
Tuesday, August 28

Last days of 30 on 30

Day 25: Making snow balls in August.

This is really fun to do with the kids. Justin did this first in boy scouts.You take that white thing which I have no idea what it is called but you wrap your  yarn around it one way then other way cut and tie. Make sure you tie it in the middle so it doesn't come undone. You can play with them in the house without the worry of having to clean up the mess of snow. We also used them in the houses I clean for decor.

My boys and I are done with 30 days of play for 30 minutes. The last seven days have been a wonderful experience for us. I guess the one thing they can take away from this is that I will always be there for them. Steve and I take pride in being parents. We do whatever it takes to stay involved with our children no matter what.
Day 26: We played board games
Day 27: The PlayStation was never turned off thanks to black ops.
Day 28: We made moon sand again.
Day 29: Justin and I made an egg project for school.

 Both eggs were soaked in vinegar. One egg has red food coloring in it. We let them sit for five days.
 We tried to rinse them off but one broke. The project was the naked egg. It didn't turn out the way we thought. The shell was supposed to disappear and the egg bounce. Well it bounced once and broke. We will have to try this again to see what went wrong. It was still really neat to see the change of the egg.

Day 30: We spent the whole day at the beach right before the tropical storm came in. We can check that one off our bucket list of things to do before a Hurricane comes.
Just because the challenge has ended doesn't mean this is the last of having fun. We will make sure that everyday for at least 30 minutes as a family we will spend together doing something. Most of the time it's more. I too have those days when work is tough,school is out of control and being exhausted is always in everyday. I will for sure put my children's needs first.I hope you do to. Thanks for visiting hope to see you soon.
Check out our last 30 days go over to the labels and click on 30 on 30. You can find out how to dig for Dino's. How to make moon sand and many more cute idea's to do with kids. I hope you like. You can also get more idea's if you visit me on

Sunday, August 26

Best Email Ever

Have you ever done something for someone else just because? I'm proud to announce that my family does all the time. We support local charities by donating household items like clothes,toys,shoes pots and pans. We visit our local pantry to donate food and reusable bags monthly. April of this year we have supported WWF also known as World Wildlife Fund every month. My son Justin purchased a turtle nest with his own money. We are currently working on Acts of Kindness right now. I regularly donate blood to Red Cross. If you like to drink coffee then this one is for you. I enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning like million other's but instead of going to the grocery store. I buy my coffee from Three Avocados that provide funding for clean water projects. 100% of the net proceeds from Three Avocados coffee provide clean water in Uganda, Africa. Take a visit to Today I received one of the most amazing emails. It was from Green Beans Coffee they give coffee to our troops over seas. It warmed my heart to know a solider was able to drink the coffee I paid for. It's the least I can do to give him a taste of home away from home. Writing all of this is making me tear up. I love making people smile. I hope you can find it in your heart too.

Green Beans Coffee

Cup of Joe #1

Your message and gift of a CUP OF JOE was delivered to a Service Member serving at Manas Air Base in Kyrgyzstan. They wanted to say thanks and make sure you knew your gift was received. Please see below for their note to you:

Thanks for the coffee Patricia, it is definitely a nice boost to the day! I'm on my way home now after a year in Afghanistan, so thanks for treating me to my last Green Beans coffee for awhile! Thanks and God bless. Jon

21 Questions to ask your kids


Justin's answers
1. I love you
2. Do what I'm told.
3. If I get hurt
4. I act silly.
5. funny
6.27(lol 29)
7. 6 foot 2( Really 5'3)
8. To be with us
9. Be bored
10. Your Book
11. Writing
12. Drawing
13. Take care of us
14. Turkey
15. Do your best
16. Superman/super girl
17. Play games,go to the park
18. Same attitude
19. You write and I draw
20.  Appreciate what I do and you tell me I love you
21. Ocean

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