Friday, October 23

Making my own schedule

I have been working on my own for awhile now taking pictures. I love taking pictures. It's fun to just capture Life as it is. No direction just letting it move as it does daily.  Here are a few pieces of my art.
I'm in heaven when I'm at the beach it's a strong calling. I took the family to the beach to watch the sunrise. It was beautiful in every way possible. The way the light hit the water as the sky opens up.

I simply adore my family! I think this will be our Christmas card picture. It's a classic everything in the picture is working. The light hitting the water everyone is smiling. My family is the object of my affection. I love to make them the center of most of my pictures. 

My hubby is stunning in this picture I was able to capture of him. He is not a picture kind of person but I think he is getting use to me taking his pictures all the time. Please tell me what you think. 

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