
Tuesday, August 7

Making silly putty Day 18 I think

This morning we decided to go ahead and try to make silly putty. You need 2 ounces of glow in the dark paint which you can buy from any craft store. A cup of elmer's glue and liquid starch. Which is found in the laundry aisle in Walmart. Mix it all in a bowl. Instead of using a measuring cup I just added a bottle of glue in a bowl with a little bit of starch. If it's to sticky add starch. If it's to stringy add glue to get the right consisteny you want. All you do is mix and have fun. It kept my boys busy till lunch. It was a lot of fun as you can tell from the pictures. You can also store it in a ziploc bag up to 2-4 weeks if you wanted to.

Monday, August 6

Smoothie' s and Brain Freeze

Since I have been working out. I make smoothie's a big part of the day. The whole family loves them. Everyone helps out it's in fact a secret family recipe from my dad. I will share it with you but only this time.
You will need 2 cups or
1 1/2 frozen strawberries
1 frozen Banana
1/2 cup of 1% or lower milk
1/2 cup vanilla  lowfat yogurt
Honey to taste
The secret is that the fruit is frozen so you don't have to use ice. I find that when you use ice it makes it a little too watery. Just mix it in your blender or ninja which is awesome. I love my ninja! Enjoy

A painful past

Over the weekend I have had a few comments about my page on Domestic Violence which brought me back to a painful past I once had. I don't talk about it a lot because it still has a huge affect on me. My high school boyfriend beat and rape me more times then I can count. This is the first time I have wrote about it. Once I separate my emotions from it then I have no problem talking about what happen. My hubby told me once that it was like I'm a totally different person when I do that. I would have to agree with him on that. My hubby is a huge part of why I left my high school boyfriend. When I met him it was in the middle of a huge fight my boyfriend and I were having. At that time he didn't hit me he walked away from me. My soon to be hubby Steve seen me in his words couldn't resist the urge to walk over to me. I remember his words like it was yesterday."It's not your fault he is an ass, you are a wonderful person inside and out." Then he walked away not knowing him he found me again. I seen Steve a number of times after that but it wasn't until I graduated from high school that a real friendship emerge with this wonderful man that I knew nothing about. Yes, that is how my oldest son became a start of what is now my life. It's funny to think about it now because I didn't even know his name until a month before our first date which is this Friday it will be seven years with Steve. Steve is a very easy person to talk to without being judge on what I did in my past. However as we became friends I began to understand who he was. It seem that we were not as different as I once thought.
I have accomplish a lot in my life. Letting go of my past being one. My past doesn't make me who I am it is who I once was. With God by my side he sent Steve to me in that place in time to save me. Steve understood what I went though coming from a similar past as mind. He knew what it was like not to be able to turn to someone for help. I guess putting two lost souls together made a life worth living. I said I do six month later to Steve after our son turned two. He came back from over seas only to ask me to be his wife. It was hard to get to know the man in uniform again. So much time had past we were again at the beginning which made everything new for our Journey. I am very grateful I have a chance to help others with my story. I owe my happiness to my hubby. He is my superman my rock that makes me strong. I love you Steve!
Without you I could not stand. We have made us work because we wanted to.

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