
Showing posts with label Holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holidays. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 28

Christmas at The Needham's

This house we seen on our way to the movies Friday. This house is awesome! Justin and Steve seen it first then he drove me by it. I'm so wanting to do our house like this next year. Get to work hubby.
We took the boys to Santa's Magic Forest this weekend which was a blast. On the way there we stop by the farm to see some goats and a camel. It was funny to see Christopher wipe his hand off on his coat after he feed the goats. Justin was almost taken out by another goat who was being greedy with the food. 

 This picture says it all. What a Life to have.
This is my Beautiful family. We also had The Needham's Christmas party at our house with family and friends. It went pretty good. I cooked a huge ham with sweet potato's, stuffing, mash potato's, cookies,and homemade pumpkin pie. Everyone brought a dish
to pass. It was fantastic to see everyone. The laughter and smiles filled the room. The boys were able to open their gifts from the family. They have to wait till Sunday for Santa's. Christopher is mumbling just about everything you can imagine. It sounds like he is mad at you when he starts going off. It's adorable to listen to him. Justin had his Christmas concert on Friday. The music teacher did a wonderful job with 560 kids on stage at once. Justin dressed up for it. He is getting so old I couldn't help but cry when I heard him sing. Time flies by so fast.

Tuesday, November 1

Halloween I’m glad it’s over

This year has been the busiest Halloween ever for our family. Friday we went treat or treating at downtown Wyandotte with my momma, sister and niece Eva who is a doll. Justin had a blast with Christopher they only got a hand full of candy which was okay. Justin met up with some friends he seen. Christopher was being silly roaring like a Dino. It was too cute hearing him whisper.
Saturday Justin had hockey practice early that morning. Once the men came home they left to fish one last time before we winterize the boat. They caught two fish which was cute but they sunk when they came home.

Sunday morning we bake Halloween cookies, homemade pumpkin pie which is my hubby’s favorite. I had to kick him out of the kitchen sure enough he was right there when the pies came out of the oven.
Steve and I had a blast craving pumpkins with our boys. Christopher tried to eat it by the look on his face it wasn’t that appetizing. Steve and Justin went over board and craved five pumpkins. They are crazy pieces of the pumpkin where everywhere.                               
We decide to take our boys to Erie apple orchard. It has been awhile since we where last there. This was our first time as a whole family with Christopher. He tried to climb in with the goat which was something else. Pony rides for all that lead to my men asking me if it was okay if we buy a pony in the spring along with our chickens and goats. I know I said I wanted them but a pony really? I don’t know about that we have more than enough room for one. I will have to think about that. Christopher was done at this point.

Sunday we took our boys to Halloween at Greenfield Village. It was pretty neat seeing it all decorated. It was a family friendly place. A scarecrow got Jay. We walked up to the carousel that turned out to be just a little freaky. It made me jump. They lined the pathway with lite pumpkins to follow. That poor girl above was turning purple when he got to her. The park gave out apples and some candy not bad for 12 bucks a person. We however turned down the candy for Christopher. We are not going to eat it. I was able to get a picture of my men going though Sleepy Hollow. Jay was scared but of course he wanted to hold his daddy's hand.

Monday was Halloween finally. I had to go pick up my little man for lunch to go eat and change into his costume which he didn’t know what he wanted to be.  I then rush him back to school in 25 minutes what a mess. I was able to make it back home to pee. Once again back off to his school for his parade and party.
I was glad to see the rain held off for later that night. Christopher was more interested in the dogs then going house to house. Justin got a kick out of asking for candy for his little brother.  This street was all done up as you can see. It was great even better in the dark.

We all had a great time I hope you enjoyed the post. I'm sure glad it is all over. The decorations came down today. I think I might wait to put up Christmas ones as long as they are up with my tree before Thanksgiving. I'm still in all that today is the first of November.  Time travels by so fast when you are having fun. I loved every minute of it.

Monday, July 11


This is the fireworks show that my stud muffin put on with the help of Mr Brain on Saturday. It was great.

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