
Showing posts with label Stay at home mommy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stay at home mommy. Show all posts

Saturday, February 6

The reason I live

 My kids are the reason I live. They are the reason I get up every morning. I know they watch everything I do. They have discipline to go forward with their goals they set.   We are a fit family. These pictures where taken before school on Friday. They kill me getting ready to leave they drop and complete ten push-ups for the morning. 

Justin is taking weight lifting a little more serious since next year he will be in high school. I can't  it's too soon for my baby to be growing up. 

He already has a six pack cut in. Oh no is all I have to say about that. Daddy mention girls uh NO big fat No.  I want him to be focus on school not girls. He is not allowed to date until he can support her.  He has been busy since he could walk with sports and he will continue to be too busy for girls come next year. Girls already call him wanting to video chat uh No again. Where are their parents? 

Christopher cracks me up as of right now he wants to grow up and be a body builder. Which is fine with me. We will see how he changes as he gets older. We won't be making the super hero race today. Allergies have had a hold of  three of us for over two weeks. It makes it hard to run with a five year old who only wants to cuddle and sleep. We will have a chance for another 5k in March. Until next time my readers stay fit be happy. 

Friday, April 25

Kids & Chores

How many of you out there have  set chores for your kids? I did at one point but it never worked out for my family. Instead when Justin was little I made a game out of mopping the floor. I got down on my hands and knees with a rag under each one along side was my little man making a mess. It took twice as long to clean the floor but it was fun! I would take a big towel lay him on his back made circles with him on the towel to dry it. He loved it! He would laugh hysterically again it was great bonding time with memories we still share. Now with my Popsicle we have continue to make games out of cleaning.

I have been an easy going parent when it comes to chores. I don't mind picking up after my kids. They are very helpful with everything from cleaning taking care of the cat, make their bed and cleaning their room. If they see me doing something they always ask if they can help. It doesn't seem like work because I don't make it seem that way. It's a game to see who can do it faster or to see who can complete it neatly. I don't use that word chores it just seems like the word stops you in your track before you even start. Since Easter we have been cleaning up confetti for a week now. I do this every year with our egg hunt. The kids love it.  It just leaves a huge mess behind.

Justin and I used to do it with real egg shells he just decided that it was too much work. If you wanted to try it out just take a dozen of  raw eggs. Take a tooth pick and make a hole on both ends of the eggs. Over a bowl blow into one side until the egg comes out the other end. I toss the raw egg or use it in an egg wash for my hair. Which will make your hair shiny.  Let the shells sit for a day or two to dry out fill with confetti. To close up the ends of the eggs with the holes just take a little bit of water and a piece of confetti it will stick to the egg. Have fun and go crack an egg filled with confetti over someones head. Then RUN!!!!

Here are my boys cleaning together after they completely destroyed the house. It's okay we had a lot of fun. I let them clean their way for however long it takes them. They are still learning how life goes and this is one way to let them have the opportunity to see what works and what doesn't. Of course once they are in bed I end up cleaning anyways. I love being a Mommy!

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