Walking into Publix our grocery store we seen the Navy Seals standing outside. My conversation with my son Justin.
Me: "Do you want to go to Navy camp?"
Justin: "When I see the Navy I think of Popeye. I don't want to be Popeye!"
I start to laugh
Me: "Popeye? You know Coach Mike was in the Navy."
Justin: Go figure he's skinny. He looks like Popeye."
I'm dying at this point. It's so funny what kids associate things with. Christopher put five dollars into their donations jar. They saluted us and the kids were taken back by that as we walk to the car. They both said simultaneously.
That was Awesome!
On our way driving through Louisiana we stopped at a hotel for the night. I couldn't sleep to save my life at midnight I decide to go ahead get the kids ready to start driving at 1 am. I would make it home around seven that night. It had to be about an hour or so I seen a group of five deer on the side of the road. Slowly driving just in case they decided to run in the road. A few miles from them I seen another group of deer. As I still was driving I saw another deer this time he was running. I mean he was hauling ass. My thought he was trying to catch up with his buddies. Then I saw a Bobcat. It was huge. I never seen one up close besides in a zoo. I wanted to pull over to pet him. Then I realized that would be a bad idea since he would probably eat me. I kept driving besides he was getting breakfast fast food.
My boys woke up about five hours later. I told them what I seen.
Popsicle: " So you saw a cat. It can run?'
Me: "Yes."
Popsicle "It looks like a cat."
Me: "Yes."
Popsicle: " It had fur?"
Me: " Yes."
Popsicle: " Can it meow?"
Me: "Yes."
I'm thinking okay where is he going with this? Then the best part came at the end.
Popsicle: "So you are telling me it doesn't throw bombs?"
Me: "Why would it throw bombs?"
Popsicle:" So what kind of cat is it?"
Justin starts to laugh and says "He thinks it's a bomb cat!"
That was the laugh of the morning. He asked to see a picture of it when we stop for gas. Once I pulled it up I realized it wasn't a Bobcat I saw it was a cougar. He must of had a bad hair day because it was muggy that morning. His or her tail was long and fuzzy!
It's still funny when I tell people about my kids. I swear I never know what will come out of either of them. I do have to say these two conversations are right up there just like when Justin was about four or so. He thought God looked like Sam Bernstein.
The story went a little like this. I was putting Justin to bed when he asked
"What does God look like?"
"I don't know. What do you think he looks like?" I asked
Justin:" A old guy with white hair. Like Sam."
"You think God looks like Sam our cousin Sam?" I asked
" No, The guy that says You in an accident call Sam!" He said it with passion waving his hands.
Laughing I asked " You think God looks like Sam Bernstein?"
Justin: "Yes, I do."
All I could say was okay I guess that is what God looks like.
I love being a mommy. I love my boys!