
Tuesday, October 8

My Awwe moments

If you are a mom I bet you have many of these same moments where it's hard to get out of your head. It's times you think to yourself what would my life be if I didn't have these moments in time. This morning I gave my kids their vitamins for the day like I always do. I gave Justin his first as the same time he was saying "Thank You."
I was saying "Here Chris."

Justin says"What did I do to you?"

I reply "What?"

Justin "You just said who cares,why?"

I start laughing "Why would I say that?"

"That's what I thought you must be having a bad day. You never say that to me." Justin says with a confused look on his face.

I always tell my kids to mind their manners so when Justin thought I said "Who cares." He probably thought the one time I say thank you before she says something and this is what I get. I'm laughing my butt off right now writing this. It was too funny all taking place before school.

In between looking for shoes, homework clothes,milk on the floor. Cereal in the freezer for whatever reason. The marbles I keep almost breaking my neck on not to mind the cat freaking me out. She likes to jump out of nowhere.

Later today Christopher and I took a break from doing his studies we are working on learning the parts of a skeleton right now. I laid on the floor when the cat jumped up on me purring.
Christopher said "She is vibrating."

"She is purring!" I told him

Another moment where I couldn't stop laughing

He says "Well unplug her mommy!"

Like where do they come up with this stuff? I swear I laugh more since I became a mom then I ever did before.  Christopher and Justin have a full fledge conversation. It's the cutest thing to hear my little one ask his big brother how his day was and then my oldest tells him.

Being a mommy is really hard at times I know I'm a mom. Is the most rewarding experience to become a parent to see how much you have influenced your children. You watch the way what you say and do shapes them. It's funny how it's all rolled into one. They are their own person yet there  is a little bit of you and their daddy it's amazing! My son Justin is an amazing athlete! I am constantly getting compliments on how natural he is at soccer and basketball just about any sport he has ever done it makes us as parents very proud of him. My husband just bought our little one for his 3rd birthday a tablet now he wants to buy Justin a cell phone. I don't know about you but I'm not sure about a phone for my son but I know it's needed. Times have changed since I was 10. Christopher knows how to use my phone better than I know how to use my phone. He can take pictures he can call people and he walked in the room having a conversation with somebody. I'm like who are you talking to  he tell me he knows how to hang up he knows how to use my bluetooth it is so funny! My whole world revolves around my children. I love these crazy intense even the attitude justin has inquired lately I love all these moments. My children are growing up to be incredible  people who will soon be young adults. It must mean that my husband and I are doing a great job. I'm sure all the parents that are reading this you are doing a great job too. Just hold on a little tantrum will pass they only hold your hand for a short time make sure you're there to create a new moment everyday. Make time for family fun day as today we're playing uno. Remember to always have fun. Being a parent is a journey! Thanks for reading have a blessed day.

Saturday, September 7

Yoga Class

Yoga is considered a mind-body type of complementary and alternative medicine practice. Yoga brings together physical and mental disciplines to achieve peacefulness of body and mind, helping you relax and manage stress and anxiety. 

I  have been taking yoga since I was in high school now I take yoga classes at the YMCA. It's a lot of fun but I'm not sure about HOT YOGA. 

What is Hot Yoga? 

Hot yoga is a vigorous form of yoga performed in a studio that is heated to 105 F (40 C) and has a humidity of 40 percent. The formal name for hot yoga is Bikram.

I have incorporated yoga into our daily life with our boys. I have found that it helps settle us down before story time in our house. The boys love it. I have the boys count to ten if I see they are getting frustrated in their daily routine. My boys are more focus in school and in life.  Count to ten and breathe is the best option when I set foot on a lego slide into the wall on a marble trip over the train in the hallway the cat scares the hell out of me and of course when I'm being pulled into three different directions by the hubby and kids. It works for me why not them? I have to say private yoga classes are needed with the hubby he has his mind in the gutter when the pose for downward facing dog is next. 

Example in the picture not of me just off of GOOGLE.

Not that I mind but we never get a full yoga class done together but we do have to stretch afterwards. If you need some alone time with your wonderful other half you should take a yoga class. It will help you and your marriage. I have never had the need to go to marriage counseling but I think this may help others. Yoga Helps my Marriage! Try yoga first get that spark back in the game. I have too much spark thank god my hubby matches me. (laughing) I think that is enough of yoga talk for today.

                                   Have a great day take a yoga class today.

Word to the wise if you do take a class space yourself out so you won't get a foot in the eye or kick someone in the head. It can be dangerous I have seen it! Good luck!

Tuesday, September 3

"Leave Only Your Footprints"

Keep Brevard Beautiful

I hate going to the beach seeing plastic bottles, sandwich bags, plastic grocery bags, beer cans and broken sand buckets to just rot away on the beach. You would think that people would want to be clean so they can keep coming back. Nope My son and I have no problem asking someone to pick up their trash if they just toss it to the side. I didn't realize how much my oldest is just like me. He is quite yet very out spoken on topics he cares about. We bring back a beach bag full of trash to the car to get rid of it properly. I mean it takes all of two seconds to walk your lazy ass yes LAZY ASS to the trash cans that are on the beach to throw away your garbage. The family and I have decide to adopt a shore here in our county.

I think it will be fun to clean up the beach it's not anything we haven't done. It will also teach my Popsicle early that our environment is very important to take care of. I think I started with my oldest when he was one we started recycling, picking up the neighborhood trash and throwing it away. He cleaned his first park and donated his time in Kindergarten. Justin  help painting his Aunt's garage when he was six.  Here are some pictures of the second year he helped out his school with Cub Scouts.

Now we are off to make our beach beautiful. It's really the small things in life you can be proud of that will mean more as you get older. He still talks about wanting to help when people out on Thanksgiving at a shelter to make sure people get enough to eat on that Holiday. I have held him back in the last recent years because it's emotional for an adult to give their time on Thanksgiving let alone a child. Justin takes it to heart when people suffer. Maybe he can handle it this year he hit the big 10 in July. He has grown so much this year. I'm very proud of my little man. We already donate clothes to our church the YMCA and day cares around our city. What do you do to help out?                                                                                                                                                                                Leave only your FOOTPRINTS.

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