
Wednesday, August 15

Spending time with my boys

"No one will ever know the strength of my Love for you.After all,you're the only one who knows what my Heart sounds like from the inside." 
Day 22:
I don't know where I found this quote online but I love it. I had to share it with you all. This week  my boys and I have done nothing but hang out together. It is so much fun being a stay at home mommy. We made the sign together below in the picture. It has been a busy week Justin started school. Christopher put on big boy underwear. He was walking around the house saying"I'm a big boy!" He is just too cute and adorable. This morning Justin slept in when he woke as he was walking through the house Christopher says" Morning baby." He then gives Justin the biggest hug ever  a kiss on the cheek. My boys have my heart forever! I'm putting this moment in their baby books.

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