I just seen this when I signed onto my facebook. My first reactions was WTH(what the hell). This is not what it looks like to breastfeed your child.It's on time magazine at that. I have conflicting emotions about this. First, of all the kid looks a little on the freaky side just staring at you. I never fed either of my children while they were standing on a chair. I guess to each it's own. I do however think there should be a age limit. I stop nursing both boys when they received teeth. I always sat down with my pillow to feed both of them. With my son Justin I was nineteen when I had him. The nurse was a little too pushy for me bugging me about nursing Justin. She even tried to pull out my breast for me. I kindly took my breast out of her hand. I told her "It doesn't take a rocket scientist to feed a child. Let my breast go." She did and Justin latch right on without a problem. I produce more than enough for him. At two months being pregnant I had to wear those uncomfortable breast pads. I was leaking so much. This picture kills me saying Are you mom enough? Really, a mom can be a mom even if she doesn't breastfeed her children. It is her choice plain and simple. So many women chose to because they want to. On the other hand I have heard many reasons why some women won't nurse their children. Again it it their choice. If you never had you should at least try. One big reason I did with Justin well two babies are proven to be smarter, don't get sick and you lose your baby weight twice as fast. Okay, I guess I lied a little more then two. I would never tell a mother she is not a mom because she didn't breastfeed. I enjoyed feeding my children. I really did. The closeness you feel to your baby is really important. I always fed with my shirt off with Justin when I was at home so he could have the skin to skin contact. I think by doing that is why we have a close-net bond. Breastfeeding Christopher was something else. Feeding each child is different just like each pregnancy. Christopher wanted to eat all the time an hour sometimes. I would crack up laughing when Steve would come in the room and act like he was going to eat too. Christopher would mumbling and grumble and then he would eat really fast. Steve and I would about die laughing at him. He was telling daddy nope get lost it's all mind. Steve and I explain to Justin what I was doing. After the shock he got over it. If I was feeding Christopher when Justin walked in I didn't rush to cover up it was something natural not to be ashamed about it.I don't want my boys to ever feel bad or embarrass about the human body. It's beautiful. With both boys I could easily pump up to 7 and half ounces out of each breast. I could have sold it of course for a good cause. I mean Steve did put four ounces in his power shakes twice a day before he hit the gym. He did take it right from the source before he froze and bottle it for shakes. Steve said " It was sweet like me!" I just laugh and shook my head as I took the bags out for his shake. I still think it was a little weird but hey if my son's can drink it he can. Steve did gain ten pounds with his breast milk shakes. He wasn't embarrass about it he told everyone what he was doing. I read it in one of those baby books that a woman's body knows when your baby would be getting up and going to sleep. Night time feeding's had that extra push to make you fall asleep. Steve would always yell from the bedroom "Make sure I don't get a nighttime one like yesterday. I was too sleepy at the gym." Thinking to myself I can't believe my hubby just said that. (laughing) In the last month or so Christopher has wanted to nurse again. I don't know what all that is about. He hasn't yet. In my case I hope not it is very painful when all your milk dry's up. Although I still leak which I'm not surprise I didn't fully dry up till Justin was five. I'm very grateful that my husband was very supportive with breastfeeding. I didn't hesitate to whip my breast out in Ihop,apple bees,walmart if Christopher wanted to eat I was going to feed him. I was more comfortable feeding Christopher then Justin but I think it was the whole age difference. I covered up with Justin more. Christopher was not having it at all.
Most of the time nursing the boys was okay. Then came the days
when it was hard to feed them. Christopher always wanted to hold on to Daddy's finger or hold his shirt. It didn't matter where we were at he had to do that or it was hell to pay. Justin was more of a laid back feeder but both prefer to lay down. The boys slept with both of us. I miss my bed I really do. If Christopher isn't in between us I can't sleep same goes for Steve we have tried more then once but it never fails Christopher still ends up in our bed. These are my thought's on nursing my boys. If anyone out there is a stand on a chair feeder please feel free to write. What are your thoughts about this?
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