
Friday, November 11

We salute those who fight day after day for our freedom. Thank you

Big Thanks to my cousin Shawn, My Uncle Don,Grandpa(Papa),My Wonderful Husband Steve and Step-Father Tony, Rolando,Step-Brother Tony and everyone who has served. Love ya all

Thursday, November 10

Things from my childhood

I was looking at these dolls I collected from 9 to 16. I believe that was when I received the last doll. Porcelain dolls were something I collected from being a little girl. I think I have a total of 14 or 15.Thinking about all the hopes and dreams I had when I was younger brings a smile to my face. It may not have gone in order of how I imagine my life being. I had a list of things I wanted to do and how. Every little girl's fantasy is a big house with a white picnic fence lot's of kid's and a prince charming. Sometimes I can't believe this is my life I found all these things I wanted when I was little. I was going to keep them maybe I could pass them down if we had a little girl in the near future. Thinking about it I don't think I would want to however there is one doll I think I might keep just because.

Friday, November 4

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