
Sunday, September 11


WarriorMy wonderful hubby was able to get a babysitter last night to take his lovely beautiful wife me to the movies. We went and seen the movie Warrior. I seen previews for this and Martial Arts has been consent in my life since I was younger. They touch on a very touchy subject that has shaped who I am today.  This is a very hard movie to watch. I think it will do very well in the box office. It really shows that Life is really only what you make it no matter how you grew up or what you went though in your past. You can dwell on your past and never let go. On the other hand you can just let it be. You will never forget and in most cases never forgive but let it go. When you chose that then you can really be at peace with yourself.There comes a time and place where you chose the path your life will take. Family is not just defined by blood but who stands by you. Family is only what you make it.  I cried and laugh though this whole movie. I can say both of us tear up many times through this two hour movie. Our past was not an easy one to live though yet we understand it. We made a choice to move on with the people who really care about us people who make us happy. This movie makes you take a step back to look at your life. I did taking a second to talk about it afterwards with my hubby.  We share the same views on how we took a stand to make our life better for us. We left people behind who really meant nothing to us when we thought about it. I’m grateful we meet I think we meet at a time in out lives when we needed a friend more than anything.  Lucky for us we fell in love and the rest is history. If you haven’t seen this movie you should. I think many will love it. This movie shows heart.

On another note for today my heart is with everyone who lost loved ones today. To that girl I will never know from high school. I hope you are okay today. I explain to my eight year old why today was a special day. I had to explain this is why Daddy went to war. My heart goes out to everyone who lost loved ones on this day America will never forget.

Thursday, September 8

9/11 at 8:46 We Pause to Remember

We will always remember today. I was in school when this happen. It changed my life along with millions of Americans all over.

This picture I took off the Internet.

This picture I was looking at thinking there was something missing.  I took this picture on our family trip to New York back in July. We took Justin for his 8th Birthday present. We were in New Jersey waiting for the fireworks to begin. New York is amazing place to go. I hope to go back in a year or two to see the 9/11 memorial. It breaks my heart thinking about this day. I can't seem to get that girl from high school I ran into out of my head. Sadly she lost her parents on that day.

This is another picture of the city as the sun was going down.

Some facts about the Twin Towers

1. The idea for a World Trade Center in New York dates back to 1946, but for various reasons, political and otherwise, active planning didn't begin until the 1960s. By 1967, the Port Authority (responsible for building the towers) had awarded $74 million in steel contracts, and construction was soon underway. Photo: Archive Photos/Getty Images

2. The topping-out ceremonies for the North and South towers took place, respectively, in 1970 and 1971. By the time the towers were completed, total construction costs for the project had ballooned to $900 million. Photo: Henry Groskinsky/Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images

Saturday, September 3

Domestic violence

This is not funny and it's not a joke. I can't believe they seem to think so.Many women and men go though this rich, poor,black,and white. Not enough is done to keep this from happening today. The laws need to change.

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