
Saturday, August 20

My Boys

Let me start off by saying Justin won first place in Cubannapolis today!All the cub scouts did great. Poor Zack fell but he still did great. Hang in there Zack you always have next year babe. The Cubannapolis is where all the boys make a car out of a box. They decorate it however they want. Once it starts they have to go around the track three times. They have to make a pit stop where it involves changing the tires(shoes) turning the socks inside out and putting the shoes back on. They have to fuel up with bug juice( cool-aid). They have to clean off the windshield(glasses). Then off they go. You can do it all at once or split it up in three. We always do it on the first run. Justin you were great out there Mommy and daddy are really proud of you. You have done exceptional in Cub Scouts. Let the new year bring just as much fun.

Christopher is a hand full for us. He is trying his little hardest to walk. He stands there for a minute takes a step then falls. He is already climbing on everything like his crib,high chair and his bike.

He is a wiggle worm anytime someone holds him. He likes to climb up on you. I love that he lights up when his big brother walks in the room. He is already at Justin's feet getting into his stuff. He knows how to play mommy and daddy with his fake cry. It's really adorable we can't help but pick him up. We are really glad he now sleeps in his crib like a big boy. That leaves mommy and daddy some needed alone time to cuddle. I love that part. I have to say I do miss him sleeping in bed with us cuddle up to me then his daddy. Steve and I are planning on having his 1st Birthday/ Halloween party in October. Not sure of the date yet but it will be posted on FB for you guys. They may drive me crazy. They may act stubborn like their Dad. My house never stays clean for too long. Food may be all over the walls thanks to my Popsicle. Dinner time has never been entertaining like it has been lately. Finding time to work and go to the gym is a challenge. I'm a proud mommy of two. I wouldn't have it any other way. I love my boys they are the air I breathe.

Summer Fun

I love going on my boat. Steve kind of freaked me out with all the turns he did while Jay was tubing. I guess that is the mom side coming out. We had to wait out the storm that we ran into in the hot hole. Thank god it didn't come see us it stayed on the other side. Summer has been great my brother came out with us. He even got on the tube with Jay. He fell off a dozen times. Jay looks like popcorn out there bouncing all over the place. We stopped to swim.
I love this picture of us. Jay was under water somewhere.
 In the bottom picture I'm tossing Jay in the water. He loves it.
Get ready guys hold on tight!

My hubby the driver. I love you babe next time not so fast I know it was only 30 but still. Thanks for your skills we made it back across the river with all the waves. I thought I was going to have a heart attack while Jay is yelling go faster. I'm not cut out for this danger. I'm getting old I tell you before not a problem. I might have a glass of wine next time to calm my nerves.I had to hold on to Christopher before he flew out of the boat with all the waves we hit. However I'm glad we didn't get stuck in the storm like Steve and Adam did. They told me the waves were clearly over the boat. Steve was getting soaked driving back a few days before. Summer is almost over I can't wait to fill the rest of our days going back out. I might even hit the tube up. You to Cassie you have to do it if I'm going.   Do you hear that babe? You better not scare me. lol A trip to see my daddy then green field village even a bonfire is in store for us.

Sunday, August 14

Tears in New York

We will always Remember.

I came across this on yahoo today. As I watched this video I started to tear up. When we were in New York in July we did stopped by ground zero. Yes, we took pictures unlike a lot of people who were smiling next to the plaque. I don’t understand why you would want to be in the picture let along smile in it. Even as we walked down to ground zero it took me back to the day it happen. I was in school walking down the hallway when I seen a girl crying.

“What’s wrong?”

“They are dead I know it!”

“Who is dead Hun?”

“The towers went down the towers went down!”

I gave her a hug as she cried on my shoulder. I didn’t know what she was talking about just then a teacher walked out and took her away. I went to my next class with everyone talking, sobbing going on it was chaos. My teacher turned on the TV. At that moment I saw what she was talking about. The twin towers where hit by planes I couldn’t believe it. I felt like throwing up. I saw the people jumping from the building as my heart sank to the floor. I later founded out that her parents worked there. I couldn’t imagine losing my mom and dad to something like that. I couldn’t even think about losing them at all. I’m glad that they have this completed for the people who lost loved ones. They have water falls to remember them by. The biggest man made water falls in the world I think that’s what the video said. I really like it I think that was the best thing to do. It would be to weird for them to build something over top of ground zero.

Here are some pictures I took when we were there. Steve and I took a few pictures as we teared up ourselves. It's surprising with all the noise in the city it was quiet standing there. We had a very erie feeling being there. There is so much lost on ground zero not to mention on the streets with so many people unaccounted for that we don’t know about.  Being in New York made it real for me. Steve and I will be going back soon to view the water falls.

Last night I started to watch flight 93 that was on TV. I couldn’t do it I had to change the channel. My heart goes out to everyone who lost a loved one. I feel your pain and panic on your last moment here on earth. I wouldn’t wish that kind of lost on my worst enemy. I know when I found out Steve left for marine boot camp a few years later even though we were not a couple then. I had all these feeling of hurt come over me like I did on this day. I had a lot of friends who left in 2001 for the military. They only join for this reason. I think I regret not going I chicken out for many reasons. I wasn’t ready to go. I come from a family who has served many years. My great grandpa, grandpa, uncles, cousins, step dad and I can’t forget my husband. The whole bottom part are filled with names. It's really sad to think about this day.

                               10 years have gone by so fast seems like another life time ago.

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