
Tuesday, June 12

Parents Uncensored!/ParentsUncensored

Profile PictureI would like to say thank you to all my follows. I have a heated topic I would like to talk about from facebook about this page Parents Uncensored. They get really heated when the topic of circumcising your infant son comes up. I think everyone is entitles to their opinions. I would never tell anyone they are wrong if they did or didn't. To each it's own. They act as if it is the devil. That the baby shouldn't be and it's his choice to later in life. I mean they really think it's hurting your son causing him pain when there is no need. My boys didn't make a peep when they had it done. Yes, it is causing them pain just for a short time. They did just come out of the birth canal I think they can handle it. They think it should be outlaw. I did it with both my son's because I think it is cleaner. My hubby and I made that decision for them. What do you think? I would really like to know. If you get a chance check this page out. They are funny. To think it's all over a penis when none of them have one. I really don't see why you wouldn't do it as a parent. It's cleaner and easier to take care of as you start to potty train them. It's preventing long term discomfort as far as infections goes. I think anyways. This page even suggested that it's the same as a daughter wanting to get breast implants. That it would be for the father sexual preference like it is for a son to get circumcised for a mother. Which I think has nothing to do with it. That is just sick. I don't think mother's and father's do for that reason. If they do they need to be slap for looking at it in that way. I don't think it's consider cosmetic surgery. I have seen both in my life it doesn't bother me one way or another what it looks like. Would you circumcise your son just because you want it to look the same as others? If there are any men out there who had the choice and got circumcise as an Adult does it feel different? Would you want your parents to decide for you or would you like to have that choice? I asked my hubby about this subject. He wouldn't consider this as an adult not in a million years. I know there are many question's on here. I would really like some feed back. I have to say I do like this page but with this topic I have to disagree. I do have to give them props for making me think about it. Otherwise I would have never thought about it.

Tuesday, June 5

I just added my blog to this new site.
There are a lot of neat blogs on here. I love to read and write so this site is for me. The people on there are very nice. Come check me and the rest of my friends out on here.

I have also notice on blogger that someone is following me privately. It will show a count on my dashboard but not on my blog. I think that is a little strange. Whoever they are I hope they are enjoying reading my blog. It's a shame I don't know who you are I really would like to know what you think of my blog. I love to read comments from people. It gives me a new insight on things.

Tuesday, May 29

 Steve is such a sweetheart he took the boys and I to Panama City Beach this weekend with our good friend Adam. I had no idea he had this plan. I hate to be surprised by anything. He told me to pack a bag for the day.
I knew he had something up his sleeve when we showed up to drop Levi off at the dog kennel which was the size of Justin's room with a TV. I mean why does a dog need a TV? Who knows but he did get to play with other dogs. Steve is always doing something that makes me smile. We rented Jet Ski's on Saturday. I have never been on one. I thought I was going to fly off and be eaten by a shark or something. Steve was wiping that thing around like a pro. I don't know why I agree to half the things I do with Steve. He is an adrenaline junkie I swear. When he took Justin out on the water I thought for sure I was going to have a heart attack right there in the water. They were gone for what it seems like forever. When he told me he let Justin drive I just shook my head. Justin had a blast on the water. When Steve and Adam went out on the water they were racing each other. As I watched them almost crash a dozen times. I just thought well at least they are happy if they get eaten by a great white. As you can tell I have watched Jaws way too many times. They both came back smiling! 
Justin and Daddy

We spent half the day at the beach just swimming till our belly's told us it was lunch time. We ate and off we went to a water park. This place was huge. They had about nine different slides the men went on with Jay. I took the lazy river which was a challenge to get Christopher to sit down to relax with me for a change. We went around a few times stop to watch the men zip line into the water off a pirate ship. Christopher was intrigued by the elephant that was a water slide. We went over there and played until we all met up again. All of  us were exhausted I mean all the adults were. The boys were still on over drive. We left there straight to the dune buggies and zip line. Again my heart sank to the ground when Justin came pass my head.

It was hard to get a good picture of him because he is so small it gives no room to move his head.
After all that fun we headed back to our hotel room for a fire dance. The video above is not my best but the best for trying to hold Christopher until Steve took him. It was hilarious it only got better after what you see above with a man dance some drunk old people and Justin went on stage for his first hula lesson. We had drinks by the pool. Later Steve and Jay went swimming and a movie to end the fantastic night we had. (Note to self don't eat sea food after a long day in the sun) We all felt sick at the end. We made it to Sunday morning for my Jet Ski ride with my amazing hubby.
Being on the open ocean was breathtaking. I love the water. I could spend all day out on the sea. Steve and I had the best time ever. We came up on a mantaray that was the size of my truck. We seen some dolphins. I was a little nervous seeing them that close up. Steve jump right in took some pictures. I wanted to drive when he got back up. He put his arms around me and said.

 "I know I can't get down on one knee right now,but will you be my wife again and marry me?"

I didn't know what to say I just started brawling my eyes out. I couldn't speak I tried but nothing came out. He put my beautiful ring on my finger that sparkle in the sun. He kissed me with his soft salty lips. (lol) It was the best moment of my life. This past weekend was so much fun. I had a blast! Steve surprised me with the best gift ever. I love my ring but even better I love that he took the time to plan this all out the way he did. He is such a romantic at heart. I couldn't have asked for a better second proposal. I mean it was on a jet ski in the middle of the ocean. What else could a girl ask for?  He took my breath away once again.  I love you Steve! You are amazing man. I love you more and more with each passing  day. Yes, I will marry you again.
This is my ring

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