Watching Christmas movies decorating the tree and wrapping gifts is fun. I can't lie it brings out the kid in me.
Tuesday, December 8
Christmas in the Works
Friday, December 26
Merry Christmas
I have learned a few thas this year. Never put tinsel on your Christmas tree. It's a loss cause with kids and cats. Buy batteries before the big day. Putting together a trampoline is harder than it looks. I need to workout some more apparently the trampoline springs clearly won. Don't try and do any kind of flips with a bad back. It hurts a lot.
Sunday, November 9
Blue lights
I know it's a little early for Christmas last weekend we put up our Christmas lights outside that leaves a blue tint if you pass our street. Yes, We are those people in the neighborhood. Sorry I love to decorate. I have to hand all the credit to my hubby who put up the lights and climbed on the roof to put the reef together too. I did my share standing there handing him the lights as he stood there on the latter. The Christmas tree is up as well as our little tree from Tampa that needs a red star. I'm excited for the holidays. Justin wants to go to New York for the New Year not sure about that one. A trip for a few years in the making when popsicle is a little older. I still think it's weird without snow but I'm not complaining. I love it! Shopping is already on the way to be done. Stockings are hung up well for the turtle and two cats. Ours to come in a few weeks once I find out what Santa will put in them. Christmas crafts to make letters to Santa Justin's Christmas concert coming up. It's always something but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Sunday, November 17
Write a letter to Santa
How many of you still believe in the magic of Christmas? I love this season it's one of my second favorites following Halloween. The issues of believing in the big man in the red suit came up at one of my parents meetings. I was surprise how many parents have told their children that he is not the one that comes on Christmas Eve. I have a ten year old who very much believes in Santa Claus. We are sending our letter out sometime this week and dropping them off at Macy's to help the make a wish foundation. I have made writing a letter to Santa a part of our Christmas traditions since my son Justin was four. I have always told him with the many religions people have America has a large variety of people who don't believe. That's okay that is the reason Santa can visit everyone who believes in him in one night. His Uncle Adam is a Jehovah Witness who doesn't believe. My good friend Sandy is a Muslim who also doesn't believe. They understand he is a child they don't tell him it's wrong that he thinks Santa is coming in a few weeks. These are just a few examples of people who don't celebrate the the holiday. I have always made sure my son understands that people are different and it's okay that is what makes them BEAUTIFUL. He is to embrace everyone as the same. It's a person Character that makes them who they are. I have made sure he knows now that he is getting older he will get only a few items from Santa. The rest will be from his father and I. I want him to be a child for as long as he can be. There is no rush on growing up. Of course telling him the Santa at the mall along with Santa at the tree lighting as well as why is that Santa white and the other is black questions I have taken care of when he was in first grade. They are all helpers who have been given a job by Santa himself to help out during the BIG Christmas season. Santa and Mrs. Clause have a lot of work to do at the North Pole before Christmas Eve. They have to help keep everyone on task to get the toys ready packed and to be shipped off. The addresses need to be updated with the reindeer gps. I think I have covered all the basics with my son. If he does ask the famous question "Is Santa Claus Real?"
My reponse will be " No your father and I help him out to keep the spirit alive. Seeing is not Believing, Believing is seeing. People have to believe in something it's a little piece of hope that there may be a Big guy in a red suit who spreads Christmas cheer. Parents take part in helping their children believe in something a little more around the holidays. Christmas is about spending time with family and friends."
There is also a cute website where you can write a letter online. Have fun make a wish come true today.