
Wednesday, September 29

Due Date

I’m full term as of yesterday and I’m so excited to see what our little boy will look like. We have been all smiles ever since yesterday. I had an ultrasound done. We seen our little man he is head down and ready to say hi to the world.  We seen his spine his feet and butt. His little foot is what keeps kicking me in the side. It’s painful at times but worth it. It made me think how amazing being able to give life really is. I have a human growing inside of me that my husband I adore and love. We did that you know anyone can have kids but to be real parents its take a special gift. My labor with jay was hard because my honey was overseas at the time. He was able to see me before I left the hospital  he was delayed for a short time. It was nice to see him the two years we were apart was tough. He is here now  I just can’t wait. My little man just can’t wait to see his brother. Jay and Daddy are rubbing my belly so much telling him to come on out! I have to confess I’m a little scared to go into labor it has been eight years since I did this last. My honey tells me I’ll be fine just like last time no sweat Right! He makes me laugh so much. The baby’s room is all done clothes are wash and put away. My bag is pack and I’m ready well sort of. The one thing I won’t miss is peeing every ten minutes. I’m picking up big brother’s gift today so he won’t feel left out. We all took our last trip till next year and we had a blast. A little colder then what I wanted I’m not ready for snow yet. Jay and I pulled out the Halloween decorations and did the small stuff around the house. I have been cleaning like crazy but I guess that is normal it’s called nesting getting ready for the new baby. I swear I have cleaned the house from top to bottom like a dozen times not like it’s dirty but it makes me feel better. Updates will come soon on how far I am so stay tune for the good news!

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