
Wednesday, July 20

A child

All a child needs in their life is someone to show them love. A huge or a kiss on the cheek shows that child that they mean something to someone. Going to a soccer game means you changed your plans just for them. Making them feel special is an effortless job when they already adore you. As a baby they just want to feel the warmth of your skin next to theirs. They want to hear your voice. They want to be loved. As they grow up they want to please you. All you have to say is you did a great job and I’m proud of you. Money never shows a child love. Fighting just shows your anger and hate for the other parent. Don’t make them have to choose you over the other parent, step-parent even a grandparent. Today children have all types of families with lots of siblings.
Blood doesn’t make you a family love makes a family. Family is what you make it with people who love and support you no matter what happens in life. They don't try to brain wash you.
Making your child happy should mean the world to a parent. That gets overlooked most of the time. Children are seen as property to one parent. It’s sad when a custody case puts the child in the middle. Lies being told to a child will only destroy them in the end. Life will always find a way. Indeed some families who don’t share blood are closer than what you think in today’s world. A woman should never need a man to raise a child. A man should never need a woman to raise a child. Fighting over and over will just show your true colors to people. When some parents walk away it’s what is best for that child in the end. Instead of the child being grilled on what the other parent said and did. That is no life for a child to grow up in. Some just can’t co-exist together. The child will only know what lies not the truth one parent tells.They will never know both sides. A series of lies are of you own doing not anyone else. A real parent can never just walk away from a child who they care about in my opinion. Sometimes it is left for the step-parent (soon to be step-parent) to push for the child. Sometimes the only reason one fights is because another adult wants them to. When the other adult stop pushing for a child that is not theirs this is what you get no ones wins as many parents so whole heartily put. That’s great have fun explaining why you are the reason for your child’s pain of sins of the father/mother. Did you win when the parent doesn't come back? Did you get what you wanted? Did you get what you asked for? In the end I know it's not a piece of mind. Your guilt weighs heavy and people can see. I firmly believe that all a child needs is love. It doesn't matter if you are rich or poor. What matters is who is in your life at the end of the rope. My children have the best of world’s trips, money, time and most of all love from both of us. We are a loving family that makes time for family fun night filled with games and laughter. Family dinners are a must in my house hold. My husband and I don’t let other people’s drama control us. It seems to make a lot of people have anger towards us with the fact we stay out of it. This is what makes us happy. This is our medicine. I only wish some people would find out what makes them happy to live. Life is only what you make it. It's a shame people don't know that. Instead they chose to live life around others. What I mean by that is taking the time to check up on ex's, new wives, husbands and other people's children. For what do they gain out of being someone who loves to try and ruin another's life? GOD doesn’t like ugly people! In most cases what others say or do has little or no effect on some. Nothing I may say is what they get out of the sick obsession they seem to have. I guess I could see the hate after a year with scone women and men who have been hurt. Late at night when they are checking the Internet.

I guess I'm blessed to have a some what fairytale life. I have a house. A husband who loves and adores me with every breathe he takes. I have two beautiful children who love me. I have a career that allows me to stay at home to raise my children. I’m happy with who I am. I wish that others will find a way to be happy too!

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