
Tuesday, July 3

Fun crafts

The boys and I are getting ready for the 4th of July with a little craft work today. We are going to put up our flag. Then we are going to make this in the picture. It should be lots of fun. I also seen some cute ways to make a t- shirt into a tank top.
I'm not a t-shirt kind of person but I have a lot of them. This is going to be fun. Wish me luck.

Thursday, June 28

The Joy of Mothering

"Raising children is definitely not a default chore for women who were not successful in the world of business, power and wealth." by
(I wrote this before Father's Day)
I was just thinking about how I love being a mother yesterday when Justin and I were looking over some neat ideas on Pinterest for Steve for Father's Day. Trust me it's not all cake and cookie's being a mom. I run around 24/7 for my kids nonstop. Sometimes I feel like there are days I'm going to scream when the kids are not being bad just full of spunk that day. They have a lot of energy every day. Then there is work cleaning houses and getting them ready to sell. It's called Fofo the houses.  Don't ask I didn't come up with the name. We are finally getting ready to move into our new house. Steve just painted almost the whole house. The main ones are done. We still have our bathroom and the kid's bathroom to finish. I love it! Adam and Steve did a great job. I can't wait to go shopping to fill the kitchen with wine decor. The living room is going to be a tuff one going with a Mexican theme. Well I will be there now it's done. (Lol) I have so much to unpack. Justin will be nine next month. I don't know where the time went. Justin and I are close but not as much as him and his daddy. I kind of feel left out until today.
                               "Mom I love you. I think you are doing a great job with us."

Justin hugged me and walked away. I have to admit it a tear ran down my face. He still needs me just as much as he needs dad in a different way. Steve is crazy we just moved to Florida and now he is talking about leaving to move to Hawaii. What? Are you kidding me my GPS doesn't work here I know it won't work on an Island. Lola is not the best GPS. Looks like I may need to trade her in.
                  I love being a mom! The ups and downs come with whole territory. I have had more ups then downs. I have my wonderful hubby Steve to thank for that. He does way more than any other man I know. We share 50/50 on house chores which makes it easier with the kids. The dog Justin takes care of so I have no worries there. Christopher is a little on the crazy side a lot of the time but it's okay. He keeps me young. I want to have a farm somehow with chickens and ducks maybe even pigs. Pigs are friends not food! If I say I want it Steve somehow makes it happens. I owe him so much credit for what he does for us. He makes sure we are taken care of. I have to worry about the house half the time. Kid’s maybe 75% of the time and Steve has them the rest of the time.
                  I love talking walks going to the park and doing  whatever the kids want. I adore the time I get to spend with them. I don't look down on myself for not going to college. However I'm a publish writer/ Stay at home mommy who owns a small fish/landscaping company. I think I have done well for myself and family. The most important thing is that my children know that I love them no matter what. I will never turn my back on them ever. Finding time in the summer to work on my second book is a tough one. I mean with going to the beach and I all. My laptop stays at home.
blogging contest

This is my second invite to write or review something. I was unable to review a children's homeschool program I was out of town at the time. Yesterday I received an email asking to participate in a contest www. I think this will be fun. If you are a blogger you might want to check this one out. I'm posting this as I review the contest. I will blog some more once I have read everything. Thanks again to all my followers without you I wouldn't have a blog.

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