
Showing posts with label Take Action. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Take Action. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 3

"Leave Only Your Footprints"

Keep Brevard Beautiful

I hate going to the beach seeing plastic bottles, sandwich bags, plastic grocery bags, beer cans and broken sand buckets to just rot away on the beach. You would think that people would want to be clean so they can keep coming back. Nope My son and I have no problem asking someone to pick up their trash if they just toss it to the side. I didn't realize how much my oldest is just like me. He is quite yet very out spoken on topics he cares about. We bring back a beach bag full of trash to the car to get rid of it properly. I mean it takes all of two seconds to walk your lazy ass yes LAZY ASS to the trash cans that are on the beach to throw away your garbage. The family and I have decide to adopt a shore here in our county.

I think it will be fun to clean up the beach it's not anything we haven't done. It will also teach my Popsicle early that our environment is very important to take care of. I think I started with my oldest when he was one we started recycling, picking up the neighborhood trash and throwing it away. He cleaned his first park and donated his time in Kindergarten. Justin  help painting his Aunt's garage when he was six.  Here are some pictures of the second year he helped out his school with Cub Scouts.

Now we are off to make our beach beautiful. It's really the small things in life you can be proud of that will mean more as you get older. He still talks about wanting to help when people out on Thanksgiving at a shelter to make sure people get enough to eat on that Holiday. I have held him back in the last recent years because it's emotional for an adult to give their time on Thanksgiving let alone a child. Justin takes it to heart when people suffer. Maybe he can handle it this year he hit the big 10 in July. He has grown so much this year. I'm very proud of my little man. We already donate clothes to our church the YMCA and day cares around our city. What do you do to help out?                                                                                                                                                                                Leave only your FOOTPRINTS.

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